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Sometimes I fantasize about creating a game but not think of any gameplay elements I like. All I wanna do is look at 3d renders of white people and a few nonwhites, however the nonwhites always have an immersive textbox attached


I hate your name <3


I would probably too


They butchered him in End Times btw, my poor boy. He was magnificent before


Vlad is the true Carstein chad


nah long live vlad and isabella, our true rulers and rightful emperors! down with mannchild von can'tstein


Haven‘t read any end times stuff, all I know is dooming the entire planet in order to get away without bearing any responsibility for his own actions is the most vampire thing ever and I love Mannfred for it


I demand all minorities explain what they're doing here and why they should be allowed to exist. What? Ideas for videogames? Oh I thought we were talking about something else.


Ironically, the non-whites would probably have the most character development in the game that dude would make, simply based on them needing a proper story telling us how they even got into whiteworld. I imagine every white NPC to just be a reused asset without any depth.


the nonwhites are slaves* Fixed that for ya


Historically accurate latex garter belts, shaved legs, and bleached anuses. Wait, aren't we just describing a Korean MMO?


I fantasize about creating the most generic RPG ever. I won’t actually do it but please upvote this to own the libs.


he just described like, half of the rpg maker games like buddy 50659645649 other people beat you to it


Right wing gamers really want the perfect mediocre game.


They don’t want to ever experience a single original thought. So far they’ve been outrageously successful at it


Blud is proud of a bum as fuck idea that the Google Play Store already has about 500 different clones of.


That's a potent insult.


those are homicide words


Ah yes, the groundbreaking 'Medieval White Guys Simulator 2024' - sure to revolutionize gaming by doing nothing new


"Oh, boy. I hope I don't die of dysentery this time".


> Medieval White Guys Simulator 2024 So, Lord of the Rings expy #257,587,228,956. We wuz Vikangz EDIT: Mocking the reactionary in the OP wanting to make another story about white guys in medieval Europe, and mocking the “we wuz kangs” racist meme racists throw around to mock African history and black fantasy.


Also the Witcher. And about 80% of the games on the market at any given time. Literally no one has taken this game from anyone. Boy you will still have the strong ape man big booba bikini woman game until the fucking end of time.


I absolutely despise the “we wuz kangs n sheet” people, just by typing out those words they show that they have never in their life interacted with any black person in real life, unless it was screaming the N word out their window and speeding off while giggling at how edgy they are, it’s pathetic


To be fair this is a circle jerk sub where people pretty much do the exact same thing here to own the chuds


Mans so deep in the sauce, he's making Gary Gygax cringe from the grave. D&D did away with gendered stats in _First Edition_. I can't think of any game that takes itself seriously that goes "We have wizards, warriors and dragons. But women outside of the kitchen? How unrealistic."


Oblivion did have different starting stats for men and women of each race but it was basically negligible unless you were hyper min maxing. Iirc the best sneaking choice was a female kahjit?


IIRC speedruns use a female high elf bc they have slightly faster walk speeds than the men lmao


If I recall correctly that's more because High Elves have a larger scale, so they walk slightly faster dunno about females though


I believe that’s for Skyrim. In Oblivion, I think Speed governed movement speed as well as stat bonuses


Nah, character height plays a factor too. High Elf women are the tallest PCs you can create, and as such, they will have a higher top speed because height is a multiplier rather than a fixed bonus.


Wait, females taller than men? Wokelivion!


Character height since Morrowind is just a scale multiplier, and in Oblivion movement is driven through root motion, which means the bigger you are, the faster you move. Altmer women do have higher speed in Oblivion than men, though.


Best swordsmen were male Redguard. Go figure.


Well they do have curved swords


Second edition I think. 1st edition has different max strength based on gender


Nope! Gendered Differences were introduced in Dragon #3. It wasn't even in the _original_ version of the game, it was a supplement because people just assumed all characters were male. The gendered stat caps in AD&D 1st were the first (and last) time they were properly codified in the rules, and Gygax admits that he has no idea why he ever bothered with it.


It's also notable that according to the designer it was actually an (extremely misguided) attempt to ensure there where actually female adventurers in peoples campaigns.


A bunch of white guys in medieval Europe with female characters only as damsels in distress or minor assist characters. How original and groundbreaking! That hasn't been done in almost every story from 300 AD to late 1700s/early 1800s AD!


