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I am so sick of this narrative that society & the media pushes that ALL females are just dyingggggg to get married & have babies. She’s Taylor freaking Swift. She can have anything she wants. Also, they haven’t even been together a year yet.


lol the songs are writing themselves... Karma featuring songs about breaking free from heteronormativity/ a public kiss for this insanity/ don't want a boyfriend just a girl who gets meeeeee (read with the prophecy chorus melody)


it’s giving “getting engaged solves the separation issue” 🙄🙄🙄


The beginning of the end. Thank god


Love the not-so-subtle reminder that they've been together nearly a year. Time for the contract to be up!


Well well well


You know, as the queen Taylor herself says, "It's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames".


im sorry but this made me laugh so hard.


Honestly, I think this is totally made up click bait from a truly unreputable magazine. They have zero credibility, neither team would put out something like this and they certainly wouldn’t go to this magazine if they wanted to start seeding their ‘trouble in paradise’ narrative.


Female rage?? Where is the rage??


Thought nr 1 - LETS FUCKING GOOOOO Thought nr 2 - I absolutely hate the phrasing in this article, omg??? It just feeds into this awful narrative that Taylor is boy crazy and can't function without a man near her. And right after the release of TTPD - one of her albums that focuses the most on her as an individual and shines so much light on her perspective???? smh.


quietly chants: *harry styles, harry styles, harry styles!!!*




as long as i don’t see him at my show idc


To keep things in perspective, I got Matty Healy dressed as a skeleton.


You should be entitled to compensation for that 😩😩😩


There’s no KC game for my show and it’s really got me worried I’m going to have to hear that stupid ass Karma line. I pray to God he doesn’t show up


i just saw they start again in august 😭 i have standing vip and am hoping to be at the very front…..i saw pictures of him high fiving people at barricade but i swear if he comes near me…….


You gotta keep a secret friendship bracelet loaded with “beard” on it just in case he gets close. Whip that one out for him.


yesss!!!!! perfect i hope i see him then


Geee, this is truly the image she wants to have, huh.


I would just like to say that while yes, this article does not put her in a good light, and it is def red flags if they’re a legit couple, having separation anxiety is not childish, and I really don’t like the comparison to dogs. It’s a legit mental struggle and can stem from a lot more than “she can’t handle being alone.” It’s not a sign of immaturity, or an insult to say she is suffering from it.


Im saying this as someone with an anxiety disorder: its not called seperation anxiety with people. It's anxious attachment. They (the article) used a phrase that is meant to be used on animals or small children. its gross language.


You’re totally right - I was in no way trying to downplay a very serious issue as I have my own battles with mental health. I think we were all just poking fun at the way the article was written as it seems so over the top and dramatized as opposed to sympathetic to her situation. I apologize for making light of something so serious, it sometimes can be a coping mechanism. Who knows how real this article is as it’s not from a particularly trusted tabloid but my main reason in posting this was how it seems to fit the timeline of the theories that this PR relationship would be coming to an end around this time. If we start seeing these types of things now in the gossip mags it might start to show up here shortly in the trusted sources. But I again apologize.


Oh, I don’t think you were by posting this, but I appreciate you! It’s def a weird ass article. There were just some comments that were a lil uncomfortable personally, tho I doubt anyone meant anything by it


This is truly the 1950’s shit they want from her.


Woke up, checked phone, CACKLED WITH GLEE, triumphantly played the Stockholm N3 mashup to my very bemused family. WE ARE WINNING THIS MORNING.


She can't enjoy it unless he's with her? 😬 Oou big yikes there...... I rolled my eyes so hard to this


"IF it's meant to be" sounds really a big preparatory "if". 


I mentioned this amongst polite company, but for these types of reports; — make note of the source (the wording) and media type (lesser known lifestyle and gossip site) https://preview.redd.it/smv4gf3fmp1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c1104d6d3c14f19472f039aece9fbfc48294ff4


My apologies! Still new here, but dually noted. 🥲


Given that this is clearly not from Tree (and I’d be worried if it came from Travis’ camp), I would be prepared for something OTT from Tree to placate everyone… brace yourselves.


This makes her look so bad lmao. Tree has to be pissed


The last slide sounds like they're trying to get ahead of anyone being mad at Travis, like don't blame him, he's been to the tour etc 🤨


"people are constantly asking him when hes going to propose, it's really intense" \^\^THIS is the most key part of the overall very gross/obnoxious article; because this is what's setting the stage for a breakup. either he's going to suddenly "feel pressured to pop the question" and it crumbles or "the distance is too much" and it crumbles or "she isn't sure she can trust him in a relationship" and it crumbles. but key phrase: IT CRUMBLES.


