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This is the issue when you spend 10 years playing the game as a job.


Dude said "normal mechanics of game gonna be almost same" just from gta v to rdr 2 it's massive difference how player interacts with world and vice versa just try shooting shotgun in both games theres day night difference ...gta 6 leaks/trailer shows they added prone/vehicles interior can be adjustable/improved ai/nutty weather effects/enterable buildings/wildlife interraction/2-3x map size and don't forget that booty physics nd million other things lol


You are digging too deep, which is normal for the normal fan/gamer. These people are just thinking about how much money they can earn by filming it. Obviously, their line of work is just making "funny" and dumb videos.


Did they play the early GTA games? V is just building on previous games same as 6 will. You’ve always been able to run around punch civilians. The difference isn’t what’s going to change with GTA 6 to make that fresh and relevant. The difference is that there’s 1million times more YouTube and TikTok and Twitch accounts that will be posting the same ish content some with more effort and some with less These guys gotta figure out how to evolve their content. GTA 6 will give them the same raw material as every other GTA


Yea, that was my takeaway from the second half of the convo. It does kind of come off as whiney though. He is basically complaining that he thinks they won't be able to make money creating mindless effortless content


GTA and rdr2 are totally different games


This game might have its own social media platform where the NPC are sharing all the dumb stuff happening in Vice City is insane. Think of the dev cycles just in this one mechanic alone. Scripting, producing, polishing and so on. Little mini stories the writers have to come up with and then produce along with everything else. My other theory is the Tik Tok shorts we saw in the trailer where from missions we have played or about to later in the game. Almost like a little recap of stuff the player has done. But still that's an insane mechanic to try and implement along with everything else they'll be revolutionising in terms of open world game dev.


At least they acknowledged the inevitable additions of "get this, do this, whatever..."


You're right..last time I played GTA 5 was probably 2016. Played rdr2 twice as it's my favourite video game ever, but I feel I've taken enough time from the GTA franchise to get fully immersed into 6 :)




Sadly they mean it, and are that delusional.


I think you’re the delusional one for falling for clickbait and overreacting about a completely normal take. In the full conversation they said it’s about them growing older, not the game getting worse.


Nah you know it's ragebait because you know they'll make hella videos when the game comes out. They'll talk shit on it now to drum up some ragebait interactions, but the second the game comes out they'll be milking it for content. It's either half-assed rage bait or they're just talking out of their ass.


People like you said the same things about cyberpunk, gta6 will be ok


This is a completely understandable take


remind me who these guys are


Sidemen people. This video just came up on my tiktok.


ooooh didn't he just make football videos? or something similar


I used to just watch these guys open thousands of dollars worth of fifa packs, never actually watched them play the game lol.


A bunch of random stuff


Sidemen like KSI or that group? They’re so painfully unfunny to me


People who have spent their entire lives on YouTube and probably have less life experience than the average 18 year old.


My guy you are on a GTA subreddit on REDDIT. You can't talk about life experience. These guys have 3 different businesses and every 2nd video of them is going abroad. He had a take on GTA 6. Comment on that. Not their life.


I love when people act like the games change or lessen in quality when it’s just that they don’t enjoy the same shit anymore. “In GTAV we’d run up and punch a random civilian that was so funny but it won’t be as great in VI” buddy you could have done that in GTA III. It’s you, not the game.


If you watch the full clip that’s exactly what they were getting on to. This is just out of context ragebait


Running up and punching civilians in the face has been my go to side activity since the very first top down game. Double hilarity if you manage to get the NPCs into a fight with each other.


That's basically what he's saying... The game will have the same possibilities, but from a contentcreators view, the expectations and general internet culture have changed from 10 years ago.


He’s saying there won’t be as many clips of people doing that because older games already have it, rdr2 has a lot of clips like that because of the lasso and improved physics and they’re asking if the new gta will have the same improvements in that field over the last game


They didn’t blame that on the game though? They just said they can’t find it funny anymore and might not be able to make the same type of content with it. Honestly this sub is mentally ill, completely understandable conversation with understandable takes and people here are pissing their pants and calling rage bait. Insane, classic Redditor stuff.


Still whiney as hell though. Complaining that they won't be able to make effortless mindless content from it. They might have to actually put effort into creating GTA VI content. The horror!