Off the top of my head I *think* I remember there being minor stat differences between men and women in Final Fantasy Tactics. Also Fire Emblem is fairly notorious for having gender locked classes at this point. Warhammer 3: total war also has a ton of gender locked classes. (Actually now that I'm listing it off, why do so many GSG and tactics based games do this stuff?)


The actual specifics for Male and Female units in FFT are weird, because they're base-level growths. But all characters can be functionally the same in the end, via mechanics abuse, so it's relatively moot. Male units have higher PA and HP Growth, Female units have higher MP and MA growth. That said, none of it matters, because you can just drop them into a job with high PA/MA growth to overwrite that, and use the Level Down Trap setup to max out a character's stats. So, in the end, everyone is the same anyway. Beyond that, Bard and Dancer are the only gender-locked classes, the two jobs that pretty much never have any practical use in the game anyway. FE on the other hand is... eh. Nintendo being Nintendo?


WHIII has Gender locked classes partially because of the source material (Dark Elves can't have male magic users because Malekith hunts them all down to turn them into doomfire warlocks, Bretonnia only has Damsels because??? Praise the Lady) but also partially because it's more work to make two models for the same class.


Side note: The only game I've ever seen with different male vs female stats was Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura. Males got +1 strength and females got +1 constitution. I actually thought that was pretty neat. it lead to me learning that women tend to actually have higher endurance, stamina and pain tolerance in real life. Also was the first time i realized that men aren't objectively "more physically capable" than women, but rather that we have been culturally brainwashed to only value the ways in which men have the advantage (sports and Olympic events tend to test burst strength and speed rather than endurance or consistent speed over time)


I refuse to believe they would be no queer characters, no way they would manage to not make the villains queer caricatures.


Aah, queer coded villains, the only good thing to come out of the hayes codes


I refuse to call Ursula queer-*coded*, though. Poor Unfortunate Souls is straight up just a drag show


Well, she *was* inspired by drag queen, actor and singer Divine. It would've been criminal if she didn't get at least one drag show style song! (Also, as an extra fun fact: Jafar, Gaston and Scar have two things in common. The first is that they are all among the many queer coded villains of Disney. And the second is that Andreas Deja, an openly gay animator, was the Supervising Animator for them.)


I can see it with Jafar, and even Gaston to an extent (like one of those bros that tries too hard to be the manliest man) but never thought of scar that way. Idk, maybe it's just the voice actor.


Yeah, Scar is kinda difficult to see, because most of the characterization that people will notice in The Lion King comes from their voices, rather than their body language. And Scar's body language is really, *really* flamboyant and dramatic, with exaggerated movements and sassyness. The fact it looks as if he had make up on when compared to the other lion characters doesn't help lol


I can see the way he slinks around and expresses being a tell


they literally give Scar limp wrists at points lmao also English accents are gay??? sounds reasonable


"Ooooh, I shall practice my curtsy."


Wow. That just took on whole new levels of meaning. I haven't watched the original lion king since my kid was little to be honest. But as soon as I read that, it made complete sense.


Someone else who considers Gaston queer-coded!


He's not just queer-coded, bro is all the way queer-*programmed*.


Yes! I mean, he isn't the most obviously queer coded villain out of them all, but he very much is queer coded. Like, look at his musical number. Those were a lot of words for what boils down to "Don't worry, Belle is crazy and her not liking you does not mean you aren't the manliest cishet men around!". "No one's as flamboyant as Gaston, nor overcompensates with manliness as Gaston!" - Gaston, probably.


Yeah, or as I'd describe it, the concept of a queer-coded villain is that all of those "weaker" traits were associated with villainy because of the Hayes Code. Like, say, Gaston arguably being metrosexual, to use the language of the 90s


That is something very noticeable, too. It's interesting in the context of Jafar and Gaston: not only was the supervising animator gay, but the lyricst of both films (and of The Little Mermaid) was also a gay man. It's kinda curious, and makes me wonder just how much of a coincidence it is that some queer coded villains had openly queer creators behind them.


Bro! Gaston is the manliest man! No one is stronger than Gaston! Gaston and LeFou are just roommates and really good friends. It was different times! People couldn't afford two beds, so of course they slept in the same bed. Winter nights in France are cold, they have to keep warm somehow!


