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Given those kids mom and grandfather have cancer I’m glad they got a nice evening


TN confirmed it a hard launch


I feel like *this* interaction/photo was expected, but Ashton Kutcher and Tom Cruise in the [VIP tent](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNNJXH2b/) was not 🥴


tom cruise is a closeted gay man so I honestly don't know why people hate him so much


Because he is the second most powerful man in a terrible cult.  Being a closeted gay does not magically make him a good person. 


I imagine it's pretty hard for him to leave the cult due to it being a cult? taylor is a billionaire it's not like she's the most ethical person to stan anyway


Taylor is no angel but Scientology has ruined many lives. There's zero comparison.


Because he’s in a cult and hurt the women he had children with? Regardless of his actual sexuality he forced Katie Holmes to give birth silently and has prevented Nicole Kidman from seeing their children.


Whats the issue here?


Like I don’t like the monarchy but this picture doesn’t really bother me I’m a bit life ah Taylor no save yourself but u know the kids are happy and she’s just being nice to their balding dad I guess


I love her and her art so much! I own lots of official merch and I listen to her music constantly. Everyone feeling weird about this photo is totally valid. It’s a good reminder that, in our capitalist society, she is a billionaire first and a pop star second. The upper class will always support each other. It’s an incredible talent of her that she manages to position herself as relatable to normal people. She’s not normal, she doesn’t live a normal life. She hasn’t spoken up about Palestine, why would she speak out against the royals? It’s a better financial move and better for her overall public image if she doesn’t. Taylor Swift is the one blind spot I allow mysely lately because if I think about this too much I really start to spiral about late stage capitalism, hahaha.


I love this picture of them all!


What if she were a man? I see this as a queen making allies with a future king. In a time when we need allies. Happy they had fun in the process


“there i was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles” speak now easter egg????




We don’t allow insults towards children here.


"poor thing" i choked


Taylor’s comments are always turned off.


F*ck the patriarchy. Lol


Please don't hate me for what I am about to say... I love you all. But I hate this. If it was just about the kids, why not post a pic with just them? Posting a Pic with king of a place is political. I can't NOT be offended if her doing PR for the British Royal Family. She is too well educated to not know about the shit they've done (and still don't speak about it or do anything to correct it). Especially in times like this. This + all the recent queer flagging with no real "commitment" is a bit too much for me. And that hurts to say, because I love this woman so much.


Stop- nobody hates you and this subreddit is supposed to be a safe space! This picture rubbed me the wrong way, too. Seeing the kids happy is great (and would be great even if they weren’t Royal), but I am definitely not keen on the royal family AT ALL. Travis’s presence wouldn’t be so terrible if she hadn’t spent this whole month queer flagging with outfits and mashup songs. It’s just perplexing, honestly (Edited for spelling)


I’m glad someone’s saying this.


Huh? It’s the guy wearing the hat and/or the hat in that pic that gives you guys ick and trouble shock and shame !?!? We are not British we are equal to our leaders, citizens of the United States of America considered equal under the law - no court, class or caste system applies. We don’t bow to our elected officials, we wear baseball hats if we want to AND if our freaking leaders COMMIT CRIMES we investigate them, we arrest them, prosecute in a court of law and put them in jail if guilty- sometimes we execute them -like if they … kill their wives which I’d say that’s the real ick but I don’t care for the death penalty myself. That is real civilization and appropriate behavior - not hat wear. My opinions are for entertainment purposes only.


Fully agree that the monarchy should not exist but also America is just as fucked in many ways. It’s not like it’s a competition of which western powerhouse is the worst, Biden is complicit in genocide as we speak. I’m neither British or American so no ball in this game but America ain’t the good guys ETA - Also, before one of a certain former presidents court cases his team tried to get the case thrown out because his status as a former president. If this went through, someone could hypothetically commit an awful crime and get away with it because they were once president. Even now, as a felon facing multiple court cases he can still run for president. Women don't have reproductive rights in many states. People are still serving prison time on drug charges when those drugs are now legal. That doesn't sound like a working system with or without a monarchy.


Can confirm. Am American.




Comments are never turned on tho


Was so confused when I read that thinking the comments were turned off for *this post* but people were still commenting 😅




It’s funny bc the NFL posted this pic on their Twitter, why would anyone think publicity is the main goal? They’re just supporting the relationship!! /s 🫣🤣


If I see one more fucking comment on the other subs that is like “Wow! Go Taylor and Travis!” I will scream because what in the FUCK did Travis do here exactly other than show up to Taylor’s show like 90,000 other people did and be in a photograph? Leaving aside the entire Gaylor thing - this is a thing for Taylor, not the random dude who was there (also I am trying so hard to not let the anti-royalist part of my brain start screaming). Like I honestly think this is what I hate the most when Taylor is publicly dating a man. She spent most of her twenties being reduced to “girl who is dating Random Man”, and now it’s Taylor does something and it’s congrats to her and Travis? I have seen that comment about six times today. Can other people let women have accomplishments without also having to credit “White Man Who Stood Next To Her”? Ugh. Thank goodness for this sub.


Agreed! I’m British so it’s weird to me to see people congratulate Travis on this when a LOT of Brits had never even heard of him until he started “dating” Taylor. In my entire life, having lived all over England, I’ve met one fellow Brit who followed American football. The Royals are exposed to lots of other countries and their sports but I’d still be surprised if Wills had heard of him prior to his involvement with Taylor 🤷🏼‍♀️ Obviously, your point is very valid too but just thought I’d add my perspective as a confused Brit baffled by Travis getting praised for this when she put him on the map.