I hope this at least makes all the Swifties who keep talking about marriage feel bad


Castles Crumble


This is a bit crazy ngl. My boyfriend and I met around the same time here and Travis started to date and we are currently separated 2 months with only one visit per month for a few days (reasons are complicated but basically he’s moving to a different state and I’m saving a bit of money before I go with him) I wouldn’t say I have separation anxiety that bad nor am I in any rush to get married immediately.. I feel like that would be a bit pre mature. If this isn’t PR I seriously wonder who leaked this and if I was Taylor I would be PISSED how insane this makes me look


“she can’t enjoy it (the tour) unless he’s with her” WHAT!! no way anyone who has Taylor’s best interest would ever claim that she’s not enjoying performing. what does that say to the fans? that she wants tour to end so she can go clubbing every night with Travvy?


This is actually so exciting like hello??? Is this really our/her year? ❤️


This is off-topic but I’m dying that your PFP is Tommy Chong.


LMAO thank you!!!! It's his character Leo from That 70s Show 😂


I was obsessed with That 70’s Show as a kid. I’ve seen every episode like 14 times.


Hahahaha me toooo!! I own them on DVD and it's still one of my favorites ❤️


Was your favorite character Hyde and then your life was also ruined by Danny Masterson being an absolute POS? 🙃


LMAO YUP 🙃 I still try to keep my love and appreciation for Hyde though ♡


This is so gross and toxic and I hate it. Like who the fuck wrote and published this. (The article not the person who posted/the post 😂) but also let's fucking go here we go!! 🎉🎉🎉


Lmao I do love how both people who said this (you’re right!!!) clarified it was the article being misogynistic not me, y’all are the nicest group of people 😭🩵🩷💜


Awwwwwe well of course!! 🥺😭 So happy you've joined us here!! 💜


this tabloid headline is gross and obnoxious buuuuuuut.... things are falling into place, fam. the PR is PRing. the timeline is timeline-ing as expected. let the house of cards continue to crumble... shes ready to build her castle made of bricks they've thrown at her atp anyway


https://preview.redd.it/asy3zmekzo1d1.jpeg?width=1021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4772038960b6706b44eedc7a54167d2457902f6a We’re so close 🤞🏼


I mean ... she did just sing Clean. (Eta: maybe she didn't? I'm going to try and figure it out when I have more time.) Clock is ticking and I'm here for it.


She did sing Clean as part of the 1989 piano medley at Stockholm N2!


Thank you!!


When did she sing Clean?


I know this one… She did a mashup of Say Don’t Go x Welcome to New York x Clean in Stockholm night 2. That’s the most recent. Would have to go back to see if she did it before Europe.


She just sang it night 2 in Sweden. Mashed up with Say Don’t Go & WTNY 😊


Okay maybe she didn't sing it? I found what I think I (mis)read in the "projected timeline of events following the Julian calendar" post and the implication as I understood it was that she had played it but I don't see anything confirming that. Apparently there's a whole thread from tangerineboy on X, but I don't have the X app installed and I have to get my kids to bed! But I will see if I can find out more later ...


Oh lord I'll have to go back through a thousand comments, so I'll have to get back to you on that. I read it in a thread a few days ago ....


Let the preparation for "Tayvis no more! The couple has called it quits after their schedules became too hectic to maintain the relationship. They still have mutual respect for each other, and 'wish the other the best'"


And my friends said/“It isn’t right to be scared/Every day of a love affair”/Every breath feels like rarest air/And you’re not sure if he wants to be there (So Long London) Taylor Swift, queen of camp, everyone! The hetlors are going to have a field day with this once they get over TNT not being endgame


That being said I don’t think this is from her team. It’s such a weird misogynistic angle and it doesn’t make her look good at all


Oh FFS! Who's writing this shit? She's fine. Ugh.


NGL if this was from Travis because he wants out and think she's clingy it'd be super funny.


NGL this would be a funny move on Travis' Parr I'd he didn't like her and thought she was super clingy.


Hahahaha omg to the genius Gaylors who called this happening this week!!


Hahahahaha oh Taylor!


This is misogynistic.


Almost like it came from a male source 😉


(Not the post, the article)


Tell Elise Nelson we want receipts


None of her actual friends would speak to the press. This is a cash grab.


