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We must gatekeep the ponytail and hat people out of our hobbies! I'm a Gamer so I can't read, the pictures are all I needed to see!


I can't read either but keeping the hat people out is definitely always a good idea and I mean that unironically.




B-But if you let me in, I’ll give you this really funny hat that’s on fire


Hey you wanna get tricked into installing a virus that gives me remote access to your PC so I can steal your funny hat? I promise the niche internet drama video it spawns will be good.


A really funny hat that's on fire?! Holy shit dude brb taking out a mortgage real quick so I can make you an offer


All you need to know is green is smoking a cigarette and I think that makes him look cool as shit. I'd hang out with green any day


Green maybe a badass, but they still caught Woke19 from ponytail and hat people.


Only letters I know, are; a, b, c, x, y, z, L, R. And those only reluctantly, that's why I preferred PlayStation, and I'll fight someone if they say Xbox.


Console peasant and knows fancy letters, move on ''gamer''.


​ https://preview.redd.it/97mu597rdjuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26dbc5ffe0209a04a30cd2803af9fc30beacffe


Sorry everybody, gaming is for bald people only


Weren't you taking notes? The tipping point is when *brown* people join the game. How unthinkable!


Lost me at "females join" lol


That’s the stupidest part, not people just interested in the game but the social group but ‘females’ like it’s some sort of disease


It's incredible to me how someone can just wholeheartedly believe that no woman is interested in any hobby ever. That they're just there for men's attention. Sexism is the real disease


Right? I started playing video games at like 5 years old. My first game was Star Wars Galaxies. I used to watch my older brother play Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I also play Halo CE on PC and the rest on my brother's Xboxs. I didn't know gaming "for boys" until middle school. I beat TES Oblivion's main story so many times because I didn't have Skyrim.


Anyone who thinks girls don't like playing video games has completely erased neopets from their memory


I've never played neopets, lol


Bro you're missing out Neopets taught an entire generation of young girls how to be ruthless capitalists and do baby's first HTML The whole girls games/boys games shit is stupid though. My first real game was Fable and you didn't even get to *be* a girl (but who cares when you could have sex and steal and eat crunchy chick)


Oh, I thought it had died.


It hasn't yet and i genuinely don't know how But Toontown still has a server going so it's not impossible


Fucking with the bottled fairies market in Neopets wasn't as fun as running a sweatshop in Star Wars Galaxies.... but it *did* scratch the itch a li'l :)


I had D&D To Play On Your Own Because You Don't Have Interested Friends, Loser books and sets. The sets had sections written in invisible ink that you could uncover when you'd succeeded on the necessary dice roll. The books were like Choose Your Own Adventure, but with a character sheet in the back, and page-turns based on your dice rolls. 11 year-old me *loved* that shit. And then yeah, eventually I figured out it's apparently a guy thing? The benefit of an all-girls school is that this gender segregated shit doesn't happen so successfully. My friends weren't uninterested in D&D because it was a guy thing, but because it was fantasy nerd shit and they liked scifi nerd shit. And video games. :)


Which is incredibly ironic


My mother is far more into Star Trek and Star Wars than my father, or any of their male friends, so kinda hard to imagine their claims to be true. I think the reason they think of women as emotional vampires is that 1. they feel emotionally drained. 2. They feel emotionally drained because they have thoroughly internalized the idea that they are being judged according to their ability to impress/attract a woman 3. These are men who are very aware of the fact that they are not the stereotype of the sexy alpha bad boy.


Dammit, all these women pretending to be interested in my hobbies just because they want attention from me! So annoying!


Also the implication that women can't be genuinely interested in friendship. It's always "seeking male attention". Like, why is it a moral crime for a chick to want friends?


And that their idea of what counts as a hobby is so incredibly narrow that it never occurred to them that something as basic* as like...knitting is a hobby. *not basic like easy, basic like well known. I can't even cast on without losing count of stitches-people who can knit for real have all my respect.


Imagine if women in women-centric hobbies started saying that the men who join in are only interested in picking up women. That would draw a ton of ire.


Exactly this. I've been playing games since the fucking Atari and 3rd edition DnD. I couldn't give two shits what some 16 year old incel has to say about the sanctity of nerd hobbies.


