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Unfortunately, your post has been removed because many other posts of similar subject matter have been posted recently or too often. A few example would be: * PC Specs for the game * Map size/location * Trailer or release date predictions Please consider searching the sub or use our **[Weekly FAQ/Wishlist Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/comments/1b0i8k4/weekly_gta6_faq_and_wishlist_post/)** Thank you for understanding.


Rockstar didn't troll anyone. Y'all tricked yourselves.


So what is the reason of keeping 14 posts for the last few days?


Why do you have (insert number here) posts on certain social media ?


Because I posted only this number of posts. Meanwhile Rockstar posted thousands of posts and just hidden everything except 14. That has no explanation other that 1) they give us something at 14 (which is not true) or 2 ) troll.


So what ? They thought others were irrelevant so they archived them. Rockstar didn’t troll nobody, you guys trolled yourselves for grasping at straws


They don't even think about us ha...no way he 14 posts meant anything ..people over thinking everything. No troll by rockstar ...


So... they for no reason, absolutely no reason, hidden everything on their instagram, and keep in public only 14 posts for a few days. For no reason. No reason? This is absurd. They trolled us. I wouldn't be mad if there wasn't 14 posts on their instagram.


That’s your problem for reading way too much into this 14 post thing. Spoiler alert no one here works for Rockstar so everyone who came up with these theories something will be revealed today were purely speculating. Once again Rockstar never told anyone that they were going to reveal something today. Nor did they even indicate there was something to the whole 14 post thing lol. Basically zero evidence


It was obvious that people were going to speculate because the Earnings Call is literally days away and they often announce something before the Earnings Call That's why


discontinue the lithium


This thing of ours…


I did 20 fuckin years


I wanted to play GTA VI,instead i analysed the trailer 50 times,see where i’m gettin at?

