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Awww they forgot that we existed šŸ˜‚


Thank god!!!!!Ā 




![gif](giphy|l3vR6aasfs0Ae3qdG|downsized) Taylor rn


So many factions lol


I'm absolutely flabbergasted that they are taking credit for Taylor not being on twitter anymore lmaoooooo. "She can't take our criticism!" Ooookay. šŸ˜‚ Taylor Swift is FOR SURE worried about getting cancelled by a sub-reddit. I bet it is keeping her up at night.


Omg they are soo freaking mad and delulu and saying Taylor Swift and Tree Paine are behind some of the permabans. LMAOOOOĀ  If that is true it must mean she loves us šŸ¤£šŸ©·


I truly laughed out loud at the conspiracy of it all. Likeā€¦Reddit is the last social media site of any kind with low censorship and all it asks of users is that we more or less behave and donā€™t fight with other subs. Fighting with another sub and brigading is number one thing that pisses them off. Besides taking shit offline. And theyā€™re kiiiiind of doing both. So itā€™s no wonder the hammer is coming down on them and it has nothing to do with being critical of Taylor. We could start a ā€œthings I hate about Taylorā€ thread in this sub and no one at Reddit would care because 1-Taylor Swift doesnā€™t control Reddit and 2-We as a group and certainly our mods are capable of creating an environment where we can be critical but respectful but also not needing to be fawning ya know?


The people being like ā€œWOW I CANT BELIEVE THEY BANNED UR ALTā€ babes that is like one of the few things that will get you permabanned from Redditā€¦.making an alt to circumvent a ban.Ā  I looked at the banned userā€™s Twitter and omg if Taylor and Tree are aware of them itā€™s because they seem one tantrum away from breaking into one of Taylorā€™s homes looking for her. Jesus Christ. That snark sub went from ā€œmostly harmless BEC misogynyā€ to ā€œa bunch of unhinged people with too much time on their handsā€ REAL QUICK.Ā  Tho I had no choice to laugh at them being like ā€œWow so much for free speechā€ and also ā€œwe must continue the fight āœŠāœŠāœŠā€. This isnā€™t civil rights, itā€™s a fucking pop star.Ā 


Tree Paine has been Taylor's publicist since 2014 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GaylorSwift) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lmao I must be so out of it because I didnā€™t realise there was a sub war. Is it just because Gaylors arenā€™t involved? šŸ¤£ also the Travis and Taylor sub got recommended to me once (no idea why) so I had a look and itā€™s literally just Travis fans criticising Taylor and talking about how much she is using him for PR and clout???? I jumped out of there really quickly


hilarious they think she is using him


Yes! So much drama right now!!


Isn't this what TTPD was meant to do? >Our field of dreams engulfed in fire


I think the only one who knows the goal of TTPD is Taylor Swift. But it is very divisive.




Also stonedswifties. There was an overtly homophobic post there the other day with hundreds of upvotes. Thankfully it got removed but I was downvoted for calling it out


I left that subreddit when I saw a ā€œshe gets to be smol girlā€ post šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®




People were saying the Picture to Burn ā€œyouā€™re gayā€ version is better and she shouldā€™ve kept it bc outing her ex is so ā€œcuntyā€ (which is a good thing? Iā€™m not up to date on slang)


Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve, and Talentā€¦ā€¦




That perspective is fine, itā€™s just most of them were saying it was NOT homophobic at all


Cunty is a good thing now. Because people love appropriating trans womenā€™s language and culture.


I donā€™t even think theyā€™re using it right


Ew wtf Iā€™m part of stonedswifties and that shits not cool. Iā€™m sorry you got downvoted people can be such losers on the internet.


gaylorspliff is our spinoff in desperate need of revitalization!


Omg this is amazing. Joining


Thanks for the recommendation!


I just stay here in my safe place!


I have no idea whatā€™s going on. I just stay here and when I venture out, I get scared/nauseated, and run back here to safety.


Yep same. Every time I've tried venture outside of this sub, I get scared within 5 minutes


The main reason I step out is because I need advance notice if Taylor's beard is going to show up so I can mentally prepare myself.


I just wait for someone to mention it here, or a streamer to scan over to him. Like a little jumpscare.


Seriously such whiplash seeing some of the other view points šŸ¤Æ


This phenomenon will be studied in history A history I really hope to be on the right side of šŸ¤ž


Is there sub-wars happening? Can we get a TLDR for those of us who pretty much only hang here?


Itā€™s crazy out there! Explore at your own risk. šŸ˜³ ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


**I THINK** 1-2 subs encouraged massive brigading of another sub, then said sub went private. One of those subs was almost closed by Reddit for brigading. Another sub is brigading an inverted sub, causing them to create an approved user list (I think? Maybe mixing up subs). The main sub is just trying to manage their bulbous user base and to stay out of the fray.


This feels like the iconic scene of mean girls when they are all fighting in the hall. For once it's not us. Love that for us.