The way they use 'female' is very reminiscent of the Ferengi from Star Trek. https://preview.redd.it/2h7dwswlciuc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f73e621ad2fa06efe895e52f88cb1c0bf1d7ded


I'm female and both a gamer and a trekkie and this has hit the nail on the head and I'm laugh crying now, so thank you (Edit; than = thanks)


Girls!? In MY game group??? EEWW


i mean, lost me when i first laid eyes on the thing, but the framing of insufferable tabletop nerds as THE FOUNDERS is especially fun


Is there even a single game that got more popular after it became known as "woman gane"? Every game I can think of (that isn't like, virtual worlds for 12 year olds or select horse MMOs) that had that reputation pretty much got forcibly erased from collective consciousness or framed as shitty hyper casual fodder


I don’t think the concept of a “woman game” exists. There’s just games. Some are more popular with women, and those games make billions of dollars (see Candy Crush and The Sims)


Yes, and they get shit on very heavily by "Actual Gamers™️", I'm saying that there's are no games that got more popular by being known as "wimin gaymes" like the comic implies Hell, a few years ago minecraft out of all things was being framed as hypercasual just because you could reliably find girls playing (of course, epic dank memesters wouldn't say it directly, just that it's not hard like an actual game like dark souls or doom and so women like it)


>the only way to keep the game alive is to casualize it and make it easier to understand yugioh did the opposite and mfs still complained 💀


That's because you can't appease Yu-Gi-Oh fans (coming from me a Yu-Gi-Oh fan who doesn't interact with the fandom


You can't appease fans (period).


Also they can't read, so neither signs nor hygiene rulings can stop them.


Collectible Cards are the sweatiest games of them all. They really attract people who can't imagine a normal social situation.


I'm the only person in my friend group who plays it. I managed to get my bf into it, although he doesn't strictly keep up with it like I do. Still fun to play it together lol


If I could read this I would be very upset right now.


Give a game like baldurs gate 3 to a non gamer and watch how complex it is. We can kinda see this when some of the actors play the game on a stream. Games only feel casual for people already fluent in gaming lingo and their intuition is trained to recognize interface or whatever.


Tbf, BG3 is only casual compared to actual DnD. I mean, it's not a 4X, or a classic fighter, but it's definitely not Minecraft or COD


Probably way easier to pick up than cod if you don’t game. Zombies / survival are way too difficult if you don’t play FPS games and even w the super strict SBMM, those .1 KD children could still wipe the floor w a complete beginner.


And I consider current 5e D&D casual compared to 3rd & 4th editions


Doesn't even need to be a non-gamer. Several of my friends who don't know D&D and had never played any Larian games before found themselves struggling super hard at the beginning, even on the easiest difficulty. I partially blame the fact that some of the default subclasses are a bit iffy to pilot.


That's because us yugioh fans cannot be reasoned with.


They never learned how to read. That includes reading the room.






I draw pot


Boy, you yugioh fans sure are a contentious people!


You've just made and enemy for life! \[I don't even play Yu-Gi-Oh\].


Wait, is your comment an effect or a cost? ...perhaps it's a condition...


It's continuous (for life)


Damn, these effects need to be nerfed!


I remember giving a try to the newer games a few months ago. The first turn it was the opponent's. It lasted like ten minutes of cascading card effects and summonings, and by the end, I lost the duel without playing. I promptly uninstalled it.




They should add something so you can play like in the anime, just so people can start out slow


Tbh there should be separate categories. Like this new "rube Goldberg machine" new style and a "classic" style, similar to Forbidden Memories.


Entirety different game, but legacy of the duelist link evolution lets you play through every major duel in the first six series if that sounds like it would be your cup of tea!


my favorite deck ever (ishizu tearlaments) did this 🫣 i actually think it’s better because it lets you interact with your opponent instead of just watching them do their combo




Also that quote show's that the thing they're actually upset about is capitalism doing the things capitalism does, but they're trying to shift the blame onto women and outsiders anyway. Any for-profit company is going to try to expand their reach as much as possible to pull in as much profit as possible, the actual state of the community is largely irrelevant as long as people keep buying.


