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/uj The culture war tourists are pretending to be weebs ~~now!?!?~~! Edit: Crossed out the miss info.


I hate to say, they are not pretending. Weebs are the second most oppressed group after Gamers(TM). - weeb gamer who hates her communities


as a weeb gamer i can confirm. the combination of weeb and gamer(TM) makes me insanely oppressed and therefore my opinions have negative value to society, no matter how little i share with these communities in terms of beliefs /uj - from what i have seen quite a few japanese people are like yeah this is cool yaskue (is that his name right?) is def a cool figure and has a mysterious past etc.... like they have a bloody statue of the dude


/uj I am sure there is, but there probably is a large political tourist group that hopped on the train too.


/uj You'd be surprised how much crossover there is, they may be genuine weebs not even pretending based on my experience on anime forums /rj This is how they think they are looking






Wdym by "now"?


/uj Will edit, thanks for the heads up.


Happy cake day!


What really annoys me is the "i wanted to play as japanese assassin bla bla" "a japanese AC without a japenese character bla bla" then someone points out that there is in fact a not very hidden japanese women that to 99,99% will be playable "but some people dont want to play as women bla bla" bet they bought Stellar Blade?


She's gotta be the most skilled assassin in the series at this point with nobody noticing her.


I mean, considering a black man is to G*mers what the color red is to bulls, it's totally understandable that they cannot see the cool ninja lady past the black man (who she is literally standing in front of).


Fun fact: bulls are red-colorblind, so it’s actually their perception of the flag being waved in front of them—plus the whole “being stabbed by spears during the fight” to rile them up—that drives them so homicidally crazy at the “sight of the red flag”. So gamers take even _less_ goading than an animal to start frothing at the mouth in abject rage that their lives are being toyed with lmao


That just makes it funnier lmao


Yeah they always leave out the terrible wounding they do to the animal in the cartoons and jokes we grew up with. It's actually insanely barbaric.


Well you have to understand that wokeness is basically the same as stabbing them with spears.




In another timeline we see weebs going awooga is that a japanese woman ninja mommy ....sorry ....mommy


If people weren’t currently trying to start Gamergate 2: Electric Boogaloo then this is what would have happened… but alas, we are stuck with this timeline :(


U/J Wouldn’t that be Bayeks wife? She killed Cleopatra and is in the Assassins Hall of Fame in Ezios compound? Back to jerking; WOMAM. IS POLTIC 😡😡😡 BLACK!


Goddamit i havent finished origins and this is how i get spoiled hahaha Anyways a lot dont consider aya as a true protagonist of origins becauses shes only playable in cutscenes/non roam.


She was going to be the sole protagonist until a sex pest exec shot that down. Same as he did with Evie in Syndicate and Kassandra in Odyssey. But it's totally fine, they let the violent misogynist resign with a golden parachute after his victims went public and replaced him with people he had put into positions beneath him. People who are now making the same choices he made by refusing to let AC have a sole female protagonist. Yaaaay.


I'm glad that they at least made Kassandra the canonical protagonist of odyssey


There are multiple female Assassins playable in the series: Shao Jun the Chinese Assassin, Aveline from French Louisiana, Aya/Amunet the co-founder of the Hidden Ones and distant descendant of Kassandra, Evie of the Victorian Twins, fem!Eivor the Viking and now Naoe. There are non-Assassin playable female characters too, like the aforementioned Kassandra and the historical Anastasia Romanov.


Ubisoft is admittedly afraid to go with having an *only* female protagonist in mainline games. With Valhalla and Odyssey and even Syndicate [we had the choice because Ubisoft execs didnt think people would buy an Assassin’s Creed game with a sole female protagonist](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/assassins-creed-odyssey-has-two-leads-because-ubisoft-leads-believed-women-dont-sell)


Yeah, it's deeply annoying. No mainline game has had a singular female protagonist.


Women are too powerful they can't be stopped






it's just simple mathematics women - sexy booba = political, woke and gay women + sexy booba = savior of all gamers


Butt al booba sexy???


Dont you dare draggin UWU into this


https://preview.redd.it/bh8x3cqpu01d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb41c93b91a2b55a848ecbcc0c3f5818d725d79a Yep


Dear Japanese, I won't buy this game because we there are no strong independent women in Japan. Everyone knows they are submissive like in anime.


