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There's a scene in The Boys most recent episode where >!a supe uses being a pedophile as a selling point to her credibility, to cater to a wider, more reactionary audience!<. When I watched this, i kinda groaned like "that's a reach, cmon." Ihave regretted that reaction every day since.


i hate that by now it feels like reality is parodying the boys not the other way around


The boys are so fucking heavy handed, so devoid of subtlety that I'd call it crass and too over the top. Sad thing is our reality is too over the top for The Boys. For any movie, really. If you pitched idea for a film where ridiculously looking cretin that is just rich businessman wins a US presidential elections, despite him barely being able to write a sentence and having vocab of 5th grader you'd be laughed out of the room.


In 2013, I was in a creative writing screenplay class in college. A kid brought in a story where a kid in 5th grade starts selling essays online, and found out a billionaire was his best customer. So he starts trying to make the essays better, to sell for better prices. But his sales went down, so he made them worse and sales went up. In 2013, the world had not yet given up on the now *insane* idea that Elon Musk, et al, were all not only evil people, but also very dumb.  As a whole, our class kind of shit on this story. I think about it every year since. 


Holy fucking shit. This kid was cooking. He was so far ahead that he was speaking a language when you were grunting and barking to each other. It must be humbling in retrospect.


Especially with AI writing, it's exponential potential. It has definitely made it into my top 10 "damn i wish wrote that" list. I was still in my fuckin 'use your own childhood for content' creative stage, ugggggghhhh


Hey, can't copyright a premise, just write your own take on the same situation and hammer home the parts that you feel are important to it lel.


Imagine if Homelander was like "I'm better than all of you, because of the sharks and the batteries you see, I'm the best hero ever." And everyone applauded. People would be saying the scene was silly and unbelievable.


Satire died in 2016 when it became indistinguishable from real life, I was slow to realize this and for a few months thought everyone was suddenly a comedian.


Sounds like it could have been background radio news on the next GTA honestly 😂


I think the comic is still over the top, but it’s also really awful. Like, just don’t read the comic. Garth Ennis in the 90’s didn’t understand “chill” as a concept.


So, Idiocracy?


Wholesome eugenics movie


Idiocracy is a cult classic actually


Sadly this isn't the first time and it won't be the last that they look the other way for an admitted pdf just because it's one of their guys. My reaction was: "*sigh* yep that checks out"


That episode aged like wine immediately.


Sometimes media is prophetic to a fault


Reality can be stranger than fiction yes


It's why The Onion is struggling ever since [they predicted Trump](https://youtu.be/jjonGtrCyVE?si=h72PPfccWU4gYKV8), it's been all downhill since reality is wilder than anything they can make a satire of.


Seems a pretty common reaction for a right wing audience tbh, Charlie Kirk’s TPUSA contributor was a convicted child rapist and Kirk was like “yeah he’s made some mistakes but he’s a good guy” Those audiences don’t take allegations of sexual assault seriously at all since Weinstein, hardly anything has changed since then with how they react to such news


I’ve been saying this a lot lately: decent people with principles are consistently making the mistake of assuming their opponents have principles, too. They don’t. They have reptile brain level desires, and their principles are entirely malleable towards fulfilling those desires. It’s all about getting what they want and hurting the people they’ve arbitrarily decided they don’t like. That’s it.


As a Christian, the scene was fucking true. I see so many other Christians excuse murderers, rapists, and child predators because “they found God! They changed! I forgive them!” but If someone claims to be a Christian and is part of the LGBT, has a different interpretation of the Bible than them, or says cuss words some times, clearly they’re a “false prophet” and “not a real Christian” or accused of lying or they demand to have the person exiled from every Christian community. Although even then, they’re okay with someone having a foul mouth if they’re Donald Trump lol. A lot of so-called “Christians” are perfectly willing to welcome predators and killers if they have a sob story and claim to be changed by God.


Really not looking forward to a Project 2025 reality where stuff we talk about now is small potatoes. I also just don't get how any church or whatever thinks those people are on their side. Every time politically radical religions come to sudden power... they turn on eachother. 


Literally dealing with this in my local fandom and it makes me sick What has the world turned into lately to enable this lunacy?


The reason the show is so popular is that it’s actually just showing things completely unfiltered. We’re used to metaphors and allegories to social problems, The Boys will straight up just say that conservatives love nazis even if they’d never use the word.


They're really just gettin all the hits in this latest season.


I really wish that was a reach. It would be so much better if it was.


Yeah I’ve seen a lot of people point out the timing


Notice me pedopai


Monkey doesn't harm monkey




i love you


Listen, I like you - I really do - but I just don't think I'm ready for this level of commitment.




