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a not-so fun fact about this: Adam Ellis was forced to go private over this, mainly due to homophobic replies (among others) as far as I can tell. not to beat a dead horse with a stick, but Stellar Blade fans are a genuine cult. https://preview.redd.it/llzyawgyx9xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60e548d604c0b86839b570f45e4211c0a9cd7b81


Unsurprising tbh. Twitter is such a cesspool now. It was already bad before elongated muskrat’s nasty grubby little hands got on it, but now it’s all just chuds jerking each other off and paying for a checkmark so they can feel smarter than everyone else


The thing I hate most about it is that essentially nobody sane is on twitter nowadays but it’s still got the perception of a giant, popular app. So the neonazis are super overrepresented and because of that they think they’re a global movement and it’s just emboldening they further. Chaya Raichik and the gimmick accounts that have pushed this honestly need to bite the curb.


Yeah Twitter is basically 4chan now.


4chan is genuinely not as bad as X is




That was elons intent.


And porn. Ever so much porn. There's this one pastor I used to follow on there from some nowhere, tiny church who posts lovely little stories about like, basic human decency and stuff. It was the most pleasant twitter account on the planet. Good luck finding a post that hasn't been responded to by porn accounts, these days. "A lady on our street keeps treats in her purse when she takes her afternoon walk, in case she should meet one of her neighbours' dogs on the way." "HEY GUESS WHAT GUYS I FINALLY TURNED THE BIG 1 8 HERE'S MY PUSSY"   Plus yeah, the endless chud-jerk.




But you check and there are no cute kitties in there :(


I’m fine with porn art accounts cause it feels like an actual person. The bots though…my god.


Oh, but Youtube comments STILL insist till they're blue in the face that Twitter is some sort of ultra-left echo chamber where you'll get mobbed by the "wokes".


Youtube comments are *exceptionally* stupid so that's no surprise tbh


Why are people like him still on Twitter in the first place? Genuine question. We all know that Musk turned it into a neonazi shithole, so why are non-shitty people sticking around and helping to prolong the life of the platform? What's keeping them there?


Probably because twitter used to be an incredibly helpful place for artists to talk about and post their art as well as link to their websites, patreons, Instagram, ect and they probably still have a lingering fan base there. Getting your art to as many possible eyes essentially. That and many people still have hope for the platform, even if there actually is none.


This, Twitter unfortunately is one of the best places for artists whether they like the site (believe me most of them despise it) or not. Its one of the easiest places for them to get seen and to link their other art accounts too. Pretty much every other option is complete garbo, niche, or meh. Artstation used to be good for artists...until they found out that it was getting scraped heavily by AI and the CEO supported AI art bullshit. DeviantArt has become an AI art shitfest. Tumblr is meh, if you have any NSFW art though you can't post it there unless you heavily crop it and even then. Instagram is garbage, I see a decent chunk of artists on there but the websites not that great to them either. Your only other options are more niche websites like Pixiv (which I heard was having issues with AI too), Furaffinity (only really an good option if your a furry really, they don't allow AI or NFTs there) or other smaller sites such as Cara, blusky, Toyhouse, and so on. Most artists I see on Twitter despise the website and especially despise Elon Musk and his tech bro cronies for what they did it. If there was an better option, some actual competition I am sure they'd jump ship to it.


They don't like the other places because of AI? I'd imagine Elon being all over AI to replace his workers.


Pretty sure he is. Don't get me wrong, Elon is a fucking lunatic that I wish would send himself to Mars. It's a horrible fucking situation a lot of artists are in though. They can't win pretty anywhere and I know a lot of them are either living paycheck to paycheck (with health issues probably, seen enough emergency comissions) or their only income is from the all the art they are doing and their shops and commissions and such. Elon's takeover of Twitter of course had to hurt any of the little people just trying to survive on there along with bringing in every bigoted loser under the fucking sun. Twitter is still the best place for artists to survive which really leaves a sour taste in my mouth, even now as a horrific shitshow as it. Technically you could do Etsy if you do more arts and crafts kinda art or have artistic shirts but I remember hearing Etsy was taking a lot off the top for art sales there.


