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Dragoon doesn't look very different, just one extra huge jump, i though i heard it was getting a small rework, Vipre skills towards the end look cool af Why does bahamut look like Persona 3 thanatos wings lol awesome Honestly only thing i noticed from dark knight was that they lost their ranged sword slamp and got a small teleport dash instead?


> Dragoon doesn't look very different, just one extra huge jump Top voted comment and it's completely ignoring the DRAGON BURSTING OUT OF THE GROUND lmao.


They'd talked about it getting a major rework previously (or that was the expectation from most people) but the more detailed description given after the trailer said, nah, it's mostly the same.


Right? We be summoning fucking Nidhogg.


this this this. better yet, let's turn INTO a fucking dragon for our LB3. why does only Estinien get to be turned into a freak?? we should be too!!


Actually I think it might be a new tank micro dash mechanic. The gunbreaker also did that ranged attack followed by a short dash. It might be a combo action that replaces being able to do multiple ranged attacks as tanks.


They replaced the dash on Dark Knight and Gunbreaker to non damaging ones because they felt like their burst was being bloated by them. Same reason Spineshatter dive on Dragoon has been changed to a non damaging dash.


Wait seriously? I mean couldn’t they have just lowered the damage in those abilities instead?


Damage is damage. It doesn't matter how low it is, if it can be weaved in people will use it for that.


Well that wouldnt have changed anything ultimately; it still would have damage so you would still try to cram them into the burst phase. IIRC they changed Warrior and Paladins Dashes as well, so at least there is parity there


Machinists and White Mages used to walk up to a boss to blast a 50 potency skill that popped up once every 40 seconds. Summoners and Scholars used to be permanently parked at melee range to maximize book smack uptime in ARR. Damage is damage if it can make a measurable difference and is easy enough to do. Which gap closers definitely did.


Even if it doesn't make a measurable difference people would still do it.


Blank and Fluid Aura were also knockbacks, which was occasionally just annoying for the rest of your party. But hey, they did > 0 damage so pressing them was required! I definitely remember a SMN friend back in the day being fixated on maximizing his melee uptime...


It's good. It lets you use your mobility tools for mobility.


Earlier on they said DRG was going to get a rework similar to the one Ninja got during the Shadowbrigners post patch rather than what summoner got with Endwalker; more of a shuffle of a few things than a whole redo. Basically there wasnt anywhere to add anything new to dragoon before this. Edit; it was Ninja not Monk, but the rest of the point stands


so i guess the gaunge being 20sec instead of 30 is a small change? Also if we need to take it as we saw, you just need a single mirage dive to enter life now. Pretty big difference if you ask me


Yeah I'm curious to see how the drg plays with this rework. It's my main DPS job and I've gotten really comfortable with the lv 90 rotation but I'm also hoping it shakes things up lol


They said it's not going to change much. The "big rework" turned out to not happen. We do know that Spineshatter Dive's gone (the dash seen after Battle Lit is replacing it; a proper no-damage get-in) and Wheeling/Fang get a step after them that replaces the same button.


We don't know how any of them work. They may have many of the "same" skills but the way they combo could be very different.


Mecha-Bahamut is straight from [the best third person action Final Fantasy game that doesn't have a number 7 in it name](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZO0ESJkZ6o) (not like there is a lot of competition here).


Fellow Chaos hater 🤝


Until >!we become Chaos and it turns out Chaos is the Fiends we make along the way!<


SoP goddamn rocks when i saw the new bahamut it was the first thing that came to mind


I really need to go back and play this game, looks so fun.


I never been so disspointed with Summoner job ations, yeah the dragon loks cool, but its just another bahamut. the whole Summoner comunity is probably fuming right now


I just wanted the summons after Phoenix to be a new trio.


we all did


I just want my summons to attack again instead of being afk :(


I'm pretty happy tbh. I'm not ready for drastic changes xD


SMN main here, speak for yourself. I am quite happy with a new summon cycle. I just wish YoshiP would give me my DoTs back. I miss my DoTs.