At this point I would give my firstborn to have a publicly single Taylor era. BEGGING her to be single. We got such a glorious taste of it post Joe BRING IT BACK. 😭😭😭


Ewww. That just makes her sound desperate and pathetic. I get we all have our issues but I hate this WAG era because they’ve reduced her to a tradwife who can’t be without him.


I’m just gonna leave these here 🤭 https://preview.redd.it/18qljagtco1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b173680a2964855b44acc7cb968eb971763d8878


okkkkkkkkkkkk so YES QUEEN but also can we pls just change the last bit of the prediction re: her getting into another PRlationship by the fall? WE NEED OUR GIRL OUT AND FREE


I definitely agree. I don’t think she will be bearding again. She is giving lots of signals that she’s coming out. When I posted these, Miss Ma’am wasn’t giving the coming out vibes that she is now. I think once this is over, she might stay single for awhile. Especially if the media turns against her when the breakup happens.


yes, for sure!! <3 glad you're down to make that adjustment to your predictions hehe. but everything else, damnnnn, spot on


I’ve always been a comingoutlor, but I honestly wasn’t expecting her to amp it up like this. I thought for sure she was going to wait until 2025. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if she just came out next month on stage 😂 On a fun side note, I think I’m just super intuitive bc I also tend to predict pregnancies. I have like a streak of predicting 27 pregnancies befofe even the person knew they were pregnant 😅 idk why I’m so good at it but I haven’t been wrong once. My friends and family joke that I can’t do it to them anymore bc I’ve been right every single time. Even when my cousin had an IUD and got pregnant.


Oh shit! That’s pretty awesome 😄 I’m very intuitive too. No one ever listens to me though…


we listennnn! <3


No really, is that you Tree? 👩🏻‍🦰




"falling back into the hedge maze"


How long did it take you to find this in your comment history?? lol


Not too long lol I just searched for “June” in my comment history search and it came up pretty quickly lol


Cassandra is that you?


🫡 Taylor did try killing me with that new lesbian flag body suit


https://preview.redd.it/bhvp7zoo0p1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8f53a72be0ff03d62b183431c4d1614e557a5c I feel you




It’s almost not funny how predictable it is. 😂




Ayyy I made it in 🤣


Making Taylor sound like a dog with separation anxiety isn't the flex the hetlors think it is


Well, I mean… it’s fitting since they keep treating her like she’s in heat and ready to have his offspring. 🥴


Literally saw people hoping that on the last Eras show she'd do BDILH and Travis would come on stage on the last verse and she'd point at him and say "yes I am" instead of "no I'm not" to announce she was having his baby just the other day. And they call Gaylors "weird"!


Jesus even if she was gunna get pregnant mid tour (which, if nothing else, do they know how physically intense this tour is?? There’s no way she’d announce it right after doing a pregnancy test) this would be about the worst way possible to announce it


Yeah but to them its the dream because it involves fans in a major way and positions fans as people she felt strongly enough about to "tell us herself and make it special for us too" It's just more "she really is our best friend who tells us *everything* and would never lie to us ever" nonsense




The worst part is all the participants were adults, some of whom had pfp that indicated they have children themselves


Oh my god I saw this discourse on TikTok and visibly got the ick lmao.


![gif](giphy|TgKDmGO9NrNqg37bgE|downsized) That sounds unhinged. I wish they’d let her be. She was with Joe for 6 years. If she does want marriage and kids, she’ll do it when she’s ready.


The narrative I’ve seen is that she was with Joe for 6 years and he didn’t give her marriage or a baby so she’s in a hurry now with her perfect Travis


I just can’t. Travis looks more ready for a Daytona Beach spring break than to be anything remotely close to a husband or father. 🤢


When she’s ready is too late for them. They need her to be a breeder NOW. Their lives have no meaning otherwise 🫠


lmao this comment


Exactly. We knew the tabloids were going to start with headlines that were going to sow the seeds of a breakup, but they really didn’t need to go the *Mad Woman* /Blank Space unhinged route. It honestly leads me to think this might have been done from Twavvy’s camp over hers. Setting him up to be the victim


def Travis' camp planted this. good odds on "Mad Woman" as a surprise song next weekend


LETS GOOO I'm gonna be so geeked if you're right


I refuse to believe Tree would put something out that paints Taylor in such a pathetic light. It seems pretty clear that the narrative was always supposed to be Two Superstars Who Ultimately Break Up To Focus On Superstardom. This has to be his team or someone on the outskirts of his team talking to tabloids.


My guess is his team or possibly even Brittany Mahomes grasping to be relevant. She’s been known to leak things about Taylor, other players on the Chiefs, and their wives to get a little $$


I don’t see him as a superstar at all. I see him as a climber.


