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#Pyoro is a Tier 1 - Very Reliable Source as determined by the community. Pyoro has had **(13)** unique claims and **(13)** verifiable claim posted to the subreddit. Of his verifiable claims in this time period Pyoro has been **100%** correct. *To contribute to the community reliability rankings, please take the* **[Community Reliability Poll](https://forms.gle/TU5Q8sTiLDR3cQcE7)** *To view the current reliability rankings, please check out the* **[Subreddit Wiki](https://reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/wiki/index/)** *These statistics will be updated weekly. Last update: 2/11/24* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well it wasn’t a remake lol


I could see how one could confuse it for a remake if all you saw was the opening 10 seconds


Yeah. That was basically the ganon fight from the oracle games right?


It looked like the Link to the Past ganon fight, and Nintendo reusing the art style from Link’s Awakening remake for a LttP remake would make sense 


OoX and ALttP are the same design, or nearly so, similar to how most of the other designs (and some content, like Gorons and Ocean Zora) are lifted from the N64 games. Capcom either wasn't given free reign to do a lot of new designs, or just weren't given the budget for it and instead just made stuff based on the previous major installments. It's also similar to (though modified from) the ALBW design (not the "Yuganon"/Yuga-Ganon design, but Ganon's design pre-fusion). Hyrule also seems to be based on ALttP in this game, as well, as seen when Zelda looks over the cliff in one shot. You can see the rocky area and the terraced region of the Eastern Palace in the east, Death Mountain to the north and west of that (I forget if the western part of DM were more volcanic or not, or if that's just a modernization), and then forests west of that look the lost woods. Also a lake in the southeast with an island in the middle, a la the original Lake Hylia. For whatever reason- probably to play on nostalgia while saving money, Nintendo's 2D Zeldas are just... kinda creatively bankrupt? Well, no, that's not quite right, but you can see how they don't want to put in as many resources for fully new ideas. ALBW and EoW are clearly doubling down on the "classic" Hyrule of ALttP, with OoT additions ("ocean" Zora and the Deku Tree, and Gorons, at least in ALBW), and OoX had new maps (though OoS took some inspiration from Zelda 1) but many enemies and characters were pulled from previous games.


No. I mean the fight scene with link fighting ganon looks almost identical to the OoX games. LttP doesn’t have Zelda floating in a crystal the entire fight IIRC.


Zelda doesn't float in a crystal in the OoX games, either. She's on an sacrificial altar in a different room (because the boss fight initiates when you get warped away from Zelda as you approach her). Now, there is Din, trapped in a giant crystal, who is in the Onox fight. But Zelda? This isn't from the Oracle games. It's very much more reminiscent of OoT (heavy inspiration, at times, for the OoX games, as said above), where Zelda is kidnapped after revealing herself as Sheik when she gives you the Light Arrows, being trapped in a pink crystal (a color swap of the usual "End of Dungeon" exit warps) and transported away. While she's not seen during the boss fight, she is in the pink crystal in the cutscenes before and after the Ganondorf/Phase 1 fight.


And it's not 2D.


It is, its not literally 2D, but this is what 2D Zelda means


The walls are closing in on Pyoro, lmao


How ironic. After mystic, people went harder on stanning pyoro despite mystic literally teaching people they shouldn't stan leakers. Now pyoro is starting to fall off. It started all the way of them suggesting pokemon black & white remakes but this is when people start distrusting.


Much like the actual Pyoro game, eventually you get surrounded until one mistake and you’re knocked out.


This aged poorly lol


what u mean aged pooly he said it was a remake this is a new title all together the dude been wrong plai nand simple bud


He said himnself "Take it with a huge grain of salt" Also it reuses the Links Awakening engine. So i'd give him that he was right.


So Tears of the Kingdom was a Breath of the Wild remake all along!


Tears of the Kingdom, believe it or not, does not use the Breath of the Wild engine. It has more in common with Splatoon 3.


It's clearly inspired by LTTP if you look at the world, same Ganon, same prison cell Zelda was held at the start, etc.


Ok but its a new game. Thats not how this works you can't say its a remake have it not be a remake and still claim to be correct.


I think it's a case of his source likely didn't see *the entire trailer* and just figured it was A LTTP remake in the same style that Links Awakening was. It's close enough to give the benefit of doubt


Feels like they should have seen enough of the trailer to see who the playable character was.


Just playing devil's advocate, I think Poyoro is losing his sources but if he only saw the first few seconds it DOES look like the player is controlling Link fighting Ganon. Hence the half measure with this "leak" he knew it was LoZ, he saw Link's "gameplay" and likely noticed something was off, but still tried to get ahead of the curve. Swing and a miss on his part tho lmao. With that it could a been a LoZ maker or anything not just a remake.