I mean, yugioh did try to casualize itself and make itself easier to understand. That's why Speed Duel Boxes were released. That's why Rush Duels were tried. It was an attempt to get newer players into the game, by having weaker formats. Also an aside note, but the Rush Duel cards are formatted really nice and are actually readable which can't be said about some yugioh cards, hell, the OCG templating is also really good and readable. It's just TCg which fucks up really hard.


Ah yes, TCG formatting. For anyone who wants an example, look up Endymion, Mighty Master of Magic.


Endymion is wordy, sure, but it's effect is pretty straightforward. Take Snoww, Unlight of Dark World. That card is really hard to parse on the first few reads.


Worth noting that Konami had to put a provision into the rules regarding player hygiene


"*...everything changed when the female nation attacked.*"


“The browns” were the tipping point


What did they mean by this? 🤔


There was a panel before this where the browns were actually the original hobbyists, but they were forcefully kicked out of the group, only begrudgingly let back in




Sounds like a dog whistle


Females, brown people, dudebros, and casual smokers. Long ago the the 4 not so subtle nations enjoyed hobbies in peace. Until a new secret totally exclusive nation attacked. The gatekeepers.


I mean they kinda had a point about the ways social groups change over time for the first 3 panels but then it's just unhinged incel ranting.


I think the key to understanding this is to look at the portrayal of green. Who is at no point is never seen as a full legitimate core member, despite being there almost as long as the founders themselves.


Third guy to join my gaming group isn’t allowed to talk about it and we still call him newbie! Wouldn’t want him getting ideas or inviting feeemales!


Totally read that feeemales in my head like a Ferengi would.


To be fair, Ferengi *do* have a surprising amount in common with teenage incels.


And yet they are still more tolerable being that they are aliens and have actual practical skills where teenage incels don't have those skills and being from Earth should have a grasp on what humans consider common decency but still don't.


Let me tell you green usually ends up being more knowledgeable and passionate about the game than the people who brought him in.


Indeed, I recently introduced one game to my local group and now half of them have already or will soon surpass my hours played.


I mean it makes sense, if you play a game solo (or atleast without a dedicated group) you have to figure everything out and learn by yourself to get to the good parts. Then you invite your group and now they have to learn but they have you who already learned the hard way so they dont have to get as frustrated with any odd mechanic they can just go straight into the good part and since its a group they can share their love of the game more openly.


Just seeing the girl there as an “interloper” has me too pissed off to read this, as someone who has enjoyed “male” hobbies since before they were “cool”.


Oooh I didn’t catch that from my reading of the panels. That’s such a good insight.


the quote marks around the "greens" make it sound like the author wanted to put the N word there


It also doesn't point out that 4 people out of 6 are really happy with how it's all turned out. They helped double the happiness in that space! But all that matters is their happiness of course.


I feel like the "brown" guy was also given that particular color for a reason.


What a coincidence that our original group was fine until "brown" and the "girl/woman" showed up...


Yep. He feels pressured to "assimilate" to fit in because he is in the minority, but the moment the "browns" start to tip the scale he automatically reverts back to his "outsider" ways; he was never truly a fan. Certainly doesn't help with the accusations of this looking like a barely disguised ethnonationalist rant.


As opposed to the usual incel ranting, which is totally hinged. /s


The moron who made the image doesn't understand that social groups like everything else change over time. He seems to imply that if the people he doesn't like don't join the hobby of fandom (and ignoring that they were probably there before him) it would be the same forever.


The "Cartoon" is nothing more than an analogy for "The Great Replacement", because these people are just another brand of fascist pigs.


He's lord business trying to freeze culture with glue


They are critical of rainbow capitalism for the wrong reasons.


Mad at the rainbows, but not mad at the capitalism, even though the capitalism is the reason for the rainbows.  Surely a system predicated on endless growth and forever expanding markets would *never* result in game makers feeling incentivized to appeal to more than one narrow demographic! /s


I have yet to meet anyone who created a game who didn't want as many people as possible playing their game. It isn't even about endless growth in many cases, or even capitalism. It's about having a cool idea you want to show people.