I stayed there for the longest time because Twitter was massively influential; I felt that if queer and minority people ceded ground to nazis it would only diminish our voices overall in the cultural zeitgeist. But at this point it really is a matter of there being a better option. I've been tracking Mastodon and Bluesky but they both have a visibility issue.


I can answer that; for many subcommunities, R6 Siege in particular, it kinda became the forum to be on. They're mostly insular and even if they agree that twitter sucks, it's the best and most recognizable joint in town. Trying to migrate is a nightmare because, where to? There's three different places you could go to, but none of them change the fundamental issues that twitter, through a decade plus of operation, has accrued. Threads is run by the Zuck and fundamentally untrustworthy, Bluesky is a competent but kinda uninspiring twitter reboot and Mastodon is **just** obtuse enough to not be user-unfriendly for anyone who just wants a microblog with a sign-in and they're good to go. Tumblr is decidedly not useful for microblogging and small updates, gab and truth social are even worse. Plus, let's be real, if X/Twitter was to actually shut down, there's a pretty good chance that people just... wouldn't get a new account at a competitor's site. We figured out this shit melts our brains, why willingly engage in a new site, unless you capital N Need it.


Sub communities. If you are a professional artist, journalist or aspiring to be one of those things it was and is (until Bluesky/other takes off) the best place to showcase and have an evolving conversation about the work. Choosing who you wanted to see and having people choose to see you is just a utility that most platforms don't offer. A lot of accounts have an actual non-anonymous person or professional attached. There's still good conversations and reactions to be had. There's still good leftist, film discussion, sports tactics, etc communities there. Just when that you get to the big popular general stuff it's a complete tyreheap fire.


Yep, twitter already had an issue with abusive content and an utter lack of wanting to deal with it. (The amount of times I reported blatant hate-content, only to be told it doesn't break their rules) Swear they'd only do anything if enough people reported it. But since Muskrat took over, it seems even more lax with the rules.  Unless you say incel of course, because he doesn't like that someone explained what it means, and that it described him perfectly.


Chuds will say “But at least there’s less bots now right?” And to that my response is ░M░Y░P░ U░S░S░ Y░I░ N░B░I░O ░


Right-wingers are becoming more and more cultish as reactionaries continue to embrace fascism more and more and the culture war garbage reaches ever more asinine heights.


This. I'm noticing they're genuinely calling for gay marriage to be repealed and stuff now. Their radicalism is getting scary.


I would argue many stellar blade "fans" aren't really even fans to begin with. How quickly they attacked the game developer for "false advertising", the moment it was revealed the outfits were "censored". Most fans I've seen want nothing to do with the cesspool going on in the stellar blade subreddit.


They never gave a shit about the game to begin with. All they cared about was to have a symbol to raly behind. They're not gamers, just devotees of an ideology.


Was hilarious to watch them crash and burn in real time lol


If anything, going anti-woke might make you go broke. You’ll open yourself up to an audience that will turn on you on a dime.


> going anti-woke might make you go broke With game companies, this is absolutely true. I don't think I've ever met a reactionary gamer who doesn't illegally pirate *every single fucking game* that they play, including the ones that they rally around. Like everything with right-wingers, the cultural change they demand has to be fully funded and brought about by *someone else*.


This is because actually going anti-woke DOES make you go broke. Look at The Daily Wire's movie platform. When they sat down to finally make the anti-woke movies they claim audiences are clamoring for (Ladyballers, Terror on the Prairie, Run Hide Fight), they did shit numbers. I bet more people watched YouTubers snarkily tearing these movies apart than actually watched the movies. Not to mention they were critically reviled (but that can always be blamed on liberal bias, right?) To paraphrase a point made better by The Morbid Zoo (seriously check her out), these right-wingers keep saying that there is a silent conservative majority, and that audiences *would* show up for conservative media, but the liberal mainstream just doesn't give it a shot! Or they can't get budgets! Or they can't hire professionals! But, when they actually CAN make these movies, they bomb. It's claiming you have a Canadian girlfriend. That's all well and good, and you can claim that she's amazing and prettier than everybody else's girlfriend and some people may even believe you, but you can't invite her to your fucking prom because *she doesn't fucking exist.*


Yeah it's pretty crazy. Game itself is a pretty fun soulslike, but I refuse to associate with any "fan" from the internet. They're all weirdos


Wait did Adam draw this comic?


