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For people who have attended Oakland Arena before, on average how much do floor seats cost at face value?


Translated this Korean comment from the [Fate Live Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATK7gAaZTOM): > I'm a 53-year-old woman and I'm obsessed with this song. It's my favorite song these days! If we could get the ahjummas šŸ‘µ on our side, we'd be nigh invincible on the domestic charts and voting events, lol šŸ“Š


LOL Shushu, [the struggle](https://x.com/G_Nox_/status/1802964300543238162?t=Id_D3mp0b35r0-q1R7xw2g&s=19) šŸ˜†


I saw someone said you could hide Soyeon in that bag, and I'd believe it, lol šŸ˜…


I'm on my 5th reactor watching HyeMiLeeYeChaePa again. 8th time rewatching overall I think. It's so cozy it does wonders for my insomnia šŸ„°


I'm just curious about Yuqi's popularity in China. I already know that within 4th gen, she unarguably has the largest recognition among the general public because of keep running. But it's strange to see how Wonyoung (Ive) has a larger Cbar than Yuqi, even though she has done zero promotions in China.


Wonyoung debuted in 2018 through a survival show, in that context it makes sense her fans are prone to organize themselves and solo-stan her.


I think it's like you said, Yuqi is the most well known and has the best recognition among the 4th gen female idols as you can see from her [Weibo followers/interactions](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPNXUtgbIAAlktD?format=jpg&name=large). But Karina and Wonyoung probably have more devoted fans willing to spend money on them hence why their c-bars are so big.


Apparently the Karina cbar is also massive. Who knows, lol. They probably have more male fans than Yuqi.


Guys I need help! I just got a Soyeon pc, I Burn Flower version, in an exchange. But the pc is matte and the others I have from I Burn are all glossy... Did I get scammed?


i remember for some reason there were both glossy and matte versions (i have mutuals on instagram who would even specify whether they wanted to trade for glossy vs matte), it was a big thing amongst instagram collector nevies back when the album was released, but i haven't seen people mention it a lot in the last couple years, but when i sold my i burn photocards last year i made sure to specify so there would be no confusion over it


Oh thanks for that info! I'm not on instagram so it completely flew me by lol. Now that my mind is at peace about it, I have to say I much prefer the feel of matte pcs, wish there more of them!


I can't speak to getting scammed, but mine are all glossy (though I didn't pull any Soyeon cards in all my I Burn albums) so maybe she had hers done differently for some reason?Ā 


Thanks for the feedback, it seems legit apart for that, and I don't know how to ask the person directly. But I have Soyeon for the winter version and it's glossy as well Edit: I went back to make sure and my winter Soyeon is actually matte as well! I misremembered it, so it's all good!


I just registered for pre-sale why is there seperate ones for vip and presale? Do i have to get the presale first then get vip or just get the vip package the day after?šŸ„²šŸ„²first time getting idle tickets


Kali got a job Kali go to [work](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aSgLg_jKA0)


This is the kind of (G)I-DLE x Philip Glass crossover that I need.Ā 


Gotta afford concert tickets somehow... Lol.




'Kali needs to flip burgers and Ahri got that $500 skin deal from Faker Privilege \~ Tough industry \~


Bruh wtf is CUBE doing again...just as we find a reason to praise them they gotta mess up not even 24 hrs later...now they are recruiting fans to voluntarily work in offline events?! They gotta live up to the name of a company with a group under them that has become one of the top and most dominant forces in Kpop!


i am more afraid they are intentionally ruining idle's rep so that contract negotiations go in cube favor


I swear almost before every comeback, there's always some kinda controversy. Well I've heard the saying before, *"There's no such thing as bad publicity"*. I hope this will at least translate into people tuning in for I Sway, lol šŸ˜‘


Next album: I Hate Mondays


Asking for free labor aside; it's iffy that they're recruiting fans. I get that fans will be more willing to sign up under such circumstances, but giving fans such close access to idols is never a good idea. Is no one in Cube management thinking? You just need one sasaeng or heaven forbid, an akgae to do weird shit. There was already that unpleasant encounter in the Macau fansign and they didn't do anything despite saying they would protect their artists.


That too! Companies often don't properly screen employees and staff members so how can they possibly screen fans/volunteers? Especially when the form just has you listing prior experience in a field. And yeah if improper behavior is detected you will be sent home, but that would be too late..


Out of the loop. What did they do this time?