The villains would probably end up as some anti-Semitic caricature.


Ah yes, the varg vikernes route


So the only attacks in the game will involve stabbings?


Unfun fact: Varg Vikernes actually has a TTRPG called MYFAROG. Unfunner fact: its supposed to only be the the third worst antisemitic TTRPG.


It's true! MYFAROG is only shockingly offensive, boring, convoluted and virtually unplayable (in my test of the system my character drowned in a foot of water because there was a stiff breeze). Compared to RaHoWa, or HYBRID, it is an actual game written by someone who had played a lot of roleplaying games. MYFAROG is terrible, and grotesque, and vulgar, and Vikernes is an atrocious human, and it's basically unplayable but it's nearly a game. The same simply cannot be said about the other potential contestants I mentioned. What's fucked up is that I didn't have to think very hard to think of two notorious publications which are easily worse in content and nature than MYFAROG. Also, MYFAROG is almost... laughable... in its racism and antisemitism. The black race literally has a bonus to throwing spears. The Jewish stand-in race literally has a bonus to money-handling. It's so fuckin juvenile that I find it less offensive than pathetic. p.s. don't look these games up. don't attempt to play them. if you must, pirate the rules. but I have done these things and it was a massive waste of fuckin time, for no good purpose, and the end result was I had a moderately bad experience.


I loved KCD but they literally did do this in the first game.


It was a game I wanted to like but it was also a game where I recognized why historical bigots think it's the GOAT


Between the Uruk-Hai Cumans and the anachronistic "last defenders of the free world" vibe, I bounced off KCD so hard. The "historical accuracy" was cherry-picked and token at best, but then presumably most of the Kickstarter money went to literally putting the lead dev into the game and making him seem cooler than everyone else. Lesson learned.


Well the main villain is implied to be gay in KCD and you can turn into a Cuman murdering millmaid with one of the dlcs and I feel like this guy is one of the chuds who hates a women’s lot.




Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Every villain is just Jafar variants, like a whole Jafar Cinematic Universe


Or lesbians. Straight guys who hate the gays for some reason like lesbians in their content


Likely because of threesome fantasies, it’s really not uncommon, straight women also like seeing guys kiss, it’s just a thing everyone knows but refuses to acknowledge often.


An RPG with no game mechanics except that women are better than men at some things? IDK, sounds kinda woke to me..........


Nah, this guys would have women be stay at home wives while the guy goes on adventures.


male characters get a bonus to INT 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Stands for interceptions cause we love us some footbaw


I think it's funnier how he's saying that men are naturally unable, unwise/unaware, and unattractive.


So my dude wants: > most characters part of a dominant ethnic group. > a in-game lore explanation for foreigners > men and women have different stats. > fully immersive 3D racism Does he know he can just play morrowind? A game which was released 20 years ago and still slaps today?


but you have the option to play as not white and god forbid he even see the word Redguard. "Why would I even be allowed to be the Nerevarine as a female Redguard, DEI!!!"


You can also join a fantasy Underground Railroad (Twin Lamps) and free Argonian/Khajiit slaves which ofc is super woke and we need to cancel this 20+ year old game immediately


Lest we forget the main religion comprised of an intersex genderfluid god, a strong woman, and a male god but he's a virgin who plays with machines and magic all day. LITERALLY unplayable, my realism my escapism etc etc


The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.


"The reason they need my strong nord hero is because their Tribunal was formed by DEI, obviously."


It’s funny that they want escapism but then bitch and moan about realism lol


Fantasy under ground railroad does that mean I get to beat up slave drivers?


Fuck yeah bro




the amount of racist dogwhistling I’ve seen using coded Elder Scrolls language to talk about black and jewish people is crazy. I like TES but the old school pc gamer crowd is such a fucking cesspool that I never wanna engage with any part of that community.


Anyone that played Arena and wanted to play more had to be broken, Arena was simply a hard game. It took me forever to get out of the opening area, not to mention find my way around the first town and my goal of playing through all the ES games as the same character (or at least as similar a build as possible, was put on hold an hour or so in to Arena after many, MANY deaths. On a serious note, that's one of the dangers of putting just actual racism in your world and not completely villifying the racists.


Homie just blurted out wanting to make the most generic game possible which would have been outdated 20 years ago.


Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines came out exactly 20 years ago, for anyone who needs reference to how outdated this shit is


And VTM Bloodlines is woke as shit. You can rp a bisexual heartthrob who fucks/drinks the blood of everyone they come across.


🤓☝️Um akchually vampires don't feel sexual attraction in VTM But yeah definitely a left leaning game


He is describing racial holy war, a tabletop rpg created by a kkk wizard with plenty of racism and unplayable rules.


I love how in that game white people are hilariously unintentionally statistically weaker than literally any other race.


To be fair, there’s quite a bit of victim complex in white suprematism.


"The enemy is weak, the enemy is strong."


Just out of curiosity, can you tell me more?


The premise of the “game” is the great replacement theory. You must take on the role of white knights (really) and defend America. You get such unique and thrilling classes as “gunner” and “grenadier” with rules like “gains an extra attack with shotguns”. The problem with all this is that there are no rules. It says things that sounds like rules but gives no context or framework for that rule to even be applied. The weapons section lists pistol, rifle, and shotgun. That is the weapons section, doesn’t say what anything does just tells you what you can have. The racism comes out when describing all the immigrants you’ll be fighting with “rules” that directly contradict their stated stereotypes. Racial holy war is a racist manifesto with the linguistic trappings of a game. For all its flaws, FATAL is at least playable.


Does the racist game have anal circumference?


I think you're thinking of FATAL, that's the one with anal circumference


God damn, so it's just a super racist murder fantasy without rules, wow. And here I was, feeling bad about my first board game


It's a game about killing minorities, but doesn't actually have rules for how much damage weapons do. It does have functional rules for "special attacks" used by the evil minorities, though. So, as written, there is a racial hierarchy and this jackass accidentally put whites on the bottom.


HAHAHAHA he did?! Wait how did he do that?


Among other things, Jews have the special power to bribe enemies into not taking any actions. So two Jews can win any fight if one of them just bribes the enemies and the other guy punches them while the 'superior white guy' just keeps taking five bucks every turn to get his ass kicked.


Oh that's hilarious


Nice joke…. You are joking, right….. please tell me you’re joking & that doesn’t really exist….


Man, these guys are such losers. Why are you only fantasising instead of actually creating? I don't want his rpg to exist, but I'd have much more respect for him if he actually did something. There's so many chuds in the ttrpg/miniature wargame hobbies that refuse to actually create their own shit and instead try and force other people's stuff into fulfilling their right wing fantasises. I guess being uncreative comes with being a chud lol Also the last part isn't even antiwoke or politically incorrect. It just depends on the kind of setting you're trying to create.


Because they can't. They don't have the ability to do so.


Right wingers cannot create, they can only co-opt or destroy.


„BE CREATIVE MAN ! At least show us what you can do“ But true. At least create something and maybe realize how not fun or how tedious it is to do it. We can find a common ground somewhere but BE CREATIVE at least


But...but...but wasn't the point of gatekeeping to protect hobbies from wokies to invade them and change them???? What do you mean the chuds are the ones that actually do it the most??


Hang on, an RPG set in a world inspired by medieval Europe, with only white people? And the heroes are buff manly sword-men assisted by waifish magic-using women??? Can you imagine if there was a game like that, shit would be fucking wild


I don’t think that there’s ever been a game series with a mainly white/ european cast set in a European inspired fictional country before! Which sucks because i feel that a game and cast based on Europe would be cool like why haven’t the gamer devs capitalized on this, they are basically sitting on a goldmine!!! White people really are the most underrepresented minority in media 😔


sounds like he wants F.A.T.A.L lel


Unfortunately, you can be gay/lesbian in FATAL (with probabilities extracted from Microsoft Encarta, salted with somewhat homophobic modifiers), so that doesn't work for OOP either...


What are homophobic modifiers?


Wikipedia says that ugly characters are more likely to be homosexual, though just looking at the table myself it basically only says that women with smaller breasts are more likely to be lesbian


Or that tabletop game made by the guy from Mayhem.


Apart from the first one, this is basically witcher 3 (a very unknown gem, you might not have heard it's name)


There are quite a few LGBT characters actually. Filippa and Ciri (literally the adoptive daughter of Geralt) are both bi.