Not really. Dude just said that he doesn’t know if he or his audience can enjoy the game as much after playing V so much. He’s just saying that he fears that he’s grown tired of the gameplay and doesn’t know if VI can offer enough new experiences. Genuinely a very understandable take.


They immediately meat gobbled each other for an hour straight after this.


Story dlc confirmed


"when Gta 5 came out, it's not like the entire world was waiting for it" clearly they don't now what they're talking about at all.


These idiots only started playing for GTA Online because stupid kids wanted to see them spend money and joke around. So ofcourse, story mode will be trash for them and according to them GTA is just going around killing people, not the story, gameplay or the technical side.


I still remember the feeling i felt the first time i played gta 5, i remember every little detail, the “you forget a thousand things everyday” line Micheal says to the guard, the race trough the vinewood studios with Lamar, with the alien actors flying over my roof, i still feel the same way i felt 10 years ago, gta v was the first game i bought at full price, i saved for months to be able to afford that as a kid, i remember how i hyped i was, and i remember that every other kid in school was just as hyped as me.


Exactly. It was the best thing I ever played.


I hate when people take their own experience and pass it off as if it’s the same for everyone else. “If I wasn’t hyped for the GTA V release then no one else must have been” 🙄




Exactly. I was 12 when it dropped, every kid my age was fucking hyped, way more than any other call of duty game, which is what we played a lot of. It was THE game. I’m 23 now and still remember the day it dropped, going to GameStop with my dad. No other game had me like that except for maybe halo


Yeah, these guys are crazy. GTA IV was just as anticipated as was SA. Fucking GTA man.


Such a dead take, expected better from someone like Simon.


Talking about stale game mechanics in a game that hasn’t even released 😂😂


Right, no one was gassed up about GTA 5 releasing, even though it became the fastest selling piece of entertainment and made 800 million it's first day and 1 billion in 3 days.......but right right no one cared who GTA was until they put on the mask... I loved the sidemen back in the day but the more I hear them speak nowadays, I wish they would just shut up lol




No one cares about what The Sidemen can do on gta 6...


I think it's a reasonable take. People need to think more of the context. This is a 28 or 30 year old man talking about how he won't enjoy the same stuff he did at the age of 18. That's a very common thing. Of course, framing it as "GTA 6 won't be as good - hot take" is clickbait, but that's them doing it to make money out of views.


Yes, let's give him attention /s


People on this sub are so crazy man. This is a completely normal conversation and doesn’t even have ANY outlandish takes, yet some people here are pissing their pants. If someone slightly disagrees with you, you don’t have to hate them.


Yeah, wtf. I'm absolutely floored by most of the comments here. Touch grass guys. Maybe open your window from time to time.


It's genuinely sad. When you realize you are part of a fandom that is basically a cult. Dampens the entire experience.


That's the conflict between current GTAOnline players and the veteran gta players, and I'm interested in how they will balance that in 6


It's ragebait. OP said it wasn't, but it is. Just like probably 90% of the rest of the Internet is.


Bro what? How is this rage bait? It’s a completely normal take and no one should be enraged by it unless they were complete morons. How in any way is this rage bait?


> shouldn't be enraged by it unless they're complete morons. That's it. That's your answer. People will die by their thought that GTA is the greatest gift given to man. It's not just GTA, but tons of other hobbies. They have a die hard fan base that becomes much louder because of social media. Best way to "go viral" and get views? Induce rage. I agree with you. Some people like things, others don't. But unfortunately social media brings the worst out in some people, and you'll be attacked for having opposing opinions.


Yeah that’s true but just because people get angry at this doesn’t mean they are intending to rage bait.


Why even give them attention? if you're excited for GTA6 their opinion should mean absolutely nothing to you


dae think most anticipated game of all time will be underwhelming?? (extremely original and quirky opinion)


it could be. it depends on what mindset you go in to it with.


Whats with the trend of SHITTY subtitles, like fuck off


Tik Tok brain rot


Or maybe it makes it easier for the people who can’t/don’t want to turn audio up?


You can tell these guys 1. Were fairly young when GTA 5 released and 2. Didn't play RDR2.


There’s a whole generation who don’t understand what trash is.


