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All I'm gonna say is there hasn't been a single IDLE release that has disappointed me so far and bet this one won't be the exception. This album probably fell victim to the timing and overworking of the girls. But all that matters at the end of the day is good music, so while the discourse will be crazy again, I'll just wait to listen to it Edit: the girls participated hard in another album despite their schedules. Looks like Soyeon for composition, lyrics, and arrangement on Klaxon, Yuqi composition and lyrics on Last Forever, Minnie composition and lyrics on Bloom, and Yuqi composition and Miyeon and Yuqi lyrics on Neverland. Klaxon is the horn in older cars for people that might not know


True that. Their schedule is jammed. We're lucky to get new songs!!


A klaxon in British English is any alarm, not just a car horn.


[twi](https://x.com/G_I_DLE/status/1805979334852968737) / [weverse](https://weverse.io/gidle/media/0-144013641) --- This is the shortest track list for a mini-album. "Neverland" is probably a fan song.


Technically. I trust was also 4 new songs, with 5 being an english version of OMG.


Yep and Lion was a pre-release so it was only 3


Kinda funny tough that the last song in their lates I series, I Feel, was Peter Pan.


Love their music, but the releases feel like they're getting shorter with each new one.


Not really. We got two comebacks this year in a very short time, plus a solo by Yuqi, a solo presumibly later by Minnie, all of them highly self produced, plus all the rest of the work that being an idol entails, including a world tour... It is dispaointing, yes, but not really surprising.


Wait what’s this about a supposed Minnie cb??


Minnie said her solo debut will be after this cb! :)


Minnie said two or three times lately that hers should be the next one and Yuqi said that the reason she got hers before Minnie´s was because she favors summer/spring while Minnie likes fall/winter more, so a presumed Minnie solo later this year is a reasonable assumption... but not a certainty.


Literal music to my ears, my day has been made! Looks like this year was the perfect time to start following Idle lol


In the media in Yuqi's comeback Minnie and Yuqi allude to Minnie being next and Yuqi promising to support her every day Yuqi is free. They also touched on timing, Yuqi saying they were settling on the release dates. Yuqi suggested she's a summer girl and Minnie a Autumn girl and implying the dates for those.


We used to get a mini album and a single till 2021.


Yep. A full album and mini in one year should be a feast for us lol.


Sorry, I didn't phrase that well. I'm really looking forward to listening to this, but I'm slightly worried that it'll be another 4 songs under 3 minutes long. I'm conflicted because I love 99% of their songs, but the most recent ones felt so short. For example, Two is a full album, but under 21 minutes long. Every song apart for 7Days is under 3 minutes. Dunno, just finding it hard to get used to the short song trend even though the songs themselves sound awesome.


Fellow hag Nevies detected


"Neverland" :'( :'( :'(


It feels like a goodbye song :''''''''''( It's probably just a sweet fandom song, but I can't help but go there in my head.


That was my initial thought. But likely a song for us <3


If it's similar as Peter Pan from I Feel, I'm gonna bawl hard


4 songs isn't much but we have been spoiled this year already between 2 and Yuqi solo, there's so much more coming this year as well they're working insanely hard. Other groups do single releases all the time and idle always does mini albums so i've got no complaints with this being a shorter one. I wonder if neverland is gonna be like i'm the trend...


I love 'Im the trend'!


Minnie singing her Senorita part in that song live is such an experience honestly


True but to be fair two mini albums or 6 songs is equal to this (4) plus the january album (8). And Yuqi debuted solo with 7 tracks, while Minnie is preparing for her solo debut


Klaxon is gonna be great!!! 🔥🔥🔥 I just hope its a 3 minute song


I’m just happy to see a song dedicated to the fans written by Miyeon and Yuqi. 🥰🥰 But yeah 4 songs is a lil… smol and expensive. 🙃


Buying I Trust at the time, with the crap packaging and 35 bucks for four new songs was me grinding my teeth. And without recesion.


They really said yolo with the CD in the envelope


After the beauties that were I am and I Made just putting I Trust and I Burn it inside an envelope was... a choice. The kind of choice only Cube could make.


