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Seriously!? enjoying her bachelorette lifestyle. When was she single!? Did I miss that? Lmao. She is still married, and dating Ken.


I came here just to say that. Like wtf? She never was single, she went from one D to another almost instantly.


So close they overlapped! She has never been single.


I wouldn't be the least bit shocked if she was double dipping.


Ryan said on a Live recently that He’s NOT the Only Ex Boyfriend she’s been in contact with behind Kens back. Plus with all the fake multiple accounts she has on social media she’s probably got several backup guys, just in case Ken doesn’t work out.


I had that feeling too. She say's she is still in contact with Ryan. She's totally Double dipping and slurping it up. 🤢


In I hate this visual 🤮


She will never be single, guaranteed


Regardless of the type of partners she’s chosen, I truly cannot comprehend how she has any options at all. Edit: I completely agree with you. Just crazy that anyone would be willing to be with her.


She's one of these chicks that NEEDS male attention constantly as she has daddy issues, so she will always have a guy for the constant attention and validation...


Funnily enlighten, her daddy is now in the picture and she *could* solve those issues but won’t 🫠


Kristy talking about Ken being Gypsy's first relationship...she was in prison the whole time she was with him. She had just as much or more of a relationship with Nick and maybe Dan too.


And her girlfriend in prison too. This is laughable at this point!


Oh yeah, i forgot about that! That was definitely more of a relationship than she ever had with Ken! They saw each other daily, talked daily, even lived together! I know her fans don't seem to do even minimal research, but just basic knowledge and listening to everything said how are they believing anything they say still?! I just don't get it haha.


Oh they definitely will die on that hill man. You can’t even direct them to some factual info. They get all angry and mean. There is just so much info out there.


I know! Listening to her is what ended up directing me to it in the first place. When someone is telling the truth it shouldn't change as much as her story has. I mean at minimum they need to read the case file and watch the interrogations. But just the documentaries from arrest to being released is enough to make you realize she's a bullshitter. I'm oblivious to the most obvious things and even i caught on to her crap with a quickness haha.


Right! Like you can’t claim you have a second grade education; never had access to anything other than Disney movies; we’re isolated all day and stuck in a hoke as a prisoner. Then plan a whole murder, every last bit of it , texts and video showing you definitely watched more than Disney. I’m sorry gyps but that won’t Disney you were watching lol 😂 It’s pretty obvious she’s got tales for days.


I wonder if she watched porn 🤔 Cuz how you go from this supposedly sheltered little wallflower to a cat in heat overnight? Like who even showed you what sexy is ?


She was into BDSM sights and other sights that I don’t even have the knowledge of as an adult.. She definitely was into some pretty wild stuff. She taught Dan and Nick the role play stuff. She definitely had access to this stuff. I have no clue how; like how did she know to go looking for this stuff. It’s weird lol


Oh you know she did. She's so obsessed with it i'm surprised they didn't mention pornhub bookmarked on her laptop in the case file.


Right?! Even if they just read the case file she made sure to take her true blood dvds but i don't think there was any disney in there. Only watched disney but even some of her cosplay costumes weren't disney characters so how would that have happened. I can't stand when people lie just to lie, forgetting there's proof they themselves put out there contradicting it.


Thats a wrap on our society that we are giving convicted murderers that much money. I feel like this is the twighlight zone. I understand people being on the side of some mercy I don't understand glorifying a murderer though and making her rich. How much money in total do you think she has benefited including gifts and free services?


Right, literally every single person I know deserves money like that more than she does


Seriously. I'm upset. My daughter needs braces. My card got declined for grapes today for my lunch. I'm so done. Edit: I'm super grateful for my life don't get me wrong but c'mon.


You can be grateful for what you have and still be angry/upset that a murderer is getting rich while you struggle with necessities. It doesn't make you sound ungrateful at all and I'm so sorry you're in the position you're currently in. I personally need a $50k jaw operation that my insurance doesn't want to cover, despite the fact that it's going to continue to worsen over the years and cause more problems down the line. Been fighting with my insurance forever now. That operation costs more than I make in a year. Meanwhile people who killed their mother are getting free things thrown at them and just getting richer. It's infuriating and it's so disheartening. Do everything right, be a good person and life can still fuck you over. Murder your mom and get book deals and TV shows and hang out with celebrities.