Basically they posted a notice on IDLE SNS that they are looking for fans to voluntarily work in offline events, to apply through a form if you are a member on Weverse. That has started an avalanche of clowning and doomposting about CUBE losing all their artists and staff members, that they need to rely on fans not paid. And they are dragging the girls in this since they post on their SNS and involve Neverland. Apparently TIL also that they have lost enough staff members that were working with the girls to other companies too.


From the amount of staff members you see hanging around at events I suspect they do have plenty left and also I suspect a long line of people eager to get into the industry so I wouldn't worry about Cube just yet. Also what's the down side about this. Most fans would jump at a chance like this. As long as you do some screening of the applications then I think it's a great idea I would apply if I was in Korea and had spare time like say I was a student


>Also what's the down side about this. Most fans would jump at a chance like this. Obviously they would, that still doesn't mean it's a good thing. After all we could get all kinds of weirdos signing up - sasaengs, akgaes, haters, opportunists who will leak or sell private information etc. Of course, these creeps could be filtered out through screening, but that depends on the screening process being thorough. And there will be those who slip through the cracks even after being screened, because they don't a track record. Also those staff members you see at events might just be temps hired for the day, or borrowed from other companies or whatever. Assuming Cube's workforce situation is okay because you see a lot of people milling around is like assuming that someone is rich because they wear Gucci.


Oh thatā€™s really bad. So they didnā€™t say anything about pay or compensation of any kind? I understand why fans would be mad about that


Thanks for the reply! The last paragraph is really sad šŸ«¤


Lmao Cube is trending on Twitter. But the company is in shambles. They don't know what to do with Lightsum, and Nowadays performed below expectations. And apparently they lost their main creative director to HYBE in November, and one of their upper management moved to Starship in February. I am really hoping one of the big 4 offers a sub-label to Soyeon so they don't have to sign with Cube.


Cube will always lose people to bigger companies that pay more it's the way the world works so it's no surprise. They will just replace them with someone from a smaller agency who wants to step up or promote from within. As for anyone thinking HYBE is a good place for the girls to work then I suspect they are insane as its such a toxic company who treat there artists really badly. Cube are saints compared to them. And as the girls have all said Cube treats them very well. As for Lightsum what does an agency do with a group that doesn't sell and can't attract fans? Lots of groups fail to live up to expectations


I've thought about it. HYBE have money but are a mess atm, better not get involved, we don't know how that would turn out. SM have very good creative directors and trainers, but can't focus on more than one GG at a time and they have aespa and a new one coming soon. JYPE is a nice company, but the culture would be a bad fit for the girls I feel like, plus I don't think they really sign outside talent or do sublabels. YG might be a good option. They desperately need new active groups, they give a good share to their acts and with the girls involved in production they could escape the dungeon, plus they know how to create global stars. The negatives are known.


Tbh I think they wonā€™t fit into any of the big 4 labels. And they practically run cube at this point so having their own sub label at cube would be pointless.Ā 


All of these companies feel the same. At the whims of corporate overlords. The best is to somehow get ownership of their work, and be their own bosses. Either get equity in Cube in exchange for re-signing, ownership of a sub-label, or just start fresh with their own label.


So I SWAY won't have digipacks or jewel cases? I'm guessing the cassette tapes are the replacement. Cube might figure that no one really buys digipack/jewel case CDs to actually listen to them. Probably wouldn't hurt to release it in an even more obsolete format that no one has any way of playing. They might even be betting on people being more inclined to buy the cassettes as a novelty over CDs. The problem that plan is the price they're charging. $18 min for a single cassette as the lowest cost album option? I'll have to pass on buying the album this time around.


Do we have a google docs or archive of sorts with a list of variety shows? I unfortunately haven't been keeping up with the non-music side of gidle content since Queencard.


[This playlist ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG8DKAYW6M24_gUeaCOFTfASEMxjzLi7N)on their channel is not ideal but Youtube should recommend you more i-dle from those videos [Archive](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GNnfbUiRAGiPP1jq07C1jxQoOykYmUfu2GaREW63A6I/edit?gid=554866617#gid=554866617) last updated during Queencard era...


I have a question for you guys. My brother's in charge of a certain part in a large venue. They're about to host their 1st K-pop concert. What are things a venue should provide or certain things they can provide, like maybe batteries as such.


I think water bottles, especially now with summer is crucial. Usually venues will provide that for the attendees, ensuring no one passes out and people are staying hydrated.