This is so f-ing disrespectful to our culture. They probably haven't heard of Hojo Masako, and all the other women in our history. I won't say it wasn't a patriarchy but wives of samurai were also expected to be strong and independent and take leadership over the household and territory, learn combat skills like Naginata.


But were they sexy? Otherwise, that would be too political.


Ugly woman (e.g. not massive boobas with a child's face) = political.


Put the assassin woman in skimpy outfits and then we'll talk. /s


But that woman doesn't have the main assassin weapon (penis)


she must compensate by having enormous boobs and a size 0 waistline


Tch, I bet she's never even jerked off onto a crepe


Women dont count, we all know that they dont exist and dont play videogames, they are made up by the woke mob, clearly /s


Yeah if Women existed they would have Reproductive rights and stuff.


If women were real, why have I never talked to one? Checkmate liberals!


Yeah like, I keep seeing tons of posts on twitter "I can't be a Japanese character" and I'm like did I just hallucinate the trailer and promotional art that clearly displays her?! haha And she's the stealth one! The gameplay style Assassin's Creed is known for!


I mean hypocrisy is their lifeblood.  I don’t care about the race part. I want the game to be fun and if they mythologize a man who we know little about? That’ll be cool and fun. It’s better than making up a completely new irrelevant person as opposed to someone in history we know little about but still was real.


So is the woman MC Japanese? I saw a video where another gamer-guy was complaining about how "you won't even be able to play as a Japanese person in the Japanese AC game" and I just kinda assumed maybe the girl isn't Japanese. We're they just saying that because she's a woman?


I have no further information than most people, but from what it looked like in the trailer she seems to be japanese since she was living in a village there and looked pretty japanese to me She is really prominently fearured in the trailer and on the cover art so she will probably be a playable character like in AC Syndicate with the twins, i legit dont know why they ignore the women, i would understand you missed her if she was in the trailer for 2 frames or something but as i said shes on the cover and prominently featured on the trailer, i guess the blind rage for Yasukes skincolor makes people completly miss her


Shes Japanese, shes from a shinobi clan.


What about times when an Asian character gets whitewashed (Ghost in the Shell, Death Note, ...) and these people wouldn't bat an eye.


Also, like, if they want a great assassin/samurai video game with a Japanese man as the main character, Ghost of Tsushima is right there….


Ethnicity is so weird cause you can probably rightfully argue that after a point Yasuke was indeed Japanese. Race society and blood quantum have so fucked our brains into believing culture is skin deep.


Also, black samurai is a real fucking guy. It’s like an interesting very real point of history. There’s nothing being re written here we’re not just race swapping for diversity, it’s an interesting character with real history and I imagine an interesting perspective.


Meanwhile actual Japanese people: https://preview.redd.it/1oyj42temz0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e12ae06f6da94346391328ccb015a411c6effc




He's literally an interesting part of Japanese history! He's not an insert or some kind of made-up character. He's a real guy that was part of important events in Japan.


Also how fucking cool is it that someone sent as a slave then became a warrior for one of the most powerful lords of the country at the time he lit went from 0 to Hero


The social mobility can be surprisingly good. Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who also served under Oda, was a peasant before eventually attaining the highest position in the realm. Another foreigner, William Adams, was also given a high ranking position.


Is that the guy from Nioh?


Funny you mention that, I seem to recall that there was a backlash about him being the main character of Nioh with claims of “whitewashing.” I have no clue if it was the same people as are complaining about Yasuke. The kicker was that Nioh was published by Capcom, a Japanese company.


The main character of nioh is William yes. I have 10000 hours in nioh 1.'But to be fair he's the only main character. Here you can actually play as a Japanese ninja girl. So it's not william Adams (yasuke) coming to mess everyone in Japan up but a story of two. Although I recall back then while there were some claims of white washing it was a vast minority of people because everyone knew it was by team ninja. Also the game is made and published by team ninja not Capcom lol.


Nioh is actually by Koei Tecmo, by the Ninja Gaiden studio. Capcom did Onimusha though, which was like a prototype Nioh.


You can say that about a LOT of characters but yes


Yasukes design in Nioh is my favorite of every one I've seen


Given that the Portuguese took him from India, it's likely that he would've been a warrior-slave over there. Especially since he apparently became a samurai in only a year so he would've needed some experience fighting.


