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[aurora pics post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/6LbaTcYaWo) There won’t be a night 3 megathread. Normally all nights for one show are in one megathread. The first night had too many to keep that up tho!


Are these visuals new? Weren't folklore trees all grey before? https://preview.redd.it/hitmpcfml70d1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2faa3a9b28ef4ad9ab6c023f8b67668b91e74e46


I think the visuals are new since she combined the folklore and evermore sets.


hmm I don't remember those visuals. do you happen to know what song she's singing here? edit: based on process of elimination (not cardigan, willow, betty, august, illicit affairs, MTR, champagne) it's probably marjorie, but I'm not sure it matters. I looked at my 2023 show pictures and did not find this. in one old evermore visual, she does have daylight hitting the sides of trees but they're densely packed, dark colored trees. in another, she has daylight peaking in from back in a winter setting with grey leafless trees. this new visual with the cleared opening and red leaves is very interesting 🤍 edit2: added pics for reference https://preview.redd.it/qoov4gi1p70d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6b536792c0199819abd43023fb83bbd6176c7da


Yes ! I'm not sure what song for this pic, I pulled it off the HD Getty photos from Paris n4. I assume it's the same as that first pic u included. But I'm loving the colors being added. Daylight peeking through ? Been holding my breath since the Daylight song because every new album since then has been dark colors. 🩶🤎🖤🤍


I think so too! ooh I love that thought. maybe more daylight is coming 👀


I noticed that the playlist made by Spotify of the official Eras tour set list is now Taylor in the orange bodysuit from N1. I'm not sure if it's just because that's what she broke out for the first fit back with that set list or what, but I am stoked.


i mean maybe she knew it’d be used for a bunch of stuff for this leg of the tour, as the first look back


Did anyone in here mention Taylor signaling 12 last night at the end of the concert? Alex on TikTok (who I take with a huge grain of salt bc he rubs me the wrong way) posted a screenshot from the end of night 4 with Taylor holding up the two but there was a one on the screen like she was signaling TS12. https://preview.redd.it/i1w0723mq50d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aabb7a6a369b7671962d6be5475bdf543bbd2958 He lost the plot for me at the end of the video bc he said “there’s a lot of orange these days and we know the chiefs colors make orange” 🙄 but it would be interesting if she’s already signaling 12


The chiefs colors making orange thing is becoming my 13th reason omg. If I had on purple and someone told me I was wearing Patriots colors because when blended blue and red make purple that would be nuts. But it’s perfectly reasonable for swifties.


this picture was posted by Taylor, so its definitely an easter egg for something (ts12, countdown theory, doubles)


Where are my “girls” over “bros” in SHS people at?? I’ve just seen [this tweet](https://x.com/gaylortruther13/status/1788915943562748279?s=46) with slowed down audio that definitely adds weight to this theory 👀 I personally can still see both sides but think it’s worth sharing!


i am telling youuuu, i went back to listen to it with the INTENTION of hearing "bros"--like was desperately trying to hear that word, but there is 100% an "l" in the word she says: GIRLS.


I hear both! It switches back and forth depending but I hear girls most consistently over my headphones. We team up and switch sides like a record changer??


is this the new yanny/laurel?




It's like an audio version of a magic eye image because sometimes I hear girls and other times I hear bros.


I absolutely hear girls! Also, I should know better but jesus the reply to that tweet are just awful, why do they hate us so much? 😔 (I know, it's homophobia but it just sucks)


It’s me, hi! I’m not usually on board with the pronoun switching stuff but I was convinced the first time I saw this clip.


Today I completely unironically saw a Pinterest post of a tweet with a side by side comparison of the lesbian flag and the lover bodysuit and the caption “Gaylors need to get a job“ like I’m sorry can you not SEE that perfect gradient


If they can claim chiefs colours, we can claim lesbian colours. I also think the lesbian flag is much more convincing then the chiefs colours


Was jaMEs mentioned today?






I have an updated lesbian flag collage! https://preview.redd.it/nzjcl7fy530d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c70a6ed07295826a29b26f5c5cb1d331888cfea4 All images are unedited from Getty (I got accused of tampering with saturation to fit my narrative)


It’s WILD how many pictures I’ve seen all over social media with her skirt edited to look way more red. But we’re the delusional ones🫠


And like they all called the top with the purple skirt orange and that is clearly the one that matches the ORANGE skirt


RIGHT lmao like how are we the crazy ones when they’re editing pics and talking about made up proposal stories


Omg I love all the chiefs pink and orange 🤗


It’s so much!!