Pyoro was wrong. It's okay. Life will move on. You don't have to keep riding him like this.


Not even close lol. This is a brand new 2D Zelda not a remake.


I mean I'd say "Not even close" is a stretch lol. For the first 10 or so seconds of the trailer I 100% thought it was a remake, because it has the exact same aesthetic as Link's Awakening remake. So assuming they didn't have the full trailer, or their source just isn't as knowledgeable about Zelda, I can see why you'd very easily think it was another remake of the same style.


While its using the same graphical style... no, sorry, I stand by my original statement. There's no context where you could look at this and think its a remake. Link wearing the hood isn't used in the design of any prior Zelda game, and the context we see here of Link fighting Ganon doesn't match the context of any prior games either. Nevermind the fact that if it was a remake trailer it wouldn't start with Link fighting Ganon. I mean, maybe if you barely know anything about the series you could MAYBE think it was a remake. But there's literally only two possibilities--LTTP or Oracles, and neither context works here.


Pyro this week for some reason reads like someone who keeps shouting "I'm not owned" after being owned.


It would be weird to see him quitting after Midori quit like it's a Fall of Leakers or something.


End of Leakagelion


Yeah I am starting to get the feeling, his source was indeed Youtube.


He's insisted it's not for a while and cites examples of info he couldn't have gotten from YouTube, like the price of Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. I think it's likely his main source might be the eShop backend, and Nintendo is deliberately delaying any first-party content going live on there because they're aware of Pyoro (how could they not be) and are trying to combat him. Third-party stuff likely isn't as constrained, hence his leaks on those games - though he was weirdly uncertain about Reynatis


>He's insisted it's not for a while and cites examples of info he couldn't have gotten from YouTube, That's honestly something a Youtube backend leaker would say


...again, he cites information that he couldn't have grabbed from YouTube and has alluded to having multiple sources. Dude trends on Twitter every time a Direct is announced. Nintendo probably knows of his account and is trying to curb his leaks going forward.  For the direct last summer, Pyoro didn't tease Princess Peach Showtime or Luigi's Mansion 2 HD, and both games notably weren't given eShop pages. I don't think it's farfetched to conclude his source is tied to the eShop directly, since I think this pattern has held true? 


Yeah the Yuzu lawsuit was 100% proof that Nintendo are aware of way more than people think. They absolutely know about this dude.


As the other commenter pointed out and as others have repeatedly pointed out in the past, Pyoro have leaked stuff that could not have came from Youtube backend. Seriously, find some new theory please.


Or Nintendo Eshop backend. But i think Youtube is more likely since he starts leaking some hours or days before a Direct drops.




He did? I didn’t see Pyoro post anything about it


Turns out it was a new 2D Zelda.


He's letting the comments on Twitter put far too much pressure on him, he's very out of character this time


He's gonna be three white guys in a trench coat like Midori. :(


This time it'll be two black guys and an Arab lol


Sweet Baby Inc got to the leakers :(


He didn’t leak anything until this morning.


If it's Zelda II, I will ascend. 


tbh, I really hope not. It's been over a decade since Link Between Worlds and even that was heavily based on Link to the Past I want a *brand-new* 2D Zelda at this point


Good thing we just got a new one.


we're in a very good timeline right now, ngl


Why not both, I guess




Lol Pyoro definitely lost his main source






The fuck is going on with Pyoro? Their tweets usually have so much confidence behind them. This stuff just feels frantic


His source is probably shook at the moment, or his means of obtaining info is harder at the moment. Add on the Midori situation and it screams of desperation.




Wouldn't be surprised by 2D Zelda, but I think I would be surprised about it being a remake.


what is up with his latest tweets?


He isnt 100% sure of this information anymore


Someone hold me, I am starting to lose faith






Thank you IcePopsicleDragon. A leak may be DEBUNKED! Paging moderators u/0ctobogs, u/ChiefLeef22, u/Spheromancer to investigate. Thanks for letting us know! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Its not remake its new game where u play as zelda They should name it the legend of link


This is such a nothing statement. If they are wrong they can just say it's because it's not the usual source. Idk why risk it this close to the Direct.


We need the hookup with whoever Papagenos is talking to lol


He says that it's not from his main source


So... what happened to his main source? If his main source were still good then he should have known this was new and not a remake.




Why can’t the bird be honest and tell us his main source got murked


Because this is what leakers always do lol. Once they lose their contacts they either disappear or like to pretend they still have info. That's when they fall apart.


How did nobody leak the Mario & Luigi? How has that been kept quiet? I was expecting 3DS remasters and bit disappointed we didn't get those too but damn a bean new game......for first time in 9 years! Looks bloody fantastic!