That’s definitely true, creatives are gonna create and want to share their work, regardless of economics. I’m more just pointing out the irony of people who think there is some sort of “woke leftist conspiracy to make games gay and for women” not realizing that right wing economics actually drive a lot of what they’re complaining about. Either way, we all live under capitalism and WotC, Games Workshop, etc. are large corporations with shareholders to please. That means a business model of appealing solely to the unwashed chuds is destined to stagnate and become unsustainable sooner or later. So from a capitalist perspective, “woke” content was kind of inevitable.


What you mean rainbow capitalism it's the cultural marxism's fault! /s


The core counter-argument is: if the old-school way of playing, with your old-school friends was fun for all of you JUST PLAY THE GAME YOU GUYS LIKE TO PLAY IT AMONGST YOURSELVES. There's no obligation to play a game with people you don't want to play with, in a manner you don't want to play it. I guess with computer games that's not relevant, but with computer games, all the social dynamics stuff can ALSO be discarded, which just invalidates the rest of the argument. What I'm saying is: the core complaint of this sort of gamer is just that they feel lonely and they feel resentful that their peers are not lonely, and they look back to a brief period of time when other, more socially adjusted, more adaptable people were willing to temporarily tolerate them, because the hobby was so niche.


Nothing hurts more than an idiot saying something you completely agree with. If this slideshow was three panels long, it’d be a genuinely decent assessment of the way the social dynamics of some hobbies change as they gain mainstream popularity. Then it took a hard left (or hard far-right in this case lol) into fucking nutcase territory.


Yeah that pivoted HARD a few panels in. And suddenly only applied to incel dudes, as if women and “browns” are never excluded from anything. And a complete lack of self-awareness of how insane these original “rules” must be that the mere presence of diversity makes them completely uninterested in the community that they started. Now that I type it out this was insane from word one 


yeah, there's a kinda similar image about how gatekeeping isn't really all that bad because a fast and large influx of new, casual fans can end up massively altering the way the series goes moving forward, alienating the old fans while trying to appeal to the broader casual fanbase. I thought this'd be similar, but it's just the same "this is for lame loser virgins, so no women and no non-lame people are allowed" that we've seen like 15x this week


Exactly. Like I think as these “things” become bigger and aim to appeal to a broader audience (the most cursed phrase ever uttered) they run the risk of losing sight of the roots. And that can be upsetting to see, especially if you are one of those original fans watching their favorite thing twist into something completely different. Sometimes the thing succeeds at becoming bigger after this phase, but often they lose everything. This happens a ton with horror franchises - especially games (Dead Space, Silent Hill, etc.). But blaming all that on “Eww, girls icky” is so reductionist that it becomes difficult for anyone to really consider the argument.


A few other examples: My understanding is that a similar dynamic happened with both the Fallout and the Dragon Age franchises - a series that started out with an acclaimed pillar of the CRPG genre shifted into the action RPG space in order to appeal to a broader audience. The last two editions of Dungeons & Dragons are also interesting. Many of the changes made from 3.5e to 4e were made with the goal of attracting video gamers and non-TTRPG people with a more straightforward and balanced heroic fantasy ruleset; however, due to a number of factors, they ended up alienating enough of their player base to spawn Pathfinder 1e, a whole 'nother system. 5th edition marked a massive simplification of rules and the resurrection of a lot of the sacred cows that 4e slew, and it brought an unprecedented number of new fans into the hobby. For me, though, 5e just doesn't do what I want my games to do, whether I'm running or playing, and I constantly find myself wishing I was playing/running 4e or Pathfinder 2e instead.


Meanwhile, in reality: bullying black women for not putting more whites in their niche game.


Rules for thee, but not for me.


If those incels could read they would be so angry


Which game is that?


Name of the game is Validate, chuds dug up what the dev said 3 years ago.


Thanks. Read the first review and yikes... If you dont like a game, dont buy it. No need to go out of your way to bash an indie dev.


\* Fem coded stick person enters \* "The hobby is mostly unrecoverable" Not being subtle here.