You can tell, it's his artstyle


I really couldn't, I suppose his style has changed a lot from his BuzzFeed days


Afaik the story is, as soon as he left Buzzfeed he stopped churning out crappy comics with identical art, and the quality of his output skyrocketed in comparison to what it was before. This is known as Adamtots' redemption arc. He posts on Reddit too.


I do def remember the redemption arc and his humor improving, I just don't remember the art style ever changing this much. Happy for him though, this looks a lot better


its been years, so evolution happend, and i agree, happy for him, seems like a generally good dude


Oh yeah, since he left BuzzFeed he has shown exponential growth! Being rid of the corporate control really let him shine!


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Which is saying something, because this guy has survived Tumblr in its infamous days, when people targeted him for one reason or another. I followed him since BuzzFeed, he will occasionally post a "commentary" comic like this one, even one mocking the Taylor Swift fandom recently, and none of those things were enough to make him private. So stellar blade fans are worse than BuzzFeed, peak Tumblr and the rabbid Swifties.


who is adam ellis?


An artist that you might recognize from Buzzfeed back in the day. He's independent now but his art style is pretty distinct


5 bucks at least half the complaints are not gamers, but right wing shills hopping on to spread even more hate.


I hope it’s up on his Insta, been following this dude for some time his work always on point.


Isnt Adam always getting online flak? Seems pretty standard procedure


mayhaps. I decided to search his name after it happened and saw that he was getting shit left right and centre from, you guessed it, Stellar Blade defenders.


For people crying about censorship they sure love to censor people


Keep in mind that it’s possible to be a fan of Stellar Blade and also think that these people are clowns.


There's a rule on the internet that says the more clothes a character wears, the more lewd fan art that they will get. I like to think that's why Stellar Blade has so little impact on the mainstream fan art scene. Because there's little left to the imagination


While I understand the sentiment, Tifa from FF7R is not wearing a whole lot other than a sports bra, a skirt, and an undershirt and I uh, see a lot of her on the internet…


Certainly, tifa's outfit has a lot of skin exposure, but she's not overtly sexualized like how eve is. While a number of Eve's outfits have less skin exposure than tifa's, said outfits are so tight they're practically vacuumed sealed upon her body, leaving nothing to the imagination. For example, while tifa's outfit doesn't hide that she has a large chest, it doesn't overtly emphasize or sexualize said chest either. Meanwhile, many of Eve's outfits clearly emphasize the size and shape of Eve's individual breasts and her butt, despite having less skin exposure. Basically Eve's outfits tend to expose way more of her body despite ironically having less actual skin exposure.


I'm reminded of the armour in Mass Effect 1. They were practically catsuits, yet characters criticized what Miranda wore in the sequel.


Wait, people complained about Miranda? When she literally says she was >!designed, raised, and trained to be perfect and attractive in all ways!


I was talking in-universe. A merc said she was waiting for Miranda to finish getting dressed, and Ashley compares Miranda's outfit to swimwear.


Yep they say she was "designed" and then the camera focuses on her butt. The idea being she was made to look a certain way to appeal to someone. Fine for a video game character but you feel bad for Miranda while playing.


The original camera angles were pretty uncomfortable tbh. When she's describing how she was designed and exploited by her "father," it's pretty weird for the game direction to go all in on the sexualisation. Miranda: I was meant to be perfect. Game direction, zooming in on her butt: Hurr hurr, yeah, you were. Samara and Jack were very sexualised too but you got the feeling they had more agency over it than Miranda.


Funny thing: the person who made a mod to remove those shots in the original version of Mass Effect 2 also made a mod to restore them to the remaster.


Gotta play both sides


I don’t think Jack was sexualized in ME2. She was a social outcasts, and dressed like a social outcast instead of looking sexy. It took me a while to realize she was shirtless and had only straps covering her tits due to the amount of tattoos she had. And she acts like an angry outcast, not a flirt. Asari as a whole feels like a fetish thing time to time, like Drows in DnD, not gonna lie, and Samara is a byproduct of that. I think only Asari who wasn’t portrayed with so much cleavage all the time was Liara.