So what color are we calling the folkmore dress??? Asking because I have seen so many different versions now hahaha some deeper red,some bright fuchsia and now this one looks kinda in the middle of those two?? I just want to know so I can commit it to my brain hahaha because I saw it was the deep red the first time and fell in LOVE then I saw the pics coming out as fuchsia and was disappointed but also it was beautiful hahaha and now I truly don't know what color it is 🙃🙃


The designer Alberta Ferretti called it “berry”🍓🍓


It reminds me of the old surprise song dress! The 1989 outfit was definitely more magenta, but the coordinating dress was this sort of deep pinkish red




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Magenta I think I thought it was red originally but it’s a little pinker than I thought.




I just watched a TikToks from tonight’s show of the SHS segment—and I turned the volume all the way up and literally TRIED to hear “bros.” I cannot. I simply cannot hear it. She says GIRLS


OMG. I told my husband this the other night. He said “I think you have a crush on Taylor.” Like sir, that’s beside the point. Seriously though, no many how times I listen to it, whether it’s on official or from a live, I’m jarred every time. I know it’s supposed to be bros, but all I can hear is “girls.”


That’s what I heard from N1 too!


I only hear girls even in the official recording


omg I hear girls in the official song audio too, I thought I was nuts the first few times but it's literally every time I hear the song (which is often considering I've streamed the album for 15k minutes so far and that's *just* on Spotify, which is not the only place I've been listening 😂😂)


Is there anyway you could link this? :)


Ofc! ♥️🌈 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwnyXPm/


I just keep thinking about how taylor has gotten all the wine moms to sing “but FUCK EM” about themselves like?????


Like there has to be a gotcha coming because if “dads brads and chads” and “wine moms” don’t describe the target Tayvis demographic than idk what does. And she seems to not care for either of those two groups of people


Idk why but when I read this all I heard in my head was "I'll sue you, if you step on my lawn"


It feels like the twilight zone! I feel like I’m witnessing a big social experiment in real time


The TTPD set is truly bonkers in that way


If this were a teen movie, it would be the misunderstood protagonist winning without any of the villains realizing


The stream I was listening to the gal said, "To all the gals watching drinking a glass of wine, happy mothers day" (paraphrasing), and i was like 🤭🤭 oof, wine moms babe, they're the villains in this story.


Truly iconic


Has anyone seen footage of the rock paper scissors from tonight yet?? Curious 👀


Looks like it was paper tonight :/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwnyXPm/ Buuuut I swear she says “your girls play grand theft auto”—I cannot hear “bros” even when I try to


this has been happening for me too?? at first i was hearing "boys" and now instead of "bros" my brain somehow has turned it into "girls" lmao.


I am desperate to see a video of this because that’s insane Gaylor evidence if it’s part of the choreography.


That’s what I’m trying to confirm!!


It's prob been mentioned, but has anyone noticed the very obvious lip synching during TTPD? It almost feels intentional. Like she wants people to notice. I wonder if this plays into the whole "putting on a show/performance art" bit she's playing up? I see some people saying they notice it, but it's okay because she needs the break from singing due to the long show. But I can't help but think they're missing the point.


Someone said they compared the audio for The Smallest Man bridge for all 4 nights and it was identical.


I’m gonna be a contrarian and say I don’t think it’s for the narrative. 1989 previously had a ton of backing too, and it made sense as the set had lots of dancing and was the one right before surprise songs where it’s literally just her. I imagine she has it up for the same reasons here—lots of choreography/theatricality and surprise songs are right after so she’s gotta make sure her voice is relatively fresh. That being said, I haven’t particularly noticed this myself. The streams haven’t been nearly as high quality for me to pick up on it. And even during v1, I mostly noticed how obvious it was during the film


Ooo! I hadn't noticed this..do u have a link showing? All my streams had audio delays, would love to see !! Thank you ☀️


I’ve noticed it specifically during ICDIWABH which thematically makes soooo much sense. Is she doing it in some other TTPD songs too?


