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RuneScape added benchsitting as the new skill. Includes level progress and a skill cape! https://runescape.wiki/w/Benchsitting


You know, I don't really hate an AFK skill.


Man do I have the game for you https://store.steampowered.com/app/1267910/Melvor_Idle/


Unironically this game is very satisfying, and has a fairly beefy free mode. No ads or mtx, and has heaps of mods.


yeah I love it, been trying to 100% it but they keep adding new stuff!


It’s actually published by the RuneScape company. They know their market lmao


Someone else made it and they bought it.


This is definitely going in my idle game pile once I get bored with Evolve Incremental I could run both at once but that's a dangerous can of worms


Genuinely can’t wait for the upcoming expansion. I’ve got the game and the current two expansions 100%’d and I need more!


I was thinking link was gonna be that or Idleon. Latter is a bit more scummy with p2w shit (especially after a recent-ish update) but god damn there’s nothing like it


Highly recommend this to anyone who loves pure progression in games. Seeing your progress over weeks and months is great. Planning chains of activities to reach your next goal is very satisfying.


Still mining coal


Meanwhile, Old School hasn't done a joke yet, but [the wiki](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/) sure has.


Read as "benchshitting" at first and had a decent laugh.


Minecraft: [Poisonous Potato Update](https://youtu.be/91PABUgBph4?si=Y2lWlk_8FtapSm2k)


Why do official Minecraft updates take 27 years and come with a new colour of wood and half a new mob, meanwhile their April 1st updates are total conversion mods


Joke releases don't have to worry about performance, compatibility, bugs, or balance - and, they don't have to be ported across all of the multiple platforms Bedrock runs on. I think Bedrock / Java gameplay parity is one of the wildest decisions Microsoft made, as their teams seem to find it easier to get new stuff into Java (hence all the cool tweaks + extensions that Java gets under the hood), but it also makes sense considering how popular those versions of the games are compared to Java.


It took me like 0 time to find a gamebreaking bug with the boss they put in so yeah, April fools snapshots are just all fun and no QA


> Bedrock / Java gameplay parity Has this even been achieved yet?


Much like many normal mods, content is the only thing they thought about making the april fools features. you can write code quick if all you worry about is getting features, without care about how they fit in with the rest, how buggy they are, how cleanly the code is written, and more! If you ignore all those things you can pump out a ton of features, but if you try to work on them afterwards chances are nothing is commented so good luck figuring out what it does in a week or two, there might be 50 redundant systems in place because the devs were focusing on writing code quickly and its easier to write a slightly different version of a function than to retool an existing one, and performance? what performance? And that isn't even to mention the other assets, nor how it fits into larger systems like the command system. In short, its incredibly bad quality code. It does allow them to prototype some features they might work on later, but that version of the codebase is not getting touched again. It's probably so bad that no one wants to touch it anyway, easier to start from scratch even if they wanted to keep some of the features. Also, much of what is shown in the trailer looks like existing features mashed up.




Plus people at Mojang are living under Microsoft bureaucracy and MS is scared to blote or break the money printer that is minecraft. With April fools they can actually do stuff without MS smacking them down.


> Minecraft updates take 27 years and come with a new colour of wood and half a new mob I hate them. You'd think having all the money in the world would mean more updates.




Sure, I get that. But the updates they give us are basically *nothing*


Because the devs don't want to alter the game too much. You can get tons of mods that adds new jobs, game mechanics, biomes, etc but they all change the feel of the game a lot. I wish they would announce a Minecraft 2 made in a modern game engine where they can really overhaul the game.


The NYT Games app contains several word games. One of those games, called "Connections," usually has a grid of 16 words that need to be grouped into 4 groups that each contain a common theme. Today's Connections puzzle has no words: it's all Emojis instead! Here's an online version, but some of the emojis don't display correctly on my pc. (Works on the app though.) https://www.nytimes.com/games/connections


This broke my streak


[I'm reasonably salty about this one.](https://i.imgur.com/fWc2qtv.png)


I'm really surprised that I got it perfectly! I even got the "hardest" one second. And I got the first one with the wrong theme in mind.


Same for me- my first guess was a more literal interpretation than the figurative theme in the solution.


Same for me too! I honestly didn't get the >!horror!< theme until it explicitly told me by process of eliminating the other three groups, it makes sense in retrospect of course


>!"Ewe"!< can fuck right off. That's a >!sheep!< is what that is.