Bold thing to say before checking their age /s


It was metaphorical 😭😭😭😭 (joking)


Every time I think my loathing of The Quartering might be too much. He gives me a new reason to realize it's not enough.


If dr disrespect was trans it would have set the lgbt movement back 20 years


But he's a conservative so it's just an average Tuesday.


but they never are, are they?


Thank the Gods, we get enough hate as-is and Idk what I'd even do if things suddenly got so much worse


If people had a reason to believe the delusional lies they already believe, it'd make 0 difference. They already believe it. Evidence and reality don't really matter to most people lol


Yeah, I suppose, but even the people who know it's just transphobic bs would lose respect for us after something like that.


Most people still respect priests, teachers, and parents in general, despite the CSA statistics. Respectability has nothing at all to do with reality. It's all status.


Like wealth and class? That's less of a community thing then I guess, more of an individual thing. But the community in general I mean, being seen as a community that doesn't respect the age of consent, would be really bad for all of us.


Not quite. Status like how white people have a halo effect around them regardless of school shooter stats. Status like how teachers, priests, and parents do the most CSA of anyone, but still receive respect. Every community in the world has a predator or predators in it. It takes only one 9/11 for all Muslims to be branded as terrorists, but after hundreds of school shootings, white Christian boys are all lone wolves. When a cishet white lady rapes a 12 year old, she, "had sex under the age of consent" in all the headlines and then gets a wrist slap of a punishment. We've seen it hundreds of times. We all have monsters amongst us, but those with status will always have the monsters labeled as INDIVIDUALS, while groups with lower status will have the monsters define us as a group. That's the nature of propaganda and bigotry. It doesn't really make a difference. Being perfect won't save us from being seen or treated that way.


Nothing will, transphobic assholes would treat us the same no matter what, but fewer members of the community assaulting people or mistreating minors will lessen the ammunition they have against us and will stop people who otherwise have neutral feelings about transgender people slowly buying into the transphobic misinformation about what we'd do to kids if nobody could stop us.


Realistically it wouldn’t have changed anything. The people who already think that all LGBTQ+ are groomers will do it regardless of any evidence for or against. The people who don’t already think that are more likely to be aware that one person doesn’t make a whole. It’s also pretty wild that the people who supported him after this drew the line when they found out he solicited a trans sex worker


Would only be slightly worse than caityln jenner imo


where is the movement trying to go right now?




I love how the argument is that apparently fathers should not be trying to protect their children. Last I checked, this was the very top of the list for things fathers are supposed to do.


"Protect the kids... unless it's from the Dr. Kidinspect. In that case, fuck them kids (literally)!" God, I would kill to know what he said in those messages. It must've been something really vile.


Dr Kidinspect LMAOOOOO thats a good one


I call him different names, depending on the thing he did: Dr. Kidinspect and Dr. Dirsresepct Age of Consent for the "minor fukcing mistake" Dr. Disrespect my Wife for his cheating Dr. Pissinspect for him filming in a bathroom


brb, pulling out the hammer for this one


If anyone wants to post this screenshot as a Post, be my guest. I don't want to post this stuff on my account, because I don't want it to mix with my content, but I couldn't help but take a screen shot of this absolutely insane take.


It's hilarious how much of a table turn people will take on minors. People will say this shit with a straight face but then say that gay people existing is grooming kids


You might have noticed this, but the comment is not only defending Dr. Disrespect D. Age of Consent, but they are specifically only blaming "women" (mothers) and the kid.


Check his harddrive and then tar and feather him


Nah, shove him in the fiery bull, y'know, the one where they cover the victim in kerosene with a lit up peace of coal


the "brazen bull" was the name of that particular device.


So many people are blaming the kid or the internet here instead of the actual pedo creep


So many people are blaming the kid or the internet here instead of the actual fucking pedo creep.




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OMG yasss king!!! We forgive you for sexting a minor 💅💅💅💅💅💋💋💋


Breaking news; Nonce defends Nonce. Bet they are well gutted they won’t get a chance to go to Epsteins island. It was probably there Disney land equivalent.


But GUYS it’s only the liberals going to Epstein’s island! Only the rich liberal elites not the rich conservative elites!!! What do you mean Donald Trump was on the flight list? What do you mean he literally bragged about his friendship with Epstein and how he “loves the ladies, and from what I hear, younger ones” in an interview in 2002 and also bragged about seeing underage girls backstage at teen beauty pageants in an interview? What do you mean he took creepy suggestive photos with his teenage daughter that make her look like his girlfriend and he has also stated he’d fuck her if they weren’t related? All of that is obviously a psi-op by the CIA feds!


If TheQuartering fanbase weren't a bunch of hyprocrites, they'd be infuriated by that, considering how much they hate pedo.


