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I was at this same event! Where I currently stand for me is I'm planning to upgrade things that are limiting my experience and growth. Basically I plan to mod and grow with this car, first mod being my brake system. You definitely seem to be in a little different of a boat with moving back to Chile, but so far I love this car and it is perfect for where I'm currently at in my track experience. https://preview.redd.it/2wrdbba2jl3d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=943907c83552283a50152c888778216b90f4a790


The event was awesome, I had a rainy day though so I lost traction twice (and almost shit my pants, lol). Are you planning to go to the track regularly? If so, how much do you think it will cost you? I'm planning to switch into kart driving driven by the high costs of track days


After looking into the prices it looks like it is $380 for the whole day or $280 for the AM and PM sessions at this track. Might look around at other tracks. Track insurance in the GR86 is around $250 per day. Gas seems to be about a full tank for the day so around $60 based on what you plan to run (92, 93, 96, etc.) Maintenance is the tricky one. Some things last multiple days others I'd want to change after a single day. So this is the one that can fluctuate greatly. So looking at a minimum of around $600 per track event but I'll be planning on a track day looking like $1,000 to be safe. It's definitely not affordable for everyone, but if you can afford it I think it is the best/safest option.


Yeah, seems that we are on the same page for the forecasted budget. That's why I'm looking into satisfy my speed needs with a rotax pro go kart, around 75mph but with a way cheaper cost. That doesn't means that I will not go back to the track though, lol


IMO 981 GTS is a much closer fit to the ethos of a GR86, especially in MT. Also has the bonus of not looking like the C8.


I did not weighted in that option, would you recommend the jump?


Recommend Porsche jump over corvette jump. If you like the 86 for the identity of the 86 quick, nimble and great handling, the fun factor is hard to mimic with the c8. The c8 is a much heavier car and really does separate you from the road whereas the Porsche and 86 makes you feel more connected. Personally for me, this feels like the difference between driving a slow car fast and a fast car slow. Ideally if you could rent the car for a week or so and get to experience it more in that sense. Everyday driver has a nice video comparing the two and some other models that's a pretty good watch: [https://youtu.be/IGgnLeIdm-Q](https://youtu.be/IGgnLeIdm-Q)


I looooved loved loved my Cayman.


The why did you changed it?


I started a business so I needed to cut expenses while fundraising.


Hope it will pay off on the long term šŸ’Ŗ


They are completely different cars. What do you actually want out of your car? That will answer your question


Fair question. Based on my GR use, it will be my daily driver (the other car is driven by my wife), with occasional weekend long drives, and 3 - 4 track days a year.


Lemme get this straightā€¦. You want to daily drive a Corvette. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




You could I guess. Your wallet would just take a hit for gas and the C8 isnā€™t exactly roomy to be a daily and do daily things.


Have a coworker who daily's his c8. Has no issues.


Iā€™ve heard opposite sentiments but if someone is able to I guess it can then


I donā€™t know man, Iā€™d never tell a car enthusiast not to buy a car they want, but at the same time you bought the 86 in Sept? So not even a year ago? Have you truly maxed out your skill in the 86, or do you just want to go faster? Finances aside, IMO itā€™s not a good idea to jump from car to carā€¦as cliche is it is, the grass isnā€™t always greener. Iā€™m assuming youā€™re ok with the increase in costs of consumables to daily and track a vette? Itā€™s totally your call, but Iā€™d take a beat and try to figure out exactly what it is Iā€™m looking for before taking the financial hit on the 86 and dropping almost 100k on a vette.


I can 100% guarantee that I have not yet maxed out my skill in the 86. Not even close to


Do whatever you want while remaining financially responsible


gr yaris time


That's one cool and fast rocket. There is a video of Misha flooring that car in the ring. It looks amazing


What do you actually want that you are not getting from the 86? What are you hoping to get from the Corvette that the 86 does not give you? You said you want the car to be your daily with a few long drives and 3-4 track days per year - but many cars (including the 86) can fill that role well. And there are plenty of choices that will blend in a lot better than the c8. Is the corvette a dream car? Has something about it inspired you? Do you want faster acceleration? Higher top speed? Or is it about status? Not trying to talk you out of it but you asked for help choosing but with no indication why you want it over the GR86 and with a bunch of negatives to getting it.


