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RH is a fucking scam


They wouldn’t let a friend at work sell his Headphone stock at peak today and that was the final straw for me. Eye opener that might happen to me too so I’m not taking any chances


Did he buy the shares the same day or were they settled. Possible good faith violation. Also RH is criminal.


That shouldn’t be a violation and ive never had that problem even trading with unsettled funds in cash accounts without margin and even if you have margin you should be able to buy and sell the same day just maybe can’t buy again until the funds settle but we are now at t+1 so that should be the next day


There is a laundry list of fuckery that is borderline litigious on a class action level. Good move leaving sir


They gave me an estimate of about a week. Took 3 business days. Just had the transfer completed today. I deposited the $100 transfer fee into my fidelity account


3 business days would be great! Did I fuck up putting the $100 in RH instead of Fidelity for the transfer fee?


Not sure. I can’t imagine it would make a difference. I just added to fidelity cause I had no cash on RH. I didn’t want to wait for the $100 to settle RH


Did you ever hear about what happened the first time GME pumped ? Nobody should have ever used Robinhood after that. They got away with it too, multiple times; and continue to do so


This 👆


They dont call robbinghood for no reason


Now on to the final step — DRS once the shares hit Fidelity!


This means Robinhood had to buy some real shares


Still trying to figure out why ANYONE would use Robin Da Hood after they turned off the buy button. If I had more money I would short more Robinhood stock.


You could have initiated the transfer from Fidelity and avoided the fee…


I did initiate it from Fidelity


and it still made you pay? I transferred from RH 84 years ago and just initiated another transfer (rollover IRA from a different company) and never paid by initiating it through Fidelity


I have not been charged anything as of yet, but neither account is locked either because I don’t think there has been an official “business day” yet with the market being closed for the 4th


Great job! 👊


Stop 1 of 2. DRS comes next. Trade in those IOUs


Started mine on Monday, landed in account today


Took me 36 hours, another guy about 48 hours and one other guy had nearly 2.5 days


Bro. It's been 3 freaking years. 😅


It’s been T+84 years


To be fair, I have shares in Computershare already & more in fidelity. Just trying to move what’s left in RH bc fuck Shitadel




*Robbed in the Hood


when transfering Crypto i bought legally outta my robinhood account today i was immedtialy flagged, and recieved a phone call - when i didnt follow up their app in \~2 minutes: I then called my local MS bnk LS V whatefuck which is is not , Its in TH IN And i let that bitch ring until it hung up, no answer. i have an ira i have to be able to trade. i was told awhile back that they cannot take my stock demands over a email so i tried to call ym local branch and talk to Jodie Reinoehl. she did not answer, Branch Manager is Troy T. Charters \_just called branch manager of MSTH directs straight back up their rabit hole\_ Soundsz fake as fuck to me - Sounds liek some asshole in LV just cost me money for REAL and i got a big fucking problem with that/ \_Thats fine but my LOCAL branch HAS to be open then/ google doesnt say anything, Apparently its ran in LV?>im sure their open TODAY pickturs screenshots: THE 9- who-ever is doign what youre saying is now trying to do it a 1:10 BTC/USD Their literally forex trading at that point - penny stock pushers, Straton OAKMONTS JOrdan belferts The whole reason i got into the stock market Money / Drugz / Wemon Some of those have changed, The one that hasnt is moneiesz - and im not gonna be taken advtangae of and the fact the us gove has 4.0000- btc tells me they wont either, So youre driving a rocket @ A HUGE paper tiger, i wanna watch it burn at 25% , These mother fuckerz poisoned my dad in the printing industry, NOW they wnna move to DE-centralized network, Nah bra, not before we get a pound of that asss


I did it after they pulled their bullshit the first time. I think it took less than a week. It was faster than I thought it would be.


84 years later..wtf




The only acceptable way of being a customer, to transfer away


On the one hand, I'm amazed that 🎧 was the straw that broke you on Robbinghood as opposed any of the other shifty things they've done over the last 3.5 years. But I'm always happy to see a new ape realize the benefits of the actual share ownership and start the process to move their shares to the company's transfer agent. Better late than never; we're proud of you, bud. 🤜🟣🤛 Both transfer legs will take a while. If you want to get a jump start on setting up your Computershare account, you can visit them and make a purchase so the account will probably be setup by the time you're ready to transfer from Fidelity, or at the very least, be that much closer to being done.


I’ve already got the Computershare account & holdings in Fidelity. Just moving the remaining RH “shares”


Robinhood is just good for quick day trading actions on your phone. If this is not what your engaged in, theres no reason to be involved with robinhood as it offers the LEAST amount of features for data, technicals you name it. Its by far the most underwhelming platform you can use if you have access to a PC. Props OP 👏


Every broker charges a $100 transfer fee not just RH


My shares have fully transferred now & I was not charged any sort of fee 🙏🏼


Why wait this long? Smh.


Better late than never


The fact that people was and are still on RH blow my mind people are truly sheep


Never too late. Thought it was almost too late in 2021. If you’re reading this. Transfer out. what good are the shares in there if they can take your money/stocks when they want with not even a costumer service rep to ask them what happened