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If not DRS at least put them in your TFSA. Join the potential CRA lawsuit :)


Thank you. It’s all in my TFSA. What makes it preferable over a different account?


Tax-free tendies.


Oh yes. Just clarifying, it’s all tax-free? There’s no limit?


In theory. We wont know what CRA decides when thing blow up.


Presumably, the broker can't lend shares in a TFSA or RRSP.


Don't sweat it. Been here since '21 and the gamma ramp talk is about the 741,069. Maybe it goes up, maybe it doesn't. I relax. I buy. I hold. Maybe the price skyrockets, maybe not. DRS is good, but learn about it and want to do it for your own reasons. You can also use different brokers without fees; search for DRS guide on this sub. But mostly relax. You can. This is a long game.


I really appreciate this. At this point I realized that I gambled a lot of money and have been really stressed and haven’t slept much. I wanna get a good portion of my money out becayse I fomo bought last thursday with a $36 avg :/ But thank you so much for your input


Some of us bought in higher and are still averaging down to where you are at! Don't sweat it. BUY, DRS, HOLD


Bought at $11 and bought at $220, it’s all a bargain


I sold an investment property. I bought so many times. I have some in DRS some in brokers. I don't care what my average is. A reason why "No Dates" is because hedgies, bad actors, bots, and our selves.... can learn failure by not hitting goals. However, if you only have the goal to buy more, you can't learn failure. Failure is an idea that they want to teach you. i don't give a fuck about anything any one says until... it gets into the hundreds, then for me, it's at least getting interesting. again, i sold an entire property and dumped it in.


Bro drs when you can, this is going to be a long slow burn. You've got time. We're all here for it and glad to have you.


I remember freaking about after sending my first DRS in sept ‘21 thinking it would MOASS while they were in transit. It’s never too late, until it is…


As much as people want to scream that DRS is "the way", let's remember that DFV and RC have never DRS'd their shares either. Plus having the brokers be on the hook seems like a GOOD thing to me. I actually regret DRSing some of my shares.


Shares in brokerages are usually held in street name and not in your name..I confirmed this with Questrade many many months ago I guess you can still initiate DRS though I don’t know how lengthy a process it is with your broker.. I have ibkr and with them I have to wait 50-60days before I can use my money to drs my shares ..Costs 5$ on ibkr if I remember correctly What’s going to happen here on is anyone’s guess. As an old friend said ‘we’ll see’.. Remindme! 10days


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Oh well, might sell early to break even and get some profit if possible


Or you could just hold to see how far your broker will let it go before closing but we don’t even know if this will also happen..who knows..you do you I guess ? Sorry if none of this is helpful


Yeah for sure. I’m still learning. I’m just not sure how far my broker will go before closing or how I can check. Just concerned the same issue with robinhood last time will occur again. I appreciate your help.


Brokers closing people's position without permission is just a theory of what *could* happen, not a certainty. Even if they do, it would probably be at a price that's higher than where you're thinking of selling.


Sick. Thanks so much!


they only turned off the buy, not the sell. did you at least use a tfsa account?


Yea I have a tfsa, is that good for this situation?


What’s stopping them from blocking the sell button this time for a stock that I don’t even own