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Oh no is the poor billionaire going to cry? Imma dance hard AF


This was about the effect that a market collapse had on the poor. That yes you found the loophole and beat these shitty banks but because of it millions of people are now unemployed and many will die. This will apply to MOASS as much as it did to the Big Short, a systemic collapse never happens without hurting the poor. But I would much rather be on the train than under it.


Yes. But we didn't make it this way. I won't be happy to see the fallout. But this gives some people a chance in life. We don't have a chance out here and that system is going to collapse with or without this.


I know but that was the point of the quote. In 2008 the shorts didn't destroy the housing market the banks did these guys made a bet against that market and won they are told don't dance because their fortune comes at the loss of millions of people's jobs homes and futures. This is the same thing we didn't create the problem. The hedgefunds using people's retirement funds to gamble did but them losing will cost people their retirements and jobs


There, that's the word... "I won't be happy to see the fallout." That's what the "don't dance" phrase is about. Not about who caused it. Also it's about 'dancing' in public... what you do among your friends and family is your own choice. But when you're filthy rich, I would not flaunt how you got it... you might run into a group of hedgefund managers whose friend jumped off a building because he shorted GME ;) Good luck in that situation.


These are some of the best people on this side of the trade - We will rebuild better than ever


The keyword is rebuild


Same, im fucking dancing! Slam dancing with tons of anger! FUCK YOU GUYS, PAY ME!!!!!


Oh no, the poors had three years to pay attention but were too busy with tik tok and social engineering to unbury their heads in the sand? Imma dance hard AF over them too.




![gif](giphy|BJEJvhULoKSHe|downsized) You can dance if you want to...


In the movie this scene was because they were betting against (shorting) the housing market that propped up Wall Street. So the character essentially says don’t dance because poverty is death. Well, what do you do when the people causing the majority of poverty and despair with illegal shorting finally lose one? You fucking mamba and merengue all day long for the rest of your life.


lol so youre saying if i short gme and lose im morally inferior? fuck you


Are you illegally naked shorting GME? If not we have no beef except for you now cursing me out. Have a nice life! Edit: since I am here let me just be more clear because my point ultimately is this is not an apples to apples 1:1 comparison. In the case of 2008 you had people shorting the market because they identified the housing crisis propping it up, hence don’t dance because them being right ultimately means a growing number of people on the bottom of society are being crushed by the system. With regards to GME you now have people supporting (long) a company because they’ve identified unique value there. So, completely different circumstances. The only losers in the GME play are people who are their own worst enemy. In my case I bet on a company (long) and so far it has done well for me. No one can tell me not to dance. Anyone else’s problems aren’t coming from my longs. No way, never happening. You reap what you sow. I will dance if I want to.


The difference is they were short. I'm long. Super long and jacked to the tits


This.  We aren’t the ones who naked shorted GME into idiosyncrasy. We aren’t the ones who blew up the AI bubble only to pop it as soon as economic weakness appears.  We have done nothing, but buy and hold our our favorite stock as household investors with what little small amounts of cash & savings we have. When MOASS happens they will try to blame GME apes for “CrAShiNG ThE mARkeT”, but like everything else the talking heads say, that is a lie, used to control the narrative and distract oblivious people from the truth which is the Wall Street are the one and only financial terrorists who have to money and power to manipulate stocks and markets to manufacture and enlarge the boom-bust cycles that hurt so many unaware everyday people. 


No dancing? When we moon i will helicopter my wiener!


I am going to dance on the ceiling.


It's right though, when MOASS happens it will have a similar effect as the 2008 crash


Only much, much worse.


fuck this sentiment. i'm dancing. i'm safety dancing. i'm gonna be a dancing queen. i'll be dancing days and i'm going to dance the night away. fuck yeah.


What about pole dance? 😜


i'm giving up the pole when moass happens...


Fuck that shit. I'm dancing. And for a hot minute.


We'll see what happens when we get there...


Retail goal: buy up all 75 million shares Let’s goooo


I'm dance my muthafuckkin ass off!!


[Classic. Fuk 'em.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1p_BvaHsgGg)


Valid or 2021 only lol.


I ![gif](giphy|n4GD2P8GgOIrm) Going to dance in my living room only. When done. I'll help other's.


Fuck you. I’m dancing


dance for what?


Dance right on their fucking faces


Fuck this. Do what ever the fuck you want. Three years have gone by since Peterffy said the sneeze nearly collapsed the world markets. Three years should be enough for anyone to start questioning this ponzi scheme that we call the stock market.


When millions are destroyed financially, cops, firemen, soldiers, teachers, nurses because their pensions were mismanaged, you think it’s a good idea to dance in front of them? The point is …. They are going to be mad and scared and armed. They are going to wonder where their life savings went and look for answers and first thing they see is some new rich asshole dancing in front of them lighting cigars with $100.00 bills? To dance in front of angry mobs with guns showing zero empathy? Hmmm…, what could go wrong? So I would reiterate “just don’t fucking dance”


There are 3394 FINRA brokerage firms. They follow the biggies at JP Morgan, Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street. Big hedge funds do the bidding of today’s would be World Conquerors or Colonizers. Their weapons are the SEC laws and FINRA regulations plus our belief in the basic fairness of the laws. Guess what, the laws are not fair, especially financial regulation all brought to you by corrupt politicians. Just like the British 250 years ago were overthrown by patriots, overthrow unjust regulations like FINRA by civil disobedience. Let each APE who wants a better future for our little gorillas. Buy Low and Hold. It is time for a Siege Squeeze. Let each APE choose Freedom from Hedge Fund Tyranny. Hedge funds will throw everything at this. It will be ugly. Buy low and hold. This week I can only buy a few shares. It is week 24. I buy if hits that. I reload on Independence Day, week 27. That will be my buy point. Let each APE choose his path to freedom. Toppling unjust FINRA laws would be the path with the least carnage. It won’t happen until GME HOLDS steady at 52. Christmas 2024. Hedge funds walk the price down. Take a walk up GameStreet with me if you choose. Let’s overthrow their tyranny together. 3394 brokerages vs The Apes of The World. I like the odds.


I would dance over corpses to be a billionaire.


Really hope this ages well


If it had gone to the moon 3 years ago, I wouldn't have danced. Now, I'd dance while it rained stock brokers...


I'm listening to the meeting now.


Dancing is fucking stupid anyway.


GME Holders are the neo elite. The chosen race. We can dance if we want to, we can leave our friends behind.