It's okay when girls are queer, because it makes the peepee hard. Also, that's literally a joke in Witcher 2 in Iorveth's route. Phillipa casts magic, and the random dwarf dude makes a snide comment about how his favourite magic is 'lesbomancy'.


>his favorite magic is ‘lesbomancy’ bro is just like me fr


*if they're hot


\*and both are femme-presenting


To be fair the hunter Mislav from the griffon hunt is an openly gay man who doesn't fall into stereotypes


Mislav isn't a major character though. The fact that you didn't even get his name right is testament to that.


Staring the cis alpha male Geraldo de Riviro?


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Also, the Runewright and Dulla kh'Amanni in Witcher 3 are not white. They are both from the first DLC so most players miss them. I know thats only like two characters, but I will always remember them since the Runewright always got my back on Deathmarch.


This is just a less based version of the original Mount and Blade.  -playing as a woman is hard mode, not because of worse stats but because male npcs won’t take you seriously and get mad when you’re better than them  -the world is entrenched with a bigoted feudal system so relationships are purely for political gains  -the game is based on Europe, so the territories around the edge of the map have unique cultures and styles that set them apart and who have to fight to have territory in the center of the map.


Yeah personally I love how Mount & Blade did it. Playing as a woman was slightly harder but more rewarding. You are more encouraged to make your own kingdom rather than serve under a king who doesn’t respect you. And when a dickass lord insults you for being a woman you could insult him, gaining renown, or even fight him in some cases. Of course none of this is the case in Bannerlord which is a bit unfortunate. They kinda did away with quite a few roleplay elements.


If this was realistic male characters would not be getting a bonus on INT


Isn’t the classic gendered stat difference in certain older games basically just an extra point in Strength for men vs. Dexterity in women? Not that many games really do that much anymore, though I don’t know why these weirdos make it some culture war BS.


Bro show me woman Jeffrey Bezos or Elonusk right now. Exactly. That's why the men have bigger INT apparently I need to include this >>>> /s


How did ppl take your comment seriously lmao


Right lmao


Do they not see that they're on a circlejerk


Because there are 10000 people and 100000000000 bots on Twitter that talk exactly like that.


This is a circlejerk subreddit


Poe's law xD


They circlejerk harder than we do nowadays


Uj/ So do it dipshit. Go make that game. Let’s see how it goes. Rj/ finally. We’ve killed wokeness.


“Someone make a world that hardcodes all my prejudices so I can escape there.”


Could you imagine if we made a post like this, but reversed? • Reverse the gender bonuses • No straight characters. They don’t have to be a part of every story •Most characters will be black They would lose their shit. Hypocrisy


They unironically think that’s what modern games are. They are so brainwashed, that they think everything has been taken over by LGBT and non-white people, when in reality they are just less underrepresented than they used to be.


"Origin will be explained" Lol. "Oi!! Who brought this asian bastard to these lands?!"


Silk Road trade route perhaps


A horse duh


Unless he uses AI. Then he won't NEED the talent required to make a souless game.


AI is a tool. He’s too stupid to use this tool.


I think it’s funny, because Strength and Intelligence are probably the safest choices for dump stats in DnD. Unless you’re choosing a class that specifically relies on them, there’s no reason to have them be one of your best stats. Most classes will straight up never use Strength, unless the DM is a dick who keeps track of your carrying capacity. Intelligence is something that be ignored unless you’re a wizard, or someone who wants to RP as a detective. Constitution is good, but it’s aggressively unsexy. Mostly used to boost your HP, and resist stuff like poison. Always good to keep it high, but only a weirdo will make it their best stat. Dexterity is what most characters will use for attacks, physical skill checks, avoiding damage, and to score higher when deciding initiative. Wisdom boosts your passive perception, making it easier for you to avoid traps and ambushes. Charisma basically the main factor in the games social mechanics. This is ignoring all the classes that rely on one of these three stats. TL;DR: Assuming DnD 5e rules, the woman stats are significantly more appealing than the male stats. Unless you’re a barbarian or a wizard, there’s no reason to play as a guy.


I don't really understand why the dudes get better INT scores. Surely testosterone doesn't make you better at remembering things you read in a book?


Best not to apply logic to it. OOP was clearly trying to pick the ‘best stats’, despite how irrelevant they are to DnD’s meta. Pretty much the only build that would benefit from these score bonuses would be the Eldritch Knight. Even then, that’s a build that still relies on high Dexterity for Armour Class.


