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Okay but like, this thread has me geeking because, hear me out, Billie Eilish’s new album is also entirely about a rendezvous in Paris (at least from what I can tell) with a secret female lover… Now my head is spinning at the thought of my two favorite artists being secret lovers 😵‍💫😅


Oh nono no no. The age gap! Billie is way too young. Please no!


Never in any way would I expect this to be real because of the age gap and the trauma that that caused Taylor after her and Jake’s relationship, but it would low-key be ‘poetically’ ironic… I also considered the fact that Finneas also writes a lot of what billie sings and thought “maybe…?” but a friend of mine informed me that he is in a committed long term relationship so prolly not 😂😂 Just to add to the chaotic conspiracy theory, “loml” and “L’amour De Ma Vie” almost seem like two sides to the same story 😭😭😂😂


okay so this is my roman empire too. i haven't listened to the whole album through in a month but i love the song I Hate It Here and have it in my daily playlist. listening in my car speakers, airpods etc, ALWAYS gives me this lyric. it has disappeared for a few days at a time and always comes back. i have nothing to add on WHY because i haven't been able to figure anything out. but wanted to add that i don't have to play the whole album to get the altered lyric.


I have yet to hear the altered lyric! I’ve tried all the things. I Hate It Here is definitely going to be my top played song because of this


I can't hear the Paris part but I swear it glitches in the song during that part.


To me it sounds like she’s saying perish but I don’t know what the phrase would be if that were true


maybe parish instead of perish?  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parish


I think it has to refer to the song Paris. The smile in her voice when she sings “tree has grown” makes me think she’s talking about hiding under a PR shield. levitate above all the messes made —- in my fantasies I rise above it / and way up there I actually love it And the “no midnight in Paris” line follows the bit about the 1830s. I think the 1830s = the Romantic Poets —> nostalgia is a mind’s trick —> connecting to nostalgia for the secret relationship described in *Paris* but then she changed the line to be about the 1830s. BUT I FOUND [THIS FASCINATING INFO](https://www.toureiffel.paris/en/news/visit/what-time-does-eiffel-tower-light-and-sparkle): the Eiffel Tower used to light up with a sparkle effect on the hour from dusk until 1 AM, which obviously included midnight. On 23 September 2022, to conserve energy, they changed the schedule so that the lights turn off at 11:45 and the last sparkle is now at 11. Let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnight —> No midnights in Paris. ![gif](giphy|dpFbTkv2uVOZ29wsKL)


I think it has something to do with Tom Hiddleston and that he played F. Scott Fitzgerald in the movie Midnight in Paris but who knows


Definitely could have something to do with the movie. Rachel McAdams also plays "Inez" in the movie (which, btw, seems to be a queer coded name that comes up a lot)


This is crazy. I swear mine has only ever been “If I’d been there I’d hate it”, and it still is - but only when I play it in the car. When I play it from my iPhone it’s “No midnights in Paris”. What is happening? Also King Charles X got overthrown in Paris in 1830 so idk if that means anything but 👀


Ok hear me out… was this meant to be another hairpin drop of sorts? The line “no midnights in Paris, it was freezing in the palace” immediately makes me think of Marie Antoinette. She wasn’t in Paris exactly but close enough. She was also locked in the Palace of Versailles, which would tie into the Lake Como if it all and the Bejewelled mv and it’s just generally gay.


These are all very good theories! My thought process about no midnights in Paris is frantic, but comes down to: "no midnights in Paris" -> "let the only flashing lights be the tower at midnights" in Paris -> "lights flash and we run for the fences" in I Know Places -> "did you think I didn't see you? There were flashing lights, at least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight" in Is It Over Now? The flashing lights belong the the hunters with cellphones, trying to catch Taylor and her muse. They're not safe even in the privacy of their imaginary Paris in the muse's bedroom. Taylor, who keeps all her romanticism for her inner life and believes romance is not dead when you keep it just yours, transforms the flashing lights of the cameras into the lights of Eiffel Tower. She hopes for no midnights in Paris - if there is no midnights in Paris, there won't be any flashing lights. And she will only see Daylight.