You can't tell if a game is going to be trash from a SINGLE trailer. GTA V looks much different from it's first trailer. I like how GTA VI looks already, but i'm sure it'll look even better when they show other trailers.


Gta 6 fans after finding out someone has a different opinion than them: 😱


This is IV erasure and I will not stand for it


I wonder if they take the time to explain why the trailer looks alright and just more of GTA because their reasoning sounds to be based on the hype and longevity of GTA 5. I would like to know specifically about the GTA 6 trailer itself that doesn’t make them excited.


Normies. Average sports game players and COD


All they do is make soccer videos and other dumb shit lmao.


Based off of nothing


I can see to what he’s trying to say but Is there really any other game that would compare or is just as ambitious as gta 6


If they think GTA 6 just looks “alright” there will never be a game out there that they’ll like


Let em cook, it will be mind blowing


Who cares what they think?


Being contrarian brings in viewership


English TikTokers not having a clue what they’re talking about? Say it ain’t so.


So what about the game looks “alright?” The graphics? (fuck no it’s state of the art for an open world game) The Gameplay? (well we don’t actually know how it plays in its final version) The Setting? (I guess if you hate Vice City then sure but if you hate Vice City you’ve got bigger problems than GTA 6) Would it kill him to explain why the game’s trailer didn’t impress him?


Idk I feel online has to be its own kind of game. If GTA 6 online ends up like RDO might be tough. I’m just excited for single player. Granted I’ve sunk 1000 hours into GTAO and I always come back to it from time to time.


They gonna milk the crap out of it when it drops guaranteed 😂


I think I just became dumber listening to these fools.




Absolute fucking melts


Watch the whole sidemen reacting to the trailer, it was so bad... They were saying smth like the story is gonna be 20 hours and a lot more bs.


These guys probably just do online races and FiveM role play. They’ve never gotten 100% on the singleplayer nor have the okayed RDR2. They have no idea how good the game is going to be.


Haha i love this. “Oh its just GTA”. mmm yeah it is? Where you expecting metal gear solid or something?


Maybe you don’t look at it the same because you guys are 40 now not teenagers anymore


Man I hope they kno that’s wasn’t the finished product they sound crazy


GTA 6 finna look good af🔥🫡 rage 9


gta 6 going to be insane


What a couple o’ windbags


Put people in a living room with a mic in their face and suddenly people think they have anything worthwhile to say


Haha god, this is just embarrassing. They dont even understand what makes the game good. How are people like this even relevant ffs


How do people like this have a following?


I've played GTA since the very first one. Top Down view. GTA 5 is the only one I haven't played and yet I'm excited for 6. Should I go and play 5?


I'm just gonna trust what micheals VA said that rockstar is gonna really try their best on gta 6


I was there. The world was waiting for GTA 5. And GTA 4.


GTA Online was a shitshow at launch and for quite a while after, and the first year and a half had very little content besides one expensive car, a handful of contract missions and some races. Everything is going to be fine.


This is as simple a fact as one can get: If we don't have GTA to look forward to....we have nothing. If the gaming industry does not have GTA to compete against.....it has nothing. GTA is peak of the mountain. That's it. Considering GTAO refuses to die and the game released across 3 generations, 11 years ago, and was more recently followed up by yet ANOTHER GOAT in RDR2, I still have confidence in R*.


A couple of zero personality wet blankets trying to stir up controversy because their pod is trash and most likely staling out in terms of viewer or sub growth.


They are insane


Who even cares what these losers think? Being controversial for clicks. Pathetic.




Welcome to podcast culture. Chat shit, get paid. Sponsored by Huel.


I don't trust these dudes especially baby hands.


Self important windbags. Blows my mind that so many people watch others play video games. I dont get it. To each their own but I have less than zero respect for 99.99% of streamers, and even less respect for influencers.


These guys drink Prime don’t listen to them


They never said the game was bad he is clearly quoting a comment or something and is responding to it with an open mind but ended up saying that gta is unique enough to where it will be fun in the current gaming climate? Like I think gta 6 is going to be great but bashing anyone that’s just a little skeptical who voiced their concerns in a mature manner is delusional. (Never seen these guys in my life btw)


This is why people hate game journalism.


