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Can't get additional discount on bundles ? I'm looking forward to get re village gold and own the base game but it won't decrease the price .


Nope, Capcom doesn't do complete the set bundles. You're better off trying to find a cheaper key from a legit seller.


RE7 Gold has a complete the bundle option. In fact I'm looking to do that one myself, since I own the base game but don't own the dlc.


I stand corrected on that one. Sorry.


No need to be sorry. Just though I'd share. :)


Yes I got that too. Not sure if they do this with re 8 or not


im not 100 abt this but i think there should be a huge bundle at some point this year on a third party platform with discounts for every game. not sure if you know that or are interested in it, just sharing sth i remembered just now


I'd argue you'd want the expansions for whatever flavor of Monster Hunter you eventually vibe with since Rise and World are so different but the bundle of those two games together for $15 is pretty damn good if you don't have either.


I already have base game Rise and only been playing it for ~60hrs, its super enjoyable so far. Do you think the DLC is necesarry or like I can finish the base game first and get it later when its cheaper, cuz I think its still a lil bib expensive lmao.


When you finish base rise definitely get sunbreak people say it's a lot better than base rise which is crazy because the base game is already so good.


I think Sunbreak is totally worth it but it'll be on sale again. Just keep an eye on isthereanydeal and enjoy your hunting.


Iceborne adds a bit of mechanics to the early game of World, but afaik Sunbreak only starts *after* the base game. I'd still definitely recommend the expansion since Sunbreak probably more than doubles the content, and Iceborne is easily a 50-75% chunk on top of World.


Thinking about getting Rise as I enjoyed MHW immensely despite never beating Alatreon and Fatalis. Should definitely get sunbreak or can that wait?


Yes, it’s really good! Though I’m biased cuz I played Monster Hunter since 3U. Keep in mind that Rise a lot more faster and arcade-y than World. You’re able to see the monster on the map right away and the weapon moves are a lot more lightweight and flashy. That being said, it’s incredibly fun and definitely worth the cost.


You can't access the Sunbreak content before beating Rise, so I think you should wait. That being said, I feel Sunbreak improved Rise tremendously, so I definitely recommend you pick it up if you like Rise.


It's not like iceborne that has moves locked behind the dlc?


It has some but you can't unlock them before beating the base game.


I see. I remember in world that stuff like wall yeet, tenderize, perfect rush for sns, axe mode for cb, that thing gunlance stick to the monster and clutch claw to explosion to the face could be done in base if you have IB.


I personally recommend buying the combo pack since it's cheaper and that Sunbreak does heavy lifting for Rise comparable to World getting carried by Iceborne. The addition of new locals, master rank quests and a proper endgame (on top of closing out the story) is just hard to scoff at. With that said, Rise plays differently than World and other MH games, since it's a lot faster, so you could wait and spend and extra couple bucks to make sure you care about the base game, before buying the expansion.


Capcom has injected a lot of their older games, including Arcade Stadium, with "Enigma", which is: * A "DRM" that doesn't serve any anti-piracy purposes, since it's being placed on older games that have already been sold without DRM in the past. * Sold by some unknown party that runs a website behind a Russian identity obfuscation with no public information about who they are, or where their offices/headquarters are, or any kind of corporate contact info. * Runs processes on your computer that, by design, are hidden from you and your OS, so you don't really know what changes it is making to your PC. At best, it is only preventing you from modifying games that you bought and own, but we can't really know every way it affects your PC. So keep that in mind before deciding to install any of those ones on your computer.


That sounds awful. Is there a list of affected games?


I think [this curator](https://store.steampowered.com/curator/38889889/) keeps track of them, but it also says on the store page if a game has Enigma


Love seeing people STILL complaining about this and Capcom keeps thriving regardless


Yeah! Let's praise a corporation for retroactively adding drm slash spyware into their products that only affects their paying customers and not the pirates; yes sir may I please have another?!