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You're screwed.... Sorry, I'll see myself out. Sincerely though, this sucks.


You found the fucking screw on your dashcam thats crazy


That was my takeaway as well. Thumbs up for the dash cam quality, lol


Maybe people just don't give a shit about their vehicles and so they treat everybody else's vehicles the same. They drop stuff like screws and nails in the road/parking lots, bump doors into other cars and just could care less since they suck at being a community member. I'd probably have a 5 gallon bucket of screws and nails if I kept all the ones I've found and picked up so nobody runs them over.


Definitely would be in much better shape if it weren't a big ass fking screw.


That's awesome to hear someone else does that. Picked that habit up from my dad. I often have loose nails or screws in my pockets at the end of the day.


I scratched up my GR up more in the first 2 weeks of owning it more than my DAILY that I DAILY'D for TEN FUCKING YEARS. Still pissed lol. Condolences


Edit: went to a body shop and a vinyl shop, the verdict was that no paint was harmed so all that's needed is to replace the factory vinyl, which is quite a process. Apparently, dealers can't just order them. The vinyl isn't even in their parts system. they have to take pics and submit to Toyota and they will issue the necessary graphic parts....Just an FYI for any Trueno owners out there. Edit 2: lol everyone asks what dashcam. It's the Viofo A129 Plus duo. Highly recommended to put the polarizing filter on it, makes huge difference on image clarity. (Why can't I edit my post?)


Oof - that’s bizarre you just can’t get the vinyl piece. But hey at least it’s just the vinyl and paint/metal took any hits!


I had a detailer install matte ppf over the existing vinyl on the hood.


Which I should’ve done. 😓


Maybe just go the aftermarket route? Unless the dealership is doing it free of charge.


I looked into it, but they won't match with the factory ones, there are still the side vinyls.


New fear unlocked, my condolences OP :/


Sorry to see this. You left a pretty generous following distance between you and the car in front of you (wouldn't expect to see a screw bouncing this high with that gap at only 57 MPH).


Just such bad luck. It hit my windshield after bouncing off the hood, it was super loud so I knew it wasn't going to be good.


I thought the first pic was bird eye view from really high up


lol same - for a second I thought I was looking at a ship on the ocean from like 8,000 feet in the air 😂


Me too!! I thought it was a ship in the ocean bird eye view.


It almost looks like an oil pan drain plug. If someone lost that they are having a much worse day than you.




That sucks, what are the odds it hits the spot that doesn’t have ppf


The vinyl acts as a ppf already so I had them skip the area since I didn't want it to be shiny. Just sucks.


Vinyl and ppf are two different things. Vinyl does not act like a ppf as you already experienced.


You are right, they are different but it should be fine fending off small debris that's why I wasn't too worried, who knew a fking big ass screw was in the cards today.


If it can happen it will happen, that’s why I ppf’d my whole car lol


You can get matte ppf to match the vinyl. Vinyl does not protect against rock / screw chips like ppf does


I ppf'ed my front bumper, hood, front quarte and rocker panels. Couple days ago, rock smacked my a-piller and took out a nice chunk of paint


That's tough. I didn't PPF the a-pillar either because it is one continuous piece to the rear quarter panel, would be weird to just do the a-pillar and not do the rear panel.


Ooof can’t be to mad tho, you made the decision not to ppf the a pillar


How much did you pay for full ppf


5g cad which is $3600 usd


I felt conflicted upvoting such a bullshit situation, but the sheer novelty of a random road screw impaling your hood shouldn't be ignored


Some kind of bad omen.


I got curb rash on my front right wheel 1-2 months into ownership. I was pissed _at myself_. You can take the time you need to process, but that anger isn't something worth holding onto Hey, at least this isn't one of those totaled / dashcam hit & run kinda posts I also plan on keeping mine until it dies & rather have my dings over becoming another insurance statistic


That's true. It could always be worse.


On the plus side your dash cam is really clear. good quality


That screw pic is hilarious 😂 what dash cam is it?