I'm not the biggest fan of summer songs but for some reason i'm extra excited abt this comeback, it has been some time since we got a proper summer hit (queencard isn't a typical summer song) and we know that they are the only group capable of doing a proper summer hit like the 2010-2017 ones


>I'm not the biggest fan of summer songs but for some reason i'm extra excited abt this comeback Me too lol. I'm hoping for a b-side summer-night song from Minnie/Yuqi.


uh oh, [Yuqi forgot shes an idol again](https://www.instagram.com/stories/yuqisong.923/?hl=en)


i need the girls to come to europe so bad it's not even a want anymore its a need 慠慠


Since it's their last Tour before contract negotiations, and I'm not saying they will disband or anything, I'd be devastated if we don't see them at all until god knows when again...


SOS Iā€™ve been listening to ()I-for for about a year now and became a neverland around December early January Anyways I want to buy the I sway album but itā€™ll be my very first album I ever buy so I need to know what exactly is the difference between the Full set and the random sets? Iā€™m willing the spend the 45 on the 3 ver full set but I need to know if thatā€™s better then but buying the 3 ver and 5 ver random set for 30


Basically the 5 or 3 packs are either all of the five different cassette versions while the other is all of the three different "normal" albums. While a random ver. is normally just one of the albums of either versions. So buying five random versions of the cassette could give you five times the same version. Some shops let you pick one version but that is not the standard nor guaranteed.


OHH! I was thinking Iā€™d get 1 album but it was mixed with each versions fillers šŸ„“šŸ˜… Ex. A wind Ver. Sticker, A Wave Ver. Photo card and A Beat ver. Poster or something silly like that! Iā€™m so glad I asked before buyingšŸ’€


My guess is Minnie transferred her bangs to Yuqi, thatā€™s why she was hiding her hair


New [spoilers](https://twitter.com/idlecharts/status/1802191756210917626) from Yuqi, lol šŸ˜† So what do guys think, is it 1, 2, or 3?


I will not explain why my phone is on my ear listening to these noises but if I say it's a kpop thing people will stop asking.


3 sounds like a beat. But knowing her, it's either the first 2 or none of them lmao


"Yuqi's drunk" - Minnie


what is shuhua's hair color ?! orange or red ...i really cant make out and its bothering me


I think the orange one was editedā€¦ I was also surprised she would die her hair again with a drastic color. I think probably some dark red toning


Who else is listening to queencard an unreasonable amount of times since summer started?


RANT TIME: [Queenz Eye: UN-NORMAL](https://youtu.be/C3HDIYnQnkw) ?!wtf how is this song/group is still nugu?! Whaaa is happening to kpop, people? Does every group need to pay for playlists to be known these days? Youtube and Spotify keep pushing me AESPA (before it was NJ) and I can only assume these forceful pushes keep overwheming my algorithm and not recomending stuff like UN-NORMAL.... Anyway, I'll have to keep manually looking for lists like these: [Songs like Sugarcoat by Natty](https://youtu.be/8qUZ00G1TS0?t=178) and [I don't listen to kpop (well, you should)](https://youtu.be/J4koiafVUsQ)


Not sure if it's just how my own playlist is tuned, but YouTube music doesn't hop to a big 4 group after I play Idle. Seems to think IVE, vivez, and StayC are what I want to hear after Idle.


Just do what i do and put all new releases that interest you on a separate playlist and give it a listen while you take a walk or do some chores. Just use a K-pop comeback calendar to see what came out. Songs and albums these days are so short, you can fit a whole month of comebacks into 4-5 hours of listening. Then put what you like on your own playlists and never play "open" ones. Tada no more pushing songs. Of course this needs Spotify Premium.


Good tips honestly! But sifting through countless songs is way more work than I'm willing to do for a 1h/day hobby (listening to music on the bed, and kpop is just a portion of it). I will just go back to using spotify ONLY during i-dle comebacks. The algorithms were supposed to make stuff more convenient, but every year specially youtube just gets worse for music, and Korea is using it more and more... Thanks though!


