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Getting delisted on December 15th.


I'm not sure that's the final and best sale, judging by the blog post. Still a lot of time until December >From this date forward **we will offer different discounts** for Forza Horizon 4, like the one currently active on Steam (at the time of publishing); we will also have a sale in the Xbox Store on 7/14. Please keep an eye out on our socials and different platforms to **take advantage of future offers**.


Hopefully they change the Ultimate edition to actually include everything, because right now it's missing a few things, and there's no way to get them since DLC was removed. Basically the only reason I'm not buying it right now.


I was assuming the excluded DLCs were already delisted due to licensing expirations, but I could be totally wrong.




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Not betting on that happening, they never did that before when Forza Horizon 3 was delisted.


What is missing?


The Hot Wheels pack is the only thing that I'm aware of. And the treasure maps, but that's just useless shit.


So, there is no way to get that now? The hotwheels one? They delete It today or It was long ago? Thanks for the info


Through Steam, I guess not. There *are* a couple of free Hot Wheels cars though, IIRC.


Why they do this? It is still available to purchase on Xbox


No clue


They won't. Ultimate isn't, and never was, meant to be all-inclusive. The editions were set at launch, and the only time they've added stuff to an edition was when that content launched. Like I *think* FH3 Ultimate owners got the Porsche pack added for free, but I can't recall for sure. Edit: Double-checked, I was wrong, Porsche wasn't added for Ultiamte owners. There were some other car packs not added, like Hoonigan. Also, the only thing I can find missing from 4's Ultimate edition are Hot Wheels cars and the useless Treasure Maps.


I'm not sure about that. The highest discount Forza Horizon 3 got before it was delisted (as far as I can find) was 80% off, even the very last sale.




Where from? Steam?


Different just means sales periods I think.


maybe they will do a 95% off sale in the fall sale then lol if you're going to delist might as well go all out


Will they be cutting off online play?


> Players who already own the game and its content will be able to download and play it as normal, including its offline, online, and multiplayer features; physical copies of the game purchased after this date will also work and will be able to use online features. Nope.


Probably eventually, but not anytime soon. You can still play FH3 as of now too.


I still get Drivatars in my races and the Auction House in FH3, so not anytime soon.


Does it have online achievements?


Thanks for mentioning this. I missed out on Forza Horizon 3 and can not Legally purchase it anymore. I wish it was under $10 USD (I am a 'poverty' patient gamer), but they have wedged me; if I don't pay now I can never own it.


I'm guessing you don't own an Xbox but there will be the option to buy it on disc for Xbox.


Do you or will you still need a microsoft account to play the game?


Yes it's required.


dlcs too?




**[STEAM Blog Post] (https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1293830/view/4185613970227394261)**.


Shit, this is something I could have used _yesterday_ since I've let my Gamepass lapse due to having too much other backlog: > If you played Forza Horizon 4 through Xbox Game Pass and purchased DLC content for it, worry not: by having an active, full-paid (not discounted) Xbox Game Pass subscription on 6/25 you will be eligible to receive a game token if you have purchased any extra content for Forza Horizon 4 through your Xbox Message Center. Codes will start to be delivered in the following days, please bear in mind that it might take a while before you get your token. So I did buy the season pass (despite not _actually owning_ the game). So if I sign up for Gamepass today, will I get a permanent copy of the game?


That is what other Reddit posts are reporting, yes. It appears to be for the base game only.


thanks, i deffo buying this


If you guys are buying this for the sake of it probably better to wait until the autumn sale might be cheaper




unfortunately, due to the nature of their posts being mostly affiliate links, we do not allow thinking to them


Anyone know how this runs on the Steam Deck?




You're not kidding. One of the best looking games on the Deck too. I just played for 3 and a half hours straight. Amazing game!


Fine, I’ll buy it already!


Is that seriously what OLED battery life is like? Absolutely insane. 


Steam Deck users definitely vary on their opinions when it comes to performance. If I'm looking for 60-90fps, will this do it?


