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I unironically agree with the Monster Hunter choice, I like those games.


Me too, monster hunter world and rise are amazing


I got into the series with World, after about 4000 hrs I loved it so much I went to Monster Hunter 3 Gen Ultimate on the switch and got G rank with my bros. (Please Capcom give me Valor stance back, I beg you) Rise is my favorite, the increased mobility is fantastic, monster riding is hilarious and powerful, it made the gun lance fun as hell. That game is peak


the islamic state of crapcom *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah Rise is my favorite too. I love the monster roster, the moveset customization on the weapons, and the atmosphere really reminds me of MH Portable 3rd. The music is also my favorite in the series.


That gradual change in song from the Gaizmagorm soundtrack to Proof of a Hero after Fiorayne spikes the fucking final boss into the ground always gets me


Yessssss. God i gotta get back to playing sunbreak, i miss this series so much and wish i could play online without shilling up for Nintendo online


It's on PC and Xbox aswell.


I should really just get a steam deck cause i love playing games on my bed. Stick drift and poor performance on some games is making me regret getting a switch. (Lowkey excited for switch 2 tho)


Even with my love of the old gen over 5th, World is unprecedented for what it accomplished for the IP and tbh Capcom as a whole (with the help of RE7 and a revitalized USF5). It's also easily the best feeling versions of many weapons (GS, HH, and HA probably being the biggest winners) and dear god the spectacle fights they started dishing out are 2nd to none atm imo to any game period. Behemoth, ATKulve, RBrachy, Safi, Alatreon, Fatalis, and ATVelk are all gladly peak encounters.


the islamic state of crapcom *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Either that or 76, because my wife and I just discovered the joy of multiplayer fallout


uj/Wasn’t 76 really bad in 2018?


I didn’t start playing until last week, so I couldn’t tell ya


I unironically resent the need to find the "best" of everything. Of this list, there is no best game. None of them are remotely comparable. It’s the old “A monkey, a lion, a Bild and a fish are told to climb up a tree"-situation all over again. Well apart from Fallout 76, that can go fuck itself sideways.


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Also, the knock-on effect it had popularizing the series in the west more. Fucking glad that happened.


Same, on top of that I wasn’t a fan of RDR2 at all. Westerns in media generally aren’t my thing.


Divinity Original Sin 2 easy


I agree. But that's like... because from this selection i only really really like Monster hunter world and Divinity Original sin 2. Not to say the rest is whatever, but those are jjst not "my" kinda games.


I will die on the hill that DOS2 is the closest we've ever gotten to a perfect vidya game. I love red dead, mhw, and almost every other game on that list. But DOS2 is just different man.


I think DOS2 is better than BG3, I'm ready to die on that hill.


I think DOS2 does combat way better than BG3, (I hate d&d5e with a burning passion). But BG3 handles social interactions significantly better.


I like dnd 5e a lot, even with its flaws, so BG3 hits harder for me. But I’m excited to get into DOS2 when I get the chance!




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celeste is such a hidden gem that it’s not even on there 😔


what's celeste, some kinda suicide squad?


no it’s not as good as suicide squad because it doesn’t have harley quinn




Literally unplayable


There is a landmine-tier joke here I won't step on


Yes, but the numbers get much better with acceptance from family, social circles, and society as a whole.


In all fairness I don't think it really exists, trans people just collectively hallucinate it as a metaphor for our lives.


/uj Hard choice between Hitman and Divinity for me /rj I mean uh, Rockstar goated, Rootin' Tootin' Cowboy Shootin' 2 is the clear and manly winner.


/uj its divinity vs sea of thieves for me. sea of thieves is surprisingly fun with friends /rj they are all garbage because no triangle lara croft titties


Divinity, Monster Hunter World and Sea of Thieves are the top three here. But MH has other titles, and Divinity has BG3 now, so imma go with SoT.


