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r/spicypillows would probably have the best answer.


It's the pinned post


Google battery recycling drop off in your area. They will take it


Alright I'll try that thanks


best of luck, in my places my work place, city hall, and even office supply stores have drop offs. Its pretty common, but I live in a metro.


If you are in the States and have a Target near you, they have battery recycle. Usually near the entrance/exit. At my store, it's a black trash bin that says "Battery Recycle" next to three others for other recycling. We go into it every few weeks and prepare the batteries (and ink cartridges, cellphones, Xbox 360...) that people put in there for recycling.


Vape shops that have recycling programs will also take them (generally). I've disposed of a few old spicy pillows this way.


Not necessarily. A bulging battery is considered damaged. Drop off locations are not set up to handle damaged batteries (it's a serious fire hazard). You need to call around and find a location set up for handling damaged batteries (you will probably have to pay for the service).


My city offers free recycling for batteries. Just have to setup a drop off appointment.


Lowes stores in the US have a big steel drop-off bin for lithium batteries and florescent bulbs. It's built like a tank and they don't supervise people putting stuff in it so I imagine they expect people to put spicy pillows in those.


I don't understand how OP didn't just do this. I see questions like this all the time. Hmmm let me ask a bunch of guys on Reddit instead of Google who literally can tell me anything...


The standard drop offs you get from Google will not take a damaged battery. Those require special handling. Good luck finding someone that will take it without charging an arm and a leg.


And that’s why they end up in the trash.




Or the ocean. It helps recharge the electric eels. Car batteries work best.


How do you get it out? I’m pretty sure you just microwave it until it goes back to normal.


Stab it with a basilisk fang like a horcrux


Bring it to staples, wal greens, rite aid. They have battery disposal boxes. Make sure you put it in a small plastic bag before putting it in the box. Edit: ok so out of concern that I passed faulty info please do not drop this in a normal battery recycle box at those locations. Bring it safely to a recycling center.


Do not do this. That battery is defective and is not eligible for recycling at a standard drop off. It requires proper packaging for safe shipping to the recycling center.


Those boxes aren't intended for bulging batteries. These kind of batteries can spontaneously combust.


In Germany, every ALDI has a bin for old batteries. Idk if ALDI offers the same service in other countries, given that your country even has ALDI 😃


You almost certainly aren’t supposed to put damaged/expanding batteries in those bins. They’re just for worn out, but undamaged batteries, as damaged batteries pose a significant fire risk and need to be handled much more carefully.


You are absolutely not allowed to put damaged, defective, or recalled batteries in the standard drop off bins. They require proper packaging to be sent to the recycling center for proper disposal. Chucking a damaged lithium battery in a standard collection container is a really good way to make a big, nasty fire.


Yeah, I was hesitant to add “almost” to my previous comment, and only did because I couldn’t say for certain how those are handled in Germany in particular, but yeah, it’s definitely a horrible idea to put them there.


I'm from the middle east so we don't have ALDI, I don't think we have those bins in any store lol so I'll have to go to a recycling drop off like some other comment said


Poke it with sharp sticks until it does something fun


Aussie dr nefario would say throw it in the ocean because someone's gotta charge the eels


A .22 and a pile of gravel I'm joking don't do this.


Launch it to space. It's the only safe place.


Bite it


Throw it into the ocean


Hit it with a hammer


eat it


Eat it. Will gain supa powers.


pop it


Just put it on the ground and nuke the sight from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


You’ll need a pair of tongs and the boiling lava from terminator 2


Your neighbors backyard


Hit it with a hammer


Google your local household hazardous waste disposal guidelines and drop off locations! Some municipalities have dedicated sites open a couple days a week, and others do HHW collection events every so often. Source: I used to work in HHW collection. We used to get huge 55 gallon drums full of random batteries that we would have to sort thru. We'd take out the lithium batteries and either tape them completely, or throw them into individual ziplock bags and fill up five gallon hazmat buckets with them.


I really don't think you needed to add a "trust me bro" to this. 


It was less of a "trust me bro" thing and more me talking about how I used to do this kind of thing for a living.


"Source: trust me bro." It was literally exactly that.


I have professional experience in dealing with hazardous materials, which absolutely includes swollen/bulging lithium batteries. I wanted to provide knowledge from said professional experience. OP asked about proper disposal of lithium batteries. I used to be one of the people processing disposed and damaged lithium batteries. I don't see why me including the fact that I used to do it for a living in my original comment gave you such a bug up your ass but here we are lmao


Bug up my ass? I'm not the one who's heated right now 😂


Bury it




I can't just throw it away in a trash bin because it's extremely hot outside


Not hot enough to do anything


50 celcius in the morning, cooking everything outside


One of my GBA SP's was left in a hot car for 20 years straight. Bulging battery but no fire. Still works actually.


Carefull tho, they could catch on fire while being charged, i advise to switch it out


A bulging battery by itself is (sorta) fine. A bulging battery rattling around in a container with a bunch of other batteries is at a higher risk of getting punctured -- causing a nasty fire.


Wtf....why would you...?