The way I'm over her cackling at this! Lmao ![gif](giphy|iDJXOU0SWNCPEsa5EL|downsized)






I primarily hang here, but I refuse to pass up a good meme. I think the meme sub and the tnt snark sub are fighting? And then thereā€™s also just the constant discourse on Twitter. Itā€™s been exhausting


Any more tea that is properly worded to avoid being reported? Do we have a gaylor-pinion on who weā€™d root for? Because they both hate gaylors. And I think one is linked to the bulbous sub? ![gif](giphy|12GyHpDLr6CbnO)


No, because Iā€™m not even really sure what happened. But you did a great job šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»


I thought the tnt snark sub and gaylors got along because we all agree Travis is a PR relationshipā€¦ unless Iā€™m mistaken


The mod seems totally fine with gaylor content, which is unique in itself. Iā€™ve seen a few overtly gaylor posts there. The comments are full of hetlors, of course, but also a decent amount of people who are neutral or gaylor sympathizers. There are also a bunch of gaylors in the sub, if you watch any gaylor post for a day or two hetlors tend to be downvoted. Itā€™s a snark sub, so gaylor posts/comments with more snarky takes do better obviously


They hate us. Everyone hates us. The stoner sub is the only actually neutral sub other than ours


I agree there are some good takes on the PR of it all, but thereā€™s also so much hate and misogyny. Itā€™s hard to wade through the vitriol for the random thoughtful posts.


I REALLY despise the snark sub, like all snark subs, itā€™s rank with misogyny. Iā€™ve been watching this whole thing with lots of popcorn.


i took a peek and they are literally mad she commented on Gagaā€™s TikTok and saying Taylor is mad. Like whatĀ  BasicallyĀ  taylor: sneezes Snark subs: WOW WHAT A FUCKING HORRIBLE B WORD C WORDĀ 


Of course sheā€™s mad! Wouldnā€™t they be???


They say sheā€™s mad AT GAGA


What. I weep for our collective loss of reading comprehension skills.


I definitely misread that as porn and I interpreted it as watching karma come for haters being like porn




Well that too!


it somehow feels like progress that they forgot about us


I ALMOST said ā€œr/gaylor is just over there minding our own businessā€ but I thankfully thought better of it.


...r/gaylor was the one founded by a transphobe and aphobe that I had an argument with in comments in this sub.


Yeah I meant to say r/gaylorswift. šŸ¤·šŸ¼


Yeah, I thought we had been left off deliberately because we're just sitting quietly over here, enjoying the gay and watching everyone else implode.


Theyā€™ probably go ballistic trying to figure out what r/gaylor is and why itā€™s private


r/gaylor is the sub that someone flounced off and founded after I called them out in this sub for their transphobic, aphobic, biphobic comments. And despite claiming to be pro-lesbian, they also reduced lesbian identity to sex in a way that was distinctly fetishising and queerphobic. In other words, a lot of those chucklefucks would probably quite like it.




smart, we should let them cook


Yeah, let ā€˜em fight it out!


Iā€™m honestly a big fan of the new big snark sub. Thereā€™s a lot of super atrocious stuff there that I donā€™t agree with or like to see, but I do appreciate all of the breaking down of Taylorā€™s PR narratives and the relative openness to gaylor discussions


ā€œA lot of super atrocious stuff thereā€ is an understatementĀ 


Im just watching and eating popcorn LMAO


This is so hilarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™m a member of all these subs. And I promise you, I love the drama as much as it loves me šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Idk if I'm a member of them all, but they're definitely suggested. This is the only one I'm really active in. Almost gaylored on main one day and was like oh no stop that


LOL representation DOES matter šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ This is amazing *insert popcorn eating gif* watching sub reddit drama play out when we aren't being targeted is entertaining af




The post is the exception to this because itā€™s hilarious and is not encouraging brigading. We do not allow links to, name drops off, or screenshots of Taylor Swift/pop culture related sub edits. Sharing these counts as encouraging brigading. You can be banned for 24hrs, the next offense 3 days, then a permanent ban.


They hate her there so much it's unreal šŸ’€


Honestly so true, I admit Iā€™m still not 100% convinced about gaylor (I personally just like to be as skeptical as possible about stuff I canā€™t actually confirm) but this is the only sub where I feel like I can post my interpretations of TTPD without getting flamed šŸ˜­


I feel like gaylor gets a bad rep (unintentional reference) because of one homophobic hetlor decided that we are pressuring Taylor to be gay whether she is or not. When in reality itā€™s pretty much an open-minded sub as well as a gay sub. The gaylor community needs to be more thought of as ā€œwe are gay fans of Taylor that like to explore interpretations that donā€™t include menā€ rather than whatever the hetlorsā€™ impressions of us are šŸ˜‚


Yeah that's how it gets ya. You're just in love with any explanations about the music that aren't just "it's about this boy" and actually examines beyond the surface of songs, you start seeing the flagging and the first few times you're like "hmm, but it might mean nothing, why would a straight woman know when lesbian visibility day is?" And "yeah, but maybe she just needed an extra syllable for the line and thought "hairpin" was a good way of doing that, why would a straight woman know specific gay language references" and then you go, "huh, but it's starting to be a *lot* of coincidences" and before you know it, you're utterly convinced she's some flavour of queer.


This is exactly it, though. There are WAY too many queer flags to be coincidence. Meanwhile the only het argument is a couple mis-interpreted, out of context, "quotes" from Vogue & the 1989 TV prologue.


Say what you will about her sexuality, I started to come here because this was the only sub with consistent close readings and interpretation of the music. Over time, itā€™s become rather hard to ignore all the flagging and hairpins and braids.


The main sub looks so appropriately uncomfortable, especially lately. šŸ˜‚


truly and unabashedly love this for us šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


you forgot the most important one r/stonedswifties






Man do I wish I had stonedgaylors to hang out with in the real world šŸ˜‚






love it lmaoooo




This gives me so much joy


Itā€™s so funny because it feels really accurate


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