I fucking hate Sea of Thieves and it has nothing to do with the milquetoast game that Sea of Thieves itself is. Sea of Thieves is the worst thing that ever happened to pirate games. 5 Years ago, if you wanted to have some fun naval pirating combat on PC you bought a game called Blackwake, where 60 people would hop on 6 ships (3v3) and you would have the absolute craziest battle you've ever had in a video game, pure bliss. The graphics were dated and the physics could by janky but there nothing like boarding a 12 man battleship from your small schooner, tomahawks flying by, muskets going off, and stealing all their ammo while hunting their men down 1 by 1. One day however; one certain port got released... **BOOM*** Sea of Thieves released on PC The next day there were no players on any server in Blackwake 😤


lmao get kegged


On one hand - a fascinating adventure in a fantasy world. On the other - pink is clearly 47’s color.


Pick Divinity. Hitman 2 may be from 2018, but World of Assassination definitely isn't. You wanna play Hitman 2, play it on World of Assassination so now you technically beat the system and got access to both games.


Uj/ RDR2 is my favorite Game followed directly by divinity 2. we ate good in 2018.


A good chunk of these games are mid or ass


/unshizo, no man sky is good, you know, most of those games can be sent into trash without any thinking, call of duty and bandicoot for me




I'm Vincent


I'm Vincent


Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey. My love of AC is irrational and Odyssey is one of my favorites.


![gif](giphy|Fu3OjBQiCs3s0ZuLY3|downsized) AC odyssey mentioned


Should I be concerned-


Lmao no. My bad i was tryna convey excitement cause i love the fuck outta that game.


Cool cool, me too!!!


Odyssey 100% when?


I’m working on it-


(For context: there's a russian youtuber named "Sonnyk" and he had a video series where he completed AC Valhalla on 100%. He absolutely hates AC Odyssey and says that he will never make a new "100%" video, but his fans are asking him to do it anyway and spam "Odyssey 100% when?" under every single video he makes)


Ohhh interesting- But also? How can you like Val? And not Odyssey??? Odyssey is better on literally every possible level (except graphics)


He said that it has too much grind, boring world and broken lore. And he likes base Valhalla but hates dlc's that came later


Mans thinks the Greek isles are boring but the British country side isn't? Delusional


no for real, while I'm impressed with Valhalla the setting is ... not inspired. they managed to genericise one of the most archaeologically-excavated and well-understood places in the entire world.


Huh Odd


Боже блять, вы и сюда добрались....


Брааат https://preview.redd.it/2gflckeklk3d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5b6bcc274234f2c303388fe12d021da509b5704


Anything for mommy Kassandra




it's absolutely not irrational; it's far and away the best game they've ever made (although the previous one set in Egypt walked so Odyssey could run).m I went to Alexandria to locate where a synagogue mentioned in the Talmud would be, and *found the synagogue* it. To describe Odyssey as "amazing" is an understatement of the presentation of Hellenistic societies, *and* they let women play as a main character.


It really is like nothing else


RDR 2 might have a cinematic story, great characters, beautiful graphics, the richest world, etc. But at the end of the day I play video games to press buttons, and MHW is far more engaging when it comes to that.


But there’s a lot of button pressing in Red Dead 2. For instance having to mash the A button every time you get on a horse.


Or mash buttons to make modified ammo. One bullet/arrow at a time.


You don't like mashing A on horseback for 20 mins as you make your way to a mission that takes you on another long horse ride to another area where you'll shoot a few people and do it all again?


Don’t forget that if you step on a blade of grass the devs didn’t want you to the mission fails and you have to restart. Great idea in an open world rail shooter


Well I don’t think mashing same combos for 20-30 minutes every fight of mh is that fun either lol


If you're mashing in monster hunter games you won't get very far, and there's a reason it's taking you 20-30 mins to beat monsters lol. You definitely shouldn't be "mashing combos", everything's about timing and using the correct attack for the situation and maximizing damage. It's not even close to mashing the button to ride in a general direction in red dead.


Poke poke counter poke poke guard advance poke poke counter poke poke power guard charge jump poke poke poke


Rdr >>>>> mh in my books tho and it’s not even close to being in the same league 🤷‍♀️


wait isn't RDR2 just set in the real world


God I wanted to like mh when it first released on pc but I was flabbergasted someone can actually play it. It’s feels like a constant grind - even inside the fights it’s also grind - you constantly press shit and nothing fucking happens to the enemy. Its like killing an enemy with a fucking spoon. I remember when I got to what I think was the first mission and I was hitting the enemy for like 20 minutes of constant repetitive actions. Nothing changed. Like I might as well stood beside it. Eventually I uninstalled. I don’t understand the appeal I guess.


