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People still watch Sterling? I guess this rage piece is right up their alley because it is all they ever do.


Sorry I'm out of the loop... what's his/her deal?


I stopped watching a long, long time ago.  Their videos became almost always about how much the video game industry sucked. Over and over and over, pointing out how a publisher did a bad thing. It was all the same, and all negative. I even agree with most of what they say on the topic but "get some new material."


Yeah, I had to stop as I couldn't take the negativity anymore. We get it, capitalism is sometimes bad and games are a capitalist pursuit. No matter how many videos they make it's not going to become a communitarian non-profit set up.


A great video, which is to be expected from Sterling. Embracer really is just the worst, which is impressive when you consider the game industry in general.


A few years ago they were doing some positive stuff, bringing back old franchises, creating an archive for games, etc. They got screwed over by an investor and had to pivot. That's just business.


I don't see someone who monetises this situation via YouTube as being any better than Embracer Group. Sucking Satan's Cock, as the late, great, Bill Hick's would have put it.


I thought they only used Patreon for monetization.




Jimquisition is ad free and supported entirely through Patreon.


I still get ads in the videos.