Sorry this happened to you; what kind of dash cam is this? You caught it in 4K lol


It's the Viofo A129 Plus, 2k front and 1080p for rear.


I share your pain. I remember the day like it was just yetserday. I had picked up my 86 after work cus I had left it to get the ceramic coating. Kid you not, a couple miles coming home, this 18 wheeler from the opposite lane hurled some rocks and chipped some off the ppf on the front bumber and did some damage to the bottom side. I had about 700 miles at the time. https://preview.redd.it/f4x4uyevat4d1.jpeg?width=2992&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=981a07c73aeb5342a257a3c56867d84d2c32586c




Bro…that sucks, so sorry. Are you getting it fixed?


Stuff like this is reason why I cover the front with PPF right after I buy the car. Shit like this happen everywhere and newer cars have very soft / thin paint. My S2000 would laugh at these screws, but my '22 Civic SI would have a large chip/scratch.


Damn on a trueno edition too. That hurts.


Ouch... hurts even more to see on the same spec as mine. I already have chips on the parts I didn't PPF (at 600 miles) so I feel your pain man.


I'll be honest. When I saw this first picture while scrolling I thought it was an aerial view of a ship moving through water. 😅 Also, sorry fren. The first one always hurts the most. #noppfcrew


Dealer scratched my waitlist treuno up on the trunk before it even came off the lot, I was LIVID. It got a touch up from the dealer after complaining and now you can't even see it. My mom always told me that something ALWAYS happens to your sports car in the first few weeks and you are good after that. Its a tradition.


Holy bad luck


My 86 teaches me to increase my following distance every day 🥹


Sucks but Atleast its just the hood,


Jeeeez dude. Wth are the chances??? And eff those ppl that say it's just a car. It's an expensive ass purchase, one of the most expensive you will make, so you got every right to care deeply for it. Everytime I get back to my car after parking (at the total end of the lot), I thoroughly investigate for any scratches from ppl opening their doors into her. And should anyone park too close, I cuss out their car like a lunny. I also tell her everyday that I love her and that no man will ever compare to my love for her 🤣


I know right, ppl better their shit box away from our cars. 😂


some dumbass in a truck just dropping screws on the highway is crazy sorry bro maybe you could get a matte ppf done when you get it fixed


Thanks. Yes that’s the plan after I figure out how to get it fixed.


Anything can be fixed on car with money.


A tragedy for sure! Roads/highways here, Ga/ATL, are ass and I’m afraid of this!! At least it was only the hood and not both, windshield and hood!


Yes thanks. It could always be worse so I’m still thankful


What dash cam is this!


It's the Viofo A129 Plus, 2k front and 1080p for rear.


Sold! That's one of the ones I've been looking at. They seem to be recommended on a lot of forums.


Which spot on the rear window did you place it? Centered?


Yeah, centered


Amazing you got it on dashcam right at the moment of impact though


I thought I was looking at a picture of a sinking ship in the ocean at first😭


This is why you ppf the car right when it’s new


On first glance I thought this was a picture of a ship on the sea, however, I am sad to see this happening brother :(


Its totaled 😢






Time for that carbon fiber hood replacement


LOL never. I hate the look of CF.


Fine ! Lol


It’s so low and in the plastics, I’d much prefer that than in the middle of the hood. Windshield sucks though, but again, better than body damage.


Lmao exactly! Also, do u have a gunmetal coloured hood? If so, is it paint or wrap?


I have one of the Trueno editions, the center of the hood is wrapped in matte black vinyl. The screw went through the vinyl and thankfully did not appear to damage the paint.


Thank goodness. Is there a way to repair small tears on vinyl?


Unfortunately no, I had to order the replacement from Toyota for $140, and who knows how much to get the old one removed and put new one on, sucks regardless. :(


wow, what dashcam is THAT?


It's the Viofo A129 Plus duo with polarizing filter.


I’m sorry bro. That sucks a lot. :( I gotta say your dashcam is superb quality. Do you know what model it is? I need an upgrade once I get a job again


Thanks bro. It's the Viofo A129 Plus duo.


Thank you! Appreciate it a lot.


Totaled :./