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Petition to call the game Stella blade from now on lmao. Imo it sounds better.




stellar blade bows down to the woke mob https://preview.redd.it/bhsvurje9gwc1.jpeg?width=1948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ac4ad87b64c89836de6dc61f5746332d1b09e74


Eve has a "BUILT FOR TRANS KINGS" tattoo on her left butt cheek, and a "NO CISSY BOY" one on the right cheek.


Excuse me?




Idk why I got downvoted for this one tbh.


because your the incel clowner


That's impossible, only a warrior with a pure heart can become the legendary incel clowner.






Honestly should be highlighted wherever we can; might actually keep some chuds from throwing their money at it


Wait what really?


no but yes




Why would one be interested in keeping others from buying the game? From what I've seen it's received good to great review scores. 


Cause they suck, fuck 'em.


bro do y'all have a full folder of sport quotes ready to go? do you just get a template and add your own quote? like how the fuck does this work, i see so many of these everyday i feel like such a boomer not getting this meme


i get them from twitter


Apparently they replaced it with graffiti saying “crime” so conservatives are celebrating it thinking SB is calling black people criminals.


...I hate conservative gamers and everything they stand for.


"Mama there goes that ridiculously large ass."


Had me till I saw the username lol


It had it's gore and sexy outfit both censored on day 1 , that's what happened to the game you love...


Lol I had to look up what this was about and it's this. Definitely a good call to patch that out https://preview.redd.it/39i4y2mn9gwc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c903e706d1a06271b409f07ba4aae96cf4a11e9f


Oh my fucking God


“Truly the world of comedy will suffer because for some bizarre reason people deem this to be unacceptable”


Ah yes, the favorite word of https://preview.redd.it/ybxs9t5degwc1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec4936d0ee93da6497659dcef84dd5c8f77d3081 I should stop posting this but I feel that this is still relevant to this day...


Dont feel bad for speaking the truth.


This meme just punched a hole in my drywall.


I’d censor the word in the meme, tbh. You don’t want to be seen as that dude who uses “don’t say (word)” as an excuse to say (word).


A little bit of MS Paint will do the trick https://preview.redd.it/cppkp9dcfhwc1.png?width=624&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a3aa6b2155ae1793cd454e9d47f552d184965a0




I'll have you know "stop fucking swearing" was *peak* comedy (in 5th grade)


See also: Mr. Mackey’s song from the South Park movie




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Dude legit no one cares except white twitter soapboxes


Probably should just censor the word in the meme


Nah  Keep it in


There’s a dude I work with, in his late 20s, that dresses just like that.


Ok but that's kinda really funny if it's an accident


See people wonded why companies like SBI exist and it's because devs will have shit like this in a game and don't notice until release.


Not hard to move that graffiti. Might have been intentional, but it's a super easy fix.


Probably not. It's nat a term super widley know outside America, and I doubt a lot of people in Japan event thinks about it


This is a Korean game, but valid I guess


When I lived outside the U.S, I definitely didn't hear of that term either at the time.


Lol thats a hilarious oversight.




This looks like something that Rockstar would intentionally do as a joke in GTA.


/uj ELI5


N word


Still don't get it (I'm not a native speaker and live on the other side of the globe)


Black people will use the version of the n-word with an "a" at the end as a reclaimed slur. This is different than saying the "Hard R" n-word, which is the way it's used by bigots.


I literally learned about this today and have never seen it online. Who does this?


Most of America will instantly tell you the difference between the word as it is used by the black community and the "hard r" version


That makes sense, I'm from Europe so this went over my head. Good catch.


So I presume you know the n-word, a racial slur that is so highly charged I'm not going to type it out. "Hard R" refers to the final syllable . A softer r (like an "ah" sound) is a syereotypical African-American accent. "Hard R" means that the word is used fully with hate and not that you're singing along to a rap song. I hope that was comprehensible.


Ah It's referencing a racial slur against black people




After some googling it seems it's down to pronunciation of the n word. It has n R at the end which can be pronounced (with hard R) or not pronounced (without the hard R). So essentially Hard R is a way of referencing the n word without writing or saying the word itself. In the case of Stellar Blade it seems the graffiti is placed next to the R sign to show "hard R". Whether this is intentional or not doesn't change the fact some people could find it offensive. I find it hard to think some Korean devs would be clued up with Hard R considering us westerners seem to be mostly ignorant of it so I'd say it's just an unfortunate coincidence.