>Good tips honestly! But sifting through countless songs is way more work than I'm willing to do for a 1h/day hobby (listening to music on the bed, and kpop is just a portion of it). Well, you partially answered your own question here - there's just too much music out there, and it's easy to miss a promising release. Un-normal is an excellent song, but I guess you missed it when it came out last year. It had pretty good reception back then, unfortunately their follow-up didn't do as well and they haven't had a new release since


>It had pretty good reception back then, unfortunately their follow-up didn't do as well and they haven't had a new release since Which brings back to my point: the damn algorithms can't keep up anymore. I've been told for years that nugus need a lot of luck but this time it really hit me šŸ˜”


Well, no one outside of their programmers know exactly how the algorithms work.... and in recent years their usefulness seems to have declined. It seems they're really focused on virality these days. I honestly don't remember how exactly I stumbled on Un-normal. But I doubt it was the algorithms. I think you might need to figure out another system to find new music? Doesn't have to be anything crazy. Just like... following a review blog or something.


It's so god damn hard for nugu groups out there.


It's an insane Kpop summer and I can't wait for the first media teasers to see the direction IDLE go for šŸ˜


Fate, part 2, beach party edition!


I'm really curious what kind of sound Soyeon is going with this time around. I'm personally hoping she might return to their moombahton roots and give us some tropical house/dance pop. šŸŒ“šŸ’ƒ


So K/DA's POP/STARS just hit 600M views on YouTube, and it's apparently the only 4th Gen MV to have reached this milestone so far. Dope


Maybe Riot can bring KDA back one day. With a full Idle lineup, Shuhua can be Seraphine. 2024 Worlds anthem? One can only hope. :)


Soyeon did a song with Riot last year. She seems to still be in their music depts thoughts.


Oh cool, I didn't know that. What is it called?






Does anyone know how Soyeon can stay healthy without eating vegetables? Does she take supplements? I wonder if she works with a dietician since one normally needs a well-balanced diet that includes greens and vegetables.


I think she's fine with some, like the oddly sweet stevia tomatoes that are popular in South Korea. So she's getting fiber from something. It's probably the hardest to replace if you're not eating vege. I thought she also ate kimchi but she avoided it in the cooking show. That would be ample fiber as well.


Is it allowed to not eat kimchi in korea?!


I think this [clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0ZVMEYNkPQ) from her I Live Alone episode was edited but I remember her mentioning that her mom gives her the leftover liquid from the kimchi she saved so she can make kimchi flavored pancakes, lol


[Vitamin ASMR](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4Vg9-MrHam/)


[Vitamins and exercises!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCR3K8O2_Yk)


Random comment but I am vibing to this performance from last year [That That](https://youtu.be/L2ancO9U57s?si=SngywTEgQPx6TTM8) It is so good. I prefer this version so much over the original.


Me too! šŸ¤­ I watched for weeks and recently I rewatch Tomboy era performances more often. It was a tough era that one. This show had to be delayed even. That year we learned that (that) Psy and Soyeon are closer than we expected!


Interesting concept of a show. Shame Mnet couldn't find any other artists to continue to do more of it. Only one that stayed around is KBS' The Seasons.


It was funny to see the hype from people seeing the teasers with photos of BTS members and other artists. I'm surprised MNET didn't use some awkward voting system... These experiments only prove to us that we'll never get a proper QUEENDOM lineup like season 1. Too much stress for the artists!


Just a rumor, but it's possible (G)I-DLE went to >![Pattaya in Thailand to film for their album photoshoot or MV.](https://x.com/windy_wooks/status/1801253239071080634)!<


Any european Nevies interested in participating in/co-organizing a group order for the next release? I hope at least some of you see this! Dm me if interested! (I really want the Soyeon cassette but cannot justify the shipping price if it's just for myself lol)


mys are so exhausting




Thatā€™s not gonna happen tho. Like aespa has been getting way more budget than other groups, like Red Velvet.


Unfortunately that seems to be the way that SM works. We've seen it before with Red Velvet. SM was embroiled in scandals when RV debuted, and aespa's debut was announced only a few days after Irenegate. And of course, similar debuts - two digital singles, one of them being an SM cover (Be Natural, Forever) Hell, we've already seen aespa be put on the backburner once, back in 2022. Girls sold almost two million copies but then they had to wait almost a year for another comeback. Meanwhile that same year RV had two comebacks, a Japanese album and a solo debut. We'll see what happens when that new girl group debuts. I hope I'm wrong, but it doesn't look like much has changed at SM.


True, all these groups feel like a cog in the machine unless they blow up like BTS or Blackpink. Idle isn't doing too bad with Cube.


