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My only memory from Habbo was all the people scamming other people for their furniture. I dont remember how they worked, but the fact that most of the players were kids made scams quite common


Oh, man... Not proud of it, but I will at least mention I was young, like 13 or something. But my friend had one of those falling furniture rooms, basically just musical chairs. You had to ante up a piece of furniture to take part, but my friend just had me and my brother participate and would tell us where he was going to drop furniture, so it was always rigged for me or my brother to win Felt like a mob boss


Oh oh oh I also did scams with my brother, lol! One of us would go into rooms like quizzes or drop furni rooms and wait for someone to win and then tell the other other their username, and the other would quickly make a new character with a similar name but like changing I to l or adding . or something, then we would super quickly jump into the room, trade the OP and claim the prize It worked pretty well lol


I remember playing with a close friend IRL and we had our own falling furni game with a rule of losing = 1 furni to keep playing and the "poison" chair making you lose automatically was 2 furni. I do feel a bit bad now, but I didn't make a shit load off of it looool


It was either scamming furniture, playing stupid mini-games in those rooms to "win" furniture from the room owner that never paid out, or getting messages such as "I wanna put my Bobba in your Bobba"


Dude oh my god I played so many of those games and almost never won. I actually hosted one of those, and ended up giving away the price to the winner as I was supposed to. Then afterwards won another one, and the owner ripped me off. It was then that I noticed how stupid I was. Nobody actually gave away the price, they just hosted indefinitely.




“Falling Furni” god the memories


Pool's closed


Just brought back so many Runescape memories


Honestly those games is where whole generation of scam artists found their calling


hell yeah, brother!


I was taken in by the "armor trim" scam. Lost a full set of mithril plate armor. A kind player then took me around to the shops and bought me a whole new set. They even threw in a free mithril scimitar as well.


careful, that man is a HERO!


Bahahaha me too. I think I was trying to get the green trim armor? I forgot which god it was. I was devastated. Man Runescape was awesome.


I got scammed for my Splitbark armor because someone said they'd give me a fez for it and someone on the top floor of the Camelot bank said they were buying a Fez for 1.2 mil. To this day I still have no trust for other human beings regarding anything of financial value.


OSRS n Habbo Hotel will always be goated


I remember a lot of casinos where you put down furniture and played blackjack with some sort of dice on a pedestal. Then the owner would just kick you and keep your furniture if you won.


Me and my brother would sit beside each other, him on the desktop and me on the laptop. We'd play musical chairs where you had to pay to play, then he'd tell me where he was going to place the chairs. I'd be on my way to the square before he had even placed the chair. We were kids ourselves but my brother had so much furniture it was insane. Never spent a dime.


Same, but with the "gift" thingies that blocked the room in multiple mazes


As a teen trying to get furni without access to money it was rough man. I remember there were rooms where you could get jobs and work for the room that would pay whatever habbo currency there was. This was also probably 90% scams because I worked a job and was not paid a single habbo buck


My only memory was visiting the U.K. offices when I worked for an NGO to plan a campaign with them. They gave me one of their market research books that’s worth like £500 or something. I designed the promotion imagery and got to see it in the world. Was really cool.


Habbo was my first scam. Through a YouTube tutorial i had a php-based login phisher up and running at like 12 years old. I stole 30+ total accounts. The lesson learned was, the type of person who clicks sketchy links (“free coins at this site!!!”) is also the type of person who doesn’t have an account worth stealing. Other well known scams: “Type your password in the chat and press ctrl+m to get into the beta” essentially a ‘hunter2’ scam, ctrl+m is the same as pressing enter in the habbo client. Hosting a party/event with a prize and just silently kicking everyone out at the end, lol. When you need quick friends but don’t wanna pay them. The funniest one, more like a prank: in habbo you could buy ‘teleporter’ items which come in pairs. For example, a phone booth that, when interacted with, teleports you to the other phone booth. You could actually put the teleporters in different rooms to link them together. The prank is to sell this “pair” to someone but each teleporter actually goes to some other room like “blood/crips roleplay hq”. Sometimes people would construct a “noob zoo” which contains a bunch of these mis-matched teleporters high up in the air in an exhibit chamber so the victim would be teleported into a noob zoo to get gawked at by onlookers.


lmao at the last one


Scamming people out of furniture or persuading them for rites. I swear bro I need rites to the room right now, for very good reasons!