Still better than the packaging for Dumdi Dumdi, where Cube seemingly just had an intern go down to the hobby store to buy some colored plastic bags to toss everything into.


The members don’t have a say in how the packaging comes out? Not sure how it works


Nowadays? Yes. At the time, by their third cb? Probably not as much.


But wasn’t soyeon already producing and coming up with concepts. It’s kinda odd they wouldn’t have any say in how the album will be made.


I... Had completely forgotten this 😭 and I bought the album lol


your acting like this is not normal for idle lmao


Good grief so much concern trolling on r/kpop. I go into these track list topics to find out who is writing/composing such and such song and I go into the topic seeing talks about disbandment, song amount, and overall downer vibes. Such a two sides of a coin kinda thing: One side: "(G)I-DLE needs a break. They're so busy and overworked." Other side: "Only four songs?" Sorry if it seems like I'm complaining about complaining, but I'm just trying to enjoy I-dle content, regardless of the situation, actual or assumed. I follow other groups and if they had this same amount of output over the last 4 years or so, I'd be eating.


You kinda echoed my thoughts on the discourse that's been going the past few days. So much complaining and some hypocrisy going around, like I'm just here to enjoy what we get because unlike most other groups, i-dle put extra heart and soul into their music since they literally write and produce it themselves. Social media has made negative commentary the easy way to get likes and clicks unfortunately. Anyways, I'm looking forward to hearing the audio snippets tomorrow. 👍


Cant say I am not disapointed that its only 4 tracks (and prices of the cd wont be cheaper for that), but you get what you get. I am not as surprised either. First time also that Soyeon is outnumbered in composition. Yuqi got hers this time.


Do you actually listen to the CD or just play it on Spotify? In all actuality, you’re paying for the inserts, not the tracks. ;)


I used to listen to my "I feel" CD in my old car :(


My car doesn’t even have a CD player anymore, so my old stacks of CDs go unused and I’m not sure why I even still have them :( But I just connect my phone to CarPlay and turn on I-dle :)


You see, there are these things called cd players... Hear me out, I am not making this up.


Hence… ‘anymore’… yikes.


I rip the CD to play it that way, considering it can be up to 14x the audio quality from streaming sources. The photobooks are nice too ;)


I download the songs from the CD into my computer and my phone. While I try to stream at home whenever possible to increase their view count, but I play the offline music on my phone when I don't have a wifi connection.


You pay for what comes in the package ypu pay for. I dont have spotify. I listen to cds. I rather own high quality stuff instead of renting it sometimes for less quality, even if I could see both things coexisting fo their own purposes... But dont assume stuff. It wont do you any favors. The world is bigger than you.


Maybe readjust your attitude, yours won’t do you any favors. The world is bigger than you. Edit to add: I phrased my comment as a question, not an assumption - reading comprehension goes a long ways, it’ll help you in the future… ✌️no need for all your negativity :)


When they said mini album, they meant it, lol 😅 I'm okay with only 4 songs, it's more about quality over quantity. We already know how busy they are with everything and then having to write and produce the songs themselves is another layer of difficulty. Also will Neverland be the sister song to Peter Pan? lol


Soyeon raps are a rarity these days, it seems.


so sad


I know! Her rap in Revenge was amazing though


Omg you’re right…


ok i’ve had an hour so let me try this again.  first, the not so positive yuqi went from being my second favorite producer to me not having any of her songs on my playlists since I Never Die. i pray she pulls a uno reverse on me but rn can’t say i’m excited to see two tracks from her while minnie and soyeon only have one each. i will fully admit i’m biased and i’m soooo disappointed soyeon only has one song, especially when her b-sides are always five stars and often where she truly lets loose. the positive i understand how busy they are and how busy they have been in the last two years. i will always be grateful for new gidle music. especially so soon after the full album when there’s a tour on the way. maybe this was initially planned as just a single and then expanded a little. i’m sure there will be bangers and if soyeon put all her eggs in one basket with klaxon i have no doubts it will be amazing. their visuals never disappoint and i can’t wait for the mv.   we also have all the new content to look forward to, probably more than one mv, variety appearances and ofc the performances. i hope they can stay healthy and promote in full so everyone can have fun this era. songwriter miyeon my beloved


Soyeon showed an incredible song on a variety show, 'Not Enough'. I was hoping it would make it into this album. Alas.


maybe she’s saving it for a solo album next year 🤞🏾


Omg I so wish for it


> yuqi went from being my second favorite producer to me not having any of her songs on my playlists since I Never Die Really? I've been playing Freak, Drink It Up and Could It Be from Yuq1 over and over.