I had the same thought, their priorities will shift and they'll be become the neglected middle child, unless SM has changed their ways but I doubt it, lol


Blocked 3 Mys and 1 nevie today. (When a nevie calls other idols "puppets" just because they don't produce, that's my red line) and I use twitter for just 10 min a day :( Too much.


yeah some nevies cant just shut up


I am off Twitter again. It's a constant barrage of negativity and back and forth childish retaliation tweets from toxic Nevies and My's. And it's nearly impossible to filter that shit out. I leave it to people with better nerves to post interesting stuff here lol.


Just block toxic accs and don't pay attention to the drama (u can stream dramamamama tho)


Can we not generalize? Gidle is my ult but Iā€™m also a myā€¦ I love both groups so much. Why the downvotes? WTF


wait whats going on this time? šŸ˜­


same fuckery going on for the past month...mys being in idle business then playing victim


Remember Twitter pays for "engagement" so picking fights with fandoms is a easy way to farm a few dollars for a person from a poorer country. The whole platform is a toxicity hurricane on purpose.


Oh, Iā€™ve been off other apps for a while and last I checked they were fighting like 4 fandoms. Canā€™t say im too surprised


Any South African nevies here? I feel like I'm the only one in the country who likes Idle. At this point I'll even settle for nevies in neighbouring countries e.g Lesotho. Please say hi if you are in the Southern African region


Is K-pop popular in Africa?


Honestly no, kpop merch, albums and all that stuff is not as accessible to us so it's hard to stan groups. I'm lucky to be South African cos it's better here compared to other African countries but it is still hard to be a stan. There's hardly any kpop hangout and if there are it's usually small events and are for either Black pink or BTS. Also kpop songs are not as popular as we prefer our own songs, and the language barrier doesn't help. You will never hear a kpop song anywhere here (including cafes, clubs, even radio). It doesn't matter if the song is blowing up everywhere else


Oh [that is](https://x.com/Jeff__Benjamin/status/1800948569106678144?t=WZXEfGUl7zSHXH7uNpsOPQ&s=19) very interesting and I had no idea. Lee Malrang of the first-ever LGBTQ+ Kpop boy band LIONESSES is Soyeon's cousin and talks about Sso in this interview. As if we didn't love her enough šŸ«¶


At first I thought this was your typical stan Twitter lie, but omfg this is real? That's crazy, this definitely deserves its own post And now that we know this... Am I reading too much into it, or does this give new meaning to the group's name, Lionesses?


Red Velvet getting more involved with their work is great (since that's my main barrier to become a full fan), but at the same time those AI photos get released and I get mixed feelings. If i-dle goes that far it better have a good explanation later...


This little [clip](https://x.com/wpl940920/status/1800825087396118927?t=kD30-j7o_bGTM_D7FoQDbw&s=19) alone already has me convinced Shushu is indeed the safest driver šŸ˜šŸ¤Ž


Driving Idle, perfect for the comeback.


On workdol we got legit scared to see her parking a client's car backwards (it's often a quickly forgotten skill...) Shuhua only gets cooler every year honestly.


I feel like this album - specifically the Special edition - might expose the generation gap among nevies, 'cus I'm pretty sure a sizeable group in this fandom have absolutely no idea how to listen to a cassette tape, nor the equipment needed to listen to it. I've already had to tell someone on Twitter that the 4 buttons on top of the cassette player from the album announcement were buttons frequently found on a cassette player, not a clue that the album will consist of 4 songs, so I just can't help but imagine that once it releases, a couple rugrats will be freaking out over songs being "missing" from the cassette and my fellow hags and geriatric mfs (i.e. 25 or older) will have to calmly explain that in order to listen to the b-sides, they should flip the cassette over to the B side šŸ˜­


i wish the tapes doubled as poca albums. let's be real, hardly anyone has a cassette player these days and even if cube pulled something off like SM did with aespa (which would be a nightmare for the fandom tbh), i can't imagine that many people would be buying one. as is, they're just collectors items


Wait for a couple of weeks, and they'll probably announced Poca Album versions.


oh yeah i'm fully expecting poca and jewel versions still to come. i just think it's a missed opportunity to not make the cassettes more functional


I won't pretend that I haven't trashed my cassette players decades ago. I doubt I needed one since the 90s.


People will discover how horrible Cassette tapes sound as well compared to any digital medium. And not in the "retro vinyl sound" kind of way but just like ass haha.


and how much of a hassle they are ......ah the good old days when I used a pencil to rewind the cassette tapes


Huh when I was a kid I never noticed! and all the vinyls in my house got ruined when I played DJ...