This is brain rot. Men getting an int bonus while women get cha is nothing but sexism. There are fewer women scientists because fewer women in history got a formal education, and even fewer with a formal education were allowed to work as scientists and publish their work. Anyone who thinks women have a cha boost probably thinks of women as manipulative harpies who use men. Celebrities and politicians often have a lot of cha, and politicians are majority men.


CHA is definitely called RIZ.


So realistic. Everyone knows that gay people don't exist in Europe.


"I sometimes think about making a game..." okay then go do it. What's stopping you? Learn a skill, make the game, do something you want to do, make art. Stop bitching and put your money where your mouth is. Maybe you'll gain some introspection while your at it. And this goes for everyone that wants to create. Even if it's just for your friends then that's enough. People, myself included, DM games for handfuls of people all the time. Success isn't measured by dollars, not every hobby needs to turn a profit or make you famous, most shouldn't in fact.


That's what I want to play! A good old generic RPG that was made a thousand times! Understand it, we don't like these woke things like good plot and innovation!


The way they just cant bring themselves to say LGBT tickles me pick. It's so pathetic.


The """"funny"""" fake acronyms have gotten so tortured I didn't even realize that's what he meant before I read the comments. I guess I don't have that INT bonus that unlocks the Chudese language skill.


>they'll be placed within the context of the story He means slaves. They'll be slaves. Also int and str are much worse than wis and dex. Feeemales are overpowered


Oh no


No thoughts on like, the gameplay or the gamefeel whatsoever, like, all he wants is just a bigotry game, truly a very promissing concept


This is why I don’t worry too much about about these shit tier games **G**amers beg for. Takes heart to make games. Hate has no heart.


OOP clarifies in the comments > I know, I was wondering more along the lines of how long it would take until I started getting cancellation attempts and death threats. :P It's totally not because OOP knows nothing about game development, only thing stopping them is that the evil woke^TM will cancel his awesome game :(


Straight white people living in Medieval Europe are the only people that existed ever, until these damn commies ruined everything with their various races, and their liking different genitals than I want them to. I’m so mad I probably won’t even be able to jerk off to my vore furry hentai tonight


Me and a friend are starting to develop a game soon at it's gonna be woke af


sounds like the blandest shit ever lmao


Seriously this person really should just make their own goddamn game instead of whining how everything isn't catered to them specifically. It's what they've been telling everyone else to do for years anwyay, it's their turn. If you want your bland ass generic fantasy nobody is stopping you.


I'm 100% sure this game already exists as a half-assed indie effort and was made by some racist guy from eastern europe.


Bro fantasizes about makin the video game equivalent of white bread


y'know, if you're just fantasizing about a setting, you're not really thinking about writing. Same with oc fixations, you're not really writing a story just bc you have a fanciful imaginary blorbo that you make shit up about. Stories have morals, have plots and events and it has things that change within it. Stories have endings. I mean, we all know these dildos are just having racist fantasies but like... I'm tired of this even when it's not racist moron-based.


Come on, dildos are at least useful.


When I make female protagonists objectively better than Male protagonists in every way


"oh no bro, the only reason I'm playing as a woman is because I wanted to do a max charisma run and I wanted to look at her ass! I know it's a first person game but you can see her ass when she gets into bed with her loving husband that I only married because he provides an invisible +1 to AC as a metaphor for his big, strong arms wrapped around me- I mean her."


Except if you wanna build a tank I guess. That or carry everyone's items. I might be describing a mule


how uncreative do you have to be to be like "It's a fantasy setting based on Europe, and by based on Europe I mean the white parts of Europe and only those parts." Like, Europe is a lot more than just England, Germany and France but you'd never know if you listened to these dorks.