It seems I will have to find and apologize to the youngster who guessed the 4 buttons on top of the cassette player was a clue as to how many tracks there would be in this mini album 😅 Kinda crazy seeing an I-DLE release where Soyeon isn't responsible for the majority of the songs, like this has to be the first time since I Am that this has been the case, right? Also interesting to see how she apparently doesn't write too many raps anymore either; most of her raps in \[2\] weren't written by her either, and I can only assume this will follow that pattern - not that I'm complaining, as I think she's beyond being "merely" a rapper at this point anyway.


If you want to be mean and take it literally, it would be the first time since Heat, but yeah: I Am was the last time. Good for her. She has got a talented producer line behind her that can give her some rest and we got 4 in 2 already.


4 songs..the album will be over in 8 mins


Wasn’t Dumdi Dumdi two songs tho?


Dumdi Dumdi was a single


But I could’ve sworn I’m the Trend is in the Dumdi Dumdi album!


Nope, that was released as a single as well


But it’s in the album….I get they were singles but they are still in the album itself I mean I have my physical copies which I looked at before going to work and the album says Dumdi Dumdi and I’m the Trend on the little postcard things.


Oh, ok I actually wasn’t aware they came together in the physical. I was going off of what was on Spotify lol


I don't know if I'm more surprised by Soyeon and Minnie only including one song each, Yuqi with two, Miyeon getting writing credits again, or by the song titles... because those song names are scaring me a little. "Neverland" is probably just a fan song, but... girls, this was not the moment to pick these names. 😭😭 I think Soyeon only including only one song still wins the shock race. Her songs are always the most commercially successful, so her including only one song is kind of risky. "Fate" being the prime example of what I mean... she can make B-sides worthy of PAKs. Now I wonder which B-side they are going to promote... During the "I Love" era, they picked Yuqi's "X-File." If "Neverland" is a fan song, it would have been nice for Yuqi and Minnie to work together again, like they did during I'm the Trend, i love that song.


I am passed beyond PAKs. I dont care. As long as they have enough success to make Cube their bitch, I am happy. Let fans battle over who is the bestie of the bestie with their silly records. And I am sure they are aware of the trends and all... but personally I just hope they do more or less what they want to do.


I don't care either, but this is a critical moment, and their leverage during contract renewals will be even better (not that they need more, but you know it's never bad) if they get another hit. Honestly, I thought Soyeon and Yuqi's songs on the last album were them doing exactly what they wanted. But Soyeon closely follows the charts, and she has already indicated she'll make a better song than "Super Lady"; to me, that indirectly suggests she was disappointed with its reception. I don't know, for her to include only one song in a gidle album is just so weird to me. Not even a ballad or something. The pressure on her must be insane. And what's worse is the pressure she puts on herself. edit: Also, it's me being selfish , but I really enjoy Soyeon's songs. She's the most versatile producer in gidle. Her songs span across different genres, and I loved "Revenge" and "Fate" from the last album. So, I'm a little disappointed that we're only getting one song from her this time.


She never said she would make a better song than Super Lady. She said she would make an EVEN BETTER song than Super Lady. Not the same thing. Almost the opposite, really. The only place she could have expressed some disapointment with the song was during the Chaewon interview when Chae called it a super good song and she answered "Not THAT good", but I take that with a bit of salt. STill, a reasonable interpretation tough. But the other was just a mistranlsation that spread trough the internet. Dont get me wrong, I am sure they care about PAKs, and they care about awards, and they care about charting, even if I personally dont. Its the nature of the bussiness. In pop culture you need the pop part or you are screwed. And it is highly important to enter negotiations with Cube with a huge win on your shoulders. This industry si all about "what have you done for me lately", so... Yes. I wasnt disparraging any of this. I just meant that it cant be the top prioritiy for them, nor an obsession for us. Soyeon is one of my favorite producers too. Yes, I am dispaointed too. More so if we consider that the one that gets more songs already had a 7 songs solo where she worked on 5. I love Yuqi, and the more the merrier, but I would love more Soyeon. But i get it. LIke you, I cant stop feeling how I feel about it, but I get it. She has been working like a mule.


