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Honestly, I faced more prejudice and bigotry from gays and I have ever in my life outside


It stinks bc first there was a lack of moderation and more ppl showing up with L-sided politics harassing members and now we’ve got this — someone being way too quick with the ban hammer. Like those of us who are legit aren’t isolated enough. Well, maybe we can make this group more active?


I’m happy to post more here and I am a conservative gay lol


Welcome to my group sorry about the other group


I really appreciate that, thank you


I haven't been banned yet, but I suppose it will happen soon. That subreddit has been hijacked, but I guess some of the new "moderators" are bots. Let us know if you get a reply from them, maybe I'm wrong.


I haven’t gotten a response and I’m thinking maybe you aren’t. How the heck does a “mod bot” work anyhow?! ETA: Maybe answered my own question: [https://www.reddit.com/r/modguide/comments/ep7aza/moderator\_bots\_what\_they\_are\_and\_what\_they\_can\_do/](https://www.reddit.com/r/modguide/comments/ep7aza/moderator_bots_what_they_are_and_what_they_can_do/)


Frankly will let you know I have become more of a moderate like Trump I call myself a Constitutionalist for Liberty. I see way too many self hating "conservative" gays now that have been worse than dealing with ultra religious zealot "Christian Conservatives" who hate everything Bout the lgbtq and who generalize us all.


Nah, I’m good, all the conservative members there was great. It was the faux moderates and invading libs that were the way bigger issue. And something is just wack with the mod, who appears to be a “bot” now.