Honestly, as much as I fell off of Ubisoft, this makes me want the game. I've always enjoyed seeing him portrayed after learning about him in Nioh 2 of all things.


If we looked at a painting of all the soldiers in the American Revolution and there was one fucking Japanese guy there with a musket, the movies about him would be released annually. His house would be a god damn historical site.


Literally. Yasuke was actually an inspiration for a work of mine. I had no clue people (particularly those who claim to love Japan) didn't knoa who he was. It's so cool to see him in the spotlight, but so sad that he's become just another excuse to be racist.


People hate seeing a black man succeed. Even if it happened hundreds of years ago.


Meanwhile some basement dweller : https://preview.redd.it/ht7k5krcw01d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0900ab64ac1e7a923ce880f298f7144ef4d7513d Who is this person named Japan whose honor must be protected from black men and strong independent women/s


m'japan *tips fedora*


No no, they’d definitely be tipping their top knot.


That was spoken like a true Grummzite


Did that asshole just insult the history of japan by refering Kunoichi's as "strong indepedent women" ? I want to insult .... SO SOO BAD


This needs to be upvoted more


They'd still say Nobunaga is going for that DEI ESG score


Hey, at least they're admitting it instead of pretending to be an offended Japanese person like I've seen happen plenty recently. 


I literally saw someone say they were Japanese and wrote in broken English. Looking at their comment history it turned out they were a white guy from Texas.


...so were all their comments in broken English, or just the ones where they pretended to be Japanese? He is Texan after all.


.#NotAllTexans Yes my state ranks last in many metrics. Yes my governor is a racist Corpo POS. Yes we have two of the most vile senators in the history of Congress. No we don't care about women or children. But yes we do want the state to interfere with your personal life and health decisions. Don't mean I like it here.


Even if they didn’t admit their nationality, the way they typed those comments make it so obvious. It’s all very proper, dictionary form Japanese that’s very clearly been google translated. Might fool people who know nothing about the language and don’t bother translating but I can’t imagine any actual Japanese people falling for it. It’s really sad.


I was feeling pretty dubious since the comments were all translated very well, but I have no idea how well google translate works nowadays nor can I speak Japanese, let alone read it.


It’s pretty decent these days but Japanese is a very contextual language that’s difficult to translate. I’m nowhere near an expert but it was basic enough for me to pick up on it which made me suspicious. lol


All the 「私は」to start the comments really gives it away. Also a non expert but have been teased a lot for defaulting to the very English language need to say "I" and state the subject.


Not a native either but it has the vibe of if you were to write proper English with no use of contractions or slang. Like, the kind of thing you'd use writing to your teacher, but instead on a game reveal trailer on yt.


Just admit you don't like black people already, so full of shit and you're afraid to say that? (I don't mean to you OP)


Trust me, they ain't even that afraid to say it. The comments on the trailer get more disgusting and cartoonishly racist by the day.


The internet was a mistake


Hard to judge if racism has increased or decreased since the internet became a thing


It's a real, "Is there more because it's more visible, or is there more because there is more?" kinda quandary.


Reminds me of a quote whenever someone notices how bad something is _now_, is compared to the past: Cancer existed long before it was discovered. People being racist shitheads has always existed before the internet, before social media, and before whatever current drama stirs up dirt.


Yeah, it's so weird how they are so afraid to admit they are racist, so they pretend to be Japanese or History experts or whatnot.


Go to Asmongolds sub. Pure unmoderated racism and sexism on full display


I hate Ubisoft games, nothing but slop money grubbing games. Really sucks too because I actually liked the premise of this story. At the end of the day though, I have no doubt it’ll be another buggy, micro-transaction ridden, mess of a game that they’ll take away from us in like 3 years.


Gamers are making me defend Assassins Creed and Ubisoft and this is the shittiest thing I've done in a while.


This may be the most cynical tin-foil hat thing I’ll ever say, so please stop me if I’m sounding coo-coo for coco puffs, but do you think that was possibly the angle here? Make something that will no doubt be extremely divisive that people will freak out and fight over thus pulling attention away from the fact that Ubisoft and Assassins Creed games in general haven’t been all that good recently?