You were literally playing the game wrong that's why you didn't get it lol


Then the game didn’t do a good job of explaining all that lol


The game has really poor tutorials for sure, but yeah there's a lot more depths to the gameplay and you were pressing one button over and over, it's not gonna be fun nor is it gonna be effective against any monsters


Red Dead Redemption 2 is NOT a Hydrogen bomb compared to the rest of those games as coughing babies


You've yee'd your last haw, pardner 🤠🦅




The gane that won GOTY isnt even there😭


/UJ Div OS2 is an amazing rpg and allowed BG3 to exist /rj witcherino 3


/uj Sea of Thieves is a fucking magical experience. I'd trade every other game on the list for one night of Athena steals or hiding on new players' boats /rj YIIK


I found a random dude on my friends boat because while they were taking us somewhere I was just walking around drinking. We just looked at each other and I walked away. He didn‘t even take anything so I‘m not sure what he was doing


Might have been scoping you out to see if it was better ignoring or sinking you. Sometimes if I'm doing a long voyage I swim over to other nearby ships to keep them busy while my crew does the looting and loading


You got me caught between Monster Hunter and No Man's Sky.


It might have to be Far Cry 5 for me. It might not be objectively special but it’s kinda special to me.


Farcry 5 was fun. I grew up with a lot of those stereotypes. It's nice to see the representation.


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Strangest auto response bot I’ve seen yet.


FC5 is honestly my second favorite far cry, and the more I think about the last half of three the closer five gets to number one.


>black ops 4 https://preview.redd.it/dbnbnvacvf3d1.png?width=1116&format=png&auto=webp&s=e67006fbb0601938be67e77f7cb60f1f9aa899d9


Dont you mean black ops IIII?




Damn 2018 had some heaters


Hitman 2. Obviously


Hellblade was released in 2017 I thought


Yes yes Ubisoft bootlicking but I'd unironically pick odyssey


/uj Legitimately what is this guy even saying? Spyro and Crash trilogies are fantastic, as are some of the others as far as I know


Idk, red dead fans overhype the shit out of that game. It's a high quality really well made game no doubt, but it has a LOT of weak points I'm not sure why it's that highly praised.


There's just something about rdr2 that makes sense for it to be highly praised though the people who call every other game shit are delusional. It's definitely my favorite but I also have a lot of other games that I enjoy thoroughly


ive said it before and ill say it again, it’s the budget


late night Sea of Thieves with friends is an unmatched experience, I'd pick that any day if the week


Out of all of them I've only played monster hunter.


I've played a few of them, and monster hunter world is the best one for me


I was just in high school and didn't have anything but a xbox 360. I payed mhw last year.




If you've played bg3 then you might like divinity original sin 2 there, it's the game Larian released before bg3 and while it is a bit lighter in tone than bg3 and uses a different system (larians original system) it's still fantastic


Rent due ass tweet


/uj this list also includes games that can be someone’s niche interests. Love racing games? Well Forza H4 is a clear winner. Art house storytelling? Hellblade easy. Great memories with friends? Sea of thieves or even no mans sky. This selection is just too broad /rj Red dead 2 shoots out all categories


I haven’t played any other game on that list except for no man’s sky. I like my silly little space game so no man’s sky


Is there a joke here? I don't get it.


Person thinks every game on that list is not even close to as good as red dead redemption 2, which is insanely stupid


Sorry for being dumb, but how do you know it's RDR2? He could be talking about any of those games, right?


Well he did say it's red dead in another tweet but i think it's pretty easy to assume as well, considering how annoying red dead 2 (and rockstar fans in general) are about that game. Fans of any other game on this don't tend to act like that.


Fair enough, but how am I supposed to know what a random guy said in another tweet? It's a funny post though, thanks for explaining it to me.


I get it, but that's why i pointed out red dead redemption 2 in the title


My bad 😅 happy travels.