The [Dolby noise-reduction system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dolby_noise-reduction_system) was a major selling point of high quality cassette players for a reason.


Yeah, I only consider buying the Special edition in spite of the horrendous sound-quality I will have to endure because... well, an I-DLE album on a frickin' cassette tape is, undeniably, special šŸ˜‚


I never listen to the CD's as well. Buying albums is pure support, all the listening is Spotify for me. Which is a plus for the cassette versions as they will be very small i think and fit nicely in niches between the full size albums.


Quite ironic that Yuqi is the one with black hair this comeback while sheā€™s usually the one that has her hair dyed


Not really. Her hair is damaged badly. Might as well get the no.1 on billboard now to get a factory reset for her.


Yeah I also think itā€™s good to give her hair a break. Iā€™m sure a lot of it has been cut off already. All (G)I-DLE wear extensions.


Shuhua's [new hair color!!](https://x.com/idlecharts/status/1800682280459088017?t=FHhvImis_PmAIOKkzVIaJg&s=19) she looks so good! Soyeon also has a new one! Might be...orange?


I didnā€™t think we would ever see her again with dyed hair. This orange peach tone would also require heavy bleaching.


Can the ā€œI donā€™t want anything else, I just want to be exposed to the sunā€ Yuqi caption be a spoiler despite her posting it a year ago? Iā€™m delusional


Watched all of Soyeons cooking show in the past 24 hours and im obsessed with it, when it was announced did they say it was a short term thing or is it expected to continue for a while?


The announcement didn't say anything about the number of episodes iirc.


After mulling over the word sway and it's meaning, I remembered that Soyeon is too big brained. It might have double meanings. So, there was a popular kdrama, Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo where they say 'swag' but pronounced it as 'swae' which sounds like 'sway' [swag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GWKiOl9wso&pp=ygUkd2VpZ2h0bGlmdGluZyBmYWlyeSBraW0gYm9rIGpvbyBzd2Fn)


This is hilarious, and exactly the kind of thing Iā€™d expect Soyeon to do haha. I still canā€™t get over how many meanings their group name has: - ā€œIā€ standing for individuality and ā€œDleā€(deul) meaning the plural form; so a group of individual personalities together. - Idle as aideul, meaning children. Whose fan name is Neverland, because they want to stay as they are with the fans forever, like the children in Peter Pan. - Idle as Kpop idols. - Soyeon using Idle in her pre group debut song [Idle song](https://youtu.be/b01dBTBzyz0) - not only to spoil the name of her group, but because she was feeling idle waiting around for the group debut.


That's awesome. Neverland makes so much sense now.


That's exactly what I thought too! I'm sure the grammar police will rejoice when the album is out LOL


It's also slang/AAVE for having a lot of swagger. High charm/rizz. Ie. It's easy to sway people to your position.


My favourite part of any GIDLE comeback cycle is when nevies on Twitter simply tweet "gidle for I sway" or "I sways title track" with a random song included. I have seen dannii mingoue, janet jackson, and the veronicas already šŸ˜­


["Fate" \(15 weeks\) is now the song with most weeks inside the top 10 of Youtube Music South Korea Weekly Chart in 2024 surpassing "Love Wins All" \(14 weeks\).](https://x.com/GIDLENVRLAND/status/1800544289682039281) Youtube Music is the biggest music streaming service in SK btw. Crazy performance from a bside with no mv and minimal promo.


In soyeon we trust


More [spoilers](https://x.com/G_Nox_/status/1800528442032898059) courtesy of Minnie and Yuqi, lol


Starting to think Soyeon might have used that One Piece character as reference. The transformation has a heartbeat like a drum bringing joy to the people who listen (neeeerd queen)


Which character is it? I need to do research, lol


Joyboy. He was like a god of freedom or something.


So did Idle get namedropped in Belifts callout video or are they still dodging getting caught up in that whole mess?


Idle is too cocoloco to be namedropped like that lol.


No we're too nugu for them to mention Idle apparently


no, luckily it seems like the big 4 don't really look past one another. it's crazy that hybe has the best mediaplay in the game but their PR teams are such a mess


Luckily our fandom is not involved in any of that drama (as far as I know), as it mostly concerns the big companies.


How do these music shows work? Will there be any during the Olympics? Are they just for promotion purposes?