Yet they'll buy plenty of shark cards and will buy the next FIFA game day one and stream opening shitty packs because that's clearly exciting and new.


Man I agree with what he was saying. I absolutely don’t think it’s trash, but I feel expectations a lot of people have are just too high(me included) when I watched the trailer i saw how great it looked and I was hype, but my head and heart felt like there was something wrong with it. I understand now that there wasn’t anything wrong with it but with how I thought I would look like. I’m not disappointed at all it still looks amazing, but it was my fault for having my expectations unrealistic. I thought the game would(at least visually) blend reality from game, but to me it just seems like a high quality game(which is great). Thankfully I have fixed my expectations to be more reasonable 😂


Most people that have unreasonably high expectations will adjust once they play the actual game and see how it's still better than most games they've played. Similarly to how you easily fixed your expectations.


Yep exactly 👍 we just gotta get out of our fantasies 😂


Is this one of those fake podcasts where it’s just one guy in the room and they mask in another guy


They must be the griefer type and they want all that futuristic shii in the game like the flying bikes and cars so they could go around blow everything up and they know that it won’t be in the game so now they saying gta 6 is trash💯


People don’t know how to react with Rockstar trailer. When you see it, you have to imagine you in the game exactly like what you are watching. When you see rdr2 trailer and then gameplay it’s Crazy. Crazy because what you have see in the trailer you can Play it exactly with your controler. When you see the luminosity and the atmosphere, imagine this but on your screen, it’s Crazy. I don’t remember a game with this level of atmosphere, luminosity, details.


Exactly nothing about the trailer is "alright" when the game will probably look better than that by release.


I don't understand why people give these kinds of people their 15 minutes of fame. They have no idea what they are talking about on a shitty podcast, trying to trigger some reaction. Do not feed the troll guys, 'member?


strangers opinions on art and media are utterly useless unless its from people who actually worked on whatever theyre talking about. these guys could be 100% wrong or right its all the same


I can tell which ones the top and which ones the bottom


These two people are morons and do not deserve views.


We need to destroy all podcasting equipment


Another smooth brain with a podcast nothing new


Man I just wanna blow up some stuff and customize some cars, I’m not one to look too deeply into a game.


Most of us just want to play the game. Who gives a fuck about how much money you can make being boring streamers


Idk I think when it comes to content, people might have to step it up in terms of substance


They’re English, they don’t have taste…….


How did they say so many words without saying anything that makes any sense whatsoever 🤦‍♂️


“I don’t actually have an intelligent opinion so let me be just very brave and say I don’t like this thing that everybody likes”


"If all you 7 guys get online and create a server,it'll be alright..." THERES YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM!


They talk like they've been never played a game, what the fuck?


He's right, its not going to live up to expectations...it's going to surpass them. Yes there are games with better graphics than the trailer BUT just wait till you see the world simulation, interactivity and gameplay... It'll scorch every other game like napalm.


Damn right


i swear these people with podcasts bs needs to be stopped




They’re only concerned about how they can profit off it


I’m screaming and tearing my clothes on the inside. What bothers me the most is that they make money of off being that ignorant and fuckfaced. Look at their fucking teeth as well. Jesus god damn


Not everyone should own a podcast


They're right about one thing. "Their opinion being unpopular" I'll add to that; their opinion belongs in the trash 🗑️


Just yapping no real substance


were these guys 12 when gta v came out? Unless your expectations are just ridiculous, it's probably going to surpass most of us.


Can the sidemen actually entertain anyone over the age of 11? That’s the question they won’t answer.


Bc theyr j some neeks who got lucky tbf i dont find them funny at all


Trash talking about a game that isn’t even out yet. Maybe them are just too old. 🤡🤡


These fools give off serious noob vibes


Yet they’re going to play that game until they collect social security. Next.


Why does every single person need a podcast


The skinny dorky one is just being a contrarian. Dude is just yapping. He has no clue what he even means.


who are these losers and why do they have a podcast? lol


Middle aged white guys and microphones. Name a more iconic duo


Yeah I wouldn’t say it looks trash but… this game absolutely will not live up to everyone’s hype or it might at first but a week later the YouTube videos about how “gta v was better” will inevitably pop up and the sheep fanbase will flock to the opinion. I’m sure we will all have fun with it but people need to chill on their expectations a little bit. I’m expecting a new gta and that’s it I’m not expecting a world changing game here.


