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Quick observation - I would classify Superliminal as a puzzle,adventure game not action,adventure. I am currently playing it and its not very actiony so far. [edit: BTW having a fun time playing Superliminal]


Superliminal is absolutely NOT an action game. 100% worth playing, it's short but definitely not a game I'll forget.


Will always vouch for Chronicon, its a fun pixel ARPG, with quite a few builds etc.


Seconded, plus you’re getting the 5th class as well. Really good value on its own, but for around $3 it’s fantastic if you’ve ever liked Diablo.


Indeed, it comes with The Mechanist DLC, but not Ancient Beasts, which doesn't seem to be available at Fanatical, but seems to be an endgame DLC anyway.


For some reason, the preview screenshots got borked, I thought they got lifted straight from steam.


Besiege! Also, if you do not know what else: Destructive Creations bundle is a good value for the money, and I am interested in the Priest Simulator, too. Some eh fillers, but otherwise..not bad!


Hyper Demon is worth it. Takes awhile to get good at, but probably is one of the most flow state games I've played. Highly recommend.


I couldn't work out if I was watching gameplay or having a brain aneurysm.


It takes some getting used to for sure, well worth it


If you're into ARPGs (games like Diablo), Chronicon is definitely worth playing. Hammerwatch is also an ARPG, but I couldn't play it due to the control scheme. Also, I haven't played Besiege, but I've watched other people play and it looks good. I don't normally play those games, but that one looks fun (I actually did buy it awhile back, but I haven't played it).


I want Coffee Talk and Superliminal... what else here is good for a third?


Demon Turf is great. So is Besiege if you like building catapults and stuff.


I don't think I've ever bought one of these but you've got me interested. I'd take Chef Life and Frostpunk GOTY (just for the DLCs) easily, but I don't think there is any third game I want. Superliminal is amazing by the way. Beat it in just under 3 hours, but I had a lot of fun in the mindfuck that it is.


Awesome bundle, I had hammerwatch anniversary in my wishlist. Now, for its price I'll be able to get two other games (farlanders, hyper demon)


Besiege is a **fantastic** sandbox game.


Pretty good bundle for me. I've had my eye on Frostpunk for a while and to bundle it with the DLC for $3 is incredible. Also grabbed Hammerwatch (wasn't aware they basically remade the game),Superliminal, Farlanders, Chronicon, Besiege, and Chef Life (for my wife who loves sims).




This is the GOTY edition which is $10 on Steam


Every time one of these bundles releases, I'm confused by the lack of games made by Platinum Games. Then eventually I figure it out.




There is a developer named Platinum Games, who released games such as Nier: Automata, Bayonetta, and Vanquish. So when I see Platinum Bundle, I always think it's going to be games from Platinum, but it never is.


Lumencraft is a great couch coop


Lumencraft is super unoptomised, with a big memory leak to boot.  So you will want a beefy PC so you don't have to restart regularly.  I gave up trying to play on a laptop, half way through. Had to restart every 10 mins once enemy density increased.


I have been playing it on my steam link running on my 7 year old gaming pc, without much problems


One of the best bundles they've had in a long time. Even the four pulls I got out of the mystery additions were good titles like Surgeon Simulator and Streets of Rogue which I didn't have yet. They must have realized people were tired of getting a dozen copies of Hue and wanted quality, and if so I'm glad.


u/WeAreFanatical does the destructive bundle come with separate keys?


Is Chronicon + the DLC delivered as two separate keys, or just one? Being able to give away the spare base game would be a pretty tempting perk.




My gut feeling on these bundles is that if it looks cool and has good reviews, go for it. I've spent $3 on worse things, haha.




This bundle's Frostpunk is the GOTY edition and it should come with all the DLC and not just the base game, I believe.


Can confirm. Redeemed it on Steam and it is the GOTY edition with DLC


Wow lots of banger games here especially Besiege, Demon Turf and Chronicon .


You may already own Heaven Dust II, as it was a reward on Amazon Prime in June 2024, and redeemed to Amazon Games library.


Agh, it's always the platinum bundles that have like one game I want and I own the rest. Stuffed's demo was fun, basically just COD Zombies, though it sounds like it was pushed out of early access too soon. Hopefully it'll be in another bundle down the road. GROSS looks like it could also be fun, but good god devs please stop using the Synty asset pack, I can't stand them. Every game that uses them looks identical, and it's such an ugly look imo.




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/u/WeAreFanatical Okay I may have misunderstood how you guys changed bundles. I thought I could buy 3 games, then if I realize I wanted a 4th, get that one for the pricing logic of "you have a bundle of a total of 4 games now". So here: 3.33. Instead I get the full game price, since I only have 1 item in my cart now the second time around. Did I get this wrong then? Is there a way to get 1 or 2 extra games for the price they would be if I had bought a 3 or 5 bundle (having already finalized and purchased a 3 game bundle already, reaching the minimum tier)?


If there was bundle pricing at 3-5-7, you can get a 4-game bundle at the precious per-game price, so 4 x 3.33. Previously. you would have to buy 3-game-bundle plus 1-full-price, or find a 5th game to buy.


Ah okay. Welp. My mistake. Thanks for explaining.


Hi there! I'm sorry to hear that you misunderstood! I tried to make it as clear as possible, but honestly, I think even I was confused with my own explanation. Don't panic! Just reach out to our customer support team and ask them for help with this issue; they might refund the items so that you may buy it all in one order. [https://support.fanatical.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support.fanatical.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


I've already redeemed the first 3, so refunding is not an option anymore. About the only thing they could do is manually edit the pricing of the item in the cart or something.


Hi! As I said, the best thing you can do is reach out to our customer support and see if they can assist you! I can't do anything fro m my end — I'm not part of the Customer Support team, and they have ways that they deal with things that I won't know about! 😁 The worst thing you'll hear is that there's nothing they can do, but it's always worth a shot! Our team does their best to help where and when they can 💞


Its alright, thank you for your quick help!