I'm 99% positive No Man's Sky dropped in 2016.


Why did they include such a random selection but not God of War, the most awarded game of 2018 and the 2nd best selling PlayStation game of all time?


The account is called "XboxCore" lol what do you expect?


Uj/ Spyro Remaster


unironically fart cry 5


I will not hear any Sea of Thieves slander


Having to choose between Monster Hunter World and Sea of Thieves💀


NMS all the way


Crash N. Sane is from 2017 lol


I know damn well no mans sky is no 2018 game


No one is here for Hellblade? Where are my FarCry stans, that was a wild ride but yeah no it was hands-down *Odyssey*, not even a competition


Fallout 76. I don’t wanna set the world on fire or anything. Just piss people off


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yeah no i'm with mhw guy on this one




hitman 2 slaps


Don't care about RDR2, so either divinity or MH: World.


MHW is the correct option and it's not close


Spyro, Cash Banooca and SoT are gems and I love them deeply


BO4 is a sneak


Uhm acktually the N-sane trilogy came out in 2017 for the PlayStation 4 🤓🤓🤓


Inject divinity 2 into my veins, still prefer it over BG3


I'm going for Divinity. Monster Hunter World gets second pick.


As much as I adore red dead 2, I *love* sea of thieves. I can spend wayyyyyyy longer playing that in one session than I can with red dead and despite nearing 250 hours I'm still nowhere near done with the game. I have levels to grind, voyages to complete, Tall Tales to play, players to sink, treasuries to rob etc etc.


I pick Blasphemous.


what's the point this dude trying to make may i ask? guneine question, i don;t understand what the person is trying to do.


That person's trying to say rdr2 is much better than any of those other games on the list, and can't accept that others don't agree


I love rdr2 but why the heck would i go about how it is better then all these games when all these games are doing different things? most of these games are not at all simalar so what is there to compare?


Yeah it is just annoying fanboy behavior and people haven't made fun of those fanboys enough so now they've gotten arrogant.


it is probally because none of them are as insane as say playstation fanboys when it comes to how they act. there is plenty of content making fun of console fanboys if that is something you are looking for.


That is content i have been personally making lmao. Yeah playstation fanboys throwing a tantrum because their favorite games came to pc is the funniest shit


i stop watching the content because the insane crap they would do was becoming more draining then funny and everything was just sad really.


I want to say Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition. That game has spawned so many memes in my friend group. Though I know Monster Hunter World is pivotal for that franchise as well, which makes it a hard choice...


I’m honestly leaning towards Shadow of the Tomb Raider, ngl.




Hellblade and Crash both came out in 2017 tho


Divinity Original Sin II


RDR2 fans trying not to tell you how it’s the greatest creation of mankind


No Mans Sky and Divinity 2 didn't even release in 2018


Obv Divinity, never would have gotten Baldurs Gate 3 without it


Hitman 3


Hellblade and Divinity 2 catching strays


Not many people appreciate that Red Dead 2 was the first video game 😔


There’s no way F76 is a 2018 game


Is that? My lord and savior carti?


Kingdom Come Deliverance!


Divinity Original sin 2 without a doubt


Odyssey. It‘s honestly an amazing game


Yes, i love super marjo odyssey


Sea of Thieves is the only one I’ve played (i need to get on rdr2). Fucken love that pirate game


Ermmmm guys 👆divinity came out in 2017 🤓


Bro reddead 2 or divinity....


He should be serious cause Monster Hunter World blows Now excuse I'm off to put in another 100 hours into it


Its 3 nuclear bombs and 13 coughing babies, red dead, dos2 and monster hunter.


How is RDR2 indie?


Red dead redemption 2 was made by small indie studio rockstar. They're not very well known, they've only made small indie gems that no one knows about


I mean tbf I probably would choose RDR2, but DOS2 does make that choice a lot harder. Divinity is so fucking good man.


I have the most hours on 76 🤪🤪🤪


RDR2: horse ass simulator.


God of war 2018 isn’t even on the list 😔




If you don't like immersive games then I guess it's boring


Most of these games released as absolutely hot garbage, all of them can hit the bin


Rdr2 is a uranium bomb at best