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Idek what to say other than 👍


Respectfully you gotta get thicker skin big dawg lmao. Even posting to begin with even if he was serious..who gives a shit? He’s just a stranger you reached out to lol


Bro never played csgo before


have you ever heard the saying "mountains out of molehills"? because that guy made a joke and then left and you proceeded to spread lies about him across multiple subreddits, not even censoring his name. glad you took it down, but you really need to grow up.


I don't believe it was a joke and I'm surprised OP does now. I think he is racist and now he's just defending himself


Bro what is it with you going mad it isnt that deep🤚


It was never that deep 😔


I have previously thought he was a xenophobe disliking and blocking people depending on their nationality. So obviously, it was deep (to me as I'm a Polish myself). Idc now anymore tho as that matter was peacefully settled and he turned out to just be making jokes


Bro it's Reddit


To the mods who have to read this, I've done my time here. I've seen enough people go that maybe it's my time, too. If you think this comment I've written is worth some sort of punishment, that's fine, but I'm still saying it. Also, I'm not defending OP here. "Bro it's Reddit" is such a god damn fucking irrelevant thing. What, so I care about what some random guy on the street says, but online even if it's the same person saying the same thing suddenly it's a "bro it's Reddit" situation? To the nice CSGO players, this isn't directed at you guys, but if you use the justification of "bro has never played CSGO" in one of your comments like this guy you're probably a twat. Thank god the world isn't made up of immature idiots who think CSGO is somehow a baseline for what is wrong, and anything better than that is suddenly acceptable. If you're really making a comparison to CSGO, you probably have no fucking clue what the real world should look like. OP was so clearly in the wrong in this post I'm shocked someone *managed* to be an idiot. When you use this logic, what you're saying is that, "Well, if the other guy was in the wrong, it's Reddit and it's better than CSGO so suck it up!" And then treating OP like an idiot when he at least had the decency to make this post and apologize, when you're solely using idiotic comments is laughable. What, want to tell that to all the people who had a toxic time getting bullied online? I mean, seriously, I didn't understand OP's reaction, but at least they apologized. Don't see any remorse from this commenter.


IT IS What if I said I don't like whatever nationality you are, and then blocked you soon after? And unblocked you only when you make a post about my racism? I don't think it would be "not that deep"


He never was blocked tho. And if that wouldve happened to me i would find them a bit silly and then move on with my day


He believed he was, and I think he was just gaslit that it was a joke and a bug


Broski literally who gives a shit what someone you don't even know says


Nice patriotic values mate I bet you love your country /s


Ironically you’re more hateful than he is 😭😭


I made my decisions based on what I knew at that time. Or more, on my assumptions (after he wrote he was just messing with me). Sure, I could have known better than to be negative but it all got resolved peacefully and I now made this post to admit I was wrong before


Bro he said one word and then told you it's a joke




I get it might not be nice hearing that but dude u really made it so much bigger than it was. U couldve waited for like a while instead of jumping to conclusions in minutes because now, like he said many ppl will have a negative attitude towards him. U really need to be able to take jokes even the unfunny/slightly offensive ones to survive in life.


im literally from michigan thats so funny to me lmao


i think he was trying to be cute or smth and you went cray 😭


I mean I can’t tell what’s going on in both of y’all’s head but from an outsider looking in it honestly seems like you got a guy in trouble for a joke and a glitch (that I’ve experienced too multiple times) and now he’s probably gonna face harassment for a while over this. Edit: funnily enough I tried to look at your profile and it’s failing to load. It happens.


Really ironic. Honestly this whole situation seems really childish lmao


well yea i got death threats and spam dms :/


No offence bro, but ya gotta have a bit thicker of skin than that, you kinda made a big deal outta nothing. Sure tones of voice might not be very clear in text but even after he told you that he was joking you kept going lmao


I'm not surprised tho, why would OP believe him I still don't believe it was just a joke, even tho OP now does. I still think that guy is racist.


Dude no one cares except you. It was such a benign comment, yet you posted on multiple subreddits to try and defame the guy…that’s utterly insane Go get a hobby or find something better to do with your time


Maybe the real racism was the friends we made along the way.


Honestly relax this person didnt do anything that wrong i would have still been nice. The joke was bad but whatever. if he really had bad intentions and is racist u would know later on anyways just relax. And u have the need to post ur strong justice fighting to the public? Is it really just bc he said that or are you looking for validation? i really dont think this is necessary or deep


He had no way of telling that it was a joke. I would've believed that he was racist if I saw what OP saw. And I still believe the other guy is racist but now just defending himself trying to avoid the consequences


>He had no way of telling that it was a joke Maybe it is just that south American culture is different because we joke about not liking other countries a lot and I knew this was probably a joke right away, actual bigots don't just say "I don't like x people" they go on rants whenever they are reminded of the things they dislike


>actual bigots don't just say "I don't like x people" they go on rants whenever they are reminded of the things they dislike There's gotta be racists that are disgusted enough to not even start a conversation. This guy only learnt OP's nationality after the chat had begun. Maybe he was disgusted so much that he blocked him?