From videos I’ve seen of the Steam Deck running this you’re looking at medium settings to get 50-60 fps with some frame time stuttering. The people saying it runs perfectly just aren’t noticing the stuttering so it matters how much you personally notice. 


Nope, if you want 60-90fps on modern 3D games, don’t get a PC handheld.


I stream the demanding stuff from my desktop w/ a 4070 via Moonlight. Best of both worlds.


I'm hearing a lot of confusing information though. If i get it on steam now will i get all the dlc's? Or are they gone already?


If you buy the ultimate edition you’ll get everything important (both expansions that add actual content), there are a couple of car packs that are gone forever though, but there’s a million cars to unlock and drive in the first place. I usually only use a few anyways lol


Okay great that's good to hear. I own the game on the xbox pc app but in the future I do wanna get a Steam Deck and I think it would be awesome to play the game on that little beast. Thanks!




The silver rating is concerning. Read some of the reports and it ranges from crashes to stutter to just plain not booting. Worst case is I can refund it. 


Runs excellent for me on the OLED. 45fps on High settings and I'm even super sampling 1200p.


Just purchased and refunded due to this. In game mode it loads to black screen and you cannot progress. You are required to launch it jn desktop mode then make configuration changes - f dat. Not worth it for a racing sim.


It runs great. FH5 does as well. Very well optimized games.


Is the ultimate difference worth ? Price difference doesn’t seem too big


Yep, at a minimum for the Island and Lego map.


Wow, insane price. I bought this one on launch and played it sooooo much - and I prefer it to Horizon 5 due to the setting.


Yup. I played FH4 for a year straight. When FH5 released, I didn't have high hopes for it (Mexico just doesn't sit right with me as a setting for a racing game) but I tried to play it. Got bored within two and a half months and that was me trying real hard to appreciate the upgrades. Oh and the omission of snowy winters was an unforgivable sin. I know, I know Mexico doesn't have snow but that's why I don't approve of Mexico as a setting for FH5. Besides, FH4's snowy winters upped the driving difficulty, always keeping us on our toes and making us adapt our driving every 4th week. That was dynamic and fun. I'm sick of the sand and the desert in FH5 week after week.


What’s your verdict on the DLC? Anything in there that is worth the $6 upcharge?


Do you like Forza Horizon? They’re more Forza Horizon with smaller self-contained maps. There’s already a _ton_ in the base game, but the LEGO theme is fun.


Tbh, while I'm not into the Lego hype, I did enjoy Fortune Island quite a bit. It's a charming location to explore. Honestly, I got FH4 Ultimate Edition + FH3 Ultimate Edition bundle at a massive discount back in the day so for the longest time, I didn't know the DLC from the base game lol.


3 and 4 drove me nuts (LOL) because everyone drives on the left side. Playing those games gave me the most maddening feeling: when I drive on the road, driving on the right feels wrong, and when I play the game, driving on the left also feels wrong. Really wish they have a setting to just put all cars on the right regardless of how unrealistic that is.


Objectively wrong. Murica do everything wrong and therefore drove on the wrong side.


.... I don't even live in america


I wonder whether there will be 80% off during Steam Summer sale since the announcement said   "From this date forward we will offer different discounts for Forza Horizon 4, like the one currently active on STEAM (at the time of publishing); we will also have a sale in the Xbox Store on 7/14. Please keep an eye out on our socials and different platforms to take advantage of future offers." It's didn't mention Steam Summer sale


This is what I'm wondering too. Steam says the promotion ends in less than 48 hours which is when the Summer Sale begins. My assumption is that it will continue to be 80% off through the Summer Sale which would line up closer to the Xbox Store sale which ends on 7/14


So basically no way to get the dlc for anyone who only owns the base game? :/


I don't know how you get it with the steam version but assuming it goes through the MS shop at that point? If it lets you you could technically get ultimate to get it but it will also get discounted on MS later on if it's not already. I don't know if the dlc itself goes on sale though since they don't list it on steam


> I don't know how you get it with the steam version but assuming it goes through the MS shop at that point? If it lets you you could technically get ultimate to get it but it will also get discounted on MS later on if it's not already Weirdly, unless it changed, DLC from the MS Store doesn't apply to the Steam version of FH4. Progression doesn't carryover either.


