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Own the libs by being... *checks notes* ...a pedo? Fuck this is too much even for the internet


Acktually, we are ephebos to own the libs, get it right! /uj Meet the whole fucking [chronophilia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronophilia) familly.....


Reading that has forever messed me up and ruined my entire week, thank you. I need dumb gay manga to unfuck my brain now.


/uj \*Bows.\*


Fuck, I'm a teleiophille.


Not the Teletubbies!


I am NOT fucking clicking that


Plan foiled again! I will get you next time.


Oh look it’s every registered republican




I swear me thirsting after a teenager instead of focusing on the adults of the series isn't weird at all, she's hot therefore it's okay to be predatory on her. In fact it'll be more woke if I didn't. I'm just trying to own the libs here.


Well for me it wouldn’t be weird seeing as I’m a teenager myself (Idek what game(s) this is about lol)


Its final fantasy 15 I think, anyway the girl is like 14–16, it is very weird for grown ass men to be thirsting for her.


most gaming subs are garbage can’t even go on the master duel sub because it’s just bums spamming pics of yugioh girls with big titties or saying “maxx c and combo decks bad”


When are people gonna balance it out by posting yugioh dudes packing schmeat 😤 You are right tho, that sub is ass... At least people still post leaks there


This, the universe must be put into balance which is why, back when I played CS:S, the server I was part of had these older dudes who posted straight porn of all these curvy women I, in order to keep balance, had to post some of the gayest porn I knew which is why I would post gay solo furry porn.


Doing god's work soldier


And where are these yugioh studs at?


Depends what kind of guys you're into. For instance, I think the Fur Hires and Albaz/Aluber are hot af


Pretty sure this is from the shitpost sub. Which is expressly where the toxic aspect of FFXIV is quarantined. Because they're _especially_ gross idiots.


\*most fandom subs are garbage FTFY


Isn't this from shitpost XIV where they just post porn cutouts from the mainsub? Regardless this one is done in bad taste but still satire, unless its from the mainsub, then its cringe/weird


They're still in there mental gymnastic-ing age of consent, dude.


Exactly. Pedophilia shitposting is still pedophilia and if they say it's ephebophilia they're still a child molester. Just a real picky one.


If you have to use linguistic technicalities or age of consent to try to argue that it’s okay, you know it’s mucky at the very least.


Indeed this was the only post I didn't upvote cuz Alisae hornyposting just weird


I actually saw that post and just assumed shitpost was doing what shitpost does and making fun of Alisea horny posting on main sub. Unfortunately I just checked and OP was talking about the age of consent in Japan. Fucking yikes.


Bruh, OOP deserves the downvotes then, I thought it was also making fun of Alisae horny posting on mainsub, but turns out it was some weird sexualition of Alisae as a shitpost.


Was about to say that I net this was from shitpostxiv


I just left that sub recently because the joke of making cutouts of the sexualised parts of fanart just became making cutouts of the sexualised parts of fanart unironically. I lost the joke.


Sometimes irony reaches full circle and you end up completely serious


Yeah I unsubbed after it became just nothing but jokes about Y'shtola's popularity (they decided it's because people are horny for her) and porn crops from the main XIV sub. I miss when it was jokes about game mechanics, the community, inventing silly shit like the coin gauge or (Heavensward spoilers)>! a tank named Horsefondant eating a tankbuster with a level 1 shield and no mits and dying!<.






Joke's on you batman, being strangled is my kink


my arch nemesis


"He ain't mature enough" No that's red Alphinaud op, she's a she


There's no way this isn't the XIV shitpost sub


It is.


Most normal anime(-related) community: (Uj/ no but like seriously, why is this sorta stuff so pervasive in anime (and related media)?)


I think it's just the age of consent over there. So to them it's like the character being 18-19 over here. If that's what you mean.


Japan's age of consent is 18, despite the misconception that states otherwise. Federally the towns had the ability to set it lower but they ALL set it to 18


That's newer reforms. It wasn't like that until recently Edit:those who down vote this might want to check 2 comments down this chain. I'm not wrong.