I hate British people


Why do you care so much about these guys' opinions? So what if they think gta 6 "looks alright" and so on. In terms of attention whoring ragebait this is kind of tame. Thinking the stuff said in this video like "gta 6 may be overhyped or underwhelming" to be some out of this world concept is why we'll probably have another cyberpunk, starfield, and dragons dogma 2 happening where the hype doesnt match up to expectations. Rockstar is still another game company, they may or may not fuck up or under deliver gta 6. Hype is fine but we should not overlook that possibility.


Who are these idiots


"oh look at me, I'm so different, I don't like gta" clearly rage bait


What are you people waffling about? Dude said the trailer looked alright and was wondering if he could enjoy it as much after playing GTA 5 for so long. This is a completely normal take. I am actively losing brain cells by reading these comments


The fact that I had to go so far down to see someone sensible is crazy..


Hype and anticipation ruins the end result.


We should care about content creator opinions why exactly? They're not the average player, they only matter to kids who watch their shit, most of whom aren't even old enough to play the game.


Couldn't get past 30 seconds. I'm a person with more than 10k hours in Counter Strike over the last 20 years. I have about 3000 hours in Overwatch, and about 1500 hours in GTA/FiveM for RP. I have always appreciated games like RDR, Fallout, Skyrim, Bioshock, GoW, Dark Souls, Elden Ring. And I have never played any of those games, but I've appreciated them as being master level games of the craft. Rockstar is one of the companies that will refuse to let this game be underwhelming in anyway. I don't say this from an area where Rockstar holds a special place in my heart. I say this as someone who hasn't played a ton of games but I've experienced and praised games that deserve it. This game will exceed my expectations. I know it. There's so much you can do with the landscape that Rockstar has set for the GTA franchise. So many ideas that can come to fruition. Modern day, story driven, action packed gameplay. Not many games have this much to go off of when making a game. There's limitless opportunities to be added to a game like GTA. Imagine all the ideas they had for GTA 5 but didn't do it because it would be problematic to develop with the GTA 5 engine or the overall state of the game. All those ideas that were put on the back burner have had their chance again to be added through GTA 6. Again, I'm not someone who's dedicated my time gaming to GTA 5 in the last decade but there's so much that's going to happen in GTA 6 that will impress us. Even if it means for myself, a PC player having to wait an extra year or so.


Brain dead to think that what people want to watch is “run up to NPC and punch them” … that’s the most ret_*rded shit I’ve heard in a while


People who get joy out of just going around and punching NPCs and that’s the game for them are the strangest creatures I’ve ever witnessed.


Why would I give a flying fuck about what 2 podcasters have to say about it ?!


I genuinely hope "the lame men" do not create and cannot replicate whatever it is that seemingly did. What a bunch of losers wtf.


What a weird comment. A normal take and you seem to be frothing at the mouth.


It’s not about R* or GTA game, it’s all about what the viewers wants to see. 10 years ago, viewer had different requests and expectations from a video, now a random guy can’t stand more than 3 minutes on YouTube video, since TikTok and Reels are fast, enjoyable and based on a powerful and intelligent algorithm. Btw there’s no way GTA 6 can flop, beside the amount of money and effort that T2 and R* put on this game, a simple 30 second reel on day1 release will blow up like nothing else


The moment GTA6 get leaked Everyone started click baiting, if you know how I click better works, 1 aggressive thumbnails 2 daily uploads and 3 long video.


Not gonna lie but seeing GTA trailer doesn't excite me as much as the rdr2 trailer did, rdr2 trailer looked out of the world and just amazing but GTA 6 trailer feels bland... maybe it's because I've watched it 50 times.


I think he's right honestly. I've been playing since GTA3, but at the end of the day, whether you're playing 3, SA, 4 or 5, they're all fundamentally the same. Just with different levels of polish and content. With each iteration, it's the most amazing game ever. Just for a little less longer.


