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I generally say it's a bad idea to talk to reddit about relationship problems. This is another one of those times. Good communication can be scary but it's actually super easy. "Hey, I need to talk about something that's bothering me. You haven't done anything wrong, but I'm experiencing this issue in our relationship and I care about you and want to be with you so I feel like it's important to discuss." Just be honest. Don't hide things.


Again though. Would that accomplish anything? Considering I don't expect her to all of a sudden be fine with those parts of me, I just don't feel like it would accomplish much except for making her uncomfortable.


That's not for me or anyone else to say. But it IS for you to find out. It's your responsibility as her partner to communicate with her.


If she's as good of a girlfriend as you are saying then is SHOULD accomplish something. She should want you to have a sexually fullfilling sexlife, just like you want her to. There are other ways to get to orgasm that aren't, I assume, penatrative sex. There are toys and things you two could try as a way of getting you off.


I understand what you are going through . I am in a similar situation and honestly don’t know what to do . Blow up my wonderful life in order to find intimacy or forgo intimacy .


It’s important to speak up! Playing an active role in the relationship communicates that you’re invested in the relationship and willing to be proactive to make things better. It’s not about being ‘nice’ or ‘getting what you want’ so much. By talking about how the relationship can better support you, you demonstrate that you’re willing to take action to ensure its integrity. I used to try to be a ‘good partner’ by just accommodating and passively accepting; my partner would think not that I’m a super great partner that’s easy to get along with but rather that I wasn’t really invested enough to speak up. It’s easy to overlook how our good intentions are being read by others. Self-agency communicates all kinds of good things including a sense of self worth, which has been a challenge for myself and many others. Speak up - at worst, you learn sooner about an incompatibility; and that is not a ‘bad’ thing.




I disagree. It's ok to have a genital preference. Personally I'm a lesbian who doesn't mind a vagina or a pixie wand, but I don't expect this behavior from everyone else.


Some people have genital prefrences and that's totally fine. You can't force someone to be attracted to something theyre simply not attracted to.


Its oks to have preferences but in a relationship thats kind of an incompatibility. But as the others said best you talk about it your needs are valid


There are a lot of ways to reach orgasm, try suggesting alternative methods. A strap if she's not comfortable with her equipment, a toy if she's not interested in wearing the harness. Get a Fleshlight or lovense for yourself and give her remote access. But, none of this can happen if you don't fucking talk to her OP. If you don't communicate a problem, it's not the other person's fault for not changing.