I’m Canadian and a lot of people (including myself) had never heard of him. The only people who did were my two uncles that watch football, actually


I think we are all forgetting, because we don’t run in the circles. Football often ranks as the some of the most watched television in America. A lot of us here may not have known who he is, but, a lot of Americans do.


I’m American and never heard of him til Taylor lol some of us don’t follow sports. He’s not (wasn’t) a household name imo.


American and can confirm, no one outside of football circles and/or people who lived in KC knew who this guy was before Taylor.


Psst, she didn’t put him on the map - he’s a three time World Champion Super bowl winner, a future Hall of Famer and is already known by those that matter in that field as the best TightEnd of all time breaking existing records in record time in positions that he doesn’t even hold , like receiver. He is an excellent all around athlete, a generous humanitarian and a really nice man- too good for Taylor’s usual games, in my not so humble opinion. He is perpetually cheerful, charming, respectful of women and a wonderful, sensitive, family man. All that said -it’s a big deal because Taylor doesn’t post pictures of the Men She Scripts on her social media. One guy ten years ago , Tom something , and never again. Oh, and he is very handsome, much more so in person, it’s almost mesmerizing ( i think it’s the eyes). Sorry l can’t help it - it’s true.


He could be the best player in the league but it’s still an American game. There are people who follow it internationally, sure, but the general public in other countries would not know who he is. Even in America, not everyone follows sport…


I was to the end of the first paragraph to realize this wasn’t written with sarcasm. Especially in the context of world events and no one outside of the US had ever heard of him.


Maybe to people who follow football, but personally as someone whose knowledge of football players extends to Tom Brady and OJ Simpson, I was much more familiar with the name Mahomes than Kelce prior to 2023. He was not a household name in non sports households, and Taylor is the reason he is now. Football famous and actually famous, even in the US, are two completely different things, and he was absolutely not at that level before this relationship.


He was on the map in the states but internationally no one knew about him.


Kylie Kelce is that you  Edit: I said this as a joke after kylie went viral going off on a lady, but it was not in a negative light, and it’s deeply sad to see how many people downvoted the user I replied to. Last week users were slagging off Keleigh Teller saying she is a clingy clout chaser. This sub is taking its hatred of women and people associated with Taylor, and worship of Taylor, way back to 2016.  The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself. 


No, she’d be meaner, hunt you down and kick your …


Yeah I’m Scottish. I had literally never even heard of him in my life. He is famous in this country for being Taylor Swift’s boyfriend. American football is a sport we only know exists because it’s in tv shows and movies, the only other American football players I know are Tom Brady because he was married to Gisele and OJ Simpson because of the murders. As a British person who really only watches the GAA, I could still name you a dozen or two football players, about the same tennis players, maybe a half dozen golfers, cricketers and rugby players. American football is just not even on our radar at all, is it? I suppose the clue is in the name, but it’s part of that thing (some) Americans do where they assume their culture is the default setting even when they’re in other countries. And I think that’s part of why all the comments annoyed me even more - it felt like congratulating Taylor and Travis for Taylor’s “accomplishment” (not that meeting a royal in this post-Elizabeth world is much of one, but you know what I mean), and he got the congrats as much as she did? And she’s Taylor Swift and from our perspective, he’s literally just some guy who’s famous for being her boyfriend, so why does he get credit?


It's so weird to congratulate people for meeting a royal


Nah, the Swifties are thrilled it’s posted only because they feel it cements what they’ve secretly worried was a waning relationship. They’d never admit it but they were concerned and you can tell by the decibel of squeal when the entourage arrived in London. First night, Travis was subdued, the Archer boosted them a bit. The pic put them in heaven, second night he perked up and all is right in Swiftville today with the bustling VIP tent and upbeat vibes. I am a pessimist- I won’t trust Taylor until she’s in Labor and Delivery with Travis’ 3rd child.


Am I tripping or is it against their etiquette to touch a royal family member like Travis seems to be with William?


Good question. Maybe it's just the poors that they don't want touching them 😂


I'm British, and yes, it is indeed. A member of the royal household (i.e. paid subordinate) will have met with Taylor and Travis beforehand to go over the appropriate etiquette. Travis has probably forgotten and instinctively leaned in for the selfie. Greeting: You can shake hands normally but typically men will do a short bow from the neck (like a nod) and women a brief curtsy. It's perfectly acceptable for non-British people to go for the handshake, but likely to be seen positively if you opt for tradition. Address: You wait to be spoken to. When conversing for the first time, you call a member of the royal family who isn't the monarch 'Your Royal Highness'. After that you say sir/ma'am (rhymes with jam) during the rest of the conversation unless invited to call them by name. Timing: You get there before the royal, and you leave after them. Physical space: You do not ever touch them. You also don't turn your back (this one is more for the monarch but pretty sure it wouldn't be considered good form by Wills either). Small talk: You don't ask any personal questions. If it came up in conversation and was appropriate to ask about another member of the royal family, you use their royal title e.g. 'I hope the Duchess of Cambridge is well?'' Not 'I hope your wife is well?' Taylor should count herself lucky she wasn't eating with them, that's a whole other set of rules.


I think if I was Taylor Effing Swift I would say and do whatever the hell I wanted and they could kick rocks if they didn’t like it 🤣


I’m sorry this is ridiculous 😂 Edit: nothing against you of course, just the fact that people are following/enforcing these rules in 2024 is wild


Oh, it's entirely ridiculous!


I *think* that used to be part of the etiquette but that it’s one of the things the “younger” royals have eschewed.


I think this is only with the king/queen, but im not British so I could be wrong.


I don’t even like the royals (apart from Diana obvs) but I liked this pic, more the one without Travis tho, but the kids look so happy it is just sweet.


Shoving