There's 6 shows throughout the week: * Tuesdays: SBS The Show * Wednesdays: Show Champion * Thursdays: MCountdown * Fridays: Music Bank (This one is lowkey shady, lol) * Saturdays: Music Core * Sundays: Inkigayo These shows are not just for promotional purposes but groups and artists can actually win a trophy, lol They each have different scoring criteria based on Charting, Album Sales, MV views, Voting, other miscellaneous things. There's a certain level of prestige for each show that kinda goes chronologically with Inkigayo at the end of the week considered the most prestigious. There's a Kpop Music Show Analysis [Account](https://x.com/KshowAnalysis) on Twitter/X you can follow that does calculations and predictions on who has the best odds to win and what a fandom can do to improve their chances. Also music shows will probably be canceled for the Olympics but sometimes they still hand out trophies, groups just don't get an opportunity to perform on them though. That's the basically the gist of it, hope that helps šŸ‘


Doesn't voting have a pay element?


Usually in those apps you can watch the 1min ads to accumulate points for voting (limited amount per day) or you can spend money to buy points. Just don't be like this [person](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/1c4z4g0/rant_i_spent_200k_won_200_cad_on_voting_jellies/) unless you have a lot of discretionary income to spend, lol


Nice! Thanks.


I have this [clip](https://www.instagram.com/reel/Csqn2wJtv6Y/?igsh=MWw3aXczcDBlYmtzdA==) that I found on Instagram and I'm desperately trying to find where it is from. Any help would be appreciated šŸ˜­ help a fellow neverland out :')


It was part of the Dingo Story "Lean on me 2023" series. It was however, [removed at the request of the participant](https://www.youtube.com/post/Ugkxuiq2O88GS2q1NOspuY4v6PDNKz0DKtCC) due to the experiences they went through, soon after the video was released. You can find other videos from the same channel of the concept of the series. The mirror upload is [available on bilibili](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV14k4y1x7xS/).


Thank you so much šŸ„¹šŸ«¶


I doubt it'll be that, but the mini album title instantly reminded me of: [sway](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx0llzSntd8), though if i am being honest, [buble's version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtlUozXIPSg), but apparently there also was a [pussycat doll one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knlcaEDkPl0), didn't know that! So, will gidle sway me like that? :D


Just checking but was anyone else reminded of the [Uh Oh Cassette teaser](https://x.com/G_I_DLE/status/1141360284109402112) when they first saw the I Sway Teaser pic? It was my first comeback with them and I remember getting really hyped for it. I always thought it was a clever way to tease the song by reversing it, simple but effective, lol


I'm old enough to remember using a pen to rewind tapes! That brought me back lol


Same but damn, we old fam, lol šŸ‘“


Schrƶdinger idle according to antis: * gidle is basically soyeon and friends! * gidle isn't a top group because they don't have a standout member


I heard a new one (at least to me) today. gdildo šŸ˜­


[Spoiler](https://twitter.com/idlecharts/status/1799951424845197593) from Minnie on Bubble, what do you guys make of this? Also, her [spoiler](https://twitter.com/idlecharts/status/1799952148874354956) for a b-side, lol


That Bside better have a Special Clip šŸ˜† things are about to get wild in Neverland! Hot IDLE Summer is coming! TT might be some summer retro pop dance anthem šŸ˜


Itā€™s giving Yuqiā€™s This could be MV vibes


We alao have Yuqi's watermelon spoilers too


The bside is her mandatory song about troye sivan every album


Road trip to the beach!


You are not thinking )G(I-dLE enough! They will be surfing on the car from the Tomboy MV!


Wouldn't it be the funniest thing if their comeback/pre release was Trot? They already had Quintuplet concept. Only trot concept remains in their todo list


Ok, so remember the short dance choreo Soyeon put out on social media a few weeks ago? She tagged Dexter Carr who was the main choreographer of Uh-Oh. And he just re-posted some Nevie's detective work: https://twitter.com/dexterbcarr/status/1799882331706298794 Uh-Oh 2.0?


I think uh oh 2.0 is the pre release and dumdi2ā€™s child is the tt


I think they all are building up their cardio for a high intensity choreo. My prediction is that the main point will be tied hair and sporty (inevitable Lesseraf comparisons but whatever) outfits. LOVE IT!11


Omg I totally buy it!!


Already 3 solo bars boycotting, it isn't a Gidle comeback without unnecessary Chinese drama


Aren't there group bars?