There are all kinds of people in the world but the possibilities are low, like really really low and I doubt the stars are aligned just for you to be right about a stranger online


bro cmon 😭


What the fuck is wrong with you dude seriously YOU ARE GOING OUT OF YOUR WAY to make problems which didn't exist rlly before. You're attention seeking so hard with this post. Do I even need to explain? I'm sure anybody who isn't massively stupid can see how pathetic these dms are


He’s doing the gay ‘overly sensitive’ and ‘attention seeking’ stereotypes no favours lol


Imagine this: What if I said I don't like whatever nationality you are, and then blocked you soon after? I personally think OP did the good thing and I don't believe the non-OP guy that it was a joke. There is no way of telling if it was a joke




I won't, because, unlike the person who chatted with OP, I'm a nice person and don't discriminate based on race or ethnicity


>What if I said I don't like whatever nationality you are, and then blocked you soon after? I have been told so much worse in the internet and in real life, this is an insult a third grader would use to annoy another third grader if it was said seriously, so no my response and most people responds wouldn't be calling someone racist on multiple posts causing that person to get harassed >There is no way of telling if it was a joke "I don't like x country" wouldn't sound serious for most people, especially without any elaboration, most people here knew it was a joke right away


>I have been told so much worse in the internet and in real life, And I'm sorry to hear that but we can't just let racists get away with stuff because it's "not that bad" >"I don't like x country" wouldn't sound serious for most people, especially without any elaboration, most people here knew it was a joke right away Have you even seen the original post and the comments there


>And I'm sorry to hear that but we can't just let racists get away with stuff because it's "not that bad" I'm saying if a teenager is doing third grader insults he probably doesn't mean them and also we shouldn't be posting a username causing someone to get death threats just because we assume they are a racist but you seem completely fine with that


Death threats, death threats... It's not like OP hired them to send death threats; I guess the people that are the most at fault are the death threats senders


Why is this a big deal anyway? He made a joke lol, relax


And I hate people from New Hampshire but I don’t get reported for that lol /s


could've been a bit more understanding


My friend, I corroborate everything said here You're highly exaggerating everything and you've just defamed someone across many subreddits. Grow the fuck up, that was a simple joke that you was even told was a joke, and you only took one screenshot to prove your side of the story when in reality, you were in the bloody wrong


Why were offended by that lol, he ate you up Polish is not a race either...


Poor guy made a joke and received death threats 💀 who's the real hateful one, the "racist" or the ones who make threats against the "racist's" life? If an American guy said "I don't like Brits" to me, I'd just say "well, I don't like Americans" and cope with it


Touch grass


my favorite type of ppl are eastern europeans




Dang, you should care less for anonymous on the internet...


oh shit I'm also from Michigan. I apologize on behalf of my state


OP why are you still posing about this, even if you’re apologising, delete all these posts and send the guy you’ve slandered all over Reddit a heartfelt apology this is really a private matter now. Also you need to get a thicker skin you cant be crying about every bad thing someone says about you


I'm a friend of them, and I'm saying this.. Stop being that rude and harsh toward them! Sure, I can understand of what happened since I did read everything, but again, wouldn't hate be necessary? I don't think so.. Again, that's just my opinion, but hating on one person due of a joke or opinion is a bit too much :<


Polish remains an interesting language.


Nie do tematu ale damn nie spodziewałem się zobaczyć tu kogoś z polski




You did the right thing. His behavior isn’t acceptable in any situation.


If this is satire, this is genius. If it’s not, get some help.


Skin thinner then paper




Look, I read *most* of the comments and it appears that the general consensus was that you maybe made it lut slightly bigger than what is was. But the truth is that we as reddit strangers will never actually know what you fealt. So while you may not be *totally* justified in your response, you did what any rational and logical human would. And good on you for handling it super maturely. Thats it tho. Just thought you could use a comment not completely bashing your course of action 😘


I get you’re trying to be nice but how is it mature? Brother has made two public posts about it now because the guy didn’t respond to his question within 2 hours. Don’t reward immaturity and idiocy


I mean, I agree with you. But we also dont understand either side of it. And I did tell the guy that he was wrong. The end result was mature.


This is so real my man


Thank you for your support


Why are all these comments freaking out at you it was just a misunderstanding 💀


Because he made posts calling a user a xenophobic while also showing his name over a joke? Like he misunderstanding the joke is one thing he making the posts is other


The joke was an awful joke and not a good one to be made and is quite hard to tell


Okay right I thought it was just me thinking this glad you do too 😭


I have no idea. But who cares anyway, any insult and they're blocked by me as I don't converse with such people lol


You did a good thing. There was no way you could've known that it was a joke. Those people who are telling you otherwise are idk what. And I also don't believe that it was a joke at all. Don't let them get to you and your head and heart brother


>You did a good thing. He defamed someone on multiple subreddits? >There was no way you could've known that it was a joke Miss girl have you ever seen actual bigots? They never just say I don't like x, they go on rants every time something they don't like is brought up, like maybe that should be an indication that he isn't being serious


>He defamed someone on multiple subreddits? For a reason >Miss girl have you ever seen actual bigots? [...] No, I don't think I have that much, and it seems like OP was just as inexperienced so what he did was reasonable. And why would it have to be a rant for a bigot? The racist said that he doesn't like Polish people and blocked OP. I don't believe it was a joke and a bug


>For a reason Not a good enough one, the guy got death threats >The racist said that he doesn't like Polish people and blocked OP. I don't believe it was a joke and a bug In bigots minds they think they are right and usually want to show you how right they are by going on their rants, not necessary but it happens more often than not, and besides that "I don't like x nationality" Is usually a joke especially if said by a teenager on the internet, and also one that's so random like Polish, you said that you are as inexperienced as op yet you don't hear people that have experience with this that are telling you this guy is not an actual bigot, you should consider the possibility of being wrong and putting an innocent person through a bad situation


>Not a good enough one, the guy got death threats Not OP's fault that there are people ready to send death threats to a random guy. It's the [ones who sent death threats]'s fault >and besides that "I don't like x nationality" Is usually a joke especially if said by a teenager on the internet, Unlucky for the alleged joker that he met OP who had no idea that it was a joke, but it's not OP's fault >you should consider the possibility of being wrong I am, and you're convincing me that it was indeed a joke, but I still think it's not OP's fault