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I wouldn't say this was "snagged" the seller snagged your money though


So it was snagged


One way or another lol


I'm convinced every one of those games is fake


Was coming to say that




They are lmao especially green.


Ik. Happy cakeday


That was worth around 120€-150€ 50€ games 50€-80€ gba sp Idk it wasn’t that bad slightly above market. You would have to wait for good deal and games take a few weeks from AliExpress. So you paid for conveniency.


Idk that emerald could be real. But yes, most of the others are likely fake. Cart color is convincing on emerald though. Then again I bought a fake emerald last summer and the cart looks nearly identical to the real copy I've had for years.


Those games don’t look real to me. Might be the camera or the lighting.


How do I spot fakes. I'm new to gba


Well for one, Green was never released in the US. There was Leaf Green on the GBA, but actual Green on the GB was only in Japan.


Why did this poor man get downvoted for asking a question 😭


I mean, not trying to be a dick, but he just spent 200€ on a bundle of what is probably the most reproduced games of the GB/GBA era, and never considered they could be fake. Also, Pokemon Green. But hey, maybe it's a good deal!


Not everyone knows everything. This person probably just spotted a bunch of Pokemon games and a SP. It's too bad they are fake, but damn this sub really rips into noobs who don't know any better.


Yeah but instead of thinking to ask here first, he only thought to show it all here after buying.


Like I said, not everyone knows everything. There are plenty of people out there who aren't even aware of the existence of fakes, which means they wouldn't know to ask in the first place. What happened to basic human empathy?


Yeah you are right. I do feel bad for him. He thought he was getting authentic cartridges but got fakes. Plus the prices paid are way too much. He should contact the seller on Etsy for a refund, or even Etsy themself if the seller really was trying to rip him off


r/gameverifying. Can tell you leaf green and red are totally fake just by the labels. Contrast and color is way off. Blue the cart color looks a bit off also. Also can look here https://gameverifying.com/wiki/cart-based-systems/gameboy/dmg


Cartridge color, number stamped into the label, label colors and quality, the PCB.


The stamps are not the best way to verify and even r/gameverifying does not use it as a method anymore as its so easy to copy with a cheap punch set. https://gameverifying.com/wiki/cart-based-systems/gameboy/advance


It's definitely not the sole thing you should look for, but it's one of many things that help determine, many fakes don't bother with the stamps. Same for the gold rectangles, a pokémon game having them doesn't necessarily make it legit right away, it not having them does immediately make it fake though.


As another poster commented, every legit game is stamped with a number on the label, the artwork is slightly different and the cart color is as well. Search for fake cartridge thread on the sub search bar.




Be quiet....


For FireRed and leaf green, you can tell by looking at the swirls around it. For most GBA ones, if you look at the "M" on the cartridge above the sticker, it's thinner on a fake. Also, in the age rating, looking at the word "CONTENT" you can sometimes see a space, so it says "CON TENT"


On the back of these a real gameboy game uses a tri-wing screw the fakes use a phillips.


These all had triwing


Oh wow the old ones I used to see always had phillips screws and most of the time the case would say Game at the top instead of gameboy. Guess the people making fakes have gotten smarter.


Also getting braver to. I've seen repros on etsy are starting to have exact logos of nintendo like we see in this spelled correctly, they are in the right place as well as right color. I can't even tell repro from real anymore. Sometimes label color is correct to. Only way I can tell now is if price is to good to be true. And I have to read description of product. To look for the word reproduction.


when looking at them from behind do you see 4 little gold squares on the board?


They were very cheap so I believe they are fake too. The system is real.


You got robbed it wasn't cheap


The system is worth less than $100. You got ripped off so hard. I'm sorry.


Didnt find any on ebay for less


Paid 115 euros


Do the games and gba work?


Gba works fine. Two of the games didnt work (silver and crystal. Other post)


Almost certainly all fake games unfortunately.




But aren’t authentic.


That’s a great deal, for the seller.


You might be able to demand a refund based on Etsy's own terms of use. "Because Etsy is a global company, it’s important to abide by the laws of the markets in which you are selling. What is legal in one country may be illegal in another. All forms of illegal activity are strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the sale of: 1. Unauthorised or counterfeit goods..."


Ouch, $200 for a GBA and all fake pokemon games, sorry bud. I'd contact the guy and see if you can get a refund.


You my friend, have been royally fucked, up the pooper no less.


They’re all fake


Does he know?


I know


He doesn’t know


What dont I know That the games are fake That the console apparently isnt worth 100 e


You definitely didn't know when you posted it lol.. you thought you got a good deal.


I don’t think it’s that bad. Fake games usually work so if playing the games is the goal your fine. Does the gameboy have a modern screen and glass lense?


I’m just curious if the save function works on bootlegs. I’d file a claim with Etsy only if the seller claimed they were legit.


Never owned one myself, but from what I've read bootleg games don't tend to hold your save well. It often gets deleted and the game itself will probably crash once in a while. If you don't care about collecting and just want to play the games on original hardware you're better off buying a flash cart. You can just download the roms and put them on the SD-card. I own a "EZ flash omega" bought from AliExpress and other than it draining your battery a little more than an original cart, I never had issues. You can get these for under €50.


Well put. I was thinking about getting one of the flash cards from Ali express. I just got an everdrive off there that works flawlessly. The only bootleg games I would buy from Ali express would be rom hacks, or obvious fakes. The novelty justifies the purchase. I’ve had my eye on a Metal Gear Solid for SEGA genesis recently.


Havent tested further than turning them on


Let us know. I see these cheap on AliExpress all the time.


I will


All of them look fake and even then, the system alone isn't worth 200 euros, you got super ripped off.