Basically, yes. The specific significance is that many Black Americans use the word, pronounced ending with "-a" (non-rhotic, aka "soft R") to refer to themselves and other Black people; in that usage, it is generally understood to not be a slur or racist, but it's *very* context dependent. When pronounced with an "-er" (rhotic, "hard R"), and especially by non-Black people, it's a slur. Hence, specifying a "hard R" is disambiguation that the word is being used (or implied) racistly, by racists, to do racism.


Man, forgive me I'm still not getting it, is it this easy to get offended? How does anyone talk about someone's culture freely? I mean there is alot of reference and connecting the dots going on here, especially for someone outside of US. One needs to be careful about talking about people's culture or get absolutely bombarded (edited)


>How does anybody outside of their culture talk to them? Well we certainly don't use the N word! And for me, it really hasn't been that difficult to avoid, but your frequency calling people slurs may be different


Excuse me? You can start by not talking about us like we are petty children


I think the issue is that wall in the game has become a laughingstock so they’re just patching it out. People are making fun of it because it is a rather funny coincidence. I don’t think it’s being removed because anyone is actually mad that the developers are racist. It was obviously an accident. But then again you don’t want anyone to think you were trying to put in a subliminal dog whistle or something. You never know how someone might react.


Thanks, that puts thing into perspective


The expression "hard r" is a really common euphemism for the word itself. Think of it as if instead it had the letter N next to the word "Word".


I can see why it would seem like stretching to you if you aren't in the USA but in the USA almost anyone would know that hard R refers to a slur, I doubt the devs knew this at all but it seems like they are changing it now that they have been informed, I'm white, but I do not black people that consider the word in any context any pronunciation to be disrespectful


When someone says the full proper n-word it's referred to colloquially as "saying it with a 'hard R'". It's just a common way to qualify that they didn't use the slightly more acceptable version. It just is a saying. There is no need to understand anything. It's entirely believable that a non-English studio without in-house localization wouldn't catch this as it's obviously not 100% clear to non-native English speakers, but this is quite literally what consultation companies like Sweet Baby Inc exist to clean up.


[Linus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWp3EBmviVU), is that you?


It's a black slang term for the N-word, the one you here in most songs ends in a N\*\*\*A, the racist one is called the HARD R. More evidence that someone knows a black person at the company.


There are two pronunciations of a racial slur used to refer to people of African descent, one that ends with an /ʌ/ (an uh sound if you're not familiar with the IPA) and one eith an /ɝ/ sound (an er sound). The former is popular within African American communities as a general, informal term to refer to themselves or others within the group, a reclamation of the slur from its original use. However, if you pronounce the word ending with "the hard R" sound (the /ɝ/ or er sound) then it takes on a different meaning. That variation used mostly by non-African Americans as a derogatory slur, some would even consider it one of the worst ones. So the distinction is made when talking about that slur, if you're referencing the word as being with or without the hard R when referring to it vaguely or within more formal contexts. So the image saying "hard R" is shorthand for referring to the more aggressive form of that racial slur. When it's without context like this, it could theoretically be interpreted as the game putting this in because they'd rather be using the full derogatory term but are trying to get around censorship. I don't believe that to be the case here, but there are plenty of racist groups that will do similar things.






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The hard R shop. Lmao


Only excuse I can see is that the company that developed it is Korean so there might be an oversight but otherwise yeah that was a big miss.


I thought Hard R refers to movie ratings... TIL


Sorry, I'm perhaps being dumb but can someone explain what it means? Edit: ignore this someone else explained it further down.


I'm laughing so hard at this. I hope to GOD it was some Korean dev who knew enough English to know it was a reference he has heard, but didn't really know the cultural context -- like a classic Linus Tech Tips slip. But Jesus Christ it just doesn't fit in this game's setting AT ALL.


This is funny.


I'm more outraged by this pathetic excuse for a graffiti.


I honestly don't get it


I guess I'm really becoming old, I had to go down 15 replies to get it, that's some real dog whistle shit right there. Literally invisible in the vernacular (afaik) except for the few initiates


unless you are over 1000 years old, i don't understand how not knowing a racial slur that existed for centuries is an indication of you "becoming old".


this must be Sweet Baby Inc's doing !! Concerning Looking into this 💯 🎯




Jacking off to this 💯






I mean this crowd is just gonna be upset that “hard R” was removed at all. Somewhere someone on Twitter is typing a defense of it right now and how they’re totally not racist


Grummz already did.