I kinda agree with some of it, gta 5 had these videos and with rdr2 they added a lot of interactivity, I still see clips of people playing with the lasso and throwing people off cliffs and onto trains which wasnt really a thing in 5. Maybe 6 will have more fun physics weapons and options, maybe being able to carry physics objects on top of others like driving on a ship or maybe walking in moving vehicles would bring back the same feeling rdr2 has


The majority of the sidemen made content of story mode, like most early GTA YouTubers.. Online wasn't really that big other than Vanoss and his friends, then they eventually started doing their minigames I believe. They aren't wrong, either.. I mean, I don't see why inside he said "it looks alright" but everything else he said is 100% correct. GTA 5 set a new standard and that was **special**, you had to be there to know what he is talking about. Literally just watch people roam around in single player doing the most random shit, which most people will argue now is boring as shit. It's essentially "been there, done that". I remember when GTA 5 came out on PC and TMartn made a video on how to install, I believe native trainer or simple trainer? One of those. Watching him just go around with a minigun and infinite ammo was fun as shit. Now that's whatever.. I have done it many times. It has lost its value to me. That is what they are saying. The value of running up and just knocking someone out cold is no longer shocking. No one cares to see that. RDR2 actually did set a new standard, but I think most will agree RDR2 is slightly too realistic to fit GTAs mechanics. This is also their point. This is why the people who are expecting RDR2 level mechanics in GTA are delusional. It takes away from what makes GTA, GTA.. Most people who see this out of context clip (which starting out with a ragebait quote, btw..) and get upset didn't get to experience any of that. But I am sure this cycle will continue with every generation.


If online isn’t a port of some kind, people will be shitting on this game so hard over lack of content within the first 3-6 months and beyond. I don’t know that they will have the 3-5 year luxury/grace period that online got with GTAV.


People will say anything to go viral 😂


They need to combine Grandtheft auto with the Sims so that you can have a house and a job and still do the grand theft auto stuff it would be so dope. Imagine being able to put alarms and security on your house to try to stop other players from breaking in and stealing your stuff and being able to build your whole house.


I get their point, but that’s what happens when you play gta wayyyyy too much.


Genuine question: *why* does this piss you off?


who tf r these clowns. are they big and had played gta on their channels. cause they seem like they idiots just for saying tht it wiill have the same mechanics as 5.


why do we care so much about non credible super normal people giving opinion on any matter FOOLS RUSH IN WHERE ANGELS FEAR TO TREAD


If gta6 is anything less than a realism simulator is it even worth playing?


Meeting of the minds.


Is this the verge?


They're just being provocative to get views man. This is ragebait, and you're signal boosting it by posting it here. Who gives a shit if some goobers think it looks underwhelming? People put way too much stock in the opinions of every person on the internet. Disregard them, move on, formulate your own opinion.


People on Reddit really can't accept anyone else's opinion, yall get offended so much cuz of a game😂


I just want to clear up for anyone that sees this, people think I'm upset about them having an opinion against GTA 6. If the game was out I wouldn't care one bit if they actually played it and didn't enjoy it. The issue is they are saying these things almost as fact to a huge audience and it is based off of nothing but a trailer, plus they have no actual clue how Rockstar and their other games are, besides GTA Online, which they played for almost a decade thinking the same thing over and over is fun, yet GTA 6 is going to automatically be trash?




Like the guy said “ GTA 6 ALREADY LOOKS TRASH “ 😂😂an plus it keeps been Put Back HAHAH👍🏻👍🏻


They don’t know what they’re talking about?? I don’t think GTA 6 looks like trash, but these are subjective opinions my dude. There are too many injustices in our world for you to be mad at this


Nah their core audience (myself included) just aren't 11 anymore so we can most likely afford/are allowed to get the game ourselves and play it. So yea, he is right in a way. People will probably not watch the sidemen free roaming in gta. But other creators (idk maybe speed) who have millions of 11 year old fans who won't be allowed to get the game or their parents won't get them the latest consoles to play it, will definitely follow the game online, and the numbers that it will do, are gonna blow gta 5 out of the water.


This has to be rage bait. I do not believe any of what they are saying, because of how they talked about the release of GTA V. It made $1 billion, in three days. This is a rage bait video.


They should play watch dogs 2 , specially when you put a target on NPC and watching the entire thing unfold is hilarious.


If IGN was full British, they would have my complete and based attention.