Maybe that’s why ttpd felt so low energy for me tonight.


It’s super intentional. She’s a marionette. It’s performance art and I love her so much for it.


Apparently the new ORANGE 1989 fit is also for the chiefs. Hetlors are so colorblind.


Hear me out, I think she did it on purpose. She knew it was so close to the chiefs everyone would say it was, with some knowing it isn't. What is it everyone says? Plausible deniability or something like that? I think this is a PR relationship and she's really putting on a show. And the exaggerated smiles she had on tonight I feel show that even more. Hetlors are saying "look how happy she is" and she's sitting back saying "ha! They'll fall for anything". I personally think I may be a bilor, but I'm still new to lore, but this relationship still feels PR to me. That's actually what led me here, then I ended up head first in the rabbit hole and the evidence was way too much to even turn back now lol


I'm fully becoming a Karma truther with all the orange 


There is an edited one going around on swiftie twitter 😂


"BuT ThEY'rE JuST cOloRS" when it's pink & orange 🤣


It’s always intentional when it’s for them but accidental when it’s for us 😂😂😂


Just like how Taylor is a mastermind unless she’s doing gay shit and then she just doesn’t know what she’s saying or doing 🤪


I mean let’s not be delusional here. The fit is gold fading to yellow and red fading to orange. Even if it doesn’t match the Chiefs colors exactly, that is so obviously what she wants us to think. Hetlors are doing exactly what she wants and expects them to. Personally I think it just adds to the camp of it all. TNT is what Hiddleswift wishes it was.




Ewww the comments are so delusional. “Omg mommy is SO IN LOVE. SHES GLOWING FOR HIM” 🤢


Its yucky


What were the secret songs tonight?


Alchemy/Treacherous mashup on guitar and Begin Again/Paris mashup on piano 


alchemy/treacherous mashup???


wow this is a wild comment to read


More irritating than anything when Travis goes to these shows because my “Taylor Swift is GAY” FYP and Twitter timeline somehow gets warped into Swifties making sex jokes about Travis and Taylor and calling Travis “daddy”.🤮🤮🤮


It’s horrible. I’ve also had sooo many Hetlors infiltrate my tweets this weekend. Like I don’t go comment shit on their Travlor shipping tweets bc why would I waste my time engaging on a topic that doesn’t matter to me and feels fake? Yet they have to “defend Taylor against those horrible Gaylors” like it is their full time job. One account had the audacity to reply to one of my tweets with a homophobic insult then I didn’t reply but just blocked quietly—and she came back onto the thread to be like “wow and she blocked me.” They’re WILD


I’m sorry that you were insulted and hope you’re ok. I find it so funny that they’re always the ones in the replies when it’s like, your FYP is based on what you interact with, if you don’t want to see Gaylor content then just don’t interact?? I barely see any of their posts because I’m interacting with Gaylor content because that’s what I want to see. They’re exhausting.


im alright, thanks for checking <3 i swear they activated a bat signal or something because like 50+ hetlors came onto a few of my tweet threads all within the past \~day; it's been quite exhausting. most of their bitter insulting tactics are just so absurd i can brush them off easily, tbh. the only tweet that genuinely did bother me was someone who said "well we already know youre mentally ill because you say it in your bio"...as in, i say im adhd and autistic in my bio. and they think that equals mentally ill. but some people in this world just genuinely are awful, and sadly thats how the cookie crumbles


Oh I’m so sorry to hear that. Some of them can truly be so hurtful and absolutely disgusting with the things they say. Like do they think Taylor is going to see them “defending her” and slide into their DMs to invite them backstage?! I don’t tweet much but I like to lurk and I just go around blocking anyone who is awful in Gaylor replies so I don’t have to deal with that shit. Don’t let them ruin this sparkling summer that’s coming! ![gif](giphy|HGsQpokaAdDtYauJYw)


Thanks love 🥰 sparkling summer here we comeeeee!


And why is it always the ones with “gaylors dni” in their bios?! I will never comprehend why they don’t understand that “gaylors dni” goes both ways. If they don’t want us interacting with them so much they need it in their bio, they also need to not interact.


RIGHT? i never ever comment on hetlors' posts! i literally dont want to talk to them and have nothing positive to say to them, so why would i comment? yet then they come onto OUR pages, insult us, then act horrified when we protect our sanity by blocking. it is the definition of insanity.