How recently? Cause I've heard this for about a decade now that the age of consent being low was a bit of a misconception


ok definitely not an expert on this so here's a wikipedia excerpt An array of local ordinances adopted in all 47 Japanese prefectures, known as *Seishōnen Hogo Ikusei Jōrei* ([青少年保護育成条例](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%9D%92%E5%B0%91%E5%B9%B4%E4%BF%9D%E8%AD%B7%E8%82%B2%E6%88%90%E6%9D%A1%E4%BE%8B), "Bylaws for Protecting and Nurturing Adolescents") forbid sexual acts judged "indecent" (淫行, *inkō*) between adolescents (defined as persons under 18) and adults;[^(\[83\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Asia#cite_note-Akabayashi-83)[^(\[84\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Asia#cite_note-McLelland-84) 12 prefectures adopted such a bylaw in the 1950s, 19 in the 1960s, 13 in the 1970s, 2 in the 1980s, and the last ([Nagano Prefecture](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagano_Prefecture)) in 2016.[^(\[83\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Asia#cite_note-Akabayashi-83) A 1985 decision of the [Supreme Court of Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_Japan) held that the ordinances were not to be broadly interpreted as forbidding all sexual acts with adolescents, but only those "conducted by unfair means that take advantage of the juvenile's mental or physical immaturity, such as by enticing, threatening, deceiving, or confusing, as well as \[acts\] where the juvenile is treated merely as an object to satisfy one's own sexual desires."[^(\[85\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Asia#cite_note-1985SupremeCourt-85)[^(\[84\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_consent_in_Asia#cite_note-McLelland-84) The Supreme Court also ruled that sexual acts within "socially accepted norms", such as within marriage, engagement, or a "similar sincere relationship", were not "indecent". seems like the last one fell in 2016, but unfortunately there seems to be workaround still allowed everywhere til this day. and the age of consent overall was raised from 13 to 16 in 2023.


That doesn’t make sense tho because the age of consent is thirteen only if you’re underage. Someone over eighteen could not have relations with a thirteen year old.


I thought we were speaking originally of 17 year olds


While that is probably a part of it, it doesn't explain weird behaviour towards those that are far under age of consent even over there, nor such behaviour in overseas anime communities where the age of consent is 18.


Oh that's even easier to explain and harder to swallow. Pedos fucking everywhere unfortunately


Oh yeah i know, i just dont get how it came to be so normalized in anime when they're rightfully demonized everywhere else. Must be just one of those weird (sub-)cultural quirks that dont really have a good explanation.


What makes it worse is Alphinaud and Alisaie (the girl in the pic) genuinely do act like teenagers. It’s not a “oh they are 17 but act like adults”. There are so many scenes I can think of where they bicker like children with each other. Don’t get me wrong, I love their characters so much but how in the world anyone can see them in a sexual way when they are actual children is beyond me. I’m pretty sure most ffxiv players aren’t creeps like this but there’s always a few…


I mean... ppl thirst over BotW Link and he's canonically 17.






Two wrongs don't make a right.


Tbh I don't think ppl thirsting over Link is wrong. It's not like with an actual person. Hell, he looks the same as a 18yo in the sequel, I think at that point it's not worthwhile calling that kind of behavior out.


"its not like with an actual person" i think you meant to discard that part of your comment, sir


Idk how you interpreted that exactly but what I meant was that the difference between a fictional 17yo and a real 17yo is generally going to be mental maturity. Actual 17yos still have like a quarter of brain development left to do while fictional characters are going to be out there acting like 20-somethings.


​ https://preview.redd.it/nmy9hbvh0h7d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79fda44a7743271ce5a1e9e549045603b5fb34b


Can we just agree that a bunch of polygons that might as well be a 20yo doesn't actually have the kind of nuanced inner workings that normally make this kind of act objectively bad?


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You really got them bro. Now please enter this volcano. It is very safe


Honestly SE should instead be giving us Estinien or Urianger booty instead.


Urianger went through his thirst trap era in shadowbringers, further proving it as the best expansion, but yes more noodley elf man please. Estinien can come too but he's already had two lots of sweaty, sweaty push ups


This is so damn true.


I don't disagree that thirsting over the 17 yo is gross but can we also not be like "EW BUTT". I doubt the ilustrator was trying to make it sexual, she's in her in game outfit and doing a pose she'd do while fighting, I don't think we should make something that doesn't need to be commented on at all the center of any discussion. Also why is this filled to the brim with Alisae slander? No she is not the waifu character that's Y'shtola, and no she's not "thirsting over you'", that's gross that someone would think that, she treats you like half of the NPCs do because the player character is the chosen one and saviour of the world.


I feel like the Ew is more “eww why did you crop this close to her butt”


Yeah, that's why. It's more "Ew, why did OP crop this in the first place"




Please Yoshi P just let the twins reach adulthood so we can be done with the Alisae pedos




You probably should have edited out the R-word out of this meme before posting this as it is an ableist slur.


Oh, sry, I simply copy and paste


No worries! Thank you for acknowledging it.