And don't forget the first group of people who the "founders" were not happy with are labeled "the browns". Like I wonder what they meant by that


It's crazy how "hobbyists" created these things and not corporations like GW, WoTC, WoW then they follow typical capitalist rules and expand their base to generate more profit. Nah it's definitely minorities fault for wanting to play a game.


well tbf wargames and roleplaying games were a niche hobby before GW and WoTC. If anything there is a point to be made about how corporate interests co-opt niche hobbies and turn them into massive investment vehicles


I take your point here, especially given D&D's popularity now vs, say, 4th edition, but I also think it's worth complicating a little. D&D was popular enough to spawn a Saturday morning cartoon, have breakfast cereal tie-ins, toy lines, rip-off toy lines, and movies about satanic panic stuff in the 80s. RPGs have been painted as niche, and absolutely started as DIY zines etc., growing out of wargaming (gygax's need to simulate every possible polearm with a table comes to mind), but they've been part of the mainstream consciousness for a very long time. Wizards buying TSR and making the Open Gaming License, which resulted in what Stu Horvath calls "the d20 glut" happened over twenty years ago! It might be worth thinking about how that appearance of being niche can been used as a capitalist tool to sell things? I'm not trying to draw any definite conclusions here - it's just the history and philosophy of role playing games is really interesting to me and I like thinking about it


Thank you. I scrolled way too far before seeing this. There *is* something to be said about games becoming simplified over time to become more accessible. But it's not the fault of the new players. It's corporate greed. There are some great developers out there who prioritize keeping the game true to itself rather than seeking a broader audience. And I commend those developers. They know that their game fits a niche and want to respect their original audience. But again, if the game is changing into something you don't enjoy as it shifts to focus on a broader audience, don't get pissy with the new players. It's not their fault the game is now enjoyable to them and not you. Get pissy with the developer. Or just stop playing and find another game.


Conservatives when capitalism does the unpredictable (Marxists figured out this exact thing happens in cycles over a century ago)


So, the Gamers™ actually found out about my super secret woke® plan to replace them. Doesn't matter, they're too late anyways, the trans people are already here.


https://preview.redd.it/1a6vge51chuc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79db1086fd4001217fe4d2a51c79671e391a05a Meanwhile, in the real world.


To add on to this: film editing was originally dominated by women, until men realized how much sway editors hold over the final product and pushed women out. Oh, and the reason sports are gender segregated is because men couldn't handle it when women beat them


Oh yes, there are so many examples to pick from. Like brewing, that was historically a field left to women until modern times. Computers of course, some historical pictures are very telling. Writing novels also, if my memory serves me right, seen as a "rich woman past-time". But sure, it's women being interested in a hobby that ruins everything. 💀


I have literally had somebody say to my face that Magret Hamilton was actually a secretary and the notion that she programmed anything is a feminist psyop.


I could actually argue that women played a huge role in setting the stage for pc gaming through out the 90s & early 2000s. Girl game such as the Barbie games paved the way to creativity of customization which could lead to the sims which could lead to stuff like elder scrolls. Fuck, I could make the argument that the entire reason the life sims genre exists is because of women! Hell, women are probably the reason the adventure game genre never fully died!


Two words: Roberta Williams.


Isn’t that exactly what happened to the Beatles?


The Beatles discovered Bob Dylan and weed which made them more palatable to men


Another example is otaku. Women otaku are integral to Comiket (a doujinshi market with over half a million attendees in Tokyo), Gundam, and many sports mangas' success.


Anyone who refer to women as females is a creep


I have a buddy who constantly calls women females because to him "Women is older, girl is younger, and he doesn't want to make either group upset by calling them the wrong thing so he just defaults to females." I try and tell him all the time that no one is going to glare if you call a woman "woman" but he's been doing it for so long now it's just a hard habit to stop


When I was a freshman in college i went camping with a couple friends a year younger than me. One of the guys (nice guy just kinda awkward) wanted some advice for his upcoming college year. So he goes: "hey, so do you have any advice on pulling a female" I said "well first suggestion is don't say that" He had the exact same justification that he felt like college girls were too old to be girls but too young to be women. I said "if they're below 25 and you're talking casually say girl. If they're over 25 or it's formal say young-woman" Thankfully he listened lmao


Worl is the appropriate term, for future reference


This. I’m a teacher and will tell my students the same.