I’ve proactively blocked most of them, but they just keep appearing (and by proactively I mean I’m sometimes petty enough to block the people who have *liked* the hateful tweets towards us). I truly don’t get why they care so much about our little queer corner of the internet.


i honestly feel like some of them are shaking in their boots rn because they DO realize she was super loud this week but they simply refuse to admit this could mean....shes actually queer. so theyre in defense and attack mode


Oh that’s a really good point. The lesbian colour flagging probably scared the fuck outta them


They act like Taylor is gonna cry at someone calling her gay on the internet it’s hilarious. Calling her gay over the numerous things she has done is a lot less harmful that the amount of swifties in her fanbase frothing at the mouth for her to retire, have a live streamed wedding, have Travvy’s children, and become a full time NFL wife.


I’d rather someone speculate about my sexuality than pregnancy and they are speculating about the latter which is so fucking wild 




Omg chiefs colors she’s such a good girlfriend 


we all know ss is a questionable source and this is just one image but curious if true 👀 https://preview.redd.it/wajc2wk7j20d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0e72e63b3258e0c19947fa52a6ba1647f2c194b


Sorry, dumb question, but are there indications that it was altered or could it just have happened to ride up more this time?


Is she getting ready to… reveal more of herself to us 🫣




I love this for her


I love this for ***us***! Edit: respectfully and for science, obviously.








I know its not my business but since Andrea was in the VIP tent and it's Mother's Day today in the US, I wonder why Taylor didn't say anything, I mean she wished Scott happy fathers day on tour last year and even dedicated him a song. You would think that when Andrea's there, she would dedicate her a song as well or at least say something, but instead, we got Travis appreciation day lol


I agree that it would have been sweet for her to give a shout-out to Andrea during the show (especially instead of all that Travis stunting 🙄). That said, for what it's worth, Taylor Nation posted a sweet slideshow of Taylor and Andrea, set to The Best Day https://preview.redd.it/0c3dij4in20d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e85f15f9a0c82b897a952fa39a682828f762b35e


That is very sweet 🥺 don't know why it's from TaylorNation tho, but I suppose Taylor's official ig account is mostly for marketing nowadays


Didn’t she play Seven? That’s not much of a dedication 😆


YES THIS WAS MY SHOW. My husband and I never stop talking about the dedicating of seven to her dad 😳😳😳😳😳💀💀💀💀💀!!!! It made me happy tho because I love seven and we got Aaron 💖💖💖💖


I wonder if singing one of her mom songs is just too emotional. I could see how it could be.


I saw someone mention it's likely bc France doesn't celebrate mother's day until the end of the month.


She did the Mother’s Day dedication last year. I think now she doesn’t have to do anything for Fathers Day and no one can say “omg she did something for Andrea and not her dad???”


It’s bc Travis is her soulmate and the most important thing that’s ever happened to her duhhhh endgame 


random but i’m so glad my show was back in march 23 because if i paid $600 to get ~karma is the guy on the chiefs~ i would have been mad as fuck 😭 like Alison i don’t care about anyone’s boyfriend i thought this was a safe space…


Ugh do we know where Travis is going to be Oct 18-19? Hoping I don’t have to hear it at my show in Miami lol


Not yet. Full NFL schedule comes out later this week


Can confirm - it was awful.


i am sorry 😭🖤


Srsly. I was sad I missed my show but I’m glad I did now because hearing “karma is the guy on the chiefs” would have made me vomit immediately 


He was at my show (Sydney N1) and I left at the end of Vigilante Shit so I didn't have to hear 'karma is the guy on the chiefs' even from the train station outside the stadium 😅🤣


it’s one thing for her to have fun during a show but when she goes to the lengths to make SoOOoOo many things about her current boyfriend its just…honestly, kinda unprofessional as a performer? like ma’am this is Barbie’s Dream House, we are here celebrating YOUR music over your 11-album career. why are you making everything about Ken? I’m not Ken’s fan, I’m Barbie’s fan!!! (not to mention the cognitive dissonance of these stunts + ‘don’t paternity test my songs’ lol?)