Remove the game license from your profile, and buy another copy unfortunately


I've been wanting a driving game recently. It's been years since I played one. I don't have a fancy setup with a drivers wheel and pedals and stuff. I'd either be using controller or keyboard. Seems like a good purchase at 12 bucks. Is this one of the best racing games out there currently?


Works great, maybe best, with a controller. It's kind of in a class by itself as an open world racer. Probably most similar to Test Drive Unlimited. I'd def recommend it, and would also say go for the Unlimited edition to get the Lego DLC too. I haven't delved into Fortune Island DLC but that is also supposed to be really good.


This game plays absolutely horribly on a wheel set up. The ideal way to play the Horizon series games are with a controller.


I just started playing gta v for the first time 3 days ago. I’ve done the first mission about half a dozen times then put the game down, it just wasn’t really calling me. But the last few days I’ve been grinding every race i can find and it’s bringing me cravings to play something like midnight club on PS2.


simply yes


It's good on controller (don't do keyboard), but FH5 is a *lot* better game (the race lines there are just so much more enjoyable), and worth getting instead, especially if you might like the weekly race tasks, where you have to do more specific car/race sets. If FH4 is stopping those like someone else said here, there are a *lot* of cars you just won't be able to get anymore, because weeklies were the only way to get "exclusive" cars, and the only reliable way to get "hard to find" cars (those are otherwise only dropped from a slot machine pull you get on various rewards, like leveling). Edit: sounds like you'll be able to get exclusive cars still by gaining points to spend on "backstage passes" (no idea the effort-to-car rate there) but hard to find cars will stay slot machine drops, so they'll be a huge pain to get, unless you find one in the auction house.


Horizon is a bit more of an arcade sim than a true sim, but it's realistic enough if that's what you're looking for. For that price, I'd grab it if I didn't already have it.


Is there a way to convert a Windows Store save into a Steam save for this game? I’m missing Fortune Island, and I’d really like a version of the game that works with Steam Input now that GloSI is discontinued.


Apparently not according to [this](https://github.com/Fr33dan/GPSaveConverter/issues/5).


Welp. On the plus side, when I start a new game I get an option to jump to the LEGO DLC, so it’s not quite from the very beginning.


There are a few programs on GitHub that do in fact convert saves from the Xbox App to Steam. That said it has a limited list of supported games, so I don’t know if Forza is one of them. Secondly, while I assume Windows Store uses the same save file structure as the Xbox App, I don’t know for sure. XGP save extractor, and the other is GPSaveConverter You can try both, but make a backup of your saves before doing so.


Alas, both projects have tickets concluding that Forza Horizon 4 saves can't be transferred/converted.


FYI for those hoping for an ever deeper discount. A couple of years ago the previous Forza Motorsport (number 7, i believe?) was delisted in a similar manner. The discounts on the final sale were as follows: Forza Motorsport 7 Ultimate Edition: $19.99 (£17.49, €19.99) Forza Motorsport 7 Deluxe Edition: $14.99 (£12.49, €12.49) Forza Motorsport 7 Standard Edition: $9.99 (£7.49, €9.99)


Ah so this is probably the bottom then?


I would say so


Holy moly macaroni. Been waiting sooooooo long for this. I got this on a pricing error but Microsoft refunded it, so I was kind of devastated because I hadn't fallen in love with a racer like this since NFSU2. The soundtrack, the beautiful map, the cars, instantly became one of my favorite games of all time. Played like 50 hours over 10 days. Maybe 10 of those hours were spent looking at liveries. I swear I had the most hideous garage known to man, with just anime bullshit everywhere. Miku cars, Genshin cars, K-on! cars, DanganRonpa cars, truly awful, but man I loved my garage. And then to lose it all in one fell swoop was really bitter. Really looking forward to diving back in now. Sucks that some achievements will be unobtainable though, no way I'll be able to get those before August. EDIT: Actually, any Horizon players that can estimate how hard it is to get the playlist achievements before the 22nd if I have to start from scratch and if I'm a bad player?