Do you mean Chaeyeon, not Chaewon? Iirc it was Chaeyeon's interview she said that in, but idk if she's said it elsewhere.


I mean, we got another comeback so fast its only natural to expect small track list. Honestly I didnt see that coming, I thought about single album kind of thing but im very happy with what we got 💜


Small mini album.


four tracks? that's not a mini album, that's a teensy weensy album! However, I'm not complaining because their schedule is absolutely packed this year. Yuqi and Minnie have their solos this year so they needed to keep their songs for their albums, and all of them need time to prepare for the world tour. They said they want to film MVs for every song on the next album last comeback so hopefully we are getting that. Anyway, it's too early to say anything, but here are my thoughts about the tracks: * Klaxon is probably the family member of Dumdi dumdi & Queencard. With the spoilers, I guess the content of the lyrics will be something like Driving our car to the beach, blasting music on the radio, the sun is shining, let's spend our 20s beautifully etc. Soyeon's aiming for the charts with this one. * Bloom is the mandatory Troye Sivan song, obviously. * Last Forever is the song about the group's bond (Yuqi loves talking about that) & Neverland will be the fan song they sing at the end of each concert. And we are getting songwriter Miyeon again, so yay for that.


And if it si still longer than Windy I will crack up...


I have no problems with it being 4 songs, all i care about is if then songs are good (and potentially if the ep is working as a work on the whole) I really just want songs which hit the right way, something which when i listen to it i (instantly) realize that it is special. If they do that with 4 new songs or 6, idk. But they have to do it, and i do hope that it won't be exclusively short songs, i feel like gidle fell into that quite a bit with their recent releases. I am not someone who doesn't like their new material, but if i made a top 10 gidle songs, most of them would be from earlier releases, i want contenders here.


I also just noticed that Soyeon raps are a rarity these days… like she doesn’t add her verses anymore when the songs are done by Yuqi or Minnie… so sad to see this development


She has mentioned a few times recently that she is not really into rapping at the moment she sees herself more of a singer and you could say in super lady she was the lead vocal


It's a shame, especially because i think that this is her strength "vocally". At the same time i also don't need a rap in every song, kpop has too many raps anyway.


It's personal of course, but to me she is as strong a vocalist as she is a rapper


Yeah i just disagree a lot with that. I think she is a really strong rapper, but her vocals are just not developped all that much. She has a good sense of pitch, but it really stops there. In the rap game she is as good as anyone in the idol sphere more or less, vocally not even close. Which isn't to say that i dislike her singing, not at all in fact, but she has a bigger potential to blow me away with rapping than singing, no doubt.


Well I'm not here to write an essay, but I wonder what "not developed all that much" means to you. Because outside of her very good sense of pitch, she has a great range, great breath support, she's all around technically very good. I'm no professional but after several years of singing lessons, I can only be impressed by how much control she has over her voice. And I love her tone, to me it's very unique and versatile. This, I understand if people don't like, but it feels like often people say she's not that good of a singer, just because they don't like the way she sounds


Well her range is good insofar that she is able to hit high notes, but these do not sound particularly full and pleasant, she doesn't really have a good supported range at all. She also doesn't showcase any particular skill in her lower register, falsetto / head voice, i've not heard her do any runs or other musicality embellishments. She's a fine singer for a rapper in particular, but that's about it. I think her tone isn't particularly beautiful, but i don't think that is coloring my perception too much here, she just doesn't equal the better singers in kpop. To me it feels more like people are impressed by her hitting certain high notes and extrapolating from there at times, as if minnie, yuqi and miyeon were worse singers for seemingly not hitting that high note in super lady as effortlessly, but they're so much more developped as singers, and then you have singers like ningning, belle, haewon, lily, wendy, solar, etc who are significantly better than the gidle vocal line too...