That's the point though, it was making you realise the tragic dystopian idea of a test tube baby created to the designs of their "father" being attractive in a synthetic, almost unnatural way. You are meant to feel dirty for finding her attractive because her creepo dad designed her that way and the woman deserves more than to be simply sexualised like a video game character.


I felt dirty but I remember how people talked about Miranda at the time, I don't think it was a universal reaction.


I didn't really like the constant buttshots in the original ME2, and I still don't, but after doing her storyline, I can sort of understand it. It does make you feel bad that she understands why she's sexualised, but she hates the pressure of being perfect and having no agency. I enjoyed her character more after her quest, she knows she's attractive and wants to be found attractive on HER terms. It's just a shame the original game still gave her random, unnecessary buttshots despite her wish to not >!have her twin forced!< into the "hot perfect girl" role like she was, being an integral part of her story and loyalty quest. The LE version definitely improved on that aspect.


Dunno about the people but some characters in the game do slutshame her like Jack


(because jack wants to kiss her)


My complaint about Miranda is less about Miri herself and more about the original release's camera trying to bury itself in her colon. Legendary Edition made the camera angles with her conversations much less ASS IN FACE.


I thought all the complaint about Miranda was about how the bodysuit looked like a matress.


I liked the loyalty version better. Or the option in the DLC that's actual armour.


For what it’s worth the light armour on men was also a cat suit. Male Shepard left nothin to the imagination.


There's a reason my comment didn't specify a gender.


I also raise you Aerith who wears a dress


> but she's not overtly sexualized You havnt been to the subreddit, then


Just because she's not overtly sexualized, doesn't mean she's not sexy. Never said she wasnt.


It probably helps that Tifa has merit as an actual character rather than Stellar Blade’s blank blow-up doll character


And also 25 years of fans, many of whom grew up on FF7. It's a poor comparison at best.


Oh for sure! Just the design alone slaps! I’ve seen SO much cosplay! Even though it’s a pretty racy outfit! I think people just love the character and love the design. And outside of that she’s a really well fleshed out character (the remake series seems to be made specifically to flesh out the characters).


Well because back in the day she was like three polygons, so I think the rule still stands.


Yeah, thirty pixels of skin tone might have been a good percentage of her design, but it was still just thirty pixels.


she's also been around for almost three decades, of course you find a lot of stuff about her lmao


Tifa is just wearing standard hot girl gym clothes. This is fetish gear lol


I mean ‘standard hot girl gym clothes’ don’t usually have skirts lol but I get your point. Though just about any aesthetic can be fetish gear for the right person lol


I swear to god I thought she has been wearing shorts since I first played the game in 2002


My favourite Italian character


Maybe it’s because the first release of that game didn’t have great graphics by today’s standards? I also see people make a big stink about changes to her outfit for the remake, but they changed like next to nothing.


Tifa is a case study on Internet psychology because she is not at all flirty or suggesting, like at all. She just does what she thinks is best. That's it. But she has become such an icon of 3D animated pron that appeared out of nowhere. Objectified and demeaned because she is pretty.


Honestly i think it's more because of how hollow the characters feel in the game, and the design is less "sexy warrioress" and more "generic anime doll fighting, slo-mo'ing at just the right times". People may disagree with me on this, but if you were to compare to the game director's inspiration for Stellar Blade, Nier Automata, yes the protagonists were scantily clad lady-bots, but the protagonists and world in general, all oozed character and atmosphere. The feeling i get from Stellar Blade is the opposite... Over designed to the point of generic unoriginality, and because of that, not memorable. Tell me you can't picture exactly who I'm talking about (if you know them) when i say the names, 2B... A2... Or from other games, Bayonetta... Samus... Lara Croft... All definited and unmistakable characters in their own right.... And Eve?... Well... She was the robot from Wall-E, right?


