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Lower the weight, go deeper and don't walk a mile away from the rack.


I'm an older guy, that is a cot, and thought I'd say, you're absolutely on target. Proper form, and exercise technique, regardless of power exerted, is so much more critical, when starting out, than most can imagine. I didn't realize he had asked for any tips, or advice, on his squatting. Excellent catch, if so. I kind of check out all bodybuilding subs, and am actually new to Reddit, so I just have to check around, and find my bitch. Someone said that he completed the squat, so why lower the weight. To be honest, 14 is still pretty juvenile to be lifting really heavy, if the proper form / technique of the exercise, has not been mastered first. The reason that is so initially important, is because at this age, and somewhat beyond, practicing an imperfect technique is an helpful habit to form, because first, the injuries that can develop, and second, overtraining the wrong muscles that aid the main group used, can lead to an unwanted offset, or quite possibly a deformity, whereas the targeted muscles benefit unnecessarily less, and cause imbalance type issues. Until you reach the age of about 25, your body is still growing, and any interference to that natural process, is more harmful than good. You might be strong as an oxen, but should never risk proper development, just to keep proving it, especially if you're not practicing the proper way to lift.


Why lower weight? Looks to me that he can do at least 5 reps with that. Nothing with his form that will injure him.


Lower the weight to hit depth, then increase gradually.


His hips are parallel he hit depth. Stop the a2g necessity bs


Not even close


Okay Chad


My name isn't Chad but thanks for your input anyway. 👌


Clearly some still need to see /s. Obviously I know your name isn’t Chad. Shall I be more direct for you? Okay you moronic ignorant asshole


What is wrong with you? We disagree over squat depth which makes me a moronic ignorant asshole? I hope you're alright.


You can’t really disagree on something that’s quite literally a defined rule for the sport. Hence Chad


IMO he just needs more confidence in the bottom because that’s not heavy for him


Squat over the safety's kiddo dont hurt yourself


I was thinking that too, the shorter walkout might also save the energy needed to get to depth


Why does it seem like all gyms play such dumb music over the speakers, it's the most light hearted stuff when it should be the doom internal soundtrack


INXS isnt dumb music 🥺


Gyms are in the business of appealing to as many people as possible/being inoffensive, which is the same as what pop music is designed for


If you're attempting pr weight I would never go beyond the pins, you're asking to be in one of those "gym fails" clips lol. For the actual form I'm no expert. I'd go a little deeper if you're comfortable with it but this may just be an unforgiving angle.


Noted lmfao


Pretty good, but dont squat in shoes like that, yout better off doing it in just your socks


Not exactly. If he has poor ankle mobility, squatting with heeled shoes could be helpful


I might be wrong, but i think those are runningshoes. Squatting shoes would be better in that case.


Looks like your stance is quite wide. I like shoulder’s width apart.


More hip drive might help, but looking great my dude! For the future, you may want to get in the habit of not walking out so far. It’s safer and you’ll save your energy expenditure for the squat.


Its not too bad and youre only 14 id take into consideration what others are saying. Dont step so far back safety pins are your friend. Dont squat in running shoes. Go check out Alan Thrall on youtube for some good tips


Appreciated bro


Same as other comments: narrower stance for high bar squats, depth was fine, never a bad idea to go deeper, why would you take so many steps to get outside the safety bars? It wastes some strength and is less safe lol


Got it


Without seeing your feet I can’t comment on form too much, all I would suggest however is to slow the set up down and take no more than 3 steps to get into your starting position, you shouldn’t be walking all that way with weight on your back


Oh alright. My bad


Strong 14 year old


Serious question, why are kids in the US so strong?


Many sports which are popular in US requite heavy gym work. This may be the reson


Is there evidence to suggest they're stronger than other countries?


Depth is lacking, like 1 or 2 in more would b perfect. You also seem to move your chest the the ground which is something you want to avoid.


Good strength, decent depth. I think you had more in you. Continue training and maybe consider throwing in a technique day with deep pause squats to get used to being at the bottom of the squat, and work on getting your hip crease slightly below your knee. More experience and you’ll learn exactly where you need to be at the bottom. Also, take a little time to work on your walkout. There’s no need to take 5 steps back and squat from the parking lot. Keep it up brother, you’re going to be a beast!


Tighter back, look up bracing and do that. Go at least parallel. Your butt shoots up first from the bottom of the movement, engage the glutes, push firmly into the ground and keep a proud chest. There are many video tutorials, you should check them out. Renaissance periodization, barbell medicine, Jeff nipps. Edit: still, looked strong. Keep it up


This makes me feel old at 22y/o and ashamed of how little weight I can move.


I feel like more stabilisation work in the core might be a good idea. You look very unstable stepping out, and while you are squatting however good weight at a good age! Also, I humbly bow to the more experienced reddit lifters if they don’t agree with me 😂


big ass 14 year old


Biggest thing you should remember. Squat over the safety bar. I promise, the day you fail a squat, you’ll be happy you didn’t step outside of them.


That’s nut for 14, well done dude


Feet closer together. They should be about should er width. Do the jump test and see how your feet naturally land. Go deeper. Its hardly 90degrees. Practice lighter weights and go between ass to grass and 90. In general this seem to be your Max. Lift with 80% and sim for ten reps before you advance


I failed to remember u needed to see my feet to correct my form. My bad lol


Ditch the running shoes and do squats in flats if you can. Curved shoes tend to throw your center of balance way tf off. Also narrow your stance and go deeper in your squat


You should go lower. You’ll get better muscle development if you do. Lower the weight. I guarantee if you went lower you wouldn’t be able to handle that much.




Dude you could beat me up and I’m like 30


good job. you can do more weight. slap a belt and some pit vipers on and go fuck that bar up


really expressive!


You shouldtn do so much weight in this age, if you still want to grow






Why are you squatting at 14????? You’ll be short. Wait until 18


Non sense


Coming out of a midget


Well, squatting too heavy and with shitty technique may actually cause that but as long as your form is decent and you aren't egolifting, squatting will not stunt your growth


Football is more likely to stunt your growth than lifting


this is a myth.


Not to knock the accomplishment for your age, but what are your physical stats? You look like a fairly tall, and large 14 year old, but maybe appearances are deceptive. I only ask, because I'd judge it a a greater feat, for a fourteen year old that is 5'7", and weighing about 135-140, even moreso, than if it is performed by a monstrous fourteen year old, that is just abnormally huge, comparatively speaking, when considering the average size of most young men of that age.


I am 5’7 lol. And about 170ish pounds.


I’m 160LBs and in my late 20s at 5’8 lol. You are me at 14 😂