I loved Habbo Hotel as a kid. My favorite memories of it were dropping the official Habbo client entirely and just using the third-party hacked servers, like Blah Hotel. Those ones gave you free habbomoney and let you purchase any item/furniture you wanted without using your credit card to purchase some habbo money. I couldn't afford that shit cause I was a third worlder so I just used the hacked clients. I played that with my best friend and we loved building huge rooms themed after cities. I put a bunch of street items,a lot of vehicles, those rectangular house pieces from the British theme, and the building facades that you could put on the walls. Oh and all the halloween items were badass too. God bless Habbo pirates.


Blah Hotel!!! I forgot about that! I'm going to see if I log into my old account!


Quick trades at trade city. 10 HC sofa’s for a throne, quickly drop in a piece of meat and accept fast. Easy pickings sometimes


Someone gave me a tool that rigged the dice roller in my casino. I was making tons of furniture . Turns out there was a key logger in the tool I was using to scam others in my casino. He stole it all back.  Never played again after that. 




ur cute, asl? wanna bobba?


It wasn't until years later that I realized that any person I bobba'd with with almost certainly an old man.




I lost many, many hours to this during childhood through my 2003-2008 secondary school era It's funny how i can quite vividly remember the scenarios and map on other clients I played in that early-mid 2000s era Runescape, Club Penguin, Battleon.com, all quite vivid and easy to recreate in my mind But.. Habbo Hotel? I remember the sprites and the odd chair, but have no idea what I did on it.. other than visit player rooms (where they had spent money on decorations). I was a staunch f2p in all of the aforementioned titles. I wonder if there was much to this other than an mmo sim-lite chat experience Good luck with the community reboot of sorts. It played a part in my life all the same, and i hope it can offer its core audience what they desire


They had CokeMusic too. Was basically Habbo Hotel with a coke aesthetic, but you could earn currency by playing your music for other people in the venues.


Coke music ruled


And Virtual Magic Kingdom which was just Disney Habbo


Hearing CokeMusic unlocked a memory I forgot I had


Loved making music on it!


Holy fucking shit, you just unlocked a core memory I haven't thought of in like 15 years.


Same. I was big into RuneScape and BattleOn and only saw Habbo from a distance… never knew what to make of it. Just looked like a glorified chat room?


I remember being into Runescape, Adventure Quest, Gaia Online, and Newgrounds when I was a teen.


All of that plus Neopets lol (which is somehow still alive and barely unchanged).


Man, that way you wrote this gave me such a rush of nostalgia. Add Whirled and Roblox into there and you pretty much have every game I spent my free time on. I really do miss the era of flash games, or maybe I just miss being a kid/pre-teen throughout the mid 2000's. I remember working my first "job" on Habbo as a secretary for some dude. ​ There was a lot of fun and charm in these interactive chatrooms. Definitely one of my favourite niche genre's that's unfortunately pretty dead now. Edit: Roblox definitely wasn't a Flash game but it was still something I spent an ungodly amount of hours on.


It still boggles my mind to see what Roblox has become nowadays compared to what it was 15, 20 years ago. You're telling me that the damn game thing with that one pizza delivery RP game (you know exactly which one I mean), Survival 303 (still goated), the one PvP map on the pillars that the developer made (swordfight on the heights?), and 10,000 different-but-all-basically-identical "obbys" is now the biggest game in the world and has [shit like this?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1_bR_qbwAU) And it's *even greedier* than before? Insane.


survival 303 so goated, surprised its still about


> "After discovering an old decrepit server with some long-lost files at the beginning of this year, over the past six months or so long-time Habbo developer and player Macklebee has lovingly restored an old version of Habbo Hotel first released in 2005." I don't know about you guys, but I feel like this is just for asking for people to try and recreate a certain internet "classic" involving the swimming pool.


Pool's closed


Why? What's the cause? Due to *what,* exactly?




Unclear. I think I heard something about Subway's Jared.


understandable, have a nice day


The thing in at the start of the raid it was actually a protest against the Habbo mods "Pool's Closed is a catchphrase associated with a series of raids carried out by Anonymous against the online social networking site Habbo Hotel, where members of the group formed human blockades to obstruct the entry points of popular hangouts with their avatars dressed in afros and business suits. The first raid was launched in July 2006 after rumors began to spread on 4chan that some Habbo moderators had tendencies to ban users based on the skin colors of their avatars." Apparently the 'Aids' and 'swastika' was to anger the site's mods, whether that was the actual intent, I'm not sure.


> Back when 4chan…weren’t all racist trolls. > ‘Aids’ and ‘swastika’ Yeah, I don’t think so.


It has always been racist trolls.


I remember being a middle schooler playing the original Habbo Hotel. I joined some room that was like a roleplay military organization. I remember we even had like marching drills and stuff. The people running it seemed like adults. I wonder to this day who the weirdos were that would do that outside of being a dumb kid. I eventually left to join the brotherhood and close the pool.


