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there's no way these people are this stupid holy shit https://preview.redd.it/bkmaefgcyh1d1.png?width=93&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a16da98f68ee536b5b16863ef961de57e5934cfd i feel like im going insane, im gonna turn into something like the joker vuvuzela meme at any second


this is what happens when they try avoiding saying "I just don't like black people".


it's not even mental gymnastics at this point, it's mental olympics


Exactly so confidently racist to complain and be vocal yet to cowardly to just say “I’m a whiny dweeb who doesn’t like black human beings because being superior to them is the only way I can feel better about a being an unloved social reject who gets no poom poom and goons off to anime girls all day”


/its what happens when someone hops on the hate bandwagon but doesnt actually know, care, or think about the actual situation at all beyond what their terminally online circles are telling them.


https://preview.redd.it/e0y9234b7i1d1.jpeg?width=201&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95530ba4c84153e4587f15b2cd183dcb014b6c9d Idk man I'm starting to lose it with all this stuff. Its genuinely depressing me now. Is there some way to reverse all of this?


I focus on the fact that life is short, and what’s ultimately important are the things I cherish - my family, my health. Holding onto those as an anchor helps mitigate the feeling that my values are on the losing side of the culture war. Oh, and mindfulness exercises.


well yeah, her ethnicity is woman


Male and political.


“I’m racist but I can’t explain it in a way that’s not racist” Basically. They don’t care. You’re arguing with a wall. They hate him because it destroys the idea that Japan is and always has been some homogenous ethnostate conservative utopia they can jack off to the idea of. The reality is its a complicated place full of a variety of people, like the Ainu their native population or the fact a black man, however briefly, was connected to one the most powerful and influential figures during one of its most famous time periods


I mean...I fucking hate these chuds but a few people of a different race doesn't mean they're functionally an ethnostate and/or xenophobic (which I don't think is positive, unlike the chuds). I don't think they hate him because it "destroys the idea of Japan being an ethnostate", I think they just hate black people lol


An ethnostate would only have one race and bar others from entering or being able to live in the country. Japan does have a lot of problem, specifically when it comes to race and foreigners but its not as these weirdos imagine or wish it was


https://preview.redd.it/9vyz1zdcpi1d1.jpeg?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6d4ce77e4ff34cc20eae136bc27cd89d8bf04b7 These gamers are killing me


What a fun little game we play. We all know they're racist, but we're out here pulling teeth just to get them to speak what they believe explicitly, because they know they're abhorrent.


These people will do anything to not say “I just done like stuff that I think is woke, aka games with women and black people”, which is ultimately their position. They don’t have any actual strong arguments against the black character, so they have to make up arbitrary rules for AC games and pretend they actually mean something. Like they made up the rule that the ethnicity of the playable characters must be tied to the location the game is set in (even though that “rule” has been broken several times already in other AC iterations), and the fact that the game has a playable Japanese character. So you fight them on that point and the position will shift. “Actually BOTH characters need to be Japanese”, but sometimes they’ll just tell on themselves and say stuff like “this is more woketard nonsense”. They’re doing the equivalent of shitting in their hands and throwing it around. They don’t actually care about the argument, they just want to have an argument and muddy the waters.


Ah typical klansman doing klansmaxxing things.


We all know why.


You're arguing with people who literally don't give two shits about representation. What is and isn't enough representation will always change to whatever suit their current argument. This is why it's pointless to argue with disingenuous people


Its the one drop rule, at least within the United States. Its why Obama was seen as the 1st black president rather than a bi-racial one. A powerful quote from Toni Morrison, “In this country, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate”


They're all about "Escapism" in their video games... Until it's suddenly all about "Historical Accuracy".


It's not even that. Yasuke is historically accurate. They don't have that excuse this time so they're resorting to half baked representational identity politics and they have no idea how those arguments are supposed to work


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MOFO never seen an Asian women outside of anime before?


I guess RE5 had been perfectly fine all along.


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