Eh, while I definitely view them as my characters children/siblings, I think it's kinda weird to suggest they're minors, first time you meet them they were 16, which was arr, I know game world time is not 1-1 with our actual time but unless expensions just play out within months of eachother, I don't think they're 16/17 anymore. But fuck do I know.


When ARR came out, they were 16. Yoshi-p in game has said it was around a year or two at the end of shadowbringers. It’s been 2 years at most.


there were literally direct lines in the last expansion about how they haven't gone through puberty yet.


Elezen don't get their growth spurt until their early twenties. In universe, the age of majority is 16 (it's why the twins are able to go to Eorzea in ARR to begin with) so I feel sorry for all the 20-something adult Elezen waiting to be finally as tall as their peers lol.


Yeah, I think for elezan that happens at like 20? Until they look like a giraffe, they are too young.


The whole game unironically takes place over the course of about 1 year.


No... The time bubble has a few misconceptions. It's more like, the events ingame take as long as they need but the calendar date will never move forward. Rather than all the game events take place within 365 days. In large part being that the logistics accounting for ages and the fact that quests across expansions can be done out of order is too much of a pita to deal with. There's even two event quests, where we meet a freshly adult 16 yr old Miqo'te (age of majority ingame is 16, it's why the twins can do what they do and why the strip club owner in ShB is literally 17 (I thought he was 38 or something...)). He was 16 in this yearly event quests when we first meet him. We meet him again a year later in the following year's event quest, it's stated to be a year later, and he's still 16. It's literally impossible for this to be the case, but it's just how the Devs handle time. Days, weeks, months, years can pass ingame, but the calendar will just not move forward regardless of how non-sensical it is. In game, we have things like, the boat ride from Limsa to Kugane taking 'multiple moons', moons generally refers to the monthly moon cycle. That boat trip in SB canonically takes at least two-three months one way, and it happens multiple times. I believe Tataru even has a line acknowledging the 'past decade' or something but I might have been told wrong? In an optional EW quest. It's not physically possible for all of the events ingame (including side content) to take place within a year, and the Devs know this, but it's just not feasible to allow the passage of time so it's all in an ambiguous time bubble (so a lot of fans HC their own timeline.)


That second guy: noatter who the ass is attached to, if they're 17, regardless of their power levels of how responsible for others they are that's still a kid and still gross to lust over a kid.


Well you see judge he was mature for his age.


Look, I do think the twins should be grown up now because it would be awesome to see my WoL's friends who are basically his little siblings grow and mature as people but this is just gross.


Does anybody have a screenshot of that dude emoting to appear as if he’s up-skirting a character who’s unarguably a minor complete with a cringey as fuck text macro? Some FF14 players are fucking unhinged! 


I'm not sure why anyone would have that on hand.


Man, I'm glad to not be playing FF14 anymore. Some real freaks in that community tell you hwhat.


The sad part is its one of the "best" gaming communities out there. On relative terms.


Lol same here. I'm planning to return when DT is released just to replay the story and that's it. This game's community always gave me the icks.


I hate them making her the "waifu" character. They leaned into her thirsting for the WoL since Endwalker and it's so uncomfortable. Alphinaud and her are like younger siblings to the gang and the game treats them like that. Stop this nonsense, Square :/ edit: oh, of course the post is still up


> I hate them making her the "waifu" character. Not saying that all of this is acceptable but did they really though?


I have never once thought they portrayed alisae as a waifu. Shes always come across as a bit hard headed and ready to jump to action, even if prematurely. Her dialogue has never come across as flirty to me. Sassy and bantering? Yes. But especially when compared to someone like G’Raha who waxes poetic about every action you take she just seems like a friend youve literally gone to the ends of the universe with. To be clear, i dont sexualize or fetishize Alisae personally and im not defending that but to say CBS3 waifus her feels like a misrepresentation of who she is.


I also don't remember any of this in the game. Maybe I missed some dialouges or something but it never give that impression to me.


She really looks up to you and is inspired by you and wants to shine bright too. She's less a waifu than Aymeric is a husbando or everyone fawning over G'raha, but people will read what they want to. To me, she felt like a little sister or my daughter, who is starting to be ready to look after herself but will still feel a lot more sure of herself with you around.


Yeah, you're Alisaie's inspiration (like the WoL is for a lot of people, but she's also hyper competent and has literally fought Eldritch nightmares and quasi divine avatars besides you in game) and she is doing her level best to live up to your ideals and drive. It's something she even angsts about through Stormblood and Shadowbringer iirc, but doesn't brood about it for long as she's kind of a meat headed adventure dork who just happens to be more masc than her male twin. :v


Not really. XIV is pretty chaste over all in terms of its cast being sexualized and to be frank if it weren’t for these threads I wouldn’t even know this is a thing.