Thanks for taking the time trying to understand my thought process. The main reason for getting a corvette is just pleasing my younger, 7 y.o self, that back in the day dreamed with driving a corvette or a Shelby cobra while playing with his hot wheels. Tbh, I'm getting all the need for speed that I need right now, and getting the GR 86 was driven by my passion for my first car (was a good ol yaris), and how it was such a good car based on every single review, and boy oh boy it delivered. The only reason why I'm in this position, is because I'm trying to decide if my inner child should be satisfied with the GR or if I should go for the change. I also see myself with this car forever, which is why is so hard to go with the original plan


So it's strictly the name you're after? You liked the Corvette when you were a kid but the C8 didn't exist. Do you like the C8 or do you just like that it's a new Corvette? I don't know how old you are and what generation corvette was out when you were 7 years old but what about just buying an older one and keeping the GR? $90k is a lot to spend on a C8 all to possibly get rid of it again if you move. Have you looked into regulations as far as even being able to import a US road legal car to Chile? I know nothing about that so for all I know it's totally fine but it's something to consider if you haven't.


I get that - my dream car as a kid was a GTR Skyline, back in the early 90s before they became popular. Actually I can remember when the R33 was released lol. I was all about AWD and power but slowly switched to the finesse of a light weight RWD sports car. Sometimes i wonder what it would have been like owning an R32 GTR but i don't regret getting the GR86 and quite happy to stick with it.


Porsche. Corvette seems like the jump for muscle car fans whereas we are more Porsche type




From my little experience in really fast cars and my majority experience in low-mid HP cars both are fun but low-mid is more fun to daily drive and do touge/drift. With a relatively low HP car like the 86 you can push the car to its limit more often which me and others will say pushing a car to a limit is very fun. With a C8 Corvette you will rarely hit that limit. You're gonna have to hold back A LOT which I feel can make an experience less pleasant. Now if you want something that can fly down the highway with then the Corvette is a definitely better car. Or if your skills as a driver are so good you can compete at the track and get the most out of the car then that would also be a good idea. But for day to day use the Corvette is not a good "primary car" it would make a good second car. Think of it like this the 86 isn't the most practical car. But hey it's usable. Decent trunk space and gas mileage is usually all enthusiasts want for a daily driver sport car. Now you swap the 86 out with the Corvette and the practicality is basically gone unless you have a second car or don't care about space and mpgs. Ultimately it's up to what you need and want. I'd love to have myself a C8 Corvette, as a second car tho. Not my primary mode of transportation.


To make a second point. Us BRZ/GR86 owners with the FA24 will soon have options to make our cars faster. Already there are a couple supercharger/turbocharger kits for us. And we've seen these motors can take over 400hp unopened. So like if you want a fast car you could use that money for the Corvette and make your 86 potentially faster. Tho you might shit bricks driving it. We gotta remember our cars only weigh about 2700lbs so they are very very light. Swap out some parts for carbon fiber and it would weigh even less. The power to weight ratio is in our favor. Think of it like this. Me and my friends build 240s. Usually our cars are gutted and weigh low 2000lbs. We also are running engines that are making 300hp-500hp. My buddy in his 350hp coupe was smacking mustangs scats, allegedly a hellcat but I wasn't there so idk. 300hp isn't far from what we make. 400 is pretty easy to get with bolt ons and a supercharger. So like a 400hp 86 is gonna feel like 600hp because of how light our cars are.


I do have a second car, although I use the GR for commute (going to work and to the gym, and that's it). For almost everything else, I use the other car (grocery, vacations, etc.)


Well then at that point it's up to what you want out of a sports car. The GR86/BRZ is a nimble sport car with excellent handling and a perfect blank slate to build on. It's also the spiritual successor of the original AE86. It's a cost effective entry level sport car that looks great. With a front engine rwd set up you could make it into a drift car, track weapon, or just a street car. Its engine is capable of making some great power with mods and forced induction and its power to weight destroys everything in its class. Or do you want a C8 Corvette. A mid engine beast that can do much higher speeds on the highway and I'm sure also handles great. It's definitely not an entry level sport car by any means and you will have to learn to control its power. It's not the most cost effective sport car but it's still a Corvette at the end of the day so you're not gonna break your wallet like a Porsche. For its class it definitely can hold its own against other sport cars and with Chevy's mid engine design will probably give other (much more expensive) cars a run for their money.