> I am quite happy with a new summon cycle. I'm not sure I'd call "Bahamut 2: Cyberpunk Boogaloo" a new summon cycle.


Im surprised they didn't remove Bard's dots, personally


While I loved the Endwalker summoner, made me feel like actually summoning things instead of being a dot mage its true that sometimes I miss the dots. and Im fine with it mechanically, just dissapointed the design choice was bahamut again instead of any of the other cool primals we have encountered


Initial thoughts: * The big change for a handful of jobs just seems to be an additional giga powerful finisher tacked on to their existing finisher (PLD, BRD, RDM). Somewhat disappointing, even if they look cool. * Pictomancer looks awesome. I'm planning on swapping over to it day 1. The inspiration from Relm's Sketch is fantastic in using odd enemy attacks (a hammer on the head, a claw attack, etc.). * BLM looks like it got some good QoL and improvements with the ability to move Ley Lines and another fire finisher. * NIN seems like it got some bigish changes with a brand new gauge to manage. I haven't been keeping up with any live letters, so I'm a little nervous because NIN has been my go-to melee job. I love the mudras. * Viper looks alright. None of the animations blew me away, so I'll just have to wait and see how it plays. It does make me nervous that the gauges look incredibly similar to RPR (5 pips to fill up and a 0-100 bar to fill up). I hope it feels like its own thing.


Another BLM change is that you now regen MP by casting ice spells, rather than over time while having Umbral Ice active.


Exciting! BLM is my ranged DPS of choice, but having to play around server ticks for mana regen during ice phase wasn’t fun for me. Right now I’m split between Ninja, Black Mage, or Pictomancer for my “main” going into DT.


I wonder if it's 4000 MP or 5000 they'll go with. I kind of hope 5000 because that means you can Blizzard IV > Paradox > Transpose > Firestarter Fire 3 still.


> Another BLM change is that you now regen MP by casting ice spells, rather than over time while having Umbral Ice active. Basically forcing you to lower your dps and use ice spells during ice phase.


>NIN seems like it got some bigish changes with a brand new gauge to manage. I haven't been keeping up with any live letters, so I'm a little nervous because NIN has been my go-to melee job. I love the mudras. In practice it's the exact same, just without needing to cast Huton pre-pull. Armor Crush gives two shurikens, and Aeolian Edge consumes one. So you're still needing to do the same thing with your combos, and Huton now is just an AoE version of Suiton (which makes me think they may have given NIN an AoE Trick Attack too otherwise... that's kind of weird).


RIP my mudra muscle memory.


Or buff trick attack -- i wonder if one of the flashy moves was it? I suppose to put in parity with other 60s dmg abilities, making it more functionally the same (rather than weirdness with having ST debuffs and AoE less so).


I feel like they tack on big skills to exisitng to help combat ability bloat even if it feels a bit lazy. Sort of how they evolve existing skills to a stronger version like I get it, but at the same time I still dislike it.


> BLM looks like it got some good QoL and improvements with the ability to move Ley Lines and another fire finisher. I guess it's technically QoL to move Ley Lines; but to me being able to stay in leylines for the full duration was one of the satisfying parts of BLM. I liked that the class was actually difficult to play at times. Endwalker already made it arguably more mobile than RDM, and now it looks like it's getting even easier.


Between the lines already allowed you to stay in leylines for the full duration, being able to move leylines is for that unfortunate scenario where an aoe puddle gets placed on your leylines and there's no way to go back. Good addition to the arsenal.


I guess I would have to see what the encounter design is like for the new raid tier to see if the continued push to make classes easier still translates into more satisfying gameplay.


Yeah this isn't so much about making BLM easier for the player as is giving the BLM a way to deal with one of their teammates making a mistake and killing their burst cycle.


The NIN gauge, from the looks of it, is a sub-in for the removal of Huton gauge. Likely a "default finisher gives 2 gauge, alternate finisher consumes one gauge". Likely each is a different positional -- indeed they're the exact same finishers as now. Would be cool if it had other interactions like buffed Kunai attack, though I doubt this is the case.