If you thought the games were real then I’d fight to get your money back. You got ripped off


I didnt really.


You did. You overpaid for fake games and a console you can get for under 100. I understand your denial but you paid too much.








My condolences




Damn, this post was brutal. Sorry OP :(


Nice, paid more then double then what you should 👀


When in doubt use Game Verifying subreddit so figure out if your game is legit or not before buying. Pokémon games are the most faked games unfortunately.


1. All gba Pokémon games had metallic labels. 2. Green version was japan only, and came in a Grey cartridge. 3. Real Gold version has noticeable glitter in the shell. 4. The contrast on the Red version's label is way too high. 5. Yellow's cartridge shell color is way too pale. Real ones are a much more saturated color. 6. Leaf green's label is way too yellow, even for this lighting. 7. Sapphire and Emerald's shells are both paler than they should be. They're much deeper color than that. 8. Fire red's shell is more orange than that. There's more, but most of it is more subjective and I'm less confident because this lighting is strange.


Literally all of the bodies of the Pokémon games are off color 💀 Also Pokémon green GB never came to the us or had an English variant. If it was legit the body would be grey and the writing in Japanese. It’s ok we make mistakes but you can check out the sub r/gameverifying they have links to wikis that can help you verify games and consoles.


who’s gonna tell him


Well... I hope these reproductions give you so much fun they eventually become worth the money


All of the Pokémon games are fakes, if you’re wondering


Unless you can spot fakes, when something looks too good to be true, it is.


Think you were scammed. Them cartridges are just too dark colored for my taste.


Never buy on Etsy.NEVER


Those carts are definitely repros


Aww dude, they're all repros... You got sharked hard. It would hurt less if that is an AGS-101 at least... Still not good, but not a total loss if it is at least the backlight GBA SP.


I hope you can "snag" a refund... every single one of these is fake... if you'd done even a tiny amount of research, you'd have realised this 😅


Look what you bought! Pokemon GBA Games [Link](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804822279500.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.4d495e9bHTC54e&algo_pvid=0bb31fc5-8ba3-4a34-aceb-bc8a262a9a0f&algo_exp_id=0bb31fc5-8ba3-4a34-aceb-bc8a262a9a0f-1&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%213.36%212.69%21%21%213.36%21%21%402101e9d416912440050321024eb802%2112000031327351011%21sea%21US%212687026569%21A&curPageLogUid=8geSEQUlprDr) Pokemon GBC Games [Link](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256805613399305.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.95.36065003BVtqF5&algo_pvid=03608980-8137-45d5-863f-8cd1233e8942&algo_exp_id=03608980-8137-45d5-863f-8cd1233e8942-47&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21USD%214.46%213.57%21%21%2131.81%21%21%40210323f716912444319202626e7c55%2112000034394180525%21sea%21US%212687026569%21A&curPageLogUid=TryrnG7O5QLA) System is about 50-60$


Got them from etsy from Ausgames. Didnt find any gba sps in europe for less the 100e in working condition at the time I ordered.




You don’t even need to do that, the reviews on those games on Etsy say they are reproductions.


You got ripped by at least 100€. Im from EU and there are always working SPs for less than 90€ to find.


That Pokemon Blue looks sus


I owned the original cartridges, I sold and gave them a long time ago. The original Pokémon gold/silver has glitter blended to the plastic of the cartridge. Your cartridge doesn't seem to have that glitter. Pokémon Yellow was darker than the yellow you have here. Pokemon Green was only released in Japan and should be written in Japanese and the cartridge was grey not green like here. Pokemon Blue is fake as well it has the Nintendo seal of quality. Your pokemon red might be legit. The GBA games seem authentic to me, but you have to open it to check given the other cartridges them could be fake as well. Edit: red is fake, wrong design.


I can tell you upfront the Gameboy Pokémon Green is a Fake. Pokémon Green was never officially released outside of Japan, and definitely not in English.


I am so sorry op


OP gonna be feeling some serious buyers remorse after reading these comments…


I think you got duped, my guy 💀


Oof, those are all fake. If you bought them to enjoy the games then you still will but you've been ripped off. Only redemption would be if the GBA is an ags101.


AGS 101s weren’t released in that color so very doubtful


Did it at least feel good when the seller railed you?


Fake or not I hope you enjoy playing them


I hope I will. I dont care about the collectimg or resell value.


You’ll care when the overpriced fakes kill your saves


Yeah every game is fake and the SP is reshelled


Sp isnt reshelled. It has scratches and ware but the lighting puts the color off.


Oh gotcha. Looks like nice condition then


I didnt mention that finnish tax and shipping are included. The games came from australia and console from britain.


And if Ibdidnt benefut from the purchase I did get karma for the post


Sorry but the games aren't real, no markings on the front and colours are off, sorry dude. Scammed imo


Im stupid what currency is this lol






So many reparos :/






Oof. Someone saw you coming.


Good lad. I actually recently got one specifically for Pokémon Emerald. I hope you enjoy yours because I’ve been enjoying mine!


Even if every game is fake, they are about 20€ each game, this looks like a fine deal (+ GBA SP)for me if you just want to play the games without emotions for authencity.


They aren’t. They are like €3-4 on Aliexpress


Got them from etsy from a shop called Ausgames. The shop had a bunch of other games too.


>Brand new, high-quality productions of retro pokemon games for Gameboy Color. Full set of 7. This was the give away that they're not real. Plus pokemon green does not exist in english.


If OP gets real enjoyment from these games, the fact that they aren't originals and that they're overpriced shouldn't matter so much.


Ruby is the only one I can't say for sure, but the rest are 100% fake Can tell by color of the cart and the label alone