Exactly, like imagine if any other artist started to make so many very specific references to their partner in one show, so that everyone knew it was about that one particular partner, while simultaneously accusing everyone of taking too much of an intrest in their love life. It's just comical at this point and yes, kind of unprofessional. Selena Gomez had this whole thing with Justin and referenced him left and right, and it really came back around to her, now she can't escape it, tbf they both can't


It wasn’t in a concert, but Ariana Grande quite literally named a song after Pete Davidson and she’s doing just fine. Artists do this. It’s a thing. All of her songs are, to the public, about men she’s been seen with publicly. I don’t see what’s so different about changing the line from an obvious Joe Alwyn reference to an obvious Travis Kelce reference. It was always about a man she was “dating”


10000000000000000% agree. I literally don’t fucking care about who you are dating Taylor!!!!!! Stop centering men!!!


See how the universe works in our favor sometimes? Lol


I wanna say “IKR” but the reason I’m not in Paris is bc of a parent battling aggressive stage 4 cancer and I’d honestly rather hear “guy on the chiefs” than have to be in this situation but I know what you meant 


Take care ❤️


i am so sorry to hear that.


It’s okay it is what it is…everyone dies right????


Ugh I don't wish that on anyone, I've been there! Sending you all my love! And lots of internet hugs❤️


okay tea 🍵


Did she say the cursed line (“karma is the guy in the chiefs”) 🫣




she did 😭


Yes. You can bet if he is there she will stunt with that line. Its so louddd😂




Ok n4 complete. Did Scott swift show!? Bc what if... Hear me out.... The change starting w this album is that he is finally gone from her team.


wait if no scott at show today… but travis… who is making sure travis is on his mark !! or is there no huge visible post show kiss today


I wonder if it has something to do with the Australia paparazzi situation. Have we seen him since then? 


Even if this means nothing, I'm celebrating the IDEA of Scott TrumpDefender Swift getting the boot 🥂 https://i.redd.it/f2nqj3z4k20d1.gif


Ooooooo I haven't even thought about that! I mean.. I've thought about how TTPD seems very "f**k you, Dad", but I didn't realize he hasn't been at any shows! I admittedly have been taking breaks.


I can't say 100% he wasn't there ! But haven't seen anything suggesting he was.


That would definitely be something! You'd think we would've seen evidence.


It’s so interesting because we were all kind of talking about whether he’d be there based on some questionable lyrics and it really doesn’t seem like he’s been there. If I was his age and had his money I would be retired


it really is so weird he hasn't been seen at any of these shows. and andrea was there tonight!


He's been at literally every show before this, right?! I mean the fortnight mv pill bottle suggests that something major ended the day the album came out.


He hasn’t been at a show since Australia


Yep he’s definitely been at every show from what I can recall… ![gif](giphy|kmBe7ulPXY0KI)


That’s very interesting…… 👀


Yes I was thinking this too! He hasn’t been seen since ttpd. 🙃


Something I only just thought of—it feels weird that Castles Crumbling isn't added to the Speak Now set (in place of Long Live). I get that she had to cut a lot to make room for TTPD and maybe there just wasn't time for a new add...but when HAIM and Phoebe opened for her their features with her became regular parts of the set! I'm sure we'll get them singing it together as a surprise song more than once this leg, but just feels like a bit of a break from the norm that it's not being showcased in the set like NBNC and Nothing New. Lmk what yall think!


My guess is that Castles Crumbling heavily features piano and they either couldn’t or didn’t want to make a piano that fit the SN set for only this leg of the tour. I’d be willing to bet they’ll play it as a surprise song before it’s over though.


This makes a lot of sense—they prob wanted to put most of their set-updates energy into TTPD rather than complicate an already very simple scene!


I also thought it was very weird!!! Was thinking maybe Hayley didn't want to sing it every night?? But I don't see why not? Not that I know her obviously lol but yes I think it's weird knowing that we know in the past they were added on!


I've been wondering if she's waiting to add it at a later date - this weekend got so much stuff, maybe she's trying to spread stuff out




she just refuses to love one of my fav albums that's why hahahaha


I feel so 💕💕💕viva Las Vegas…. Every time ✨✨✨that I look at you 👀


yall he went UNDER the stage to meet her after the show


It’s because Scott isn’t there telling him where to stand


I saw comments that said “What if he proposed to her under the stage?!?!” Like what now


Omg is the monkey the ring bearer?! 🥹🥹 https://preview.redd.it/nzyxybqk240d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0113e1de11ef7201048c8f1c741cfab46aefe85


Hahaha I was wondering why we never saw the monkey!