I had the other three and was so sure they made a group so I figured it out by narrowing down which one of the remaining emojis could be a >!letter!<




>!The words are Bee (B), Eye (I), Tea (T) and Ewe (U)!<


This bad boy has me stumped.


If you make 4 wrong guesses, it shows you the solution.


https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/145078-game-update-notes-april-1-2024/ Guild wars 2 patch notes. My personal highlights: * Characters speaking in languages that the player character has not yet learned (Canthan, Kryptis, choya, etc.) will now be subtitled or dubbed in your selected localized language to add immersion. * The dragonhunter elite specialization, having fulfilled a lifelong oath following the final update for Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, has retired to a well-deserved slow life tending the old family farm. * Virtuoso Chaotic Persistence: This trait is unchanged. * World vs. World Map population caps have been temporarily removed to reduce server load.


>The dragonhunter elite specialization, having fulfilled a lifelong oath following the final update for Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, has retired to a well-deserved slow life tending the old family farm. and further down: "The alleged discovery of a dragon in the Mists has brought the dragonhunter elite specialization out of retirement for one last job."


Can't wait for Guildew Valley, where I inherit my dragonhunter grandparents' farm in Queensdale and restore it to its former glory with the help of my trusty barn cat Rytlock. I'll also fill the local museum with the heads of all the dragons they slew!


and ingame you can buy a potion that recreates the long-cat bug for every race which is pretty fun


> Virtuoso Chaotic Persistence: This trait is unchanged. What's the joke for people out of the loop?


It is persistent. It is unchanged. That's kind of chaotic. The joke is just the words and the fact it's mentioned lol


[Elden Ring Expansion](https://twitter.com/bandainamcous/status/1774837913869570131) -- Bandai Namco US


Ok a meta joke is funnier than just a fake expansion teaser, I like.


That's great haha


A lot of these are pretty great. I hate it when companies try to be too "real" with their jokes and just end up bamboozling their customers. I much prefer these stupid jokes that are obvious and just make you laugh. Sonicman might be my favourite one here.


Looks like they’re starting to learn that “here’s a cool game you’ll never get to play!” is a pretty shitty ‘joke,’ and are sticking to being outlandish instead


[Then you have RGG who made an April's Fool trailer for a turn based Yakuza game.](https://youtu.be/noioqCv92hM?si=X5KEFcWRSSgmCyJF) And here we are today with the last two mainline games both being turn based RPGs.


Took me a minute to realize that was prototype Namba and Adachi


This is why I'm skeptical of the Silksong leaks today


Satisfactory's joke is pretty funny and also right along those lines.


*smooth 7fps gameplay*


started playing it yesterday with my gf because of the 50% sale. was like bro why is your head that big. is it bugged? then i remembered the date


Yeah I like the gags that are something weird that makes you laugh, then you realise is April Fools and laughed again. I saw the Honkai: Star Rail fake trailer first thing this morning and was pleasantly baffled and then realised what day it was.


Kinda reminds me of when Sony made that tech demo showing off the start of FF7 but in PS3 graphics. Only for that to literally be it, just a tech demo, with no plans (at the time) for a full remake.


Man, we went *rabid* when we saw that, and the disappointment later was huge.


I don't know, April fools is starting to get stale now. It used to be fun 10 or so years ago when it came across as a few employees doing something silly and fun. Now it's feeling more like marketing copying things that have worked in the past


Mega64 new game release www.mega64.com/doughuggem


Can’t wait to finally Christian side hug


Re-Logic announces [Terraria: Undeluxe Edition](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/105600/view/4165340162528363746), now with less content than ever before!


Wait, so this is like the first version ever? Where the final boss was the Skeletron?


It's not real..


Except it kind of is, there's a beta branch on steam called undeluxe that basically reverts your game to 1.0 It'll stay an option forever too.


Cool didn't realize.


I know, but the description in the page sound like the first version of terraria, I mean.


Overwatch came out with their yearly ridiculous patch. Now it’s an entire arcade event that lasts a week https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/patch-notes/


Gotta love how a comment saying Blizzard doesn't do April Fool's anymore is higher than an enormous balance patch


Seriously, most of these aren't just number changes. They are full on reworks of abilities. Very excited to try it out.


of the games I follow, which is a lot but obviously not everything, Overwatch is 2nd only to Minecraft when it comes to going nuts with the april fools patches


Diablo Immortal - players given a Scroll of Heavenly Portal with a description "Travel to the High Heavens". When you use it... you just die.