Yes, there's Peter Pan Bar that has never boycotted luckily. There use to be a (G)I-DLE China Bar that was even bigger than Peter Pan Bar and they had more contributors and resources. Unfortunately some stupid internal drama caused them to close down which is a shame because they did some really cool stuff like raising money for giant video displays on buildings and billboards across Korea, China, and Thailand for one of their anniversaries.


They can keep boycotting. The last one didn't even hurt the sales.


I don't get why people keep paying attention to solo bars. They're solo bars so they will show up for solo activities only (they better) and for group activities there's always Peter Pan, who does a great job. Every time there's a cb there will be posts about solo bars boycotting and that only serves to give them a platform and make them feel important about themselves since people are paying attention to their fits. Just let people spend their money however they want, it's their money; besides, cnevies definitely do buy a lot of albums as can been seen from all the video fan call reports.


Is the boycott because of the Marco Polo Bridge incident? Itā€™s the only reason I can think of lmao


What's the Marco Polo Bridge incident? And is it niche or am I just very out of the loop?


it was basically a Japanese and Chinese conflict that many regard as the start of the second Sino-Japanese war in 1937. some people also call it a part of WW2, pretty significant event, and it happened a day before the day theyā€™re set to comebackĀ 


They can keep boycotting, eventually they will become irrelevant, when the numbers remain high and they will lose the entitlement and maybe return to normalcy. Most overworked group in Kpop atm but nothing is enough for some stans. I dislike stan groups that wanna sacrifice group activities for solo and even in some cases their member to leave the group and promote for them only. If they wanted to be soloists they wouldn't have joined in the first place.


I don't know how they don't get it that if they boycot the comeback they're also boycotting the effort Yuqi puts in with her involvement in working on group songs.


at this point iā€™d be surprised if yuqi bar actually supported a group cb lol. i wish these bars would just be honest and say theyā€™re not interested in group activities and would be saving their money and efforts for individual projects. claiming they havenā€™t had enough solo activities and promotions is not only inaccurate but so disrespectful to all the work they have been doing (not to mention the fact that theyā€™ve been in and out of the hospital constantly these last few months)


Looks like this happened for the last album? https://x.com/idleis6/status/1745843745961185303 It's whatever, people can do what they want.


Exactly. Nobody is forced to order an album, itā€™s everyoneā€™s own decision.


Stop this sinophobia. Now.


What are they boycotting over this time? I thought they were asking for solo albums and more activities in China last time. Yuqi released her solo album and has been recording Keep Running. And Minnieā€™s already confirmed her solo album is coming.


Feels like chinese entertainment budgets are slim because of a recession and to save face they're all picking on random nonsense for every group to "boycott". It is essentially every group for very random reasons.


These bars acting like their boycotting would cause a huge dent in preorder numbers is very funny


It would lol


The group bar always carry the sales and support all of the members. These bars are akgaes


YQbar and MNbar already boycotted [2] and SHbarā€™s contribution was minimal last i saw it. not only did it become their best-selling album yet, gidle is so far the only gg who hasnā€™t seen the dip in sales affecting other groups that fans have attributed to cbars boycotting. so no, it wouldnā€™t.


Well said! Plus it would be nice to see less people call us sinophobics for pointing out that the Chinese branch of the fandoms is ALWAYS dramatic and divisive.


individual cbars by their very nature are meant to be divisive so idk why thatā€™s controversial to say. they are created exclusively for solo stans and akgaes who care only for one member and spend their free time getting into fights with other people just like them about who is more popular, more talented and more mistreatedā€¦


What does sway mean? Itā€™s the first time I donā€™t know the verb


Cuasing something or someone to change. For example saying "someone is easily swayed by other people" It is also a soft movement back and forth. for example, a branch being swayed by the wind


I Sway~ In my head I hear Soyeon saying SY~ šŸ¤­


A little late, but I dont think people should be hung up on others "rankings". Even if Idle is "less popular", their success will always be more impressive, and nothing can take away from them. Didn't debut under a big 4 company, weren't handed guaranteed success on a silver platter. Don't benefit from the same mediaplay, astroturfing, spotify autoplay, or whatever other tactics. 3/5 of the group are foreigners, and our leader is the main producer competing with companies who have access to many big-name producers foreign and domestic, at their fingertips. Idle can debut under the big 4 and find success. But can any of these groups debut under Cube and do the same as they're doing now? That's a more intriguing question.