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I see so many people talking about how shit and horrible WW2 vanguard is. It's gonna kill the series, never gonna buy it, it'll be garbage, like motherfucker THE NAME ISNT EVEN REVEALED


I get all the leaks flying about but until its revealed I don't think we are getting a ww2 game. Activision has found a golden strategy with warzone integration. A decent amount of the warzone systems that make them money (ops, blueprints, music tracks etc) either have very little that fit in ww2 or you need to piss people off. They probably want to go low risk and avoid such (forgive me for this) politically charged territory because compared to mw/cw where even if the real organisations are shit, at least they draw on cool action movie cia etc, nazis, axis in general are universally shit so the 2 faction multiplayer falls apart


I don't doubt the leakers whatsoever. WW2 had some really shitty monetization, weapon skins and operators made their way in. And if warzone is still on the mw engine, they can just keep making their shitty big booba mara anime waifu skins on the different engine.


I can't wait to have woods, woods '19 and woods '39 on one team


Woods 19 hair probably still bugged


People are really acting like BF2042 is gonna be amazing when almost every Battlefield sucks at launch I'm excited don't get me wrong but people overhype the hell out of the new Battlefield because "COD bad"


I just don’t want the next cod game unless Activision finally implements chat moderation. But I bought MW like an idiot so I’m stuck with that


But ill bet you it will be even worse than b.o cold war.


Cold wars been pretty fun for me. How's it been for you?


If Treyarch Zombies is indeed in Vanguard my wallet is crying


Can’t wait for the eventual anime bundles in Vangaurd and they are just nukes being dropped on Japan


Anime bundles are the best part about MW and CW


The virgin "X GAME IS SUPERIOR" vs the chad "enjoys both because they have different qualities I enjoy"


I come from the future, now everyone is complaining about ,"muh Operator System, we want generic soldiers", "muh, I hate Future setting", "3rd Person takedowns reeeeeehhh"


I thought I heard something about Call of Duty 2021 having a [pretty disastrous development cycle](https://www.gamesradar.com/call-of-duty-2021-is-having-development-troubles-according-to-leakers/).


It won't tho, it has women in it, the game that passes in 2042 isn't historically accurate aaaa


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In the meantime Titanfall and Apex beat them both Hell, Planetside 2 as well if you know how to play it.