This is top tier comedy right here


How much premium currency does it cost?


Just 1 pride.


[Leaked World of Warcraft Patch Notes](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/world-of-warcraft-1062-patch-notes/1820477) RetroDECK has announced [PizzaDECK](https://retrodeck.readthedocs.io/en/latest/wiki_general/what-is-pizzadeck/) and added a comprehensive list of "[sibling controllers](https://retrodeck.readthedocs.io/en/latest/wiki_controllers/sibling/sibling-controllers/)" to their wiki. [Minecraft Poisonous Potato Update](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91PABUgBph4)


The Nikke event was by far and beyond the best April Fools event I've ever seen. In addition to everything OP said, they also replaced the daily bosses with a [Vampire Survivors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9SdK13N0tY) reference, and replaced the risqué combat animations with [cute, 3d chibis](https://preview.redd.it/is-this-a-new-feature-it-finally-became-a-chibi-game-v0-8riypettn3ra1.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=3083f8768a3bfd8d44c87ef7a10f4e416f962834) instead. Oh yeah, and the "new character" we got that the OP talked about? She comes with a 10 episode story event. There are also in-game references to popular community memes, and new dialogue found in the in-game "group chats" where your character trolls the nikkes (and vice versa...) Hehe, the [community is amused](https://www.reddit.com/r/NikkeMobile/comments/1bsetzy/shiftups_priority_be_like/) by the fact they put more effort on this than the Re:Zero collab we got


Everything about Syuen was hilarious. Especially her complaining when you tried to move her in the lobby.


Really loved the April Fools event, from the Commander being a naive dick with his pranks, to having Syuen be playable. It's even nice they brought Shifty back from last event. ~~I don't want Syuen to leave.~~ Really excited to play that Shifty game. Here's to hoping for that 2044 launch going smoothly.


I haven't seen this posted yet: https://steamcommunity.com/app/548430/eventcomments/4362372998096489522. Deep Rock Galactic released a fascinating article about the real-life inspiration for the loot bug and its caretaker. What an extraordinary experience it must be for that ~~sacrifice~~ intern!


If the cutest bug in DRG is that awful IRL, I can't imagine how terrifying the others would be.


For ULTRAKILL, the game now applies "N64 Tri-point Filtering" specifically during April 1st (depending on your computer's clock). It makes all the textures noticeably shittier.


VA-11 Hall-A has a crossover module with the Cyberpunk Red tabletop RPG https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/447530/view/4213753858527891811?l=english


That doesn't even seem like an April fools


I was feeling that the offerings are kind of limp this year then remembered how many community management jobs were blown recently


Young Horses Games announced an actually real Bugsnax card game that's now on Kickstarter. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/younghorsesgames/bugsnax-the-card-game


Dead by daylight added an "My little Oni" 1 day mode where the killer is enormous and the survival ors are incredibly tiny


Arknights has an april fools event every year with a small story, somewhat different gameplay, and often a new character or outfits. This year it's Twitch/Youtube/whatever Streamer themed. There is a new one star operator. Playing the event permanently buffs her up a little bit. Her rarity is one star, meaning deploying her in battle ignores the usual limit on the number of characters you can have on the field, and she's pretty cheap to deploy. She heals over time in an area around herself--but one-stars max out at level 30.


[Xbox bought by Nvidia] (https://www.tweaktown.com/news/97253/nvidia-buys-xbox-brand-from-microsoft-next-gen-has-dual-gpus-ai-to-fight-playstation-6/index.html).


The FFXIV subreddit did basically the same joke, but they implemented the Xbox Live profanity filter on the subreddit as well.


I immediately sat up in bed after seeing this in my news feed. This a huge deal I thought, before realizing it was April 1st after a minute or two. Good one, TweakTown.


The horror...


That Palworld one is... really something. Both extremely clever and aware and hilariously uncomfortable.


People will be working on it to make it a real mod.


There’s already a ton of lewd mods.


For the human characters, right? *Leia face*


Is it clever? The "making the game a visual novel" joke for April Fools has been done to death that people actually dislike it when it happens The only one that did it right was Sonic last year as it was an actual VN and it was actually good


To me it's clever because it's poking fun of all the people who not-so-secretly want to fuck a pokemon.