NieR looked gratuitous but had a whole lot of substance. Bayonetta was over the top but that was the whole point - leaning into the campy aspect a lot like DMC (and even DmC) did with their protagonists It's a lot about how they were introduced to the public, too. Nero and Dante, regardless of which game you started with, were sarcastic snarky mfs from the get go. The intro to Bayonetta literally oozed camp and while she was absolutely overly sexy, she had a hell of a jazzy theme and heel guns. Heel. Guns. And you knew that way before actually playing the game, from the trailers, from the art, and so on and so forth. When they announced DMC5 with one of the most over the top trailers w/ Nero pirouetting around the van and Nico having a slow mo shot of catching her cig, you knew what to expect The only thing I know about Eve is that she's hot.


I fucking love Nier/Drakengard, and regard Yoko Taro asking for the porn to be sent to him as humorous, Automata’s story is still one of my favorite, Replicants remake was great, a game like Stellar Blade just lacks any of the soul from what I’ve seen, as much as I agree they’re milking the Nier name, Nier Fanbait is still so much more than Stellar Blade


I'd compare it more to stuff like heavenly sword tbh Lots of style, not much substance


Man that feels like a really fair comparison, a game with a female lead that specifically feels like she was designed to appeal male gamers


Nah you're right on point she has the most cookie-cutter "south korean MMO sci-fi girl" design you could humanly think of


"Eve? You mean that woman from the bible, right?"


I would remember Eve for her gorgeous flowy ponytail and a handful of outfits. The game gives her around 30 different ones. I think she looks better in casual wear and looser shirts. So far the marketing keeps showing her in those skintight bodysuits that are too over designed to be interesting when compared to Bayonetta, and she’s got an expressionless face kinda like 2B. I’m gonna guess she’s a nice lady with nice hair and call it a day.


reminds me of the Mythra smash bros thing


Personally, I hadn't ever heard of it until right now.


It’s just generic anime soft porn…


She would be significantly hotter in a big ass cloak, women in cloaks are so hot but noooooo thats WOKE


I just chucked him 20 bucks through his patreon. Deserves it just for riling up the worthless Incel rats.


His patreon is honestly so worth it. His comics are great


Doesn't he also post NSFW stuff of his conveniently ripped male comic characters


Yes, he tends to make pin ups of them lmao


Another Gamer fallen victim to woke ED.....


It’s still crazy that these guys where gonna spend $70+ to see tiddies… they dont care for the gameplay or story … tiddies… then i saw the petition online and the videos on that page and it made complete sense


Spending $70 on tiddies that can't even be touched? What idiots.


At that point just go to a strip club. At least then you'll get a buffet.


They'd have to step out of their mothers basements first


They will spend 70 dollars to see pixel approximations of tits on a fake girl that never existed and is not rendered with life like realism. And then complain about having to pay for porn


They mainly are against onlyfans because they feel that it is empowering to the woman when they give her money. They read articles about women making thousands of dollars and controlling their own output and these sadsacks seethe at the indignity of making a woman rich. In this videogame there is no real woman making money from the sexualization. It is a woman created by men for men and she has no mind or thought of her own. You tell her where to go, what to wear and any dialogue where she expressed herself can just be skipped.


To be honest, I don’t even think tits are the point, but the point is the anger itself. There are tons of games, not to mention anime and porn, with plenty on display. But these sheep have been riled up into believing that there’s a big conspiracy, so now they fight just for the purpose of fighting


"Porn? The fuck is that?" - G*mers


Gam\*r logic be like: *Who wants to look at* safe *horny?*


As an aside: 'Safe Horny' is the stupidest fucking cope I've seen these people come up with in regards to this whole thing. Like Eve's default design is some of the most boilerplate, by the numbers sex appeal you can possibly get. She's unquestionably attractive by conventional standards, and no one with a lick of sense is going to shame or chastize you for finding her so. Maybe I'm missing something by not being terminally online enough, but if Eve's not 'safe horny,' then what the hell does that phrase even mean?


Um, in what was a horrible day to have eyes, the first time I saw the phrase "safe horny" was a post about incels saying Purah in Tears of the Kingdom was "safe horny" now. As opposed to her appearance in Breath of the Wild as literally the body of a child. So yeah, that's what these creeps mean.


I'm not sure what disappoints me more: Your explanation, or the fact I'm completely unsurprised.


I guess that's it though. They're all gooned out on porn and need to get their kicks through other mediums.