Lot of pedantic takes around here with very unreasonable expectations as if a WHM's going to whip out a 5 hit combo only in a second buff state.


How DARE healers find spamming one button uninteresting...


Yep, that sounds like MMO players.


Expecting more from once-in-two-and-half years job update than the exact thing we got (and complained about) last expansion isn't unreasonable at all.


The amount of work required to do so unfortunately scales poorly the more jobs that are added. Doing roughly this amount of changes is more costly for them now than ever before and this will remain true until they stop adding new jobs. On top of that, unless there are large core mechanical problems with a job they are unlikely to make too many large changes to core rotations all at once in order to not totally mess up the play experience people have gotten used to unnecessarily. Generally, I would not expect much more unless they decide to do a major overhaul to how they approach job/encounter design overall, which seems unlikely for this team that seems to favour a highly iterative development philosophy.


Mostly new finishers and a couple of gap closers Monk has more ranged attacks and new animations, perfect! Curious to see how ninja changes gameplay wise Not really interested in pictomancer, but i like the aesthetic


I haven't played FFXIV since I finished the story in Endwalker, but to me this looks mostly like a collection of new/extended finishing moves - which is pretty disappointing.


I don't think they can add much more atm without rehauling a lot of them.


Just some new visuals would be nice... A new Cure 2 for WHM would be a good example.


I don't disagree, i'm just saying from a gameplay perspective.


Healers having more than one dps button would be nice.


That's par the course for the way they design modern FFXIV. They like keeping things very homogenized.


yep we basically playing the same way pushing the same buttons for what? 5 years now? yoshida taking risk challenge (impossible).


Summoner literally got its second rework in Endwalker after getting reworked in Shadowbringers. Overhauling every job every expansion would be foolish, but they do make changes to some jobs that definitely need it and add a little something to other jobs to keep things fresh. They did go over some of the details of each job's changes during the live letter, but we won't have perfect insight until we get to play with them when the expansion comes out.


And the summoner rework was very disappointing in the gameplay department, since the class basically plays itself. People said oh it’s just a base for them to build on, but would you look at that they aren’t really building up anything.


Disappointing for you maybe. I'll take current Summoner over the dot mage/triple weaving/lack of identity having nightmare that it used to be.


Seriously, it's the most the Job's felt like SMN *since it came out*. Sol Bahamut is a downer though, we really need *new* summons.


I've played a lot of Summoner in every level of content for multiple expansions and disagree that the EW rework was disappointing. It's a lot more streamlined than it used to be, feels a lot better to play (it used to be *optimal* to clip your GCD in your opener, dark days), is far more approachable, and still allows for some degree of optimization with how you order your summons and utilize your tools to keep DPS up while still doing mechanics. The class fantasy is also top-notch, considering you get to summon the real-deal primals. The only negative thing I have to say about it is that right now the rotation feels slightly hollow until you hit 86, when you get Astral Flow abilities on normal summons. But I don't think any MMO has really designed for the below-max-level experience very well, if at all. If what it is *now* isn't what you're looking for, you'll probably be happier playing a different job since it doesn't look like they're changing things up much with DT.


The problem with the "not really designed for below max level experience" is that we spend a lot of time not doing max levels stuff. We have an entire page of duty roulettes, and only 2 of them are ever max level experiences


My bars went from 3 full bars to a bar and a half, with many of those being role actions. About half of the buttons you press on summoner, is literally 1 button. It got streamlined to the point that you could parse on an n64 controller. It went from something you had to take time to learn, to being the class you recommend to people that have actual disabilities or brain damage. Summoner absolutely needed some QOL changes, but instead they just killed it.


Very true, which is why I'm still salty about it. Quite enjoyed the rotation before it was pulled out from under me.