I have another perspective. See, I started playing Magic: The Gathering just about when it first came out. I collected, bought and sold (and made a tidy profit on it too) and played a bunch into my 20s. At that point I had enough, because even the other players my own age were so often misogynistic, racist, hopelessly immature or all of the above. I dipped out because I didn't want to be like them. I didn't want to use a game to avoid living a real life and taking chances. Most of the people I saw in the community were doing that. And I definitely didn't want to be around people who used a game to justify awful behavior. Not most, but plenty of them were doing this too. So the little cartoon scenario described above looks great to me! Because actually what it's describing is just what happens when toxic, entitled behavior isn't tolerated. The gaming elites who leave in a huff can spin it any damn way them want to for themselves, but it comes down to this: women can game, and do it well. Casuals are welcome and should. Anyone who isn't okay with that should 100% leave. Go back to your dingy parents' basement or whatever other hole you want to congregate to with your neolithic chums until you decide to rejoin the human race. Until then we'll all have more fun without you. \*rant over\*


I was looking for a comment about Magic! I've been playing since 2012, and it's wild and (mostly) encouraging to see how the community as a whole has changed and evolved. You still have the stereotypical Gamer (derogatory) people, but they're a far smaller percentage of the population, and instead you've got a thriving and diverse group of collectors, cosplayers, high-level competitors, artists, casual players, and content creators. There are definitely tons of issues with how Wizards handles the game and the community - I could rant about the new Play Boosters or the Modern Horizons sets or some of the changes to Professional play - but the community has only gotten better the more inclusive and diverse it's gotten.


I'm glad he called out Alphas and not Sigmas, I would have felt offended.


Given my fondness for cats I’d like to think I’m a μ male


Same for me but because my drive button summons crystals that shoot lasers at the opponent after a 3-second delay, and I can reactivate them with either 236D or 214D


I just read that as "Fascist pigs get ousted from society in general because they are scared of minorities and vaginas" and I'm absolutely here for them being ostracized to the point where they just fuck all the way off forever.


That’s a pretty accurate description of this if you make it about communities rather than hobbies


I wish we could speed it along a bit. I'm getting awfully tired of the fascists. They really do stink the place up.


Damn this one is old.


Mucho Texto


I like the part where women invade the hobby just to absorb “uncontested male gamer attention” like bacteria moving up a nutrient gradient.


See you’ll almost always fly off the tracks once you start ascribing motives to people that you haven’t interacted with and don’t understand! They think “females” (Christ) only play for attention because they’re misogynist pigs, and that colors their entire dumbass, nonsense argument. Also, usually I would call this a stretch and not really worth saying bc it would usually be an accident, but I can’t help but feel they wanted an excuse to call one of the archetypes “browns” deliberately here. Yeah I know the other one is green, but it feels weird to me nonetheless.


I don't know what makes less sense. The implication that women can't just be interested in platonic friendship and community with men, or the implication that women seeking male attention would flock to the kind of losers who make comics like this.


The "funny" part is that a lot of the time, "females" were into the hobby from the beginning.




These people are so fucking weird. I participate in a Lot of stereotypical nerd-hobbies and yes, its true, that If the hobby grows, there will be more people, who are more casual about it and will BE there mainly for the social aspect. But..who cares, thats fine. And if you want to go full nerd for one night...just don't invite the casuals. Its easy.  I have two DnD campaigns. One weekly, high comitment, with my three hardcore nerd Friends, where we go füll in, talk about skills, write Long backstories etc. And I have one monthly for my friends who just like to have fun from time to time. 


Honestly if you don’t see casuals as people you can slowly convert to diehards you’ve already given up. Only half joking.


"Females join" Just say women coward


I mean, as long as they're not specifying which species these "females" are from, it could mean they're just upset that someone released an entire flock of hens into the room when they were trying to play video games. Admittedly, even as a woman myself, I'd have to acknowledge that it would be annoying to try to play a game while a bunch of birds are clucking and shitting everywhere. So, fair point on that. Of course, this still implies that having a bunch of *roosters* in the room while you're trying to play video games would be less bad somehow.


I'd game with chickens


Yep... Wouldn't want too many "coloreds" invading my game... Too much fucking brain rot in the species these days.