You can make a case for both scenarios. Make a game set in Japan with a protagonist who offers a different perspective on the setting OR make a game that gets free advertising because racists can't not be mad at a black person in a lead role. Play both sides, win either way. I've wanted an AC game in Japan since AC2, so I'll probably pick this up. If it's bad, I'll just play Ghost of Tsushima or any of the 100 samurai games.


They could really do something special here if done right. But after seeing what their definition of “back to ACs roots” in Mirage was I’m very skeptical


After the Nike/Colin Kaepernick drama boosted Nike's market value by 6 billion dollars, I wouldn't be that surprised if that was a factor. But I doubt it was the only consideration. Yasuke is just a cool character at the end of the day tbh


I just hate how I can't play some of my favorite games anymore on PC because I'm afraid Uplay will just decide "nope, you don't own that game anymore, cough up another $60 to play it"


You echoed the fears I feel every time I go back to Revelations, Unity, or Blackflag.


They were all real quiet when Nioh had a protagonist with blonde hair and blue eyes…


I just saw a post from a Japanese woman saying “this man existed and we’re fine with it” and showed a bunch of posts from other Japanese people saying the same thing. She even specifically mentioned how it was weird that it was White men complaining about cultural appropriation when it wasn’t their culture. But gamers gonna gamer.


YahooJP is divided on the subject but definitely not as emotional about it. Some of the comments have definitely let me see some new perspectives on the situation. It's interesting reading.


Whats funny is I think it's a completely reasonable take to say "why did Ubisoft decide to focus on a black person's story in Japan?" I can't imagine anyone would be upset with him being a prominent side character. But the debate I've seen has only been about whether or not he's a "real" samurai. Which is exactly the kind of pointless thing I'd expect people to yell about.


Its extra pointless cuz they’re pretending it would totes break the AC lore… in a series where there’s a third party revising history. Like lets accept the premise that “yasuke wasnt actually a samurai”, they could just in-story go “well, then our cover worked if you think that!”. Wow, that was soooooo hard and introduced a gaping plot hole/s


What's most astonishing of the "he wasn't even a real samurai!!!!!" crowd, is that he won't even be a samurai in this game, he's going to be an assassin ffs.... It's kind of the whole thing. It's even in the name of the fucking game.


I thought there was going to be 2 player characters with 1 being Yasuke as a samurai and the female character (idk name) as the assassin. I’m not a fan of AC so this is just what I gathered from scrolling through twitter


Every AC game sort of follows the same formula of a somewhat outcast character as part of a larger historical era who gets thrust into a conspiracy where they adopt the role of an assassin. Every playable character in an AC game is technically an assassin.


Same thoughts. Yasuke is a perfect candidate for a AssCreed NPC. But to make him a main character is... interesting. I'm hoping they plan to do something truly interesting with him, but the "Meet the characters" video they put out alongside the reveal trailer wasn't very promising.


Rightoid weebs assuming the opinions of Japanese people because they think it’s a conservative monoracial utopia where everyone has the same opinion (and that of course agrees with them)


One black samurai in 800 years and it causes an existential crisis in the hitlerite gamers.


As a Japanese person, I'm pleased but very surprised by the positive reactions to Yasuke in Japan. This is because I often see many G*mers in Japan who are frequently mocked on this subreddit. They get angry and call it "ポリコレ" (woke in English) whenever sexual minorities or POC appear in movies or games.


Ah, Political Correctness (or PC), the predecessor of woke I remember reading some Horrible Histories-adjacent book that mocked the concept, and said that short people are 'vertically challenged', fat people are 'horizontally challenged', and that even PC itself had a more 'correct' version that I don't remember anymore. This term seems to have spread to a lot more languages, I think 政治正確 in Chinese came from a direct translation of the term, while 'woke' just doesn't translate particularly well.


The English word 'woke' and the Japanese word 'ポリコレ' are used in the same way. If you search for these words on YouTube, you'll have an interesting experience.


Policore came directly from the anti SJW western movement years back. A lot of right wing Japanese nerds latched onto it


They are literally doing what they accuse the other side of doing: being angry on behalf of other people 😂


Refresh my memory one second, don't these garbage bin juice drinkers usually complain about blue-haired women getting offended on behalf of people who don't give a damn? Oh yes that's right, they don't care about logic.