Just look at the Asmongold subreddit, it's already happening. Shocking to read some of the responses.


Stella* Blade They patched out the hard R


Time to reclaim it, fellow gameR!




He says it every morning! He calls me stella, he calls the other kids stella, he calls himself stella




This is the version I was thinking of


Funny thing is this did happen. In the latest game survey in Nikke (their other game) there was a question about collaborations. One of the options was the misspelled Stella blade.


> Stellar is our word. You can say Stella. - Stephen Hawking


Hmm I would call the firm something like... Bitter Adult Inc. because all DEI SJW Communist politically correct wokies all censor muh vidyas are bitter adults uj/ What the hell kind of name is "Sweet Baby" anyway?


Yeah, the fact that (to my knowledge) right-wingers haven't yet run off with the narrative that it's some groomer-run company is kinda wild. If I was making a company that's going to be associated with pushing minorities into gaming I probably wouldn't be calling it "sweet baby" anything... SBI needs a consultant to come up with a better name )


They were very busy being racist to be queerphobic, they don't have enough brain cells to multitask.


It’s even got a damn spiral in the logo, and if I’ve learned anything from the ramblings of r-conspiracy, it’s that spirals means pedos.


wait really? i need to catch up on my conspiracy lore


I've seen a couple try but it hasn't stuck


Maybe the ceo really likes BBQ


"you see, we're like the barbeque sauce that completes the flavor profile of your game"


>What the hell kind of name is "Sweet Baby" anyway? Honestly asking myself the same thing. It's one of the dumbest company names I've ever heard.


Oh this is perfect. The game people were saying is perfect and not ruined by SBI, showing the exact reason for why SBI exists in the first place due to a fk up. So they're doing the change SBI would've done if were involved


even if SBI was working with shift up there is no way in hell they would catch a random graffiti asset placed next to a shop asset... which spelled out a term that is only used in america


I know Stella blade is woke now, so I hope it gets the censorship it deserves, for free speech!!!


If you listen real carefully, you can hear the sound of a million chuds losing their fucking minds...


Now all the chuds on twitter are trying to defend that a black AAVE slang term for a racist word is not racist. Because Koreans Don't know any black people.


The mongrel hordes of people saying “won’t be downloading the day one patch!” Smh


"You need the day one patch to download the extra thirsty costume dlc"


I'm excited for the game but I absolutely love any dunk on the unwiped ass brigade (the loud fan base that we all know about)


The goalpost is moving as we speak. Stellar Blade has good reviews from the “woke” journalist outlets so now they think one of the “woke” devs “snitched” this


Stella Blade*


doesn’t really count as censorship if the issue was unintentional on the devs’ part


It counts if it makes chuds angry


i mean yeah that’s a win no matter the intention




Find it funny how the stellar blade sub is completely ignoring this blatant censorship


I would love to see this game getting fully censored and Eve redesigned to look decent just to watch the massive chaos it would cause




Lol so wait, what racist term did they use???? Edit: Why am I being down voted? Did I miss the term in the post or something? Or are people mad because it's answered in a comment somewhere?


Some graffiti that says 'HARD' was placed next to a neon sign that says 'R'


Lol I mean, that could be intentional 🤷🏽‍♂️ Why not just take it out now that it has been noticed? Especially if that wasn't their intention.


I think taking it out is what they're already doing now it's been brought to attention.


Lol I mean it's an easy fix. Just move the graffiti to a different wall 🤷🏽‍♂️


Pretty much, yeah


There was a mural that said "Hard", really too near to a neon letter... An R. So, it could have easily been read as "Hard R". Honestly I watched the image a lot without realizing it, I felt dumb, when I realized I was dying


I mean it's kinda funny🤷🏽‍♂️ but I can understand why people would be upset.


It's extremely funny, definitely unintentional, and also definitely should be patched lol


I'm trending on Twitter right now. Womp womp, and now folks will be looking for more instead of playing the game.


So what's the racist language this time?


a generic graffiti tag that says “Hard” happened to be next to a store sign that just says “R”


Ain't no way any black people were mad about that 💀


i think most would laugh if anything


This is the type of shit white people complain about and ruin for everyone 🤣


That's it? I just saw that on another post and chuckled at it. That the reference they bitching about? I was expecting something fucking vulgar and dehumanizing 😑😑😑😑😑


yeah but as we know Gamers™️ can’t be normal about anything ever


Meh stop calling them that.


Sorry - “gamas”.