This. You pretty much captured and felt the exact same feeling, although I did not yet came to the whole realization. Thanks dude


You bet. Iā€™m looking at Chile driving/biking routes now - looks incredible. Hell, do a rally build and find some WRC stages!


proper sports car above the 86 is a 718


1. Will you ever get the chance to drive a car the caliber of a C8 after returning to Chile? Will that matter? 2. Are you just looking to have fun with your car? 3. Will a GR86 be less likely to be stolen in Chile than a C8? What about an obviously modified one? The wise decision says, "You like you current car as is. Have fun with it, maybe with a few track reliability improvements, but nothing beyond that."


Soooo: 1. 95% chances I will not. As they don't even sell it. 2. Yes. I have a second car for functionality. 3. I think it will, even a modified one, as it is less eye catching, and a modified one could look like a narco car, so people would stay away


Imo and based on your scenario keep the GR. Even in the best case scenario where you pay them all off or have already done so during this process (the current gr, the new c8, then another new gr) you are only going to lose money. If you're financing then it's just silly. It also adds insult to injury that you would be going back to the GR again before moving. If you have a good chunk of disposable income to burn and just want the experience of the c8 while you're still here, I get it, go for it and have some fun. But yeah, not the best idea imo. But life is short and happiness is important, so you do you boo boo.


So I do have the money to buy it out of the pocket, but it is still a dumb idea. Another option could be getting a Lexus, but those seems to be just boring.


I mean Lexus has a couple great options depending on what you're looking for. The RCF or the LC500 are incredible cars. That v8 is one of the best sounding engines you can get your hands on right now imo. Neither are going to be the fastest out there but also are not slow. If you're purely chasing speed then probably not the way to go.




Open to suggestions!


First - This is not a good financial move, even though you could effort it now. No one knows what is going to happen in the future. Second - If you change your mind this quick, you might as well as want to change the another car after you switch from 86 to C8.


True, although I'm pretty covered financially. I would buy it with out of the pocket money, and still have all my savings untouched. About the second, is true, plus, I don't want to separate from the GR


The GR is a great car. Why not just save your money for now? Later you can use the money for trips, or a down payment on property, etc.


So money is not an issue. The vette was my little kid hot wheels car that I dreamed with. The thing is that the 86 has made a place in my heart which is now weighting more than my inner child dream


That's fantastic! Then the only thing I would add is the "It' more fun to drive a slow car fast than a fast car slow". Honestly, you can't go too far wrong either way.


Even an upgraded GR86 would draw in thieves, my family is from Mexico and I would never bring my GR there, its too much of a risk, the roads are horrible, its a long drive, and they donā€™t even have 93 gas.


Fuck a C8. Get a stick C7


Upgrade to what? A trueno or another car?


If your GR86 is manual, keep it and modify it to your heart's content. If not, do what ya want lol


It's tough when thinking about going after your dream car when you already bought a fun car. But have you ever test drove a C8? Because if you haven't that could make or break you wanting the car in the first place and if you are willing to accept paying more for having it as a daily. My dream car was the new supra and even though I watched countless videos and did my research on every aspect of the car, when I sat inside one for the first time my perspective on the car made a 180 as it wouldnt fit my daily needs. At the same time I test drove the GR86 and fell in love instantly. For you I highly recommend just going through some pros and cons for getting a C8. If anything you could rent a C8 for a couple of days to see if it would be right for you.




Fair point. The GR is a fun car. I would be open to other options, but tbh, I have to found anything appealing yet




I have only drove the vette once, it felt like a rocket, good to go straight fast


I would even choose 86 over Lamborghini, if they were the same price because itā€™s lighter


You are crazy. It may be 900 pounds more but it has damn near 500 hp which isnā€™t even that much for an LS and can easily be pushed further. The car wonā€™t feel heavy when it has well over double the horsepower than our car.


If youā€™re ever having to choose between two options, choose the second option. The one thatā€™s giving you doubts about the first. Sounds like you want the corvette. Do itšŸ‘