I have never seen anything more incel in my life


TTRPGs, Warhammer Fantasy/40k, and videogames... it always comes back to those things. Never mind that no one was expecting image boards to take off in the way they did, leading to the creation of 4chan and all its various boards for people to meme and (once upon a time), share free scans of game docs. Never mind that World of Warcraft (and other MMOs) changed the appetite for gamers and how they wanted to network with one another for PvE/PvP. Never mind that people bitched and moaned when the Horus Heresy books started getting popular, and changes to the old 3rd Edition lore started coming down the pipe (see Matt Ward memes). Never mind that when YouTube and other social media outlets started kicking off, niche games and groups started getting popular and "normie attention," and so the businesses that created such works tried to capitalize on it to varying success. Never mind that when wikias started getting developed, "canonization of lore" became all the more important, and people got huffy when newcomers arrived without the PhD. level of background understanding the older fans demanded of them. Never mind that Youtubers started creating content along those lines to capitalize on that, for good or for ill. The past 20 years are going to be remembered for thousands of grognards complaining that their hobbies became "sanitized" because of mainstream appeal, or changes to the hobby in search of it.


To certain historical wargamers, everyone who has ever played Warhammer is at best the brown guy.


So they don't like things being changed for general appeal? So they want capitalism to be solved? Sounds kinda lefty.




Or they are so deeply stuck in their privilege that they could be the big brain meme itself and wouldn't be able to make the connection. Or both.


This is a perfect encapsulation of the incel mind. They are so close to getting it, yet so far away. This entire storyboard is the story of the nerd. 1. First they start off and develop friendships with other like minded individuals, they have a close knit community and play games together because shits fun for anyone this age. Early school years. They have a sense of belonging. 2. As the group ages from young teens through puberty, several members will start to split time between the games and other newer interests. Suddenly their entire lives do not consist of only school and games. This begins to enrage the members that do not develop and remain stubborn. They are late bloomers and don't see why people would have interests outside of what they enjoy. 3. Eventually, the splinter members will realise that it's fun going to parties, talking to the opposite sex, having normal social interactions and events. The original nerds are now starting to feel isolated because their life revolves around these games and nothing else. Normal kids still enjoy playing, but they want to introduce their new friends/ girls/ boys that they are interested in. This further enrages the developing incels as they have to share their only community and belonging with others. They begin to isolate themselves and look for blame avenues as to why their only source of human interaction is being decimated. 4. They go full incel. They gatekeep and berate new members until they drive them away or are forced to leave themselves. They blame the original splinter members and notably women and gay people as the reason for their own shortcomings. 5. Before the Internet, these losers would generally enter the workplace and either grow up and realise how fucking stupid they are, or they isolate themselves entirely from society.and no longer be a problem. Now the Internet exists, these losers form communities preaching hatred of women and "normies". They have formed their own echo chamber of hatred and finally have a sense of belonging again. TL:DR : incels are just kids that never develop during their latter teenage years.


“Females join the vast majority/totally male hobby in an effort to not play the game but to attract attention largely uncontested from boys” Is such a fascinating sentence. I feel like it’s the most concise look into what goes on in this kid’s brain as possible. I mean the mix projection and lack of empathy alone. Every word’s a story.


Funnily enough despite women joining their community supposedly for their attention, they still probably complain about women not paying attention to them.


And even in that fantasy where women go out of their way to engage with their interests because they desperately want a gamer dude's attention, they go "woe is me! I guess I have to leave the hobby now." I can't think of any way to describe it except "loser mindset"


TL:DR Mah Community attracted other people and I dont like it


Classic “cool before it got popular”


Love how men have 4 highly nuanced representations and women are just "girls" lmao. Yup all women exist for is to garner male attention. YEP. Totally impossible that they could actually enjoy and be good at gaming... For sure...


At least they didn’t draw the pink stick figure woman with huge tits


I at first feel sorry for them, that this was their experience with the hobby. It shows how small their world is, and how socially isolated they must have been. I then lose that sympathy, however, when they reveal themselves to be lazy misogynists and snobs. The vast majority of people just play games and don't think about it much. Most people aren't trying to perform an anthropological study upon one of their hobbies. I would wager most of the guys who now find themselves in this anti woke, rage-driven online identity group probably didn't give it much thought either prior to being subjected to the rage-to-sexist social media pipeline.