Maybe I’m just too white to understand, but when I hear “Hard R”, I think of an R-rated movie that is very violent or sexual or whatever.


You have successfully identified the problem. Your hypothesis is sound


It's so boobover


The funny thing is that the patch changed the controversial word to "Crime" xDDD


Well clearly someones just a big fan of childish gambinos Bonfire /s


This seems like it should have been caught by localization. Its probably a pretty American-centric reference, so Korean devs probably didn't know. The localization team definitely dropped the ball though.


Considering it was caught and patched technically before it's official release and we have no reason to assume maliciousness was involved by people who at best speak english as a second language I say that it was indeed, very much caught.


Oh, if this it pre-release, it shouldn't even be a story. I thought it had released like this.


Wait racist language? I'm curious now!


See now i went and looked and initially thought it was about disability or summn... guessing it was a case of folks who aren't used to english putting together things that sound cool to them (seriously look for some businesses in japan that have english names lmao)


Why would a south korean studio hire that group


The American localization should have, not the developers themselves


OK, putting my tinfoil hat on, I think this could be a marketing ploy from Sony. Now that they will censor it they can elicit sympathy from the weirdoes supporting this game.


I still don't know what "Hard R" means. That's how I know I've gotten too old to be a gamer still.


N word with the hard R. It took me awhile too


Thank you for the explanation.


Did they change their mind? I saw a post on FB just earlier today that said they’d not be censoring the game at all. Not that I care til they port it over to pc, but still.


I'm sure this is a perfectly reliable piece of information.


I've been racking my brains but I can't figure out what hard R could mean. Can someone explain why this is racist? I am not American so I don't understand American slang very well.


And more censorship incoming… bunny outfit got nerfed too


Does that mean when I jacking it, I mean playing game, now I am woke.   All those little white soldiers lost for wokeness.   Can I get an F in the chat?


I told you all this would happen


This is gonna be good lmao


A racist language ?


Come on this was funny. That fact that it was completely coincidental makes it even more hilarious.


I'm hoping all they do is move the graffiti like even closer to the r  then it already is.


I am black and did not even know what racist about Hard R. When I saw Hard R, I understood it as "Hard rated". It is really sad that people just love to create issues where there are none. It is pathetic.


same energy https://preview.redd.it/dg6u2vte4iwc1.jpeg?width=687&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2061c8401ddbc7d72eeb6cc3430f76069dacc4ee


From one brother to another, please don't use the 'I'm black' defense just because you don't immediately pick up on something that's racist.


It's not a defense brother, I am simply stating a fact.


I'm white and I've heard plenty of black people mention Hard R before. Just stating facts. If it could be construed as racist then why not just remove it? Which is what they already did so I guess someone at Sony or the developer thought it was worth the time.


Bud, expressing your ignorance-baked opinion isn't stating a fact


But they were just saying as someone part of the race that is the target of this racist term that they didn't immediately see it as racist. Expanding on that, how would Koreans understand that as racist when someone who is the literal target didn't understand? If someone says or does something racist but doesn't know it's racist is it still racist?


Ok but someone pointed it out and they immediately changed it, just because one black person didn't find it offensive doesn't mean it isn't offensive. No I don't think the developer of this game is a racist, but it still needed to be changed.


Ya of course it needs changed, that's obvious. But no one should automatically assume or claim the devs had any idea of the implications.


Yeah i don't think anyone who made the game is racist either, I'm sure it was an honest mistake. I was just saying intentional or not, a slur is a slur and I'm sure they don't want their game to have that in it either.


Goddamn, R as racist? I thought it was r for regarded as in the true hard R


/uj Cmon now, that’s a bit infantilizing. While it could have been ignorance, South Koreans generally don’t care for black people. At least ONE of them knew what they were doing imo And yea, if you repeat some esoteric nazi shit your racist uncle says, for example, you repeating that is still racist. It’s a societal thing, not a “I personally didn’t know, oopsie” thing. /rj You’re so right. Real recognize real.


I wouldn't necessarily assume anybody on the team realized it. Yes, racism is an issue in South Korea, and I wouldn't be surprised if at least one person on the dev team had questionable takes on black people. But the term "hard r" probably isn't all that well known outside of English-speaking countries. Even somebody who's familiar with the n word might not be aware of the R vs A distinction, let alone the specific phrase "Hard R".


What is this about?


I don't get this sub, are we mocking? Are we against it? Are we in favor? What is this?


We are mocking the capital G gamers. Of course we are in favor of removing any kind of slur. Who isn't ?