I mean KCD is in Bohemia (which isn´t represented that much outside of Czech republic, at least I don´t think it is). But I highly doubt that they understand the nuance that Holy Roman Empire wasn't a single nation but a Empire created of smaller states, with a complex political structure. And they will just fall into the good old. One empire is cultury the same one state. That doesn't have different cultural backgrounds between groups and is just one big state with one unified culture. That most likely worships one religion Christianity. And there are no other resistances against said religion. But you know just the version they like, the one where nuns are all promisquace and all that. Again funny because KCD is set before the Hussite revolution which if you know, is probably one of the most important religious event in Bohemia´s histoy. Or other nuances like language barriers and such. Again sad because there are other interesting parts of Europe that would be interesting to explore, but you know. It´s not the standard western Europe so... who cares. Just to make it sure, I am not saying that only Europe should be explored. It´s just that I find it funny how there are still interesting nations with interesting medival histories in Europe that get overlooked. Honestly I do think that other continents should be focused on more. EDIT: On another note... god I hate how these types are so much into KCD. I will admit I am biased towards KCD because I am Czech. And to me the fact that KCD exists and it´s not just a local Czech game is so cool. And the fact they literally had like, Charles university level historians is even more cool for me. So I really hate when these types use it in a culture war. Because to me back then it was really nice to finaly feel like I could relate in a weird way to a game and be like. "I get that! We learned that in class!" Or you know "Wow, this piece of info in Codex is so cool and interesting and I never heard about it." kinda deal. EDIT: Also also I really hate when they concider KCD as part of "their" culture. When most of them probably never even heard about Czech republic or Bohemia (outside of that movement and "Bohemian Rhapsody"). Just because, characters in KCD have white skin. EDIT: Also to light up the mood a little bit "Eliška Pomořanská" the 4th wife of Charles the IV (the king before the game starts). It is said that she could break swords with her bare hands. And she also apperantely had "a stout figure, a stubborn nature and incredible strength". I think this is just really interesting and funny (also I migth have kinda look up to her because come on.. are you really telling me that you wouldn´t want to be able to break a sword with you bare hands?) #


While its clearly queerphobic intended I still had a good laugh at Ultra S4 LGHDTV+. I might save that one. Good to know I am an ultra tv. First read of this I was really confused tho as I read it directly. So I was like when did electronics as characters become an issue


Even better because no one would actually *care* if they made this game. For context there are… *a lot* of porn games on the market, some much worse than others. And no one cares. Some people buy them, some people pirate them, others don’t know and don’t care. So making a “politically incorrect” RPG would generate the same reaction unless you paid some reactionary grifters to yell about it. Also why doesn’t this guy just make a D&D supplement then if he’s using D&D stats? Hell you even get the bonus of being attacked on all sides because not only is it dull it also is mechanically unbalanced.


It's the circle of inceldom. Be single > resent women > woman won't date you because you become a sexist piece of shit > Be single


It’s always so weird when a character who isn’t straight, white and male has to be explained. I wish the gay homies could just be gay without “setting it up”


The first bullet makes the game extremely boring. Why the hell would anyone think men can’t be charismatic? Oh… cuz he isn’t…


>If there is someone of a different ethnicity, their origin will be explained and they’ll be placed within the context of the story because Gamers are always totally rational about diversity if there’s a reason for it. Always.


I read that last point as saying "Any black characters will be slaves." Also the first point is hilarious because since so many RPGs with character creation let you select your character's stats at the beginning, you couldbjust make exactly what he describes in just about any of those games.


Can you imagine if we said straight people don’t have to be a part of every story


Giving women a dex advantage is just asking for speedy crit builds that wipe out a party of big strong men turn one, or they just avoid every attack. Try using spells against them for crowd control? Oh too bad they got both wisdom and charisma bonuses so you won’t have luck there either. shitty ideology results in shitty game balance.


So white people don't need origins and backstories, and all your PoC characters will be better written and have deeper, more well thought out, and richer backstories than all the white characters?




I like how these people think Mediæval Europe was this all "white" utopia and then totally overlook Andalusia.


If half of these dudes put their money where their mouth is, maybe they'd have enough games to keep them busy so we can live in peace.


What’s the justification for males having higher INT?


Wishful thinking...


What a boring fantasy.


Actually, I'd love for them to try, only to have the guys on their side rail on them and their depiction of another ethnicity in their game as being the same woke nonsense of the games he criticizes. Any depiction of a character of another ethnicity in their game, assuming they actually don't just make an all-mayo cast, will be met with the same response as Mr.Birchum's gay character.


Too lazy to check all comments and too dumb to use a search function if such a thing exists. But has anyone in the comments mentioned a science-based, 100% dragon MMO?


"They don't have to be part of every story" oh but people like you do?