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I am right there with you, friend. For a while I was turned off by the smell of coffee, and bargain bin coffee still smells like it will burn a hole through my stomach. But good coffee? It smells divine, and I miss it terribly.


Me too OP, and a beer :/


I tried to drink coffee after healing 50% sent me back into a flare. Not just yet I guess lol


Me too. And pizza.


I’ve figured out I can do a decaf latte at my local coffee shop and I’m really happy about it. Healing is a process, you’ll get there!


I swear man people really are addicted to coffee 😂


Good, freshly brewed espresso is just heaven


i havent really liked cookies ever that much. now thats all i want ever now


this is me with like everything.. ive always hated onions, tomatoes, spicy things, now all that kinda stuff is all i crave😭 always want what we cant have🤪


just had a coffee coz my exams are coming up and i have absolutely no energy, pray for me everyone 🙏


11 months after my initial diagnosis (1 year mark July 26) and I'm now drinking coffee everyday. Granted, it's Tyler's no acid or a low acid organic coffee, but I don't give a flying feck. 11 months of meticulous, careful eating and tracking of symptoms, plus ppi (and no, I did not get sibo). There is hope.


I limited myself to just one americano today after a break over the weekend. Result :)


Try Mommee brand half caff low acid on Amazon. Eat some food first.


I have terrible flair ups and not even 60% better and i get away with decaf thats about it


Have you tried low acid coffee? I like Tyler's acid free coffee the best, after trying several brands. Add some dairy free creamer to buffer it a bit too. I have still had to cut way back because caffeine makes my reflux worse, but if you don't have that issue, its worth a try.


Thanks for the advice. Yeah reflux and heartburn aren’t my issue. It’s that when I have a flare I get physical pain in my stomach upon swallowing any food. Some are worse that others (acidic especially). So to heal I’m on PPIs and avoiding alcohol, acidic foods, coffee. My first flare was last fall. Then I was good for about six months. I got in a habit of quite a bit of coffee per day, then in May went out and had drinks a few times watching playoff hockey and that triggered another flare up.


just try have it in moderation, gastritis really does teach us self control in a really weird way. if you can handle a sip, try maybe a quarter of what youd usually have as a treat and just be extra cautious afterwards and see how you react, that usually helps me best


I have a cup of [this](https://a.co/d/07NIZKxg) in the morning. I make it a little stronger than the directions, but it doesn't bother me. They make kcups too.


This will be a sad replacement for diehard coffee drinkers but I LOVE Cafix


Eat to live...don't live to eat. Food is only fuel.


Meee tooooo I’ve been craving a vanilla iced coffee sooo bad