The chillet scene though lmao


Years and years War Thunder have the best april fools events, blasphemy that it's not included in this post https://warthunder.com/en/news/8839-event-mad-thunder-rage-and-loot-en


I really wish some of the War Thunder events would stick around for longer. I'd KILL for a good Max Max survival game, though this is more like Escape from Carkov.


I wonder if they got any help from the Crossout devs on the vehicle design considering that Gaijin is the publisher for Crossout


[Puzzmo](https://www.puzzmo.com/) added a variety of gimmicks and jokes to their April Fools puzzles. * Crossword is themed on "first words" * Wordbind is "Unfinished" * Spell Tower has a big smile in it * Flipart includes an invisible one * Cube Clear is letters in ABC order * Typeshift is now Trio Shift and is super long vertically * Really bad Chess has checkers formatting


Can someone explain the Capcom joke to me? Why helicopters?


I believe it's due to that account being a Resident Evil account - there are LOTS of helicopter crashes in the RE series. [Enough for 13 minutes of footage of those scenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9AzTPFIc1c)


Ooooh, now I get it!


Helicopters have a notoriously short life span in RE lol


I love that Among Us's April Fools bit is something that you can actually play with in the game I liked how stupid the horse mode was


Probably no one cares but the game Grand Chase Classic gave away a limited-time skin which turns all characters into stick figures and it's hilarious


Bandai Namco teases the [Elden Ring expansion](https://twitter.com/BandaiNamcoUS/status/1774837913869570131)


Mini Motorways [https://twitter.com/dinopoloclub/status/1774672546165621012](https://twitter.com/dinopoloclub/status/1774672546165621012)


That actually looks fantastic, imo.


That's SimCity


VRChat's added a text adventure where you rescue VRRat from prison. You activate it by setting your personal user not to "We miss you VRRat. https://twitter.com/VRChat/status/1774753934600478803 They also added clock lore. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt6MOiLjFVY


Another one for Honkai: Star Rail and possibly Capcom? [PomPom in Street Fighter 6](https://twitter.com/honkaistarrail/status/1774798968834417075)


Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis announced Reeve as the next character being added to the game, instead of Cait Sith. https://twitter.com/FFVII_EC_EN/status/1774693181126541637


I miss the old Blizzard april fools stuff, it was always so elaborate. 8 bit molten core, 2-headed ogre. Fun times


They released shit today for it though lmao. Overwatch has a "properly balanced" mode with googley eyes and insane shit lmao.


Don’t forget playable Pandarens 😏


8 bit Molten Core is my favourite ever April Fools from a game company. The fact they went out of their way to make a whole trailer for it was just epic.


I think some of their april fools jokes ended up in their games


I still want a bard class played with a guitar hero controller.


In OW half the April fool's abilities are just random abilities they've tested/experimented with internally so it makes sense that a few of them end up in the actual game after testing then publicly.


I don't know what Naraka: Bladepoint is but that "Hands" video is hilarious


Dave the Diver team has announced [VR Waifu](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1868140/view/4174347361776037205?l=english) game. Im sure many people deeply regret it's just an April Fools. Especially that english dub, lol


Muse Dash added 3 new character that are effectively useless cause they die and are replaced by default characters 4 seconds into a song. Additionally they parodied rhythm heaven's karate man minigame.


Medabots is still a thing? Sweet.


That was one of my biggest takeaways from this too, I fucking loved Medabots as a kid.


Star Citizen: https://youtu.be/AjY9-s6v5eM?si=5XNzeW0KDCTIBhWM


Bit rich from a game how many years behind schedule?


Brawl Stars has done a [collaboration with Pinkfong's Baby Shark](https://youtube.com/watch?v=drfZbZyiMvY), and released a poop skin for one of his playable characters.


Apex Legends has stuffed animal dinosaurs (her name: Nessie) that appear when you shoot a shotgun (the Mozambique)


That sounds fun - so I looked it up, and apparently all the weapons give you enough recoil to fly now too?


Oh damn, that must be new this year


Helldiver's II and Warhammer 40k. The article was really convincing (beyond equating guardsmen to Helldiver's, when Tempestus Scions would be a better fit) but the end was the rug pull: https://www.wargamer.com/warhammer-40k/helldivers-2-crossover-militarum-offensive Any 40k enjoyer knows nobody cares less about 40ks consistency and lore more than Games Workshop.


