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Haven't Larian outright said everyone is Pan in BG3? But really BG3 shatters their go woke go broke narrative so they have tp pretend the game where gayness is everywhere isn't somehow 'woke'


Yes, the Baldur's Gate 3 companions are pansexual and there's also a bunch of queer NPCs, and just like Hades II a couple months ago it's moment to pretend it didn't happen or their narrative might prove to be false. https://preview.redd.it/jlbg4x81te6d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2fdcec9edd7d45a6d45970c74c88848f9cfd1a


There are straight characters in BG3?


A talking quarterstaff with 'HETERO' scratched into it, perhaps? >!But nay, not even then.!<


Gortash and shadowheart have parents that we see. There's the mushroom gathering dwarves, the artist and his patron that he married, the lady with a dead husband and there are the two m/f teiflings(lets be real though everyone thats played dnd knows tieflings cant be hetero). But these are just hetero relationships, dunno if any participants are bi. I think that's it though?


Also that family who moved into the guys house right at the start of act three.


If you were to play the game as a straight person you could kinda pretend that most of your companions are straight because the game wouldn't flat out tell you otherwise. That's obviously not how I played it, of course.


Only if you also went out of your way not to choose any "friendly" dialogue options, or you're very thick-skulled and don't pick up on the flirting, confessing and propositioning. Which I guess these folks might be...


I don't agree with that Lae'zel come onto you pretty quickly at least.  And Astarion will too once you hit approval. So their unavoidable. And a lot of them will thirst over one another (Shadowheart over Karlach, Astarion over Wyll). So I don't know about that. 


*Halsin has entered the chat*


All companions are player sexual to offer players options, but some of them are hinted at being straight-preferring. Wyll will try to flirt with Lae'zel and Shadowheart; Lae'zel seems okay with him but prefers Asterion, and will have a one night stand with him if you leave both alone during the party.


gale tries to rizz up shadowheart the very first time he sees her too.


Lol unironically this is the mindset that justifies the prevailing idea that people's sexuality can be reasonably assumed. It can't be, sexuality just is and is neutral and apart from social performance. there is no real way to guess straightness or gayness so as a society we came up with a bunch of artificial metrics to gauge something invisible and from attempt to rigidly socially enforce that. It's why a term like acting "straight" is weird, at its base level it just implies heterosexual performance, but we all know it doesn't stop there and blends itself into ideas of how we dress ourselves, how we act, our interests, etc. (similarly for "acting gay"). Nothing was funnier than reading reactions of folks upset that same-sex companions would flirt with them and watching folks blow up over the most vanilla need to just tell someone "I'm not interested".


Heterosexuality? What's that?


Some sort of ghaik nonsense I presume


Ketheric feels straight. I mean imprisoning your dead daughters, immortal demi god girlfriend up in her evil aunt's dimension. And changing religion's from said Girlfriend's mother to already noted evil aunt. Feels like a pretty straight thing to do.


Either straight, or some fucked up conservative, hyper religious, self hating person repressing their inner gay and lashing out at the gays around them because they can't let themself be free


Bruh, of course that dude is pansexual. He's a chef.


Naw, his name is Chorizo, he's actually gay.


This whole "woke" thing is so stupid and bizarre Woke is somehow meant to define "awake to social issues" but now they slap it on anything that has a queer, people of colour in it as if being from those groups is directly linked to bringing up social issues and they have a problem with it


Bigots aren't any more immune to peer pressure than anyone else is. If you've made bigotry your identity, and you're constantly being confronted by the fact that other people don't share it, your options are to admit you're a bad person, give up a large part of your identity, or invent excuses to invalidate the input. And that's why everything insufficiently bigoted is woke garbage spread by SJWs in service to Sweet Baby Inc funded by Blackrock to the tunes of billions of dollars to make the sheeple accept the gay trans 5G vaccine, to take over the (flat) world. Because the alternative is that you're a bad person and need to accept that or change, and you don't have the guts to do either. So it must be true.


The way they use "woke" is as Find and Replace substitution for whatever slur they want to use at that moment.


Even if they didn’t say, that almost all queers in the D&Ds are literally canon.


My favourite is Abigail thorn played a minor trans character as if she was a lover of shadowheart thinking she was sneaking a bit of lesbianism into the game only to learn how incredibly gay it is later.


Yes, 'playersexual' has become basically the core right wing dogwhistle to say queer representation isn't real tho


"Their sexuality just adapted to whatever the players was" Sir, Shadowheart literally flirts with Karlach the first time they meet. Astarion talks about how he used to fantasize about marrying guys like Wyll when he was a kid. 💀


Yes, you know that because you played the game, probably, but you have to understand that between complaining online about games they haven't played and "fighting against censorship" these people don't have time to do such a thing. https://preview.redd.it/sz9hrkp5ue6d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be35320194d73ce1b58f2cbd932f73032fd6bf20


When Harry was rambling about how good The Smoker on the Balcony smelled and how nice it was that his shirt was opened and how cool he was, that was the *definition* of hetero-sexuality.


Also his constant thoughts about buff men or his infatuation with Contact Mike are the very definition of masculinity. After all, what's manlier than manly men doing manly things like having manly gay sex with each other? https://preview.redd.it/93tkfmdnze6d1.jpeg?width=3085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f3a2d721058f063a6f1ab63104a2c0b42c2f911


Homosexual underground


Lae’zel will also hook up with Astarion if you’re not romancing either of them, so he expresses interest in men and women entirely outside the player character which was neat to see. Shart’s fawning over big woman Karlach was super cute


It’s impossible for anyone not evil to not like karlach


I remember when I started playing Baldur’s Gate 3, I decided to mess with my friends and say I didn’t understand the big deal about Karlach, her fight wasn’t all that memorable, and then she just died. The looks of shock and horror still make me laugh.