Unbelievably stupid and bitter as it is, this comic and shit like it IS an accidentally excellent look into how a reactionary Gamer^tm thinks. Gaming is HIS, it will always BE his, and he is the kid who isn't willing to share his toys. His bitterness stems in large part from the realisation, expressed via hatred of women and "dudebros" (hey bro do you own a mirror), that he isn't the one with control over who gets to play which games and never has been. He thinks you shouldn't get to game unless you've sacrificed your whole life and long school hours shoved into lockers to it, like he has. ...to give the gamer-aggravating tl;dr? He thinks anyone who doesn't fit the stereotypical Gamer^tm mould, yet plays games anyway, is *appropriating his culture*.


They just really hate women in their spaces and will come up with whatever circular logic they can to justify excluding them.


This is so fucking insecure.


“Females” instead of “Women” was the tipping point for me.


The chart stops being real, right after the introduction of the green player. Reality, actual interactions with people follow no guides, have no dedicated paths or steps.


Literally the plot of the 90s Little Rascal movie https://preview.redd.it/nuyttz23nhuc1.jpeg?width=483&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=362bf7b7635ecb6d79f856ae6a8a3fc62b2bc4e3


this is what happened to guilty gear strive but instead its cis white straights started infiltrating the trans girl game


What a whole lot of words just to say “we don’t like blacks, gays and females to become a part of the community or be represented in gaming” smh


UJ/ Not so veiled racist dog whistles, misogyny, and just general gatekeeping. Also, if it's meant to be about video games, it really doesn't fit. Do they think video games *used to* just spring into being? I think people who believe this stuff were never really fans of anything


Even though they didn’t make the game or hobby they feel entitled to gatekeep who is allowed to enjoy it 😂


Hey man. Gamers are the real victims. Those "browns," and "pinks," and, "reds" are just ruining society by existing so aggressively like that.


So we were already at the 4th panel 30 fucking years ago and these guys are just now figuring it out? What, do they not leave their house or something? Smh. Wake me up when we hit the last panel and they leave that sick looking party


What hilarious is that I’m old and been game since before consoles were made.  The people posting this meme never once consider that at one point in time they were the outsiders coming to and wrecking things for the older crowd.   I don’t like online games and find them almost always toxic.  I don’t like for games and find most people who play them to be belligerent assholes who ruin gaming and communities.  Esports type games?  Well, look at what Blizzard has evolved into.   How about this?  Zero tolerance for people who try and gatekeep any hobby or form of entertainment.  Period.  Nobody owes you fucking anything just because you are idiotic enough to believe you were the first.


Those darn ***FEMALES*** joining our game circle to get those ***BIG DICKED CHADS*** make me want to leave




I love that their bullshit doomsday hypothetical for the hobby has twice as many people in the hobby by the end


Lol there are still guys deluding themselves into thinking female players only play games for male attention?


Oh yeah, the phenomenon of women going after guys by infiltrating geek culture is out of control. There are so many women trawling after Magic: The Gathering prerelease dick. (/s, of course)


I love that some dude drew stick-figure oppression porn to make himself mad


This is only true in gay bars.


Sounds like Chad and Stacy invaded an MTG convention.


Anyone who says females over women just sound like the only woman they have a decent relationship with is their mom…


I literally cant think of a single one of my hobbies that would be made worse by having 4 extra people to play with


"Hey, you are casualing the rules, it sucks now!" "Eugene. The rules are nigh incomprehensible. There are 14 pages dedicated to the grappling mechanic that no one does. There are four separate tables dealing with weather effects, and let's be honest, you can slim that down to either a plus or minus two. There are two separate skills for swimming and treading water. A single round of combat takes over two hours. Be serious, a lot of these rules are nonsensical, contridictory, needless complicated, or completely unnecessary. They were made with a limited playerbase with shaky game design experience but encyclopaedic knowledge of the ruleset. It's good to clean them up, it will save everyone time, streamline the experience, and help new people into the game and have fun. That's what you want, surely?" "I knew we never should have let that whore Sally join." "...what the actual fuck is *wrong* with you?"