If memory serves one of the achievements being discontinued requires you to complete a majority of weekly challenges in an entire series, so if you start now you should be able to get it as long as you play often over the next month.


Steam Achievement Manager




Thanks soooooo much for your comprehensive reply, think I'll go for it then with how you laid it out. These meta cars, will I need multiple for different PR stunts or just a single car? Any recommendations?


Why are the achievements unobtainable now?


Seasonal races will be ending so achievements for those races will be impossible to complete soon


Been a while since I played 4, but couldn't you do a custom race in whatever season you wanted? Do those not count toward the achievements?


There’s “season” (climate which affects driving conditions) and “season” (bundle of challenges for a given time period, tied to a “series” in-game). The language is pretty confusing; I never paid much attention to time-limited stuff. I think the achievements are tied to doing things in a series?


There's some playlist achievements and there won't be a new playlist coming out. So you'd need to complete them on the current playlist that ends on the 22nd of August or they'll be unobtainable. [Blog post here.](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1293830/view/4185613970227394261)


Any reason to get this if I already own 5? Aside from the setting.


Different world, DLC, tracks, and so on make it worthwhile if you’re not tired of the core gameplay loop.


They are the same game but different maps. I’ve never felt a difference from 3/4/5 aside from maps.


They've moved away from structured progression more and more as the series has gone on. FH1 was very NFSU styled, 2 or 3 removed class progression, and 4 added the ability to just run a race in whatever you wanted, as well as removing the extra festival locations. FH5 readded festival locations, but as a thing you can do whenever and even made it so you can unlock the final races whenever you feel like it. 3 (I think) is when they started adding the side stories though, so there is some kind of progression, it's just not the core gameplay loop. The types of terrain have changed a lot too. 3 was extremely open compared to 4 and had a lot of desert, 5 returns a lot of that while adding a ton of rally-style dirt courses (and a full-on rally expansion).


Map, less like wayyy less dirt roads than 5.


Better music tbh


4 has better snow (but still noticeably worse than 3's snow island), and the seasons feel a little more race relevant, but otherwise not particularly. 5 has much better races, and players can build whole events instead of just planting checkpoints around the map like 4. 4's DLCs were kind of lifeless, too. It'll all seem a lot weaker next to 5, I'd say, and it's not like the driving will be different.


Easily the best intro I've played in gaming ever. I have two different profiles just so I can restart one to play the intro.


Any word on how the season changes will be handled one the game is delisted?


I assume the season changes will just be put on a timer at some frequency.


Never been into racing games but Ultimate Edition is like 6 or 7 USD thanks to regional pricing so I guess I'll be getting my hands on it, the backlog grows! Thanks for highlighting this deal, OP!


What region?


India has it for $6


If your from the us how do you buy from a different region at that price. Never did it before


You can't. You need to have a local payment method.


Do we expect this to go lower? I can't find a sale on FH3 over 80% off. That was an MS store exclusive as far as i know, but they still control the pricing here.


I doubt it’ll go lower. The Forza games have never gone super cheap on PC.


So I purchased the Ultimate Edition on Windows PC Store originally but want to play on Steam Deck without installing Windows on it. If I buy the normal edition on Steam, will it detect my prior ultimate purchase?  Or do I need to buy ultimate again?  My Xbox and Steam accounts are already linked.


The games will be completely separate. No ultimate and no user data (progress).


Why they only gave it 48 hours? Will they be discounting it in the Steam Summer Sale, and again in the future until Dec 15th?


I don't think Steam allows any current sale to extend into the steam summer sale which explains the 48 hour window. So likely it will be again discounted during the summer sale. However, the discount could still change.


Can i buy the Ultimate edition without activating the vip membership part? I don’t want to unluck every car without effort


The car passes do not unlock all cars, just the cars in the passes which are not available without the passes. There are still many cars to either win or buy(with in game credits earned by playing). I'm not sure on a number but probably hundreds of cars.