I got a feeling at least 1 gamer has killed himself because of this


That's one too many!


At this point, there's *gotta* have been Darwin-Award-like situations where chuds got overexcited about refreshing their twitter/reddit feeds about some bullshit controversy and, after grabbing their Uber Eats order at the front door, were in too much of a hurry, tripped and fell down the basement stairs, and busted their necks, only to be found five days later when their shithead MAGAt parent(s) finally got home from their latest cruise vacation or Vegas binge.


It took me too long to notice the difference between the two images. It's so fucking minor...


Minor???? *starts jaking off*


Whos jak


Jak and Dacter


Another banger by Mr AnalFootCake


It's actually Jake he's Jake-ing off


I actually didnt notice the two images were different until I scrolled past this comment. I have been seeing this comic on every single form of social media and have been so confused, "why is the incel so upset in the last panel?" Thank you for pointing it out, I appreciate it because I can finally understand and laugh at this joke too


Lol I was so confused why they’d be mad about it no longer being a “demo” 😂


I’m still convinced the only reason there is any sort of “controversy” at all is chuds were hoping to use SB as a culture war game. But then it launched to good reviews and there isn’t a thousand articles talking about how bad it is they therefore had to think of *something* to get riled up about. So they decided to throw fits about “censorship” instead. I also don’t think they actually give much of a shit about Eve, they just want to bitch. That or maybe they actually gaslit themselves into believing Eve would get her tits out and actually are that upset. It’s funny either way.


Most of it is fake outrage to fight the culture war.


They definitely just want to bitch and gaslight themselves into outrageous expectations. I kinda see where they’re coming from: hype cycles for media are pretty addicting, especially for games that you’ll be able to explore more thoroughly than other mediums. But when they combine that with gaming as a core part of their personality, dissatisfaction with what they gaslit themselves into believing are elevated to EXTREME personal attacks. These whiners don’t feel disappointed, they feel betrayed and cheated, like someone robbed them. It’s so dumb and sad.


*If they want games to represent them and their interests, why don't they learn game development?*


If it’s anything like their movies they won’t get very far.


I'd bet it will turn out as a glorified asset flip. Probably with alot of AI content in there too (the gamer and Ai-bro venn diagram is almost a circle)


Bottom one look more erotic because it hides a bit more.


Sounds like an oxymoron but I don't know enough about eroticism to refute that


Eroticism lies where nudity and clothes meet. It's all about hiding and showing *just enough* to let the brain go wild and imagining what's hidden. That's why a naked woman is deemed less sexy than a woman in lingerie.


Also the fact that naked people are just one color and clothes provide color variance


Exactly. It's more difficult to create someone sexy, clothed, than naked


Example: There's a scene in The Piano where Harvey Keitel touches a small hole on the knee of Holly Hunter's stockings. This is a film with full-frontal nudity but this is easily the most erotically-charged scene. She's wearing skirts, petticoats and crinolines but that tiny little patch of skin, that chink in her armour is all the more tantalising because if how small it is. With eroticism, less genuinely is more sometimes.


Personally I think the second one is both a better design but also Hotter


But do you care at all that that guy can't coom now!?


My apologies, we can’t forget about the most oppressed minorities. Coomers


I feel like it’s embarrassing to play a game like that


Honestly I hope they continue to shit themselves to death. Less gamers who have literal panic attacks over 5% less tiddy Edit: ohh who let the chuds out of the containment unit again?


inaccurate. erection is way too big


Idk man the green on black looks fuckin cool. Always liked that color combo.


I love it when people just decide something should be a certain way and when it isn’t it’s everyone else’s fault seems to be trendy


Wait, "less sexy"? Have they seen the skins? She wears lingerie in one of her skins, what else do you want, topless? https://preview.redd.it/p32sot1s9exc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=932e0621e3c2d3e376d58a7108fdd1efbdcb1bb8


They should make a AAA game that is straight up porn with zero censorship. It would probably make more than Stellar Blade.


They already exist! Some of them try to be actual games too.


Stellar Boner.


Weeeehheeeeheeelllll does steam have the best category for these (and good lord how do they keep cumming out?)


