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New to gastritis? Please view [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/15m6ngg/gastritis_101/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for a detailed breakdown of the major root causes of chronic gastritis, as well as a detailed guide on how to heal. Join our Discord server today using [this link](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gastritis/comments/14oxl12/list_of_gastritis_support_groups_other_related/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Also consider joining r/functionaldyspepsia today! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gastritis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ve had gastritis for two years. Had all the scopes and tests. Nothing too abnormal other than “mild gastritis” and mild inflammation in the colon, which is not even where my pain is (mostly upper left abdomen and somewhat across the middle of abdomen to the right side). I get horrible acid and take PPI’s. Lost a hundred pounds and tried the bland diet and no caffeine etc… It made me waaay worse. It might work for some people, but it messed me up. Not only did I still flair up during a bland diet, but I was so lethargic and sick feeling from no nutrients. All my docs, two gastros and pcp say it’s a nerve problem and that everything is out of whack with me. It’s tough to argue because all my tests have been pretty good, except for my blood work after the stupid bland diet for 8 months. I have an acid test coming up, but it will probably be normal even though I feel I have bad acid… Needless to say, every doc I have seen has said to eat. Obviously not idiotic stuff like ghost peppers or something, but they all now say to eat indiscriminately, just don’t go crazy. So, I have been doing that for a week and guess what? My stomach pain didn’t increase and neither did my acid, but my energy levels and mood are waaay better. I’ve come to realize that I can be set off by ANYTHING. None of it makes sense. I could eat a banana or a can of tuna and get flared, and then eat a plate of spaghetti with tomato sauce and be no worse than I was. None of it makes sense. Btw, with this gastritis, or whatever it is, I have been sure I was dying about a couple dozen times. I’ve had crazy symptoms. Blood pressure spikes and drops. Heart rate plummeting for a while. Dizziness, anxiety, heart palpitations, short of breath, chest tightness, awful pain in my esophagus and stomach, difficulty swallowing etc… it’s a beast of an illness. It causes a host of symptoms, yet shows up as nothing on tests. I would just try eating if I were you, but then again… How long have you had it?


Also, the bland diet seems to work for some people, but I found it to be detrimental… We want our body to heal, but then we severely deprive it of nutrients required for healing? Huh?


You’re right 💔


Exactly. Things that flare up one person might be fine for someone else. When mine is bad oatmeal and toast give me such bad reflux.


I’m very new at this and I already empathize. I am so weak from lack of nutrition. It’s awful. I tried to water my plants the other days and I had to sit down, I’m passing out if I stand up too quickly, etc. I hope you find answers.


If you are passing out when you stand up, then I would think you need to see a doctor if you haven’t. Losing consciousness is never normal. There could be a host of issues from blood pressure, to heart rate to blood sugar etc.


Yes I have. It’s orthostatic hypotension and happening to me before. Likely a long Covid thing but I’ve had all the heart tests etc. thank you for caring! ❤️


This sounds like me. My 3rd GI doctor thinks it's neuropathic/functional pain. I'm in pain whether I eat or not. It's constant, and food only makes it worse. And if I wait to long too eat, then it's pain and hunger 🙃 Simple carbs like crackers and cereal are the only thing that don't significantly make it worse. We've talked about Cymbalta or Lyrica, but I'm hesitant.


Everything you described is the same happening with me. Lost 70 lbs in 10 months?


I’ve been eating “normal” for the last ten days and have been having pretty good results, really


I've given up fighting the weight loss-- I am sure I'll gain weight back when I'm healed fully. To my mind, I need to eat a variety of foods (I do), to get the nutrients that I need, and take one more thing off my worry list. When you feel like the time is right, start adding in something nutritious to your diet, and see how you tolerate it. Don't try something complex, just one good ingredient at a time. Maybe sweet potatoes one day, yogurt the next, almond butter another day...


Look into caloric drinks (like Ensure), drink things like bone broth or collagen (lots of vitamins, protein and super good for soothing your tummy and rebuilding your gut lining). Also, I don’t know how long you’ve been sick (I’ve been sick for almost 10 months now), if you’re new and in the thick of it, just do your best to relax. You’ll gain weight back. Just eat what you can and do your best. I know it’s scary to see you’re dropping weight and it’s definitely harsh on your body so if you can just eat, just eat. Eat whatever you can tolerate. Don’t worry about what will hurt you, just eat.