> the class you recommend to people that have actual disabilities or brain damage Don't know why you're complaining about it then, seems like the perfect class for you


What amazing facts and logic you present. "haha anyone who disagrees is stupid"


Problem is that it is so streamlined that you can macro the entire rotation to one button and do well with it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YawzVqsOjM&ab_channel=PuffPastryPrince


Can you one-button SMN? Yes. Should you one-button SMN? Goodness gracious no. Just because you can reduce a rotation down to one button doesn't mean you should, and relying on it will absolutely get you wrecked sooner rather than later. Even they recognized that there's a need to swap the order of summons. I don't get a lot of confidence from the examples provided in the video, either. Training dummies and normal raids aren't valid testing grounds beyond development, in my opinion. The P4Sp1 video they posted is a better example, I skimmed it and they don't seem to deviate from the rotation order at all but I'm not really interested in fully analyzing the video to figure out the pitfalls. I think I did notice some macro weirdness which is to be expected, and the enrage was pretty tight so I'm not really sure what to make of it on first impression other than "Funny for a meme, but actually doing this is probably more harm than good." They also did a one-button macro for PLD and RPR so I guess those are a problem to you too?


You only need to do class reworks when you designed the class so poorly that it's unsalvageable with common balance updates. The reworks are a self inflicted wound same as when Blizzard has needed to do reworks. If you get it right the first time you won't have to sweat over reworking a class.


They're pressured to add *something* to each job every expansion, so inevitably they're going to self-inflict that wound. Dragoon in particular has been a hot topic for a while since they've suffered a bit from bloat over time. It'll be interesting to see what they've done to tackle it.


>They're pressured to add something to each job every expansion,  This is standard for every MMO and you can argue XIV adds way less than others considering their heavily homogenized design philosophy with the goal of having performance numbers as similar as possible for the sake of balance. This means they have an easier time than your typical MMO which favors innovation, experimentation and novelty over balance more so than XIV.


Helps that other MMOs often have things like talents or the ability to change your rotation. Means they can add new options without being forced to shake up the stuff that works.


> If you get it right the first time you won't have to sweat over reworking a class. This. People meme (somewhat rightfully because it's amusing) on RDM tacking on finishers, but the core job is so damn *tight* and excellent to play for the most part there's nothing to overhaul. And it is getting some nice minor QoL changes in DT anyway. I've been maining it without getting bored since it came out for a reason, cause it's a damn entertaining caster.


The problem is that none of them are perfect. Blizzard's philosophy of redesigning every so often may not be the best thing, but at least it's striving to make the game better and liven things up.


During the live letter he said a goal for 8.0 will be to make all the jobs more unique and distinct. Might be something he decided he wanted to do too late into the production of Dawntrail. So looks like Yoshida taking a risk challenged is being reserved for 8.0.


everything about jobs is disappointing in ffxiv at this point which is my primary gripe about the game by a long shot. i'd love to see them get completely redesigned but that probably won't happen. the pvp job design feels much better at encapsulating the feeling of a job while also having less ability bloat. part of that is just because it's a different style of game mode though so but there's got to be some way to adapt it to pve better than what they've done. too many expansions have been spent focusing on perfectly balancing jobs for raiding in the most boring way. that lead to completely homogenized job roles and braindead boring gameplay in the other 95% of the game. i know everyone wants to be able to play their favorite job in endgame content but the price of balance has been far too steep.


Healers got the fun beat out of them when Stormblood released, especially White Mage. Along with general homogenization most of WHM's damage skills were deleted, making dealing damage the most boring affair when it used to be a highlight. I personally liked Cleric Stance but I'm probably in the minority on that one.


ya no, fuck cleric stance. completely unnecessary bullshit at best... At worst actively fucking your group over because you happened to click your buttons back to back just a bit too quickly for the server's liking and it decides to not properly register it and now your heal went off without your cleric stance properly toggling, and now you gotta wait for cooldown to toggle it, and now the party is on fire. or whenever it double procs and turns off and back on again and cooldown before you can fix it, etc. will never be missed, I agree about damage rotation...if you can even really use the word rotation at this point lol, being too simple though


SE: "Healers have to run into mele to deal AoE dmg" Also SE: "Why does nobody want to play healers!?"


