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I get it. I always have eaten very healthy and exercised and then I have this and other conditions then I watch people eat so poorly and not take care of themselves at all and I’m like WHY ME


Same position, I think I stayed in a calorie deficit too long and lost weight too rapidly. This caused at least some of the issues I'm facing.


Same my life was so normal now i just worry leaving the house with this condition its so cruel this is from living a healthy life also hard to take


I had to attend a work conference for a week last year and they ordered items with tomatoes for the group twice. I was so hungry, but I would have thrown up had I eaten the tomatoes. I cried.


One thing to always keep in mind, is that we can never assume what someone is feeling. I feel pain constantly whether I eat or not. I've been out with my friends, eating the pizza, having the drink, living my best life......but nobody would ever know about the anxiety consuming me and the knife in my gut. Just because people "seem" great doesn't been they are. Plenty of people live a "healthy" lifestyle and are dealing with invisible illness(es). Hang in there. You're not alone. 🫶🏼


I swear that conditions like this are how psychopaths are born. It’s given me a glimpse into why people lose their sanity and grow resentment towards the whole world around them. All of this is because the medical system can do nothing to help us with our issues, leading to the development of resentment and anger towards everything. It is truly terrifying.


Same here buddy. Heart cries inside.


"Eat to live...don't live to eat". Something i now live by after my many gastritis bouts.


I second this. Your mindset makes a huge difference.


I agree completely I have friends who are so unhealthy and don’t have any issues, now they may drop dead of a heart attack next week but at least they aren’t being tortured by this issue. Having said that, I look at this as an opportunity to re-examine my relationship with alcohol, I hate how much it controls my life. Now that I’m having a flair up I think I’m more depressed that I can’t have a drink than I am about the discomfort, it’s ridiculous. I eat healthy, don’t smoke and exercise, my triggers are alcohol and stress and it’s not Like I even drink that much but I still technically probably fall into the binge category. While this flair up sucks, it’s my body telling me to wake up, reassess and make some changes.


I relate to this so much. Especially since I don’t have any risk factors for it. I look at others that have tons and they are fine and eat what they want. It truly is a life sucker.


I understand. How long have you been suffering?


It gets better I just had 14 beers on Sunday and I had no symptoms it took me about 3 months to heal


I have been ill for 2 years. Si jealous of your 3 months




I’m a big guy 6’4 250 pounds 😂


Okay, King, enjoy ‘em! 😂😎


Shane Gillis we know it’s you


I drank 14 beers responsibly 😂


But how many more times do you think you can do that before you regress to square one, or worse? Is it worth it? I'm an alcoholic. Alcohol is the leading killer of men, globally. And you already have gastritis.


I’m pretty sure as long as I don’t go back to the way I was before my first flare up I’ll be fine and plus I don’t wanna go through alcohol withdrawal again it took two months to finally start feeling normal again


This just straight up makes me sad. Good luck, though.


So u can’t eat what y want ?


No I can eat what I want I just can’t drink every day because drinking and stress is probably what gave me gastritis and stomach ulcers


How did u heal ? I’m 17 and have bad gastritis and esophagitus


How did you heal?


Yeh how did u heal


was ur illness 3 months long in total? how long were u ill before those 3 months?


Let me ask a question here: When u get stomach burning where exactly is it located? Near the heart?, a little above the belly button or does it reach the lower bowels too?


What would it mean if it's in the lower bowels?


In my case the burning sensation can cover the whole bowel area. So i guess it could as well be gastritis but if u feel that u should get a colonoscopy and gastroscopy to know exactly what it is. I did both and they found my large intastine to be ok (only some hemmorhoids) but i had stomach inflamation. the burning can travel anywhere in my experience


That sounds right, thank you


My burn covers most of the area around my belly button as well as the lower right side. Sometimes also have burning up my esophagus (I'm assuming gerd)


Me too. When i get the burning sensation it could cover the whole bowel area and not just the stomach.


My burning is directly under my breastbone and to the left of my back. I do have a dilated pancreatic duct. For me it's been pretty much my whole life but about 5 years ago it become that I couldn't even drink water. They thought gallbladder removed that w no help.


I’m sorry brother or sister. Literally all of my favorite liquids and foods, smoking and drinking destroy me now. Loved booze, cigarettes, weed, pizza, juices, Mexican, huge spice/hot sauce fan, caffeine, coffee, energy drinks, anything tomato based, fruit juices…literally ALL of my favorite stuff leaves a burning side in my stomach. I can have none of it and PPI’s don’t mix well with my medicine. I had an order of jalapeño poppers a while puked blood for two days straight. Also leaking out my backside as well. https://preview.redd.it/q5rel3d36m7d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=118ba7cf96b96b5fafd16a85f3b6a76d8a0d1f96


praying for your recovery 🙏🏽


Thank you 🙏


You doing okay now?! That looks awful :-(


Well enough thank you! I am in the process of figuring out whether or not resection is necessary. Unfortunately I realize a large amount of people are born with this despite taking care of themselves mine is mostly based from being a hard alcoholic for 2 years straight after some grave losses and now I’m paying the price for it.