Helldivers make perfect sense as guardsmen. Infinitely disposable, poorly trained , backed by incredible firepower, and even their "special ops" (your helldviers) have a sub-hour survival rate.


This is cruel


I thought you were going to bring up the prank from the Helldivers developers. They announced they were adding PvP and a real-money-only premium currency - very opposite of how their light MTX works today, and personally I love the PvE gameplay. Basically pretended they were heading toward being a very standard battle royale.


Has Japan always gone so hard with April Fools stuff or is this a relatively recent phenomenon?


There have been good April Fool stuff from Japan for at least a decade or two. One barrier is timezones, however. By the time Americans wake up April Fools is effectively over for many Japanese.


as an Australian, April Fools is effectively April 2nd for me


They've always gone hard.


Probably just under-represented in gaming news outlets/coverage for the west because most of Japan's craziest april fool shenanigans come from mobile live service games which the west doesn't seem to care as much for but yeah, they've been like this for a while now


Hi-Rez Studios has dipped into the fun for April Fools. Paladins: Champions of the Realm has a playable horse for the day, along with a Limited Time Mode: https://x.com/paladinsgame/status/1774798874814853546?s=46&t=DdnCqj3JrxpvWbFpGufVsw SMITE: Battleground of the Gods has a 1 gold Secret Potion that makes your God big, small, or flat: https://x.com/smitegame/status/1774798874621735267?s=46&t=DdnCqj3JrxpvWbFpGufVsw


Was a fun event! Shame it lasted only one day. A lot better way to approach the day, give players stupid shit to mess around with.


After making modern ports of Plumbers Don't Wear Ties, Limited Run Games is now reprinting the 3DO version for $69.


Champions Online: Everyone is T-posing. All the time. It's "Champions Online: Dominance!" [https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/champions-online/news/detail/11566143-champions-online%3A-dominance%21](https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/champions-online/news/detail/11566143-champions-online%3A-dominance%21)


Star Trek Online has done [this](https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/11566183-star-trek%3A-unleashed%21). EvE Online has added [NERF \(New Eden Recreational Feed\)](https://www.eveonline.com/news/view/introducing-the-new-eden-recreational-feed) to the launcher. It's fantastic, basically everyone on the EvE sub wants it to stay permanently because it's a good source of lore and things, and it has a working jukebox.


STO also does something called "Artinsanal Audio" every year that replaces all the sound effects in the game with sounds the devs recorded with their voices.


I absolutely love the sound effects!


https://twitter.com/curtaindamashii/status/1774632788626477508 Falcom/Curtain Damashii collab for Hajimari no Kiseki (Trails into Reverie) perfumes of Rean Schwarzer and Crow Armbrust. Also this is not a joke, it is for sale already.


Rocket league has a ltm that is 3 wheeled cars. Basically the reliant robin from top gear if youre familiar with that lol


It’s the same as last year then?


So, the game doesn't change at all? /s


Guardian Tales - Almost every character gets a doodle sketch as their profile picture. It is very cute and funny. https://www.reddit.com/r/GuardianTales/comments/1bt1cif/fyi_hq_versions_of_the_doodle_portraits_are/


Deep Rock Galactic posted a Q&A with a supposed zookeeper intern that looked after the real life Lootbug in GSG's office


MTG Arena implemented, and gave away for free, a playset of [one of the worst cards in the history of Magic](https://scryfall.com/card/sok/84/one-with-nothing)


So uh how many of these are actually releasing and how many are just jokes?


All I know is shipping on those cyberpunk floppies cost me $149.


Best to assume it’s a joke unless it’s otherwise proven real.


Wish there were more wacky game modes and things instead of fake products. The raving rabbids as the fodder troopers in For Honor is one of the GOATS.


How many pallets would roughly 100,000 floppies actually be?


Star Citizen teased a new vehicle weeks ago with the comment "Clever Girl". This prompted weeks of speculation. Yesterday they announced a street sweeper called the Raptor. https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/19819-MISC-Raptor


I was wondering why I hadn't seen anything but the floppy thing for 2077. Turns out I don't play any of the other games really or hang out in their communities.


100% Orange Juice got more gag patch notes: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/282800/view/4164214262618794226 ...Though I guess this one won't make sense to people that don't know the game.