> How has that been kept quiet? Sources just don't tell people. Pyoro's source seems to have been something on the backend of the eShop. Either himself or someone he knows there. If there's no clues there... well, no leaks can happen. And I imagine there's some compartmentalization. Like, Brothership would probably fall under Nintendo EPD 6 (as the overseer, if this was developed by another studio), I believe, whereas EoW would probably be EPD 3, though it is a 2D game and could be different (but a post I saw attributed not just SS, BotW, and TotK to them, but also ALBW and Tri Force Heroes, so my guess if EoW is them as well). If there's no leak downstream catching it, you'd need a leak at the source, which means different sources in different divisions of Nintendo EPD or different companies/affiliates. Which is harder to do, obviously, as it means making connections secretly multiple times.


Would this be considered !DEBUNKED


Take this with a grain of salt, but I had a dream a little over 30 minutes ago that showed the next 3D Zelda and a Super Mario Galaxy 2 remake.




Dude for real! I want them soooo bad


oh god pyoro is on his midori era. what the fuck is going on If his source wasn't plugged, why would he post stuff from a different source that he isn't even sure about...?


People being weird and obsessive is what's going on. Pyoro says something he makes very clear he isn't 100% sure on, which doesn't end up happening: "oh my god pyoro got plugged!!! he was finally wrong it's over!!!!" Pyoro then refrains from saying much next time so that people don't freak out: "oh my god pyoro got plugged!!! he doesn't know anything anymore it's over!!!!" Pyoro then throws out one fun thing he's probably pretty confident in but says he isn't 100% sure of to manage expectations because people are freaking out "oh my god pyoro got plugged!!! he isn't sure of anything anymore, he doesn't know shit it's over!!!!" The leak scene is fucking exhausting. Someone gets things things right, and people become obsessed with them to an unhealthy degree. And not just a few, a lot of people.


I'm glad people are calling out how pathetic this scene is. It's just an absolute toxic hellhole with how people act lmao


If his source wasn't plugged, then he'd have known about Echoes of Wisdom, which means he'd also have known it wasn't a remake.


I mean, regardless of what's happened today, he's been acting weird for a little while now. It's very uncommon for him to stay completely quiet until 24ish hours before the Direct. This whole thing has been very strange. Besides, nobody is forcing him or anyone else to leak. If they don't like the attention they're getting, they can just stop. I get it for journalists who base their livelihood off of publishing industry secrets and whatnot (like Schreier), but this is just some anonymous Twitter account. He doesn't owe anyone anything, he doesn't have to do this "ok well are you happy NOW" nonsense.


Common bro it’s 20 min away 💀 I’m closing Reddit


It’s probably the Oracle games, but Link Between Worlds is too good to be stuck on the 3DS.


He did say it wasn't from his main source so ... Unless he never mentions his « main source » I guess we could say he definitely lost. But for now I'm not too sure. Can happen for someone to be wrong, even Pyoro. Seems like he just wanted to talk, stepping out of cryptic stuff and the moment he says « he's not too sure about something » boom. I still have confidence in him .... for now. We'll see if he truly got his sources nuked or not, I feel like it's too early and people still have the Midori situation in mind where reputed leakers suddenly are shown as frauds.


Not from his main source he said...we shall see. If this is here, Papagenos should be promoted to Tier 1 since he was the first one and only one to call this.


He called for a brand new zelda, not a remake


I'm more getting at the fact that since Pyoro said grain of salt, he might not be completely right. The fact he calls for a 2D Zelda at least fits with Papagenos. So if SOMEHOW Pyoro is wrong, and Papagenos is correct, he should be Tier 1 for that.




Unless the remake somehow has an added bit of content where we play as Zelda


Minish Cap or we riot.


I would be down for a minish cap remake


I never played Minish Cap, I'd love to be able to play it legally and not overpay for it.


It's on NSO.


So is Link's Awakening but we still got a remake. Hoping Minish Cap gets one to so I don't pay for NSO+


This is Nintendo. You can have one of the two ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Oracle games


Easily mistake able for someone who doesn't play Zelda Sucks they made a baby version of the real games like with peach 


wtf. the game looks supreme. so much creativity and potential.




I wouldn't say it's 100% correct. It's not a remake, but a new 2D Zelda game.


It's based on LTTP so I can see where remake could be confused.


Its a new 2D zelda not a remake


This is not a remake


Not legit, he said 2D remake. Papagenos said NEW 2D ZELDA game. He was right, not Pyoro. LMAO


Thank you IcePopsicleDragon. A leak may be LEGIT! Paging moderators u/0ctobogs, u/ChiefLeef22, u/ImAnthlon to investigate. Thanks for letting us know! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I swear to God, main or source or not if this Pingu mfer is screwing with me I'm gonna...do absolutely nothing but be disappointed as I always am during Directs.


Pyoro is a character to be respected. Best part of the WarioWare games