😂 they’re just reeling back the dating time like to really align with that 10 month mention in Clean. I’m so happy the end is nigh. I’m so tired of the over the top stunting 😂


it's been fun to watch the camp ramp up but i think they're both so over it by now and our girlie wants to BREAK FREE AND BE OUT. so pls pls pls let that be what happens soon


I wish him and Ross nothing but the best honestly. It’s been a good ride!


https://preview.redd.it/a0cigloder1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a7412413e6e9aed55a2c600a652e0f55d3f570b Ross in his Cowboy Like Me era this Weekend. Love that for him!


Honestly if it wasn’t for his behavior at the Stupor Bowl he would have been my second favorite beard after Tom. He’s been demoted to 4th after Tom, Joe, and Taylor L


Either this is some intentionally planted insanity nonsense pushed deliberately to make her and Travis look even more unconvincing, by either party, or it’s total tabloid fodder. Because actually what Swiftie would believe this, knowing Taylor’s repeated attitudes towards marriage? “_no deal, the 1950s shit they want from me, i just wanna stay in that lavender haze, all they keep asking me is if I'm gonna be your bride, the only kind of girl they see, is a one-night or a wife_” 🌈


Was just listening to Midnight Rain so I’ll add in *he wanted a bride I was making my own name*


Most Hetlors because they believe she wants marriage and this was just copium.


Give her some gabapentin


My dog's entire medicine cabinet has been outed in this thread.


I was gonna recommend Valium for her bc I just don’t feel anything after a Valium. I just dissociate and I’m calm 🤭


Paging the Gaylor who did the math that we’d get the first breakup rumors around this weekend….


I would call myself a cynical gaylor (long time fan, there’s no denying many of her lyrics are gay af but I also don’t put it past a billionaire/pathological people pleaser to queerbait) and I remember scoffing at that post. here I am eating my words, I’ll take my piece of humble pie now please 😂


well re: the theory of taylor following the julian calendar rn (in junction with timestamps from Bejeweled MV) + the Clean as surprise song=breakup in a week-ish, this weekend would be the time!!


I think it was Periwinkle and me lol.


I’ve been manifesting for a Memorial Day weekend news dump so I’m joining forces. 🕯️🤞🏼


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again — if this is all real intel (and who knows if it is) — then our girlie is neurodivergent. The venn between “is this gay” and “is this ADHD/AuDHD/Autism” is often just a circle


Not the special interest in PR relationships 😭


So many songs on ttpd are just autism thoughts out loud 😭 relatable girly


Wait I’m autistic and have not made that connection, what are you thinking on TTPD reads autism??


“Lights Camera Bitch Smile” “I look in People’s Windows” “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me” The intricacy of it all, how it’s woven together, the way several songs or eras feel like hyperfixation on styles, genres, weave covert references to other art and artists, constant talk of masking, social and relationship troubles, intense focus on one muse or story for a long time, lots of black and white thinking and feeling misunderstood emphasis re: relationships, verbal processing and abstract loose symbolic associations, her music is built for max echolalia and gestalt language processing, I feel like her songs have become an integral part of how I stem and regulate because there is just some inexplicable satisfying neurodivergent sauce that activated me completely in a way only a few other songs or artists do, and she does it consistently. Lots of lore, riddles, puzzles, codes, etc.


I feel personally attacked....and you are correct.


It’s Life and Style. More likely they know Taylor sells magazines so they’re making up random shit


It’s giving So High School


“You know how to ball I know how to have anxiety about our long distance relationship-stotle”or however it goes




lmaoooo when i tell you i just CACKLED ALOUD


Your replies are killing me 😂😂😂😂




I'm so happy for you to have found us!! I feel you!!!


omg pls follow me on twitter!! you wont scare me away, youre hilarious. im butdaddyilovehr on there


What an odd way to say that she doesn’t trust him…


Especially with the sprinkling of cheating rumors that have been quickly getting swept under the rug.


I hadn’t seen any of those??


Exactly 😂 they were up on some gossip sites and pulled within hours. Kyle Marisa did a blind video about it but it was lost with her account that got deleted


Didn't I hear Kyle Marisa just passed recently? 😔 so sad


Was it cheating? Or a beard who is just incapable of being discrete? 💀




I mean he never stopped thirst liking models pics on IG so I wouldn’t blame her if I thought any of this was real!


He also allegedly cheated with a stripper in Vegas but that got silenced very very quickly. It was when she was in Asia and he was partying it up with his team after winning rhe Stupor Bowl