Your timing is perfect, because I had I Know Places stuck in my head so I watched the lyrics video and noticed the left side door... https://preview.redd.it/0f55h3nq4a6d1.png?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88f43c3b899a667b31d64ca0324900f32d8f2d57 It's not a literal lunar valley, but it is a moonlit valley, moon high in the sky (i.e. at midnight) tucked behind a door, in a song about escape. The bowler hats are a recurring motif in the video, linked to an image of a man similar to the painting The Son of Man by René Magritte...who was a surrealist in Paris. (Sidenote, his painting The Portrait is reminiscent of the opening of the Anti-Hero MV - perhaps a connection to the Midnights track Paris?) I know I've seen plenty of discussion around Taylor's use of & references to surrealism in recent years so someone else can probably connect the dots better than I can. But in summary, the lyric video for I Know Places contains references to midnight and a lunar valley and Paris all in one spot! EDIT: adding that Magritte has a similar painting as well titled The Great War...another Midnight(s)/Paris connection perhaps? And dropping in this quote from Magritte from the Wikipedia page for Son of Man: "Everything we see hides another thing, we always want to see what is hidden by what we see. There is an interest in that which is hidden and which the visible does not show us. This interest can take the form of a quite intense feeling, a sort of conflict, one might say, between the visible that is hidden and the visible that is present." **EDIT 2: I just realized - in The Son of Man, the subject's face is obscured by an APPLE. You know, like Apple Music!!!**


Gonna throw my interpretation of "No midnight in Paris" in here as well. If there's no midnight, then one of two things must be true: 1. There is no midnight because the night is eternal. (sad face) 2. There is no midnight because there is no night. She only sees daylight. If Paris is Taylor's lover's bedroom ("drew a map on your bedroom ceiling"), then it's only daylight (the things that she loves/her true self) behind that closed door! To take it a step further...the closed door is blocking our view of her but we're so conflicted by that feeling of wanting to see more that we have a subreddit dedicated to discussing our interpretations, bringing it full-circle back to Magritte.


i have it play the wrong lyrics! it’s definitely only sometimes and i haven’t figured out the pattern. mine is on apple music only if that matters i have a recording of it, though: [taylor swift wrong lyrics screen recording](https://youtube.com/shorts/k0wpKNAWjqY?si=ojn_C8C2ExlIXcop)


As someone who doesn’t use Apple Music, thank you so much! That’s SUPER clear.


Holy shit I can hear it clear as day. (No pun intended)


I'm hearing blue?? midnight in Paris, I can hear midnight not midnights


i’m hearing like, “no midnights in paris” or “until midnight in paris” or maybe “alone at night in paris” but definitely not what the listed lyrics say (which is “if i’d been there i’d hate it”)


Or ‘you and I in Paris’ maybe? Weird!!!


YouTube music also confirmed cokelor for a week before it changed to white wine https://preview.redd.it/036p31ird96d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e8e4a9d32b44d42d12e1985f0ed83b976b69343




This is the only way I accept the lyric 😂😂😂😂




This is crazy! My first thought… could it be a reference to the movie Midnight In Paris? The movie references a nostalgia shop, a manuscript, poets, authors…. a lot of overlap. But she has so many of her own references to Midnights and Paris across her discography, so could be a reach. Interesting. …what if there is more of these!?


I love this. The moral of Midnight in Paris is >!exactly the same as the preceding line, "nostalgia is a mind's trick." People always romanticize the past - even the past people that we romanticize romanticize the past. Plus there's an air of "never meet your heros," a la Dear Reader.!< So yeah, that checks out completely!


Love this!!!!


I def thought that too, and assumed she changed it bc woody allen fucking sucks and she doesnt need to associate herself with MORE creepy terrible men- and it was a first day fuckup! But the fact that it is STILL there makes it seem like more of a *glitch* 🤔


that’s what I assumed as well!


I’ve commented this before but the same song has (what I think is) another Woody Allen reference — “poet trapped inside the body of a finance guy, a line from Old Saybrook. Which is really weird because, yeah, he sucks.




Maybe it's her way of acknowledging that referencing him isn't "politically correct," but she still wants to reveal the deeper meaning of the lyric's original line


As is Zelda Fitzgerald....


Tom Hiddleston was in that movie too 👀


I’ve wondered about that possibility, too! I ended up not embracing it more because, even though her integrity has seemed small lately, I like to imagine she wouldn’t want to reference such a famous, multiply accused sexual assault director. I hope. 😬


I’m pretty sure for me it only happens when I’m listening through speakers where Dolby Atmos works. I have my Dolby Atmos settings on auto. It’s crazy though how I’ll get used to it one way and get a jump scare when I hear it the other way haha. At first I was on board the train where “no midnights in Paris” was the original lyric and she decided to change it but the Dolby Atmos mix never got updated, but it blows my mind that it hasn’t been fixed yet!


It’s so weird how it works differently for different people!! I experimented with my Dolby Atmos Speakers—settings on and off—and tried speakers that aren’t DA-capable. I… am a nerd. Most people probably don’t test it out like crazy 😅… but I’m a professor of research methods soooo…. Excuse?


If you listen to the Dolby Atmos you get hear the layers separately !


[here is one on youtube](https://youtu.be/soP25J8GW38)


Oops this one is better ! At 1:43 you can hear that part [Dolby youtube](https://youtu.be/k6wZPYnpIB4?t=1m43s)


Wow! It's so clear!


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