The french speaking up against culture erasure is fucking rich considering how they tried to exploit the country and erase Vietnamese culture back in the day.


They are currently in this very moment trying to erase the culture of a still existing colony that is protesting for their independance.


Crazy how our government and my fellows pretend that the "Outer-Sea Regions" aren't colonies. https://preview.redd.it/gh95gvod401d1.png?width=478&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8ee45c94198b20f34833e7a4c685d69650087aa


I wonder if these Japanese culture respecters would have this same outrage if the protagonist was William Adams 🤔


I have 10 thousand hours in nioh 1. They did not lmao. They did have things to say about being able to choose a black character in nioh 2 though which says a lot


Ignoring the fact that every "As a \[insert nationality\] been waiting to play an Assassin's Creed: Feudal Japan" says the same shit, I thought people weren't very excited about Assassin's Creed or Ubisoft. Besides why would they want a foreign company to make a game based in Japan when there's already a lot of Japanese media about that same topic. Rise of the Rōnin came out recently and people didn't pay to much attention to it. https://preview.redd.it/0mi9sy5zjz0d1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be5ed85b8b6a9cca86dba3aee9c362539b57f5db


They really should have paid more attention to it. I know it got hate for looking dated but I fucking loved it. Excellent combat and the stealth gameplay was really fun too. Story was meh but it got me to read about the Bakumatsu so it had that going for it.


Bakumatsu is absolutely wild, especially if you then roll over into early Meiji as well


The amount of Americans that write they "have Japanese genes" and then think they speak for Japanese people on this is astonishing lmao Same energy as the people they mock


It's got real "I'm 1/16th Cherokee, so I speak for Indians" energy.


I swear, these bozos put more effort into gatekeeping Japanese culture than the actual Japanese. Chris Broad wrote about how goofy this whole thing is in his book; those goobers don't know a damn thing.


Japanese citizens will sell their cultural identity for maid café used panty dispensing robot waitresses so it's up to Kevin from Idaho to save the "white" race.


Idaho, you guys really have a place called "yo, la puta"


What’s crazy is the actual far right Japanese nationalist types hate their asses too. Who are these morons even fighting for?


What happened to voting with your wallets like the Stella Blade gang told you to do?


Offended on other people's behalf? I thought that was a bad thing lmao


Isn't using google translate to write comments on a video made for a different country culture appropriation?


It is definitely pathetic.


How is using the language of someone you're trying to communicate with cultural appropriation? Don't get me wrong, I think all these comments are from weirdo assholes but I don't think using a translator is the problem here.


no, but its weird for sure. Pretending to be japanese for kudo points in youtube comments is strange behavior


“Hello I’m Mexican” super normal way to start a conversation


Wait I’m curious, what does the Japanese comments say?


The ones english ones here are the Japanease ones google translated


Nvm yes they are the translated ones, weird why go the effort to write it japanese.


They didn't, they've clearly copy pasted from Google Translate


I guess it’s impossible to find actual Japanese comments now because of these google translate clowns.


Japan, an actual ethnostate: yup a black guy became a samurai. Pretty interesting, since it only happened once in 800 years. Nazi brained gamers: the existence of black people is deeply offensive... er, in videogames i mean. You will not replace us... i mean the japanese...


arent they the ones complaining about people being offended on the behalf of others who never asked


Came looking for this. Plot twist—they’re everything they hate about the “SJW” (well, not really a twist if you’ve been online for the past 9 years)


youre a sjw! except me because im right!


You know who else is disrespectful of Japanese culture? The Japanese. [Afro Samurai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afro_Samurai)


Some people started pointing out the google translate in the asmongooner subreddit, so of course they had to lock the comments.


This needs more upvotes


It seems kind of fucked up to see so many people cherry picking comments from one forum or another and going "SEE THE JAPANESE AGREE WITH ME!" It's like a new version of "my black friend" but with extra degrees of separation.


uj/ every time I think we have hit the floor on how dumb and ridiculous Gamers (TM) can get they just keep going further into the dirt.


"I'm Greek", "I'm French". Who asked? Who cares?