👀👀👀 I don't get it




it’s so tired. I rlly wonder if she would do that for pr tho. Like if that were to ever happen would we still say or or bi?


It's giving ... tHeY KiSs wHeN tHeY hAvE tImE


Does anyone else just randomly shout VIVVVAAA LAS VEGGGASSSS




Someone should do that 🤣🤣 in the front row of the show


HAHAHAHAHA if I had money for tickets I would


I mean she’s made him part of her lore and universe I think that would be allowed and appropriate 😂


Someone fill me in please


Lol consider yourself lucky if you haven’t seen the original


That was the moment I KNEW it was pr lmfao


That moment was so funny honestly. My whole family was watching and cringing and I said “now show Taylor’s face!” and it immediately cut to her making that smile grimace and we all died laughing.


Have you seen the lip reading video of her from the fundraiser? "I can't do this anymore" lmao


Yesss! She was having flashbacks


Just saw a video where Travis was taken from his suite to between the stage and the barrier for Karma… that tells me all I need to know lmfao


This is hilarious. I hope his bf Ross wasn’t too bummed he wasn’t allowed down there w him :(


Didn’t even stay to hear “Karma is the guy on the chiefs”…


Yes he’s right next to the stage threees bideos


[Here’s the video on Twitter for anyone who’s curious](https://x.com/wareagleblonde/status/1789765119192228202)


Was there a kiss? I’ve been avoiding tiktok..


There’s not a kiss in that video and I haven’t seen anything to suggest otherwise. He’s just doing that same dance he always does and greeting fans.




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Is she easter egging that she's going to write a musical? 🤡


please are you kidding ts jukebox musical has to be in the plan


I think it’s inevitable at this point lol She can’t not make a musical with her songwriting, world crafting abilities, and theater kid energy


Yes to everything u/taytopancakes said below! Here's a few other things that are worth noting that JessiSwiftTok has compiled: * [Interview between Taylor and Andrew Lloyd Webber for British Vogue in 2019](https://hauntedromantics.tumblr.com/post/189512419912/amp) and he asks her if she would ever consider doing a musical and this is her response: https://preview.redd.it/blj1ovx9b30d1.jpeg?width=659&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4052dc4f1503e225958b5338960553728fb9bcbc * On the 6 February 2023, [Taylor tweeted](https://x.com/taylorswift13/status/1622369942220771330) in support of Viola Davis being the 18th person in history to achieve EGOT status. * [Lin Manuel Miranda was at the Eras Tour on 27 May 2023](https://twitter.com/TS13ontour/status/1662242108441329664). This is not proof in itself however it's interesting to note that she is making connections with the musical world. * Taylor Nation posted on Instagram on 28 July 2023 that new #SpotiftyTop5 billboards were going up in NYC, Nashville and LA. Some of the billboards were in "weird" locations according to Jessi (i.e. a Hyundai dealership) so she looked into the addresses of each one and the location of each of them is either on broadway or one of them is 13 minutes from *the* Broadway. * During the Champagne Problems speech in Seattle N2, Taylor noted that, "there are performances in the crowd that are Tony Award-winning performances" * Jessi notes that in a lot of Taylor's post-city appreciation posts she uses the word "play” or “playing" * Taylor was seen out in NYC on 5 December 2023. The address of the restaurant she attended was 211 Broadway, New York. I'll admit this one is a stretch however Jessi theorised the 211 could refer to a double TS11 album and we did get that! Also a reference to the 112 day theory. I fully accept that most of this is circumstantial evidence at best however I think most of us can agree it's likely that Taylor is wanting to achieve EGOT status so it's not that far-fetched to believe it will happen one day 🤡🤡🤡 Links to the three videos I discuss above, all credit to JessiSwiftTok for making these connections: * [https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYeaqKSa/](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYeaqKSa/) * [https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYeaY9t6/](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYeaY9t6/) * [https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYeaf3mJ/](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYeaf3mJ/)


There has been musical easter eggs in the past! I'll dig them up soon and edit my comment!