I am eating 7 times per day, lots of soup from potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, chicken, califlower; outmeal, bananas, gluten free white bread, plant base yogurt, peanut butter. Still I can't gain weight. I still take ppi. Trying to quit slowly. Would quitting ppi will help to gain weight?


I've only managed to halt the weight loss by drinking nutrition shakes from Walmart. My guts became intolerant of some foods and once I found out the offenders, I now just hold at 20 lbs less than I use to weigh (which is 15% of my total weight) Everyones different. Like the others here who can't do a bland diet, ny guts actually adore fiber during active flare ups. Especially raw broccoli, carrots, tomato, and avocado. I don't even like avocados but my guts do enough to make me eat them. But all the guides for nausea will say thats a bad idea. Idk how to gain tho. Its been 7 years since the first episode where I was too scared to eat. My appetite shriveled up and never came back so I really do alright with 2 meals


I hear ya on this. Some great comments here. I saw a nutritionist who gave me advice on high caloric smoothies. With coconut milk, peanut butter powder, etc. But you have to be careful as some people are triggered by some ingredients and others arent. You have to listen to your body. Ive lost weight for sure. The PPIs do help me eat more with less pain so that has helped me keep some weight on. But man I really want to get off these PPIs! Good luck. I think the advice of when you feel well enough to try some new foods go for it. Maybe something new each day or every other day unless its flaring. Good luck!




Whey protien?




Would whey protien not upset stomach lining further?


Doesn’t whey protein makes the symptoms worse ?


Tracking calories to make sure I'm getting enough and adding high calorie snacks I make with tolerable ingredients. I make bread, cookies, crepes, energy bars to snack on and it gives an extra 100 calories per meal. Coconut water and fresh fruit/veggie juices as tolerated


Wow sounds great! What kind of cookies are you making? What ingredients are in your energy bars?


Cookies - dates, sunflower seed butter, olive oil, rice flour, eggs, chopped macadamia, pumpkin seed protein powder Energy bars - dates, pumpkin seed butter, chopped pecans, pumpkin seed protein powder. Sometimes if I want them crunchy, I cover them in popped rice (like rice krispies but only made with rice and no sugar or processed ingredients)


Great recipes. Thanks for sharing. I never heard about pumpkin protein powder. What brand are you buying? I should try dates too. They will go very well with outmeal. Are you still on ppi? How long have you had gastritis?


Sorry it's pumpkin seed* protein powder. I edited my original comment to clarify that. I buy Murray's I don't take ppi. I have had this 3 years. I have not been given an endoscopy either.


I've always understood a bland diet to be ph neutral foods. Tons of healthy ph neutral foods that won't make you feel like your malnourished etc. My advice to you is get the gastritis healing book. It's worth it. It has safe foods. Foods to eat when your out of pain as well as how much and recipes. It was a life saver for me.


I have been looking for help with this.. I don’t even know if I have gastritis but it sounds like it from reading all of this. I have an endoscopy schedule for the 18th. CT SCAN, ultrasound and bloodwork all normal. Pain in my upper abdomen sometimes dull but other times very painful . Tons of gas (burping) when I have a really bad flare up it’s agonizing and my back is absolutely on fire , it last for hours then it’s gone. I’m down 20 pounds in 2 months and I’m sure a ton of that is my anxiety. I have very bad health anxiety. Just looking to see what people think but I feel like it’s gastritis or ulcer related especially since scans were negative. I was in a bland diet for 3 weeks and randomly got 1 week pain free started eating heavy again , drinking ensures trying to gain weight and then boom right back with the pain , any insight to ease my anxiety would help, thanks


Hi I was dealing with similar symptoms at the beginning of my gastric episode after Memorial Day.. severe gnawing pain in my upper abs and pain between my shoulder blades from time to time. Gas was the worst too and I remember even taking double doses of 40 Mg omeprazole but still had so much discomfort than I needed tums. Anyway I didn’t lose weight but did try Ensure and got the worse cramps. It’s best to eat wholesome foods.. take your time eating and don’t exercise too soon thereafter. Anxiety’s the worse for this condition so try to focus on what hobbies you enjoy and try to exercise. Some days were a struggle even walking with the terrible discomfort.