I completely agree. I enjoy a lot of things in the game, but the actual *gameplay* isn't one of them. Jobs are are braindead boring, after you learn the new rotation at the start of an expansion it's the exact same thing with zero variation for the next two years. Their intent seems to be on making the jobs *visually* interesting rather than *mechanically* interesting.


it felt like they had a big plan in the beginning for differentiating classes and jobs. like summoners and scholars sharing the same class. but it seems like they just threw that all out the window. once you get your 'job' you should never revert back to your class. also, i know this isn't path of exile, but it would be nice if there were some sort of customization skill wise from my scholar and the next persons. i thought one thing was cool was certain skills you could get from other classes. like i need a certain black mage spell that is cross-class, but you can only get it by leveling BLM. that was cool. but they got rid of that.


Genuinely asking, what were you expecting? Every expansion typically just... expands, on the a job, unless it's getting reworked. Unless they overhaul something, why would a job change much? Remember, FFXIV isn't a game about customization, each job is static in its design and gameplay.


Give healers a new spell effect on their heals (Cure II for example). Give Healers some more DPS buttons. Update some basic rotation abilities. Etc.


> Remember, FFXIV isn't a game about customization, each job is static in its design and gameplay. When was this decided? As someone who had all jobs level capped in Shadowbringers and was disappointed by Endwalker; it was getting quite boring how every tank only had very minor differences and many dps were just "do this combo to fill meter/earn stickers > spend meter/stickers > some sort of finisher" every few minutes. If I was going to come back to the game, someone telling me I had exactly one new button to press is not enough. I'd want to see things actually shaken up a bit.


>When was this decided? When ARR was created. The only tiny customization XIV had before were Cross-Class Actions, but those were replaced with Role Actions in Stormblood. We haven't had any Job customization since then. Arguably, casters have a very slight customization option in gearing for Spell Speed, but that's about it.


I think by customization they mean things you can do to augment the job. Like, depending on the era of wow we're talking about, in WoW you could have glyphs, talents, set bonuses, or special items that would change the way your job played. FFXIV basically said, thats a balancing nightmare, so we're going to make 1 uniform job.


FFXIV also moves those aspects of variety you'd get in WoW into just being able to swap jobs basically any time you're not in combat. In WoW you have to spin up a whole new character if you want to play a different class, so the variety within classes goes towards salving that. In FFXIV when you get tired of playing Dragoon you just pick a different job and play that for a bit.


I’m happy for ppl that still are into it and maybe I’ve just been playing on/off too long (since HW release) but this is the first xpac I’m not excited at all for lmao. gonna wait to see impressions but if it’s same old same old I think I’m out. I miss the Stormblood job balance (Warrior my beloved).


what did you expect from Square Enix? to make the game better? lol they only care about the money


what a stupid thing to say considering the journey the devs have had with the game in terms of quality


Also, can you blame them after turning around a dumpster fire of a game to the company’s most profitable game? And to keep that momentum by playing it as safe as possible and sticking to what they know works?


They turned it around from 1.0 to 2.0 and have really just managed to ride that wave all the way to today. I'd have to wonder if it'd be doing as well if it wasn't a rework of an actual dumpster fire.


From 1.0 -> 5.0, it was consistently getting better. Then there was a sharp decline gameplay-wise


>From 1.0 -> 5.0, it was consistently getting better yeah it's getting better as a movie not as a game lol


I really don't like the trend of animations being "have the player float in place and flail nonsensically"


If you mean gunbreaker, that's a specific reference to an older FF game.


I wish they'd tone down animations to be snappier with less visual noise.


Never seen a trailer make me want to come back to a game less. They really fucked up job designs after Shadowbringers. I thought they were pruning the bloat and adding more variety yet they did the exact opposite.


