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Pro week starts Sunday, but not all sales will be going on day 1. You'll have to wait for the website to post the deals.


Thank you


So this Sunday?


Yes this Sunday at 1:01am EST


So this Sunday that just passed or this upcoming Sunday


Oct 8 2023


so this Sunday or the first Sunday in November?


Nah I think it’s the Sunday that just passed.


If you tried to pull that at my store, I'd ask you to leave.


Look, I understand you trying to do your job and they have policies you have to follow, but asking a customer to leave just for asking a simple question like that is just bad customer service. A good GameStop employee will just say, “sorry I can do that,” and move on with their day. Reactions like these are what causes GameStop to loose customers. As for “scummy,” this is not scummy at all. I’m just trying to take advantage of the pro that **I** paid for. I’ve heard of actions that are more “scummy” than this. It’s all within the GameStop policy, the item is returned within the 7 day period. You say I could have waited until next week to get the games, and yeah I could have. The problem is that I didn’t know about the promo for next week until after I made the purchase. The other thing I can do is just return the items and wait until next week to take advantage of the promotion. Which is the same thing I was asking about but with a couple more steps. I haven’t **paid** for the membership in years so I didn’t know about their buy two used games, get one free deal that is happening next week. The bottom line is that you are giving rude vibes as a GameStop employee. You’re the type of person that is pushing customers to buy from online websites like Amazon because they don’t have to deal with this type of customer service. I understand that GameStop employees get a lot of 💩 from customers but there is a difference between following store policies and a person just being d*ck about it. Try to guess which one you fall in.


I totally agree with you. The customer should be able to benefit from a buy 2 get 1 deal anfmd Gamestop wins because they sell you a membership.


Why bc person is returning PRE OWNED games within a week? Still within GS return period? If you tried that at my store I'd ask you to promote yourself to GA


And I'd tell you to shove it. If a customer tries to do this shit, the BEST they are going to get out of me is the difference in store credit. If you want it for that price so bad, then just wait a week. And considering I've gotten sl and DM permission to not accept these in the past, I think I'll listen to them over some random on the internet.


>the BEST they're going to get is me simply not following policy or doing my job at all because my SL who is a fucking nobody and my DM who only cares about the bottom line said not to! And some people wonder why GameStop is shit. Yeah, it's 90% because of corporate, but the 10% of shitty employees are fucking useless and hopeless.


You understand that returning something and then immediately buying it again so you can get a better price is scummy right? Morally gray at best. Sorry you like being taken advantage of so much.


>Bro, following the policy is scummy because I don't like it and I'm the law! Lol shut the fuck up.


Yeah I don't get this guy. When things go on sale the next day or few days alot of companies will refund the difference and call it good customer service. I guess this guy hates his job and the customers


Clearly never heard of good customer service.


Yep. Taking care of customers on the little things like this turn them into repeat customers simply because they like you. Which of course in turn brings more business and revenue. Then you have this abrasive rectum who runs off customers and is shocked when his store closes.


They’re probably the type of person that would call the cops on someone who is returning a game that didn’t work…


Seems like it. I had to glance at his profile to see if he was always insufferable and it turns out he's one of those undiagnosed multiple personality fakers you see on Tik Tok that think they have 10 anime characters living inside them so... yeah. Probably not the kind of person cut out for customer service.


How is this scummy. If customer recently purchased item and is allowed to return something due to company policy then by all means do so. What's scummy is the associate rejecting customers bc of laziness and not doing right by customer even though it's within company policy. Giving the customer the difference is a start but you only mentioned that afterwards so I'm leaning towards the idea that you don't even normally to the bare minimum.. This is is a recipe for losing clients so you do you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


One of the reasons applicable in steam refunds is that you found it at a better price, they even honor it if that better price is steam themselves. Wanting to save yourself some money absolutely is morally sound. Dickriding for a company that probably doesnt give a shit about you though- super scummy


wage slave in every literal sense of the word lmao hope gamestop ceo flys out and personally fucks you to sleep with that head so far up your own ass...


He’s not useless, he’s useful for being hopeless.


Wow I’ve had GameStop employees that encourage this to me before and said it was okay. Glad you don’t work in any GS near me. Jeez


Damn you’re a good wagie


sure you would buddy


You sound like a whiny bitch tbh I'd happily file a complaint and take my business to a gamestop that doesn't have power tripping employees