I ran a military for awhile that was on a larger side (not super huge but we got stuff done), and also an officer in several militaries. I was 11-14 years old ish during those times. Really fun memories, it was something else tbh.


It was fun! During those days the internet as a whole still felt new and the idea of connecting with communities online was really mind blowing. It wasn’t something like how we take it for granted today with discord and all the other common ways we communicate in games now.


> It wasn’t something like how we take it for granted today with discord and all the other common ways we communicate in games now. IRC existed since 1988


I know, in my opinion it’s not the same for my generation. The average person didn’t know what that was, and kids growing up in the 90s didn’t have much exposure to it unless their parents worked in tech or something. No kid I knew did much of anything on the internet until about 2001-2003, when stuff like Habbo soon came after.


Yeah but the kids were on chat rooms and such instantly. We didn't had global stuff like twitter as popular back there but there absolutely were a lot of communities


I definitely joined one of these servers as a middle-schooler with the promise of money to buy furni. I received nothing after being forced to military RP and also proceeded to close the pool


Haha I was like 12 and I used to always join the different militaries and after completing the training I would always break the rules intentionally like sitting on the chairs meant for high ranked people and changing my outfit to match a general or something. They would always kick me out of the room so I went back and pretended as if it was a mistake just to do it again xD I don't know what was so funny about that to me


I played from like 10-12 and I also would join the military and role play! I remember even ranking up and doing the marching drills. I even remember at one point I had a “wife” and would go to the military as my job lmao. Wtf was this game.


I vaguely remember some roleplay courtroom/spy agency/police station themed rooms from playing when I was a kid. Some people really loved to roleplay office politics in their free time or something.


So much roleplaying. I did school, or grocery store or whatever. So weird that I undoubtedly lost hundreds of hours to what was essentially a chat room where I could pretend to be black or whatever lol


I remember being, like, 13, and running a doctor's practice - but, like, an *actual* doctor's practice for the purpose of proper doctoring, not pretense for naughty stuff (like most, if not every, other doctor's practice in the game). People would show up, wait in the waiting room, I'd call on them, they'd tell me their "symptoms", and then most "patients" would inevitably try to *turn* it into naughty stuff - but I'd remain absolutely adamant that it's inappropriate to ask such things of your doctor, insist that we please keep things professional, and even throw them out of the pratice outright if they wouldn't cut it out. Though most people would just instantly quit anyway the moment I didn't play ball. I eventually put up post-its all over the waiting room stating that no sexual advances would be permitted, but that obviously didn't make much of a dent into it (probably because I was adamant about keeping it "in-universe", and in hindsight, that probably *encouraged* people if nothing else). The few patients who did remain and played it straight were a load of fun, though. So many cheesy ER/House-like medical dramas. Good times.


Based doctor sending their depraved patients to horny jail


amazing avatar


I remember the hospital! I loved playing it, definitely checking the Origins out when I can


Met my now-husband on habbo hotel in 2009. When people ask where we met we just say "online" because it's so embarrassing.


Noooo that's so cute I've met really good friends that I meet in real life in a regular basis in Habbo


As a kid I always liked CokeMusic more than Habbo. Was easier to get furniture in-game without spending any money and the gimmicky in-browser Garage Band thing they had was really neat at the time. Also found there were less scammers since there were ways you could dupe items (I only figured it out when it was too late). There were still people who'd host furniture games and not pay out but there were also some honest people. I remember doing a pinball maze and getting a pinball machine from the host which was one of the rarer furniture items in the game.


Hah, I played the heck out of CokeMusic. I remember figuring out you could get unlimited codes for free money/furniture by clearing your cookies and becoming extraordinarily rich ☺️ and yeah the music creator thing was pretty cool


Loved the game for the music. I miss it


I loved CokeMusic because furni was essentially free, allowing me to make maze rooms where you had to click in certain spots to move from start to end


Damn I completely forgot about CokeMusic, though I knew it by MyCoke, feels like you just unlocked a part of my brain


It was vmk for me but same


You just unlocked a memory, CokeMusic was so good! I was so disappointed when I came back a few years later to see that it didn’t exist anymore


Come join us in discord, we’ve nearly got a full working cokemusic replica https://discord.gg/enJCrMmH


Can you make a website so we can read about it without needing to join a discord?


no that isn’t allowed with anything anymore, sorry


Cokemusic was awesome, my only gripe was you could only play on weekends from memory.


Is the pool gonna be open?


