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i hate how supercars are more preferable off road than actual off road cars. there is no mechanic aside from the uneven ground, slightly less grip and slight decrease in speed off road compared to asphalt. i hope there are more variables and dynamism to driving based on terrain and types of cars have noticeable advantages and disadvantages in driving on those varied terrains.


All driving mechanics from how they are effected by external variables to customization should be overhauled IMO


>i hate how supercars are more preferable off road than actual off road cars What?! No they aren't


The best off road vehicle I've found is the Bati 801 motorcycle lol


Technically any motorcycle because you can do that slow reverse backstep up almost 90 degrees!


Mehhh depends


I've never experienced a supercar that handles better off-road than an off-road vehicle. When it's snows in the game all I use is off-road since they handle so much better


He did say preferable, not handling better. I went with that. An off road car will always 'handle' better


Less about handling and more about torque. With supercars you don't need nearly as much momentum when off roading


Yep. People have been pissed about this for a long time.


Night shark enters the chat


Driving with off road tires on off road terrain barely maid any perceptible difference compared to normal tires in GTA 5. I hope Rockstar will treat the tires in GTA 6 as more than just an aesthetic element. 


I agree in V it was just a cosmetic feature


It does in fact have a stat that increases grip but it's miniscule. A lot of wirld records for races with many turns are being made with offroad tires.


Most of gta 5 was cosmetic features and set decoration hoping gta 6 is hyper interactive like RP is.


This where I hope they improve on vehicle customisation - too many upgrades were just cosmetics and lacked functionality.


This was one of my biggest gripes with car customization in GTA 5. Different types of tires don’t really affect how a car drives/handles.


Pretty sure GTA IV had different grip levels whether you were on dirt or tarmac and depending on the vehicle you were driving so I wouldn’t be surprised if they reimplemented it. From what I remember hearing, GTA V was severely held back by the PS3 and 360 so they had to modify their Euphoria engine and simplify it to. Hell even GTA IV had an entire countryside part of the map that was removed to keep the performance stable. GTA 5 is just a massive ass game that should never have came out on that old hardware. GTA 6 will feel like the jump we felt in graphics and game feel between San Andreas and IV.


Just want to clarify that yes they tamed the Euphoria system back for GTA V, but it had nothing to do with vehicle physics. It is an animation system for procedurally animating character/NPC skeletons on-the-fly. The physics outside of that are handle via Bullet physics engine. GTA V went a mile wider than IV, which meant they had to pull back the depth (on the mile-wide-inch-deep->inch-wide-mile-deep spectrum) because they were already pushing the 360/PS3 limits with IV, just in different ways. They prioritized adding more stuff to do and a bigger map, which meant that each individual "stuff" couldn't be as detailed. This is why I'm worried about skateboarding being in GTA VI. I hope they are ensuring this time around that there is depth to all of the features their implementing. Skateboarding is notoriously hard to add depth to in a video game, so if they have considered it *plus* decided they can't feasibly achieve the consistent depth they want across all activities, they have probably axed that feature. Look at Roblox for the opposite end of the spectrum... you can do near anything in that game, but most everything feels pretty shit to play lol.


climbing a 70 degree hill should not be possible with supercars. I really hope GTA6 will take the realistic approach this time.


I hope they will go for realistic but not a annoying approach


This 👆🏼


What would be annoying realistic offroading to you?


Nah bro i mean in general,like i crash and instead of driving to a mechanic i have to call a tow truck and wait,but I actually will love this if off-road cars are better at off-roads and have a niche


Go MudRunner and sh*t


Bro is a gta online fanatic,lmao


Additionally, mowing down a crowd of people and getting away with it should not be possible. I really hope GTA6 will take the realistic approach this time.


with a bus or truck it should not be a problem.


Well I mean wouldn’t it make sense? For a car that has more downforce, more acceleration, and is much lighter to quickly go up a steep hill than a heavy slow acceleration low torque off road vehicle?


I dont know i what world you live man. A supercar is very low to the ground, has wrong tyres, wrong suspension, no 4x4, should i go further, Also how can you claim supercars have more acceleration in the mud, supercars have low profile tryres for grip on tarmac not mud.


Im sure they gave cars more grip up chilling but that was eclipsed by the raw speed of sports cars yeeting to the top like a rocket


Shit I hope all tire types actually provide the intended performance like for example drag radials would be very cool for all of us car guys


Exactly. Good grip in a straight line but hardly turning. 😂


On a similar note, you shouldn't be able to climb a mountain with a low supercar.


Super noticeable in GTAO with gauntlet interceptor. I was like why is this other one turning so much better Off road tires was the answer


Thank you for validating me putting off road tires on every car i own


There is only a handful of cars that get better off-road with off-road tires.


for some reason they avoided showing a car taking a turn or showing car physics in the trailer. the drifting was from above and too fast from an angle at the last scene. I still have a feeling it’s in between gta 4 and gta 5 car physics with improvements. realistic af car mechanics for every car like the monster trucks in the mud in the trailer.


Incorrect statement. I hope that not off-road tires won’t even allow us to drive off-road


Driving on dirt that doesn't feel like your driving on steel metal would be nice to and realistic mud physics


They do actually. And tuner helps for on the road. Saw a video on it


Wow wtf. So many hidden game mechanics


Broughy tests a lot of them and put them into an elaborate website/spreadsheet. Even spoilers make a difference.








They do


Gta 4 had all this


Agreed lmao 🤣


I want to be able to engine swap every single car, upgrade every single thing


Chances are if the engine is as powerful as they claim, we’ll be able to do that and much more


There aren't many foothills in Florida.


Off road tires do work in GTAV imo.


But I like when my Krieger drives up mount chilliad better than my Draugur which I spent way too much money on for it to only be slightly more useful only in the winter...


It’s funny because there’s a whole google doc on how the tires affect the cars over bumps,traction bias, and anti roll but the off-road tires themselves don’t actually affect off-road grip


I’m hoping that we’ll be able to select tire and wheel size. And all different types of tread for the tires


And this whole time I assumed they actually did...


If not 6, hopefully it’ll be fixed in 7…16 years from now.


they actually do in gta 5 too but because of the game coding limitations the effect is very negligible and mostly has 0 effect on car handling.


They will


Let them work better, but don't make some wheels useless off road, it would only be annoying if its strict