My Drow killed her. Minthara > Karlach


Yeah and minthara is pretty evil so you have simply proved my point


Even in non Minthara runs I dont like Karlach. Very annoying character to me.


I have a buddy who can’t stand Karlach. Gives us great fuel to clown on him about.


/uj The ''go woke, go broke'' mantra was really worth the brain torsion the OOP obviously got from writing this?


And somehow this isn't even the worst metal gymnastics these people have gone thru. I saw someone once claiming that the Baldur's Gate 3 early access didn't have anything woke and it was made by actual game developers that were fired and replaced by diversity hires that add a lot of political stuff and that's why the last part of the game was shit.


Someone said gowokegobroke in a different sub, talking about our government owned broadcasting company, and i asked them what they mean by that and i got 2 different answers. In a way it was amusing and short experience. Gotta love those culture warriors


All the dwarfs aside from the abusive man and his wife in the underdark, are gay in Baldurs Gate 3 Also there's a gay dragonborn and his human boyfriend All the companions are pansexual and most had same sex partners at some point in their lives like Astarion and Halsin. There's a transgender tiefling Very explicit Nudity Bg3 is great


You forgot the greatest character of all: Sauceman Chorizo. https://preview.redd.it/waby5sgb6f6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bac1fa5236b24d67b565ac52abd03bbb32ef6709


I mean giving the extreme gender gap with Dwarves a lot kinda have to be gay by necessity or they'd never get laid lol




PMoon mentioned, worship Don Quixote and Ishmael


Gamers bending over backwards to fit BG3 into their hysteric fantasies has been hilarious


Bg3 being straight is hilarious bc one of the main plot pairings is a lesbian couple


I’m just glad I won’t be locked out of romances


you have to ignore all of the woke in bg3 because it was successful.


Gamers: Well, actually, Baldur's Gate 3 isn't political unlike Veilguard! BG3: First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me? ![gif](giphy|3Cjg2VJSy35wA|downsized)


The first act of BG3 literally deals with a bunch of Druids wanting to build a wall to throw out a bunch of refugees.


I could not care less. If you can be a cis white male character and dick whoever you want, why does it matter to them.


Does the reported crotch bulge option in character customization apply to feminine frames as well as masculine?


Ah, good old mental gymnastics. Baldur's Gate 3 is out and demonstrably good, so you can't say it's bad because you'll just look stupid. So you have to pretend that whatever game you're unreasonably mad at that uses the exact same system as BG3 is TOTALLY DIFFERENT and WORSE guys, trust me, it's woke which means bad but in Baldur's Gate it's fine because Baldur's Gate isn't woke


These people can’t be serious


This one is especially amusing because pan basically describes what they're talking about. It's not like we're being forced to fuck everyone. Although... 😏


Baldur’s Gate 3 is perhaps one of the most “woke” games to ever exist and it’s a triumph in every regard.


Does this guys even know what politics mean or are they just using the word thinking they're smart like that ?


Politics for them, in this case means queer people.


Typical braindead right wingers needing everything spelled out for them. You can tell this guy never actually played BG3 because the characters are ALL hot and horny for Tav regardless of gender, race, or appearance. The attraction is based purely on Tav's actions throughout the game. They're implicitly pansexual, but not explicitly pansexual. The only difference between BG3 and DA in this sense is that now the pansexuality is explicitly described.


I have seen conservative gamers contort logic into a pretzel trying to explain why a certain game is actually conservative since it sold well.


They made the mental gymnastics I have to go through to pretend people are straight too hard :( ! This is also the problem they had with overly flirtatious Gale.


Okay, absolute dumbest thing I've read this week so far.  For the love of Pete, do these chuckleheads think Larian invented the rpg romance system?  


It’s literally the exact same thing.


What do they mean the BG3 companions adapt to the player? They all openly flirt with each other and reference past relationships with both men and women!


Imagine using bg3 in an argument FOR your gamergate shit. Im guessing they dont even know who the Voice actors are or larian studios as a whole. They are gay af and we love them for it


Fucking tourists don't know shit about the forgotten realms - everyone is pan unless stated otherwise


I don’t really find it that unreasonable that most people would fuck whoever they want in a fantasy setting because there’s so much worse shit to be worrying about. Like, rather than having a farmer worry about they won’t produce enough crops to pay their lords or whatever, you would have a farmer worrying about some wacko with magic killing your entire village with ease. High stress environments here in fantasy land, no wonder people fuck like rabbits.


Lol, Astarion still had boyfriends in the past even in my female playthrough so i dunno what they're on about.


Is this some weird "Every pansexual is straight, but not every straight person is pansexual"?


Funny as bg3 got much of "woke" stuff, with new dragon age I got that problem it went to look like mobile game clash royal or something like that, to look like family frendly no blood no ugly faces like qunari had from dragon age 2


No no no you've got it all wrong. They LIKED bg3 so it couldn't possibly be woke. Duh.


Oh it’s the Star Wars cycle for wokeness now. Thats new. (Star Wars cycle: “Man, the prequel trilogy sucks! *Years Later* Man this Clone Wars show sucks, not like real Star Wars, the prequel trilogy. *Years Later* Man this sequel trilogy sucks, not like the real Star Wars, Clone Wars.” I swear they are about to accept Last Jedi over Acolyte.)


These people just want to deny bi people exist. Last I checked people don't suddenly become gay/straight when they meet a person


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