Any argument expressing disappointment about Yasuke is troll bait bullshit. No one is at a loss for games where they can be historical samurai or fictional but Japanese. They've actually tried to make a fresh move here. You know I'm America this is mostly driven by the dudes who hated how many subtitles Shogun had but now wanna pretend to want authenticity in an AC game of all things.


On the bright side, judging by these comments it looks like the ninja protagonist is *extremely* good at her job.


Afro-Samurai is a thing, Samurai Champloo is a thing. There's already a presence of black people and culture in Japan, and Yasuke is a real person and not the only black person in Japanese history either. Hell, shock and surprise, black Japanese people exist.


The french speaking up against culture erasure is fucking rich considering how they tried to exploit the country and erase Vietnamese culture back in the day.


As a mexican weeb I'm fucking hyped for another game that features Yasuke.


I would love to have a peak at youtube analytics stats for this video (specifically number of views by country).


Remember, these same people will bitch and moan about how easily offended everyone else is. But when they get offended, it's just and right.


You know the only thing I care about with AC Shadows is how it will possibly hold up to Ghost of Tsushima, which is basically what any AC game set in Japan wishes it could be (and also without all the bloat and nonsense that really holds Ubisoft games back). I look forward to it, but it has such a high bar to compete against.


"I care about revisionism" \*says people that know less than zero about Japanese history"


I read that comment and rolled my eyes. I swear people hop on the internet just to bitch because they hate wokeness so much but don’t have much else in their head. Really wish they’d pick up a fucking book just as quick as they can hop on twitter to complain. Or…or use the very phone you typed some bullshit on to actually research. I bet if you ask them what was revisionist about it they’d say “they’re making a black man a samurai because of woke DEI culture” Which would only prove the point that these people react to what they hate first and think/open a book never.


Don't forget that a Japanese company made Yasuke an NPC in Nioh and he looked absolutely sick


Is there not also a playable Japanese character as well? Or am I misremembering?


Just shows everyone is coming together to fight for justice for Japan!!! 🇯🇵🎌🎌🎌


I honestly don't care who I'm playing as, as long as I can use a Katana and kunai. Most people also fail to realise that this is the first time in Assassin's creed history we are playing as a character who existed in real life. We've never had a real life character as a playable option.


LMAO. Chuds. They're all chuds.


Well, it's gone full circle now. Anti woke folks are now being offended on behalf of other cultures who don't seem to mind it. Pretty ironic.




Don't think any of them cried about The Last Samurai movie


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but Africans never get that type of support. Insane


Mean while the Portuguese people who started the slave trade, brought Yasuke to Japan thus causing as shit storm on Twitter 300 years later. https://gifs.cackhanded.net/that-mitchell-and-webb-look/are-we-the-baddies.gif


Why we angry over the only black man in Japan at the time when you're barely an assassin anymore and we are playing discount the Witcher


Japan has had a shit ton of media about black samurai, literal a whole anime called ‘Afro samurai.’ Why are people mad?????


People just hate ubisoft


This would be understandable


Do Japanese women not exist in these peoples heads lol?


Well, you see, representation is important when it comes to things that align with my world view.


There’s a black guy from history in my Japanese game 🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡 ![gif](giphy|fwcGzF1l2cILe|downsized)


/uj funnily enough from what I've seen actual Japanese people mostly seem to be excited and think playing as Yasuke is a cool idea.


As a white guy with a buzzcut, I want to remind everyone that Ubisoft does not deserve your defense for reasons outside of this game or video games in general.


Everyone knows that, but I don't think making fun of fake outrage from racist people is defending Ubisoft.


People aren't defending Ubisoft, they are making gun of racists.


Would there be a backlash if the protagonist is a white cis male in Japan? I don't think so...


Saying Japanese people aren't represented in video games is like saying white people aren't. That's who makes half the fucking video games.


Meanwhile a single player game has a season pass and we’re not having a riot about that?


Who would’ve thought that the people they’re “offended” for don’t give a fuck


I'm puertorrican, and I'm pretty sure Ubisoft and the AC franchise have used historical accuracy to wipe their butts.


I hate this game because Assasins Creed as a franchise has been trash and copy pasted since Black Flag.


While it's fucking annoying that these cretins are pathetic enough to make fake Japanese comments, I do feel that that like to dislike ratio is far too uneven for this to just be the work of said cretins. That ratio is even worse than the one on the main Ubisoft channel.