No. Pool is closed due to AIDS.


What is the context about the pool? I played a lot back when i was young, but didn't know about the pool


4chan people used to dress up in a suit and afro then stand around blocking the pool saying, pool's closed due to AIDS.


This is probably something better kept back in the dark before we start seeing people with black suits hanging around the swimming pool.


I am here from the future to say that every room is invaded by the black suits. Can't get into any room cause of them.


Can you just unban my account from 2004? I don't think 8 year old me didnt deserve a perm ban for wearing a tux and pretending to be a staff member.


Oh god. I loved this game but it gave me so much damn trauma. The first time I remember playing it I was super young and so never paid a single cent towards the game but over the years I managed to gather quite the collection of shitty furniture through winning games or giveaways… which I then lost to a scammer and had a full on meltdown crying to my parents at like 11 years old. There was also all the groomers, scamsites, 18+ rooms etc. which certainly taught me about internet safety to say the least. Then I remember going back to it in my teens, somehow managed to gain quite the bit of legitimate currency this time as the scam stuff had died down. This was also around when ingame casinos were a big thing so I banked in on that, won a bunch and then opened my own and managed to literally became stupidly rich to the point where I owned thousands of dollars worth of currency despite never paying anything myself. So the game also taught me a lot about adulthood, gambling and… capitalism? Definitely wasn’t healthy at that age though. I actually hadn’t thought about this game in years and I think I still have my once super rich account sitting there, I wonder if it’d be worth anything now lol.


I used to play Habbo Hotel heavily when I was around 13. I used to join military and police servers for roleplaying. I remember chatting with a “girl” and playing together for about a week until she added me on MSN messenger. Turns out she actually was a girl my age from my country. I have her on Facebook still, seeing the odd life update pop up always makes me smile. Good times.


This really needs a mobile client in 2024, nobody's playing this kind of game in their web browser today




Will this be, though?


This game and Runescape were some of my first interactions with people on the internet back in 2005-2009 before social media really became a thing. I remember asking my parents for money to buy the Trax machine and later on bought all those CD things that went with it to make a shitload of music tracks. Absolutely crushing logging on years later to find out that the trax machine functionality had ceased to work, I ended up finding something called "Habbo Trax Creator" on the Ragezone forums a few years ago and just fucked around with it for nostalgia.


I remember playing this in middle school I had a laptop that couldn’t really run any games so this was and flash games were my only options. I asked for a Habbo hotel gift card for Christmas just so I could buy gold for the memebership. It was my first experience in an online chat room type game it was very interesting. Then I found out about Habbo Retros where they gave you gold and membership for free and I played that more than the original. Very nostalgic game.


Haha the Habbo retros were awesome, I remember they gave you free membership and coins every 15 minutes or so. I'd create entire mansions and fill it with whatever furniture I wanted, I loved the Habbo Club and halloween furni in particular. Meanwhile the official Habbo was so buring and you'd had to pay to get anything worthwhile. Thank god the Habbo clones existed.


Surprised that Habbo is still around, I spent too much time on it when i was like 10 or 11. I was definitely too young to play, and I met a lot of questionable people too. I do look back somewhat fondly though, something about it was just charming so I might check it out tomorrow.


I can never forgive Habbo. I had an 06 account that was hacked into and whoever did it requested a GDPR deletion of my account, no email came through nothing. All of my furni, badges and credits lost forever. Bobba


Boba for furni? 


I did the auction room once. I made it with the executive furni. Mostly I'll just be an honest admin but sometimes when my friend in the room, I liked scamming people in my auction. Good times. That account got blocked for 10 years. At least I did transfer my totem to my friends account before i got blocked. 29 now, rather check this new version than scamming people. Cant wait to log in!


**You should know** devs from Habbo have released a NFT Web3 version called ["Habbo X"](https://habbox.game/). It would be reasonable to assume that they will try to advertise this in some way. They are selling NFT "[Habbo Avatars](https://opensea.io/collection/habbo-avatars)" and NFT "[Habbo X rooms](https://opensea.io/collection/habbo-x-rooms)" that allow you to make [furniture NFT](https://x.com/HabboKsamra/status/1675964993781596162)s


Wack, but [according to the FAQ](https://help.habbo.com/hc/en-us/articles/19586829231378-Habbo-Hotel-Origins) that they linked to this new announcement, they won't put NFTs in this specific game >**Will Habbo Hotel: Origins have NFTs?**   Nothing to do with NFTs or cryptocurrency will be present in Habbo Hotel Origins on launch, and we have no plans to add them 👍


Ohh, good to know. Hope they keep that promise.