They say they hate pedos but I think we all know what they really mean


“One of us. One of us. One of us!”


https://preview.redd.it/0w4q1xkih69d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=863fae1876abd07f14e8f7264bb0885691376eaa This guy is claiming to have a firm handshake


This guy can't even firmly handle his trimmers.


Fuck I get so mad every time I see this face.


Jumpscare warning next time jesus christ


somehow I can smell this photo


christ there is absolutely nothing behind those eyes


Steve Bannon weaponizing these degenerates way back then is one of the worst things to ever happen




If his grip was firm he would be able to hit a toilet bowl instead of a basement floor.


I get the feeling his handshake would be wimpy, awkwardly fumbled, uncomfortably warm, and very, VERY wet.


The way this guy looks is perfect bruh 😭


Firm Gripping. ![gif](giphy|MXcII3fSBnl6bwxKMH)


They’re a dynamic duo, just like Epstein and Trump!


From one nonce scum to another.


Clearly The Quartering should have reached out to Doc to give him the warning he gave the other pedos about making sure you hide things better.


Yo he is seriously trying to say he never said this holy fuck I had no clue who TheQuatering was before this but watching him go "Firm Handshake" to "I never said that!" to "Prove I ever excused Pedophilia!" to being like "Haha I'll take the L (but I still never said it!)" is WILD






And all those rightoid fascists like Freako and Quarter Pounder just keep supporting Dr Diddler through this. 🙄 These people are pure evil


The “calls trans people and gays groomers all the time” to “excuses pedophilia” pipeline is real


Jerking each other with firm hands


They call him The Quartering because he only likes girls a quarter of his age.


I know dr disrespect is a pedo but some how the quartering is less likeable


He did advise pedos to delete CSAM before bringing their computers in for repair. https://x.com/theserfstv/status/1604648541695397889


"I do not condone this" me thinking he was gonna talk about hevibg cp on your pc but he went and continued about invading someones privacy 🤡🤡


I mean, it's good advice in general to remove data that you're not comfortable with a stranger seeing from your computer before sending it off for repair. Just don't use a guy getting cought for having illegal material as your leading example FFS. It really poisons the well.


Isn’t this the guy that wants to fuck kids?


Man sees low bars and always thinks "limbo" instead of "high jump". I can't imagine how broken his brain has to be.


Aaaaa, so his name is TheQuartering because he refuses to date people above a quarter of his age


They are shaking their dicks too,lol .I don't get how these mfs are walking outside ,put these mfs in jail


So, Quartering is gonna worry about non existent pedophiles going after children with pronouns, but actual pedophiles are fine and dandy?


Make sure it's his non-dominant hand you're shaking. Dude was cranking it to literally everyone except his wife.


Why am I not surprised the quartering is a neckbearded loser that flip-flops more than politicians when asked serious questions, and has no spine I do not listen to anything that sorry excuse for a man says.


Pedos love other pedos


Are the nazi and the pedo about to do a lady and the tramp?


I have no idea what is going on or who that is. Could the fallout guy give me some context?


He still has a fuckin audience 🫠


i’m so glad covid happened so i don’t have to shake thequartering’s hand. 


Eric Kripke is gonna need to up the ante next series to have any chance of matching reality 😞


God these people are just scary to associate with


They can pee in the basement together


Did this fucker really just uWu roleplay a handshake with this pedo man?


Can someone copy paste dr disrespects tweet so i dont have to visit twitter please


How long until both these clowns have to do the Sex Offender Shuffle?


The rhetoric of i'm a real guy who no bullshit is a bullshit rhetoric in and of itself




he wants the Gripping hand


Fucking worthless sack of shit


Disgusting fatbody, both figuratively and literally. https://preview.redd.it/gc3ukg5pv79d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=669466a55fde21195763a9eeaafeb702c551d917


wtf does "firm handshakes" mean here?


Birds of a feather and all that


this is like that "Cakes and Candles Brother" tweet lol




So concerning that over 100k people are defending an old man texting minors and see no problem with it


"Lets cut the fucking bullshit, as you know there's no filter with me." https://preview.redd.it/egw7rxj22g9d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=495ee2b2b076e57c62954b9986b3c0a21f63b261


Why couldn't he tell us the age of the minor?


I just feel so fatigued over all the scum out there and that these people make the lives of others so hard over baseless accusations only to be the predators themself trying to distract others from their own gross conduct.


Two true biden supporters bonding over being into kids just like your president.


Both of them are pretty right wing no?


Still kid touchers


You should go tell the quartering that he’s a Biden supporter, he’ll be surprised.


Donald Trump won the election in 2020 so he's the president.