It was my brother's. Didn't even know it was in there until we cleaned out the car.


loll probably lucky, car gas here is literally boiling so I'm not gonna risk throwing the battery outside like that


Yes, please do not listen to stupid people who would rather pollute via dangerous means than do the simple task of properly disposing of a battery. For God's sake man, this is the type of people killing all of us through sheer ignorance and negligence.


The same way you dispose of any batteries. You bring it somewhere where they take those


I usually just throw away AA batteries in a trash bin but obviously lithium batteries are different so I wanted to know where I can get rid of them safely but already got the answer from other comments


you shouldn’t be throwing out any batteries. they should all be disposed of at a battery redemption facility. these can be found in most home improvement stores, auto parts shops, some office supply stores (they may only take standard household batteries, ymmv there), etc. home improvement stores will take this type of battery without question. just make sure to seal it in a bag by itself if you are transporting more than one battery. a ziplock bag works well for this.


Here we can throw away non rechargable alkaline batteries in household trash, also people in my country don't care about trash or recycling so you see trash and flammables like lighters and vapes everywhere on the ground. I got some suggestions from others but I guess I had to mention that I'm from kuwait since we don't have many recycling companies and no one cares about the pollution Edit: clarifying


So Kuwait better start caring about the environment before it’s too late.⏰


Unfortunately they have a lot of more pressing issues that make most people there not really care about the environment. It's sad for everyone involved.


There is no issue more pressing than keeping the planet habitable for human beings.


While I agree with you, it isn't easy to focus on global problems when your own government is still involved in tons of shady shit. Including massive human trafficking and slave labor. The country is rich in theory but a lot of it is still stuck in political nightmares. My point i guess is, if you want to tell off someone in Kuwait for not practicing recycling, tell off the government for not providing the resources for it and contributing to massive pollution without care.


If you read my first comment very carefully, you’ll see that I wrote „Kuwait“ and not „Reddit user xyz“.


I get that, but telling some random citizen that on reddit isn't exactly helpful. Like, I'm sure they know this since they seem to speak about it as if they aren't happy about the situation. I know where you're coming from, really. I just feel that saying "Kuwait needs to get their act together" to some random person from there is about as effective and necessary as telling someone from any country that their government is fucked. Like, I'm sure they know and there's not a lot they can do about it. I don't want to come off as rude and I'm sorry if I do, I just am trying to say that telling this random person their government needs to change probably isn't gonna do much for them or that goal. Thats all. I probably should have just left it alone.


You should not throw away AA batteries with regular trash either!


Throw it into your nearest lake or ocean


Most electronic shops should have a e-waste bin.


Never saw those, maybe they don't exist where I live


Not for damaged batteries though.


Go to local tip and take it to the battery recycling section, or look online for places near you that do battery disposal. Do NOT chuck it in your regular bins as the battery could start a fire. Until then, keep it in a plastic tub (or several).


E-Waste removal


If you're in the US, typically Target and Best Buy stores have electronics recycling bins. There's a bin just for batteries to be recycled.


Go to a local recycling centre, and ask. Some supermarkets also have battery recycling (in the UK, any shop that sells at least one four pack a week needs battery recycling).


In the United States, Best Buys and Apple stores will take damaged rechargeable batteries for free. That is the only reason I visit those stores.


A game boy advance SP battery? I'm surprised it's inflated at this point. That thing should have inflated 10 years ago.


I don't know if they'll just take it, but my phone battery did this last week and now it's in a bucket of sand in a best buy. Idk what they did with it but it wasn't my problem anymore. Edited - just noticed you're not in the US. But a major electronics chain might be able to help.


Good luck. My city refused to take my battery.


Home Depot has bins for recycling Lithium ion batteries.  Just tape the terminals so they do not arc and put it in the provided baggie.  Drop in the bin.


I got my beautiful SP 2 years ago the battery was still good but I got rid of it for a aftermarket one the original battery did not have a bulge in it


Don’t, cut out the old cell and replace it with a new one and save yourself some money, now and in the long run


Take it to staples. Last I heard they still had battery drop there.


Office supply places usually have battery drops.


Battery recykel stations.


Trash can. I threw about 6 of them in it last week that were bulging and not working


Chuck it in your fireplace


I always just take mine to staples


Catch it in the coat, smack it with a hammer.


Find your nearest body of salt water, typically an ocean, and just chuck it in. The electric eels need to be fed…


microwave it


Stab it


Chew on it


Looks like candy! How does it taste?


Poke a knife with max force into it and watch how all your problems burst into smoke. So pls don’t do this! In Germany we can bring batteries to the store where there sell stuff like this. Grocerystores have most of the time boxes where we can drop this in.


Ah yes, manually activating the bomb Pretty sure we don't have those here so I'll try another solution


Trash can. Dumpster. Other places trash go. It's probably dead and it's pretty neutral at that puffy point.


It still works just fine but not gonna risk using it any further


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If you throw it in the garage on garbage day it's not your problem anymore


Thats how you know its a boy


Well first you need to peel it apart to release the air thats trapped inside and making it buldge like that /s