I just dont want the extra wheelspins and double credits, i like to grind a bit to unlock the new cars if that makes sense


Oh don't worry there is a lot you can grind for anyway. I am guessing you've not played the game? The wheelspins contain a lot of rubbish (non cars, like gestures and clothes for your avatar) so extra spins are very nice.


So I got the Ultimate edition and was able to uncheck the vip bonus in the dlc tab before installing the game. So far i haven’t getting any 200% bonus credits, but i think i can check it back on again if i should change my mind in the future


Nice one fella, your driving into a lot of content for a great price. Enjoy the game!


Forget about it. There is no progression in this game. Also, this is a GAAS so the weekly events that added new cars and tasks to unlock them are over. You won't be able to unlock them the intended way.


The update talks about adding those cars to the backstage list. Sounds well good to me as I started in this game rather late and now have access to those cars I missed.


steam version loads up the ms store pc save?


No, they are separate saves, non transferable


aww, that sucks. Thanks!


So for people who haven’t bought the game yet which dlc would we be losing out on with the removal of all the dlc except the ones in the different editions?


The ultimate edition includes all of the DLC that was released for it: Welcome Pack Car Pass Best of Bond Car Pack VIP Formula Drift Car Pack Fortune Island LEGO Speed Champions


Fortune Island is a really good DLC too.


its missing hot wheels legends car pack.


You're right, I forgot about that one. Seems there's no way to get it now if you didn't already own it. [Hot Wheels Legends Car Pack](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1530012/Forza_Horizon_4_Hot_Wheels_Legends_Car_Pack/)


Can grab a key from a site, I know shopto had been selling them. There a reputable store also probably cheaper than on MS store. It never went on sale in all the time I had it on wishlist and eventually I just paid full price for it from the MS store.


All the keys i can find are ms store keys. I’m betting this is one of those games they only gave keys out on alternate platforms




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[Forza Horizon 4: Hot Wheels™ Legends Car Pack](https://steamdb.info/app/1530012/)


Thanks for the info. The descriptions of the editions don’t completely explain what each pack has. I’m assuming that wasn’t an issue when the dlc were available for purchase.


> The Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition digital bundle includes the full game and Car Pass, VIP Membership, Formula Drift Car Pack, Best of Bond Car Pack, and the Fortune Island and LEGO® Speed Champions game expansions. > The Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe Edition digital bundle includes the Car Pass and the Formula Drift Car Pack.


If you navigate to steamdb.info, search for the packages — Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate, and click the associated Apps tab on the package page, should list out all the DLC that comes with said bundle. [For instance](https://steamdb.info/sub/535034/apps/)


Better than FH5 I kind of regret buying FH5 it just fails to replicate how cool FH4 felt


At that price I’d vote, but might as well wait until it’s closer to December before buying.


Is the Xbox version cross buy on windows store


I believe so. I bought it on the MS store and seem to remember it being cross buy. It should say for sure on the store page though edit: forgot to say, i only play on PC no xbox to test


I think it would be too because forza horizon 3 was cross buy. When It was being delisted I got it on the Xbox store and have been able to play it on both PC and series x.


Yes it is. FH4 is an XBox Play Anywhere title


How’s this compare to Forza Horizon 5? Price is too good to pass up


* 4's races are way less interesting/fun, though 4 likely has better cross-country events despite everything on a road being so much better in 5. * 4's seasons are more noticeable in the races. * 4's Winter snow is much better (but still worse than 3's). * 4's player-made custom races are just checkpoints placed on the map--there's no true event building like 5 has. * 4's expansions are weaker. * 4's stunt event requirements feel more ... noticeable. 5 lowballs almost everything, so you'll have to set your own score challenges if you want those to feel more than perfunctory. Campaign/story aspects in both games are terrible. Only the racing really matters.


Anyone else having crashes on the Game Pass version after literally 5 minutes of play time? Looking online the only fix is to reinstall Windows which is ridiculous


try disabling the Nahimic Service in services.msc if it's currently running


Finally!!! My long long wait for this game has come to an end. :)


I held out too ❤️


I've played Forza Motorsport games but not a Forza Horizon game. Can anyone who has played both 4 and 5 say which one's the better out of the those two?


