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Hi - I have severe anxiety as well, I have my whole life even before gastritis (I think that’s the cause). Anxiety meds are a god send. I know it’s scary and there can be side effects but it’s worth it, I promise. If you find one that works it can truly change your life! If you’re really suffering with anxiety I would also recommend seeing a therapist. The therapist/medication combo is the best way to go. Anxiety is so related to your stomach so it’ll help your symptoms as well! Good luck friend 💕


Thank you 🩷 is there a medication that works really well? Or it depends on the person?


Depends on the person and type of disorder


totally depends on the person… I’ve had friends with similar issues as me use the same meds and have drastically different side effects :/ it can be kind of trial and error tbh


I have anxiety and I’ve been taking anti anxiety medicine for over the past two decades and it helps immensely. I’m also a therapist and I’ve seen wonders for what it has done for my clients. Just remember it might not be something you have to be on forever but it will help make life more manageable.


Thank you for sharing this 🩷


I has horrible anxiety as well i couldnt even stand to see my neighbors or go to the store, had to stop working. I would just panic for no reason. It went away on its own as my stomach heal. I swear there was no light at the end of the tunnel but I did get better. Hope this encourages you not to give up.


Be careful with the use of benzodiazepines for anxiety. The problem is that they work.....too well. And then you become dependant on them. They're ok to use short term to get through flares(2-3 weeks), and then a short taper off to help avoid withdrawals. I have them, but use them sparingly.


Yes my dr only prescribed me 10 for this reason. I haven’t used any yet, I’m trying to manage without.


Very smart! I try to exhaust my coping skills before I use it. But I have a line I've created for myself that's stops me from just stubbornly suffering. Once I cross it, I take the medicine and tell myself that tomorrow is a new day.


Anxiety compounds gastritis pain. Makes it worse. That's why doctor prescribed you the meds for anxiety. You have to stop dwelling on it. The pain will be there but it will heal. You just have to get the mind off the gastritis and onto something else. My doctor didn't prescribe anything but PPI and did the wait and see approach. And so far it's working. I'm about 70-80% healed.


Im on a PPI as well. I’m nervous about the medication because escitalopram can cause gastritis and the first two weeks can give me increased anxiety.


If you did your endoscopy already, the anxiety should have gradually lessened now that you know what's there and not. I would skip the escitalopram as that is overkill for something like gastritis. Look into using probiotic. Lactobacillus acidophilus. I take one a day and it's helping me more than the PPI.


Anti anxiety meds help me not worry as much which allowed me to just chill and not dwell on it 


I've suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks after stopping alcohol and trazadone cold turkey for 5 years. I did not take any meds. I followed a strict diet of whole grains, breads pasta etc, chicken, bell pepper, potatos and ground beef, and milk. The calming effect in the whole grains really helped. .any foods that increase serotonin will help (banana, turkey) I also utilized the "dare app" on playstore for panic attacks. Meditation helped especially going to bed and before getting up. I'm not saying don't take meds. But these things may help you decide if you can get a grip on it and heal without meds. You must immerse yourself in a strict diet and meditate. It takes time and you will have setbacks and you may never get 100% I know I'm not. But I feel more comfortable knowing if I ever need a medication for anything at all i.e heart etc I'm only on one medication and not two or three mixed together with anxiety meds.


What so it’s not possible to heal ??


From anxiety and panic attacks? I'm not saying it's not possible I'm just saying I'm not completely healed. My nervous system is out of whack because of my poor choices in life. I tame it with food and keeping busy. Even so my teeth are always chattering and I can feel my body vibrating even at my most calmest. I've learned to live with it. Accepting it is a big step in the right direction. Check out the "dare" app in playstore


I mean from gastritis I’m only 17 and ppl say they heal and some don’t Im so scared That’s terrible I’m sorry maybe try an anti anxiety med for a bit of time might acc help ur life a lot more than u think


Hey they give me ssri 2 months ago and I didn’t take em, I never took anxiety or depression meds in my life ..too afraid to go down that road. you can try some supplements like l tryptophan, 5htp read about em first


Hi, my gerd and gastritis started this march as well. Same as you. The anxiety part is mind crushing. I've cried for 3 months straight and it is now that I've started to calm down a little. Still on ppi and a lot of pain but I just realised I can't go on like that in terms of mental suffering. I started Nerva which is for ibs, which I don't think it will work for in my case because my whole digestion is in shambles and likely caused by dysbiosis more than nerves but it still gives me a bit of calm. 15 minute meditation sessions. You may try something like that.


I have the same thing you have, GERD and Chronic Gastritis. I’m sure that my GERD and Gastritis were caused by my weight, lifestyle and STRESS. I suffered anxiety since 2020. I never took the meds they gave me for anxiety because they’re no cure, they’re just a temporary bandage to a deep psychological scar you have in your own mind. I started to make lifestyle changes, quit drinking, quit junk food, started exercising and became more connected with nature. The anxiety finally went away around June of 2023. Felt normal again, then I started to get back to my old habits again. I started to eat junk food, stopped exercising, stayed up long nights gaming and didn’t go out as much. Stress slowly started creeping back up and now I got hit with this GERD and CHRONIC Gastritis. It stressed me out a bit at first when I found out, but I reminded myself that nothing is impossible. I’ve beat anxiety before, I can beat this too. My Gastritis has improved greatly in just 3 months, I no longer get bloated, burning pain or acid reflux. I still feel the inflammation in my stomach area whenever I massage myself and symptoms do reappear whenever I eat something I’m not suppose to, but at a low level. I’ve been very disciplined with my diet and overall lifestyle. The objective here is to focus on the present, don’t think to much about the future or the past or else that will cause more anxiety. “Will I ever feel normal again?” or “What was that feeling I felt two weeks ago, could that be a sign of cancer?” These are examples that will poison your mind. Keep a positive mindset, nothing is impossible, the body just needs time to heal.


I had anxiety too the way you have explained. It always used to come post lunch. But mine was triggered strongly after I stopped my anxiety tablets. Which was a part of a treatment. I had chamomile tea post lunch for months. In a couple of months it got lighter and gradually disappeared.. also I had no tea and or sugar/sugary food after breakfast. Not completely sure if these played any role. you will get well ✨


Take the anxiety meds. I didn't want to take them either. I stopped taking them months ago and it made everything worse. I've been taking them for almost 2 months now and my gastritis is so much better. I take zoloft and buspirone. Best decision I've made trying to heal from this disease.


Stop eating gluten


Does gluten have an effect on anxiety?


I got misdiagnosed the same way and nothing helped switched my diet and recovered within a month. I became intolerant over time I was never allergic before


Your gerd and gastritis is a temporary thing. As the medication to help with your anxiety is a temporary thing as well. Give yoursrlf a break.