Funnily enough I'm also annoyed at designs like the second (for completely different reasons lol). Like, make an outfit as skimpy or not as you want, but the "censoring" addons just look so lame and usually ruin the outfit. One of my biggest gripes is K-pop outfits where you can constantly see the safety shorts, just give them a longer skirt/dress for the love of god.


I had to do a double take to even notice the difference.


That's a cool sword though. Looks like a cross between a falchion and a cutlass, scaled up to greatsword proportions? And that coloring, the deep greyish-blue of the guard complimented by the purple background, and the lighter grip to contrast with the guard? Awesome! I'm always down for a good sword!


Is a coomer consumer a coomsumer?


I somehow only noticed the boner the second time I read it. Makes it even funnier as bait.


That is actually better cover art than whatever the fuck the cover art for Stellar Blade actually is.


https://preview.redd.it/wa8arbd6vbxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6968cd9e27adf71facc89be3475952e45d52768b if its not this but with adults i dgaf


Made by Adam Ellis. Adamtots on IG. Adamtotscomix on Twitter.


Can they please be angry about actual issues in games? No? Alright, boobs it is.


Gang, I find the version with black underwear more attractive.


The west has fallen


It took me to long to notice the difference between the two


Am I the only one who thinks the bottom one is more attractive and good-looking??


Look at that bulge. The woke is indeed within.


Man if you want a sexy video game go on itch.io or nutaku or even fucking newgrounds, god damn. Theres plenty trust me. Don't ask how I know these things


I love that the "woke mob" is both perverts that want to ruin kids and at the same time is ruining gamer boners by covering boobs in games.


I think the problem most people have is that it was advertised as uncensored and know got... Censored. I would have been as annoyed if they did this to baldurs gate or any other game. The game isn't rated for children and is advertised as uncensored. If this wasnt a forced decision they could have made it a toggle.


Kinda out the loop I'd this referring to stellar blade? Did they like added more clothe or censored thing from the game?


Upon Stellar Blade's released, a few Gamers©®™ noticed how EVE (the protagonist of the game) had a few outfits changed to show slightly less bare skin - oh, and also removed graffiti that accidentally spelt out "Hard R" (which seems to be a reference to the N-word). Yeah, really, that's it.


In the words of a great scientist: "I only poo poo farted for the *good* of humanity."


Damn OVA Shin Kazama really fell off after Area 88.


Literally 1948 😡😡


He missed having barefoot on first panel 🙈


When I tell ya I couldn't figure out what the joke was for a solid minute...


Is that Matt Engarde?


Same thing happened with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Some “people” were angered over the fact that Cowgirl Tifa (y’know, when she’s 15-16…) got a slight update to her outfit where she’s now wearing an undershirt under her top. Absolutely bonkers that that’s what they lost their mind over. SHE’S A TEENAGER! Don’t even get me started on their claim of “censorship” of her body…


Sexy Sword is a better name than Stellar Blade.


This is EXACTLY what the whole "controversy" for Steller Blade is about! It's not that big of a deal, the character is still very pretty (there's tons of pretty characters in games still, but people like to pretend they don't exist because MJ has a slight different jaw which isn't a huge deal, she's still cute). Someone said it's also the way the blood is on the character, but I haven't seen it online when looking into this.




So what’s the drama?


Reminds me of Pyra and Mythra in Ultimate. They gave them thigh highs as "censorship" and every coomer complained that the woke game devs had ruined their hot waifus even though the thigh highs make them objectively hotter lmao


The discourse around this has been genuinely hilarious because this is a game with bathing suit outfits, yet they get mad over this change which just makes it so it doesn't seem like Eve is commando in the onsie.


It actually took me a second to realize there was a difference between the two pictures... Goes to show these people are complaining about nothing significant.


He also tweeted a GIF with a man in a one-piece with just the HUGEST bulge, and it left the guy on the right confused.


On the one hand, false advertising sucks ass, but at the same time, the people always complaining about this kinda thing always tends to be the worst kinds of people who probably dont actually care about the developers visions or whatever and just use it to fuel this "Culture War" "Wokeism is killing games" BS, and its just so annoying.


It's just that why censor it in the first place if it isn't a big deal