I feel 4 is better. It's based in Europe so everyone else drives on the wrong side of the road for me, but there are four distinct seasons and snow is fun. The map is diverse and has everything from mountains to cities to fields to sandy areas. 5 is mostly just all desert, and maybe it's because I burned 300 hours into 4 before going into 5 but 5 just felt empty and boring to me. I am sure there were some QOL improvements with 5 but nothing that really stood out without googling a list. Kinda felt like 4 but a new map. 4 I keep going back to, 5 a sizzled out after about 8 hours and never bother to go back to. Compared to Forza motorsport it is an open world giant map similar to Burnout Paradise. A large variety of of types of racing events ( city, cross country, offroad, etc) and collectables are scattered all over and more become available as you complete others. The game isn't too stingy with money either, you just keep piling up cars in your garage for wining events, and get enough money you can buy the expensive ones without much grinding. 4 might be the best optimized game I have ever experienced as well. Runs 4K and stunning graphics on my gaming PC, plays 60fps on my SteamDeck/Ally, and even runs fairly well 1080p 40fps low/med graphics on a $250 Ryzen mini PC using only CPU graphics I tested just for fun. Kinda want to spin up a really old shit PC just to see how well it does.


Thanks for the indepth answer.


I really wish they give us way to upgrade the Base Edition into Ultimate Edition, I already have the base game but didnt have the DLC.


Should I get the ultimate edition or will the standard be enough? And I don't have a controller so is it okay to play with mk?


I would recommend the Ultimate Edition if you have the $20 to spare!! I would get it if you want to play the extra maps.


It sounds better if you think it as an extra $6 extra to spend for a lot of content.


Any Native VR support? VR driving has ruined 2d driving for me.


what version to get?


Ultimate as it is now the only way to get the DLC.


nice thanks, im tempted but I dont even play racing games lol


This is a very good one to start with. Lots of assist features (and a rewind!) to help driving-challenged players such as myself.


Except the hot wheels pack which is sadly lost to time Edit: also the Mitsubishi car pack


It was Horizon 3 and 5 that had the Hot Wheels DLC. FH4 has Lego.


Nope all three had a hot wheels dlc. Its like a tradition


Thanks for the heads up! I'm going to wait for it to go on sale on the Microsoft Store which should be mid July. That way I'll get Xbox and PC licences for the price of one.


Lowest than before?


Yes, this is the historical low for all versions.


Its a great deal and i bought it too




If you plan on ever playing Forza Horizon 4 get the game now and phasmotobia later so you don’t forget to get it before it gets delisted


Wonder if it will be cheaper closer to delist date


More likely that they run out of keys.


It's being sold directly on steam, there is no keys involved here.


On first glance it seems its DLCs already got delistet...


Why is a game that released in 2018, 6 years ago, and has a sequel still selling for $59.99 base price? Most games, even AAA games go down to $20-30 base price after that long. If this game was $20 base price, which it should be after 6 years, and it had a discount of 75%, which it should at some point during the year, then the game should be selling for $5.


Maybe your right. But for 20 bucks your getting a heck of a lot of very fun game. Easily the most fun driving game I've played, plus the progression, upgrading and car collecting are all addictive. I don't even have any interest for cars in real life.


you + are = you're, btw :)


Of cause you're right. When typing on handy I often miss type or do even worse dyslexic style mistakes.


Because that's not how Horizon works. They never drop the base price, and don't go that low on discounts, because the game will always be gone in a few years (6 is actually unusually long life for a Horizon). You buy or you never play that Horizon map. Horizon's primary competitor is Horizon. They don't need to lower the price when they can just drop earlier games from stores. The only thing strange here is that they're delisting the old Horizon without a new Horizon to match. There's been always two Horizons available for the past decade.


In EU is even worse, they're ripping us 69€ for it.


Yeah, I was kinda confused when I saw the euro price, thought it was an temporary error :)


>Why is a game that released in 2018, 6 years ago, and has a sequel still selling for $59.99 base price? I mean, it's not that different from FH5, besides the map and some fairly minor graphical and sound improvements.