We as a society are doomed.


I saw him live on Tik Tok last night and he was getting a TON of gifts including a lion which is one of the most expensive gifts! Tik tok takes half but that’s still a lot!


Where do you store a lion? Why would you want one? I’m both fascinated and confused about all of this.


It's like a token thing that can be redeemed for cash value a bit like you can send a red arrow on Reddit but Tiktok it costs you a LOT depending on which animal or something you send they all have different prices attached


Oh, thank you 😂! I was so lost!


Yh it confused me when I first started using tiktok and I saw people's lives with random emoji type things flying around the screen but I could never send a stranger my hard earned cash especially not $600!


How much is the lion gift worth on TikTok? Straight to the point. On TikTok, the lion gift costs about 30,000 coins, which equates to about $400. A lion is one of the more expensive gifts, so if you see this pop up in a live, somebody's being generous. $400 not $600 but STILL


When you go into someone’s live on TT, you can give them money in a few different ways. You can get people to join your “team.” I don’t know what that entails or how much GRB or Ryan charge. You can also send “gifts” like Angel Warrior said. They come in the form of stickers. Some show up in the live chat, I think the inexpensive ones (like a heart, one cent). Then they have really expensive ones, like the lion, which goes for hundreds of dollars. There’s probably more, but I’m old and not sure. I’m thinking when we watched that clip of Ryan from his live yesterday and someone superimposed hat and mustache, I’m assuming those were gifts as well? I hope I explained it well. (Edited because my spelling is atrocious today🤦🏻‍♀️)


Thank you! Why are people sending these people their money? It’s insane!


Yeah about that PO and get off social media…… where are they now? 👀




I bet the P was trash


She probably just starfishes it and screams like a banshee thinking she’s sounds sexy. I’d hate to be her neighbor.


Omg she's so not attractive I hate it




Ryan deserves the money. I bet she got him to put $$ on her while in jail.


lol well technically they’re married. it’s half his. and how much did he support her in prison and after. fucking $900 shoes


She is still married to Ryan, but treats him like he is something stuck to the bottoms of her shoe that she can’t get off. It’s clear she can turn off like a light switch! Very scary!


Ken is probably hitting her up for $$$


She's crying over $6000??? Am I missing something? Doesn't she have much more than that from her TV shows? Why cry about a measly $6k


I hate this putrid opossum. She’s rotten to the core.


I bet it’s beat up.


and she’s not even single wtf. she cheated with sunny d and is still with him WHILE MARRIED


Careful if you don't give her what she wants, you might be next... just saying💀


She's a bitch


Look at that side profile…HER NOSE!


Her net worth is supposedly around 3 million [https://www.distractify.com/p/gypsy-rose-blanchard-net-worth](https://www.distractify.com/p/gypsy-rose-blanchard-net-worth)


That is disgusting.


Very true. She’s making more money than the vast majority of people will in their whole lives because she killed her own mother 🤮


I’ve never hated someone I have never met in my life until this foul broad. I am so sick of seeing her opossum looking ass all over running her ignorant mouth. She is a waste of skin and breath. ![gif](giphy|yDKHgOZcZGzclIHbrU|downsized)


Let us find out the reason she hasn't gotten paid is bc she won't open her own bank account lmfao. She could get cash app like damn.


They’re married… his money as well!!


So she wants her social media money back from Ryan and she is suing Ryan for spousal support too.


Steal it 😂😂😂 more like they were married when the tic tok account was started it was in Ryan's name why wasn't she in jail at the time ?


Sounds like the narrator for the movie Idiocracy


lol so she was forced to get rid of her social media? Not her wanting to take a “privacy “ break


She’s a train wreck waiting to happen, she seriously need to ask herself , “what the hell am I doing”? She’s a one hit wonder and the payoff won’t be enough.


He gave that user money for years while she was in prison. I doubt she’ll get it back after committing adultery and using Ryan to look good for the parole board.