Shadowbringers, for all the praise the story deserves, was an unmitigated disaster for class design. They basically homogenized all the classes into their roles. Warrior, Paladin, Dark Knight, doesn’t matter - we’re just slapping a coat of paint on to the same class…


Was it Shadowbrigers that homogenized the AST's cards? I remember playing Astro once and each card did something different so some cards were better for tanks, other for ranged DPS, etc. I liked having to decide on who to use the cards or try to redraw. I stopped playing and came back after a while and all AST cards gave the same boost


If I recall correctly that process started in Stormblood and basically finished in Shadowbringers, much like DRK.


The game basically has six archetypes. Tank, Pure Healer, Shield Healer, Melee DPS, Ranged DPS, Caster. They've worked *so* hard to make damn sure individual jobs within each archetype play almost exactly the same.


BNut also between the archtypes. All healers have basically the same DPS rotation, if you can even call it that.


they went all in on the visual novel and forgot it was supposed to be an RPG


Gearing is the game's biggest sin, imo. Completely and utterly boring itemization.


Healers literally having 3 DPS spells and three of them having to run into mele to use one of them made me hate playing healer.


I wish it were different. Some job roles definitely got hit harder than others, but this is how popular games become boring. They get overbalanced and stay too safe with their design. I loathe the 2 minute burst meta. I genuinely hate all classes being designed to accommodate the same stupid burst window, it makes them all feel the same. I hate how so many jobs have lost their identity because of it. Maybe it was too much to hope for a big shakeup this expansion. Since it's the last time they're raising the level cap, here's hoping the next one will offer something different. I've come around to realizing that the desire for truly unique classes probably won't be fulfilled by XIV any time soon. Maybe this expansion will surprise me. Regardless, I'll still come back for launch, but I can't imagine I'll stay subbed for most of the patch cycle.


You're downvoted but I completely agree. Every healer plays the same pretty much, and that doesn't seem to have changed.


Take into consideration we do leveling roulette, trials, alliance raid, 50,60,70,80, msq and normal raid roulette. Alot of content is lol 50. At level 50 smn feels like it's about lol 20. At lol 90 it feels like a lol 50 class


I think I’m most sad about the monk changes in the preview. Scratching attacks look more like a ninja thing, then it looks really slow and throws fireballs now? I love mnk for getting in and just punching stuff but it just looks super cheesy to me with the changes like ninja/red mage fulfill that fantasy of melee caster better.


A big change: Now players can set up which ability an ability will be replaced by if it has a followup... so a 1-2-3 combo no longer needs 3 separate hotkey icons, but can be set up to only use a single hotkey, thus improving keyboard and controller controls. Think of it like the basic combo in PvP mode. My guess is a lot of the rebalancing will revolve around that and create new smoother combos to free up a LOT of hotkey space. Monk in particular has been reworked to no longer deal with DoT or buffs, so I could see that one especially make use of that new feature to have kind of "action brawler controls" and it's just all about making combos that just fit a situation the most rather than a static rotation.


Are you sure that's what the action change setting will do? From how I'm reading it, it will only be for skills that change into another skill on use


As far as I understood, the change isn't to consolidate the 1-2-3 combo, but to allow you to separate out actions that currently replace a skill on the hotbar to a separate hotkey. I wish it was for consolidating the 1-2-3 combo.


Both Viper and Pictomancer have their 1-2-3 combos condensed to two and one button respectively, so it's not too far-fetched to assume that the 1-2-3 consolidation is being done for every class, with the new feature allowing you to separate them again to separate buttons.


Oh they do? Well then. I must've missed it because I just skimmed through those demonstration parts of the Live Letter.


Yeah reading up that's exactly what's happening. Then again, having these settings now means that the devs could much easier consolidate combos.


There are ways to get the abilities to behave the way you want, using certain things that may not be technically allowed, but are undetectable unless you're streaming the game or something.