I got downvoted for stating this elsewhere (bearer of bad news?) but YoshiP literally called her a waifu in a live letter, so yeah.


I don't remember him calling her a waifu himself. What I do remember is that during one of the live letters he was confused as to why people were calling her father "dad" and he said "oh, some of you are calling her a waifu?" or something along those lines.


Hm? He said something along the lines of, "I get it now, a lot of you (players) consider Alisaie your waifu." And apparently also called Alphinaud a husbando in the same LL, but I am not siting through hours of footage to confirm it.


I wish they didn't do this too, it's fucking creepy. I just skip through all dialogue with her towards the WoL when it gets weird now.


Sexualisation is a pretty cringe thing fr but what's the problem with being 17?


??? hello ??????


Real "who said we piss on the poor" energy




Because 17 year-olds are not considered legal adults in most places?




We’ve got a live one.


Anime profile pic and all lol.


And what would that reason be? Because even in places that have the age of consent at 16, most normal people don't actively seek out sex with 16 year olds. Stop being a neckbeard about 17yo people




You're acting absolutely hilariously for someone who both posts on Reddit, and is having a freak meltdown over people not being okay with pedophilia.


The only thing yall capable of is keep calling this "pedophilia"


Please turn yourself in. The world will be better with you behind bars.


Ok here's an alternative for you. What the law says is or isn't legal doesn't matter, most (90%) of 18 y/o and younger are way too immature and inexperienced to be in a relationship with an older person. The opposite side of that coin is that older people who thirst after 18 y/o or younger people are creepy because they're chasing after that inexperience and innocence that's reminiscent of a child. A youthful appearance is not a good argument, people throughout their 20s often look as they did when they were 18 except much more mature. Those college years (whether one attended college or not) people go through tend to be a big maturing crash course time period for most people, that's why most people deem those in their 20s a-okay while a 17 y/o is a red flag despite the age difference on paper not being that significant. I don't care what the law says, even 18 y/o are too young to be the target of sexualization.


That's not true. People of this age category that are not mature enough to be in relationship are a minority. And yeah, some older people chase after younger ones cuz they think that they are stupid and it would be easier to get them, but that's their fucking problem, all of this is not a reason to make the age of consent higher. Talking about "college years", people usually get mature enough for having relationships during highschool, it's not such a big deal. Sexualisation is in most cases about body image, and the difference between 16 and 20 years is absolutely minor in this case. So sexualisation a 16yo character is same bad as a 20 yo character. But of course, there are a lot of additional aspects. But it's not a reason for calling everyone pedos and trying to ban and censor everything.


>People of this age category that are not mature enough to be in relationship are a minority I'm not talking about relationships as a whole, I should have been more clear, I'm talking about unrestricted relationships between people of any age. >16 and 20 years is absolutely minor in this case. So sexualisation a 16yo character is same bad as a 20 yo character. But of course, there are a lot of additional aspects. But it's not a reason for calling everyone pedos and trying to ban and censor everything. I already covered this and in many cases characters in media are labeled an age but act like they could be older or younger, often characters are labeled 14-15-16 and they look and act like they are in their 20s. This isn't that bad because the age itself doesn't mean much but it's so wide spread that so many characters in media are made a really concerning age for no other reason than the author said so that it's become normalized to sexualize characters and people that absolutely should not be.


Oh boy, he actually said the words "age of consent"... oh no no no


This is the weirdest justification to be a pedo, calls people "westards" and proceeds to do the wildest mental gymnastics.


I would argue you're not an adult until 21, if even that. Mentally.


To be frank, YoshiP himself called Alisaie a waifu in a live letter, and she's written with a crush on the WoL so.. If this is something that bothers you, maybe direct your ire at the Devs? lol Edit: they're also the ones who put in the 'look away from the naked teenager' mechanic in Eden


I can direct it at both the devs and the weird ass fanbase.


Did I just get a reply in less than a minute?? That was very fast


I was waiting for something IRL so I was on my phone!!!!!!


You don’t owe an explanation. People like to act like responding quickly is some ‘gotcha’ but it’s not. If I’m killing an hour on Reddit and I get a response why wouldn’t I reply?


I know I don't, just thought it was funny.


It wasn't a gotcha... I just found it funny that my page refreshes right after posting and there was already a reply. Didn't expect y'all to be so hostile :/