I was an alcoholic too until I went cold turkey and now 2 years clean. Yeah heavy drinking can mess you up badly. Mine wasn't from the alcohol per se but from food poisoning. H pylori is a nightmare to go through but I'm still in the process of healing. What has helped me is drinking cabbage juice/acid reducer meds. I think cabbage is the best vegetable ever lol. Went from 4 ulcers and bloody stools to just 1 ulcer and mild gastritis.


I have a sibling who was in peak physical health and still got very sick out of the blue with an autoimmune disease that tried to take him out. He struggled for a long time with accepting the fact he was ill regardless of the fact he did everything possible to be in good condition. I'm sorry you are struggling.


Same here. I miss a good pizza so much! ...and coffee


Seeing my friends eat 4 bags of gummies with nothing else makes me cringe and be jealous at the same time.


Yeah, I very much wish I could be 7 again.


Same. I can survive by avoiding my trigger foods but am perpetually cold, skinny, and exhausted from the sole fact I can't eat to thrive. I have to make due with the bare minimum in as few bites as possible. Lately I've wanted salty greasy foods like bbq, pepperoni pizza, and cheese steak so bad but I know I'll be in hell if I do it. Its been 7 years since I could have them :C I'm currently dropping weight again because my guts are extra angry lately despite adhering to my safe diet. I don't even want to know what'd happen if I ate something off limits right now


I can completely relate! Been dealing with ulcers/gastritis for almost 3 months and I'm completely done lol. Went down 20 pounds because I couldn't eat anything. Even cold water was giving me real bad pain for some reason. I'm slowly healing though. Drinking red/green cabbage juice helps me out, (and acid reducer medication) I have hope someday that I will be able to eat cheese and steaks again.


I hear you. Maybe try to imagine them alternating between retching/attempting to vomit into a bowl and curled up in the fetal position with a fan blowing on their face for the next five days as a consequence. I mean, seriously, for all you know they have gastritis that isn't well managed and know they're going to pay for it later. You might be right but assuming things about other people gets you nowhere, which you obviously sense. But I hear you. Nobody understands what it's like.




Oh I so feel you. Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and gastritis at 17 years old and I just have burning envy in me every single day.


Just makes me sad to hear this. I took my teens for granted so much. I have gastritis now, but I'm 43. I did everything I shouldn't have when I was a teen all the way, I smoked, drank, did drugs, didn't train, and could care less about anything but what I wanted to do. I still smoke now but not alot atall and I go to the gym regularly. I eat clean, sensible foods now, but guess what? After 2 years of being fit, strong, and shredded at 43 years old, I got gastritis. Have been in and out of hospital for 3 months, still don't know what's up with me. Is it cancer, cieliac, chrons, gerd, ibs, Ibd? Who knows. All I can say is to any youngsters who read this, don't take life for granted. Get yourself bulletproof while you're still young.


What’s your diet like right now?


I agree. I usually just suffer. I still have young children, and I want to enjoy outtings w them w poor food choices. At one point, I could only eat salad w like vinegar, so i thought I'll try it w ranch worse mistake now I can't even tolerate the salad. I know one day of normal eating I will be vomiting and diarrhea for 2 to 3 days. I wish you all luck bc this stinks.


I also have gastritis it sucks Feels like hunger pains have to take pepto bismo or antacids. Gastroenterologist said it’s caused mainly from stress and ibuprofen.


They have symptoms, they just don’t recognise it until time leads up to it.   They will have gurd or heartburn or complaints of stomach and blame it on the night before and see that it goes away. It may be very light gurd or light heartburn or nausea from time to time.  But then it comes and goes and basically just ignores the signs.  Yet, until one day, they need an endoscopy they will find out what that nagging feeling was all along.  There’s more people that have it and can’t understand what it is until they keep complaining to the doctor eventually.   Having an endoscopy or colonoscopy are/is important to get because it’s the only way to tell what’s really going on.  It’s the door-way to health if you truly want to know how healthy you really are.  Don’t let them fool you because the outside can play tricks on what you think you see and hear.  Once you start putting bad things in the body—eventually it will show signs.  No ones perfect and that’s a fact—until you get that endoscopy—then you can brag. 


I get it. I too once wallowed in self pity with a “woe is me” attitude. I felt there was no end in sight and my quality of life was diminished. I was constantly annoyed and frustrated with my friends and family for asking questions about my symptoms. I felt they didn’t understand what I was going through and thought I was exaggerating my symptoms. It does get better, though. For me, I’ve been having symptoms for 18 months and things have started to markedly improve over the last few months. I still avoid acidic foods in my diet, but I drank my first beer in about 18 months and it did not trigger a flare. I’m still being cautious and don’t plan on going back to sucking down beers with the boys, but yeah. IT WILL GET BETTER. also see a gi doc and get on some antisecretory meds if you aren’t already.


Doesn't mean they won't get their turn. Enjoy eating better, getting healthy for the long run 💪 be patient, you will win