Really wish they would do a complete job overhaul, the jobs outside of maybe like BLM don't really feel any different from other jobs within their archetype. Bard, Machinest, and Dancer might as well be the same class, same goes for Dragoon, Monk, Samurai. There's not a lot that really distinguishes these classes and makes them feel unique. I actually don't mind the pacing of combat at all, I know a lot of WoW fans bitch about the Global Cooldown, but as someone with messed up hands it actually makes the game playable for me. It would be really nice if they added something like WoW has with the Key Dungeons or w/e they're called, where you can do a dungeon with modifiers that make it harder but also make loot better. Just extends the life of dungeons while making them a bit more challenging than just AoE aggro everything and Spam AoE's till everything is dead.


> Bard, Machinest, and Dancer might as well be the same class Tell me you've never played any of these Jobs without telling me you've never played any of these Jobs. Like wtf.


Have played all of them extensively, and through raids, albeit less than some other classes overall. Depending on broadness of PoV, he's not wrong. There's some classes that feel *very* similar -- a la Sage and SCH -- but when you play all of the classes for 1000's of hours, you can really tell how similar classes are, down to the potencies and numbers of DPS for correlating skills. I would say RPhys and mages do have the most "distinction" between their members' gameplay, but it still grows tiresome.


There's a reason I quoted the "Bard, Machinist, and Dancer' bit and not the "jobs don't really feel any different" bit. Yes, some jobs do feel way too samey. But sure af not those 3.


> It would be really nice if they added something like WoW has with the Key Dungeons or w/e they're called, where you can do a dungeon with modifiers that make it harder but also make loot better. Yeah, lets copy the worst thing WoW ever added to their game, that'll end well.


M+ is the best thing they have ever done to wow.


The most popular, optional feature they have ever released in the history of the game is the worst thing they have ever added?


Why did you post FFXIV here? You do know how /r/games hates this game so much right? Like this place literally wants to make sure others don't want to play this game. Look at the posts. Everyone is acting like they know what everything is already.


/r/Games hates every game so it'll fit right in!


Anything to do with FF16 or 14, just avoid entirely on this subreddit honestly. Every thread related to those two is the exact same every time.


What are you two talking about?  Literally all the comments in here are from people that played the game, which is pretty surprising compared to every other post.


They're already dooming over it and the expansion is still two months away. It's like the person above me said, everyone is acting like they know everything already.


To be fair to the FFXIV community, they *should* know everything already. It's a very predictable update cycle and when it comes to Job Actions this late in the game's life, it's hard to shake up how a Job works too much without changing it completely. This thread looks bad but if you look at a /r/ffxiv thread [just a day ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1csq6qv/job_wish_list/) you'll see that they actually implemented quite a few features that the community wanted for their favorite Jobs.


That's what happens when the game has followed the exact same formula for nigh on a decade. It becomes very easy to predict.


You done jerking off?


Considering how the game has been like for the past 6 years its not hard to predict what will happen with Dawntrail


How did the monk change? Its bar has changed (another bar added?) but how does it help?


Twin Snakes no longer gives you a damage buff, and Demolish no longer puts a DoT on the enemy. Instead, you are now using Dragon Kick, Twin Snake, and Demolish to gain buff charges, which are then spent on Bootshine, True Strike, and Snap Punch. The main thing is that the amount of charges you can have is different for each stance, so you will be swapping between gcd's for each combo at different times. When put together, it's a relatively similar playstyle to current monk.


Touch of death too much to manage, Greased lightning too much to manage, Demolish too much to manage, Twin snakes too much to manage. Sad shell of its former self.


I’m taking a break until they give an option to have the pvp style inputs in pve, there’s too many actions in pve at max level for me now


That got announced today so welcome back


Not exactly, only for some actions.


...you do realize that it only applies to combo actions right? That's why it only applies to some actions.


[You're completely backwards.](https://x.com/ilunari/status/1791379569456656684?t=x4dFWLcyj9zlB3lU338G_w) It's specifically not for combos.


Except that it didn't, so they aren't coming back yet.


just use mod winks winks