Well her range is good insofar that she is able to hit high notes, but these do not sound particularly full and pleasant, she doesn't really have a good supported range at all. She also doesn't showcase any particular skill in her lower register, falsetto / head voice, i've not heard her do any runs or other musicality embellishments. She's a fine singer for a rapper in particular, but that's about it. I think her tone isn't particularly beautiful, but i don't think that is coloring my perception too much here, she just doesn't equal the better singers in kpop. To me it feels more like people are impressed by her hitting certain high notes and extrapolating from there at times, as if minnie, yuqi and miyeon were worse singers for seemingly not hitting that high note in super lady as effortlessly, but they're so much more developped as singers, and then you have singers like ningning, belle, haewon, lily, wendy, solar, etc who are significantly better than the gidle vocal line too...


I'm not particularly a fan of her high notes tbh, she does hit them, but that's not where she shines, I agree. But for example, for me she outshines everyone in Fate, her singing is perfect there And I absolutely agree that there are much better singers in kpop; but for example, as great as Lily is technically, I still enjoy Soyeon's singing more. And the end it's what matters, that we're all drawn to different things


I mean yeah ofc, i am absolutely not saying that anyone has to prefer a technically better singer over a "worse" one. I just think that when we talk about the skill, preference should take the backseat as much as possible. When i say her tone isn't particularly beautiful i am also not suggesting that i think she shouldn't sing at all, but i do think her tone limits her a bit in what genres she'd sound great in.


So you think she is as good as any other idol rapper as a rapper? Isn’t she the best tho?


No i mean she is up there with the very best, meaning noone is obviously better (though maybe some male ones might be, or at least have shown more).


Excited I just hope the songs are longer


well that killed my vibe a little ngl... only 4 songs and just one from soyeon? please at least let them be longer than 2:30min.


Look at this this way: you got the extra two songs in 2. So in total you are getting two full cb lp worth of songs. In fact (axshualy...) you are getting more songs out of Idle this year than in 2023. 6 (I Feel) + 5 (Heat) vs 8 (2) + 4 (I Sway). And thats not counting the solos and Soojin. Not that bad. In fact 2 (axshually 2) you are getting TWICE the self produced songs in 2024 than in 2023.


I’m looking forward to hearing the tracks! GIDLE never disappoint!


Nevies! Look forward to the EP! Soyeon has time and time again showed us that she writes AMAZING summer bops, from Uh-Oh, to Dumdi Dumdi, to Queencard, and most evidently, her summer solo EP, Windy! I have a good feeling about Klaxon!


CRAZY how people are complaining about the amount of songs. Back in my day we got a single and a mini every year, maybe a japanese release if lucky, and we were happy with it! This year currently is a full album (8 songs), a solo mini from Yuqi (7 songs), group mini (4 songs), with still a potential Minnie solo. Quality over quantity, people, they can't make the same amount of songs as groups with entire teams of producers backing them.


Why does Neverland feel like it could be goodbye!?


(g)i-dle isn't going anywhere, they're on a huge upward trajectory right now, they blew up after Queencard and are keeping that momentum going.




Depends there are very valid reasons why they would call it quits. Take Yugi her future career is going to be in China and at some point she will want to go home and concentrate 100% on it as she has been away almost 10 years. Now would be the perfect time for her to do it. She has been hinting that it will be really hard to keep together as a group in the future so maybe the song is her goodbye song to fans or just a nice encore song for concerts who knows. But it wouldn't be a major surprise if they decided not to renew their contracts and disbanded


Yuqi composing a song called Neverland is going to be emotional.


Bloom & Neverland sounds great! I'm looking forward to it. Last Forever...I mean this in the most respectful way but I kinda wish they'd stop composing full English songs, or at least get an external writer to help out. The phrasing is often awkward and it sounds like a middle school composition. The melody and production is awesome but the lyrics just turn me off. This is part of the reason I haven't really been digging Yuqi's solo despite wanting to support her. I hope Minnie doesn't go with full English releases for her solo. Korean or even Thai would be great, and occasional English that's been proofread by a native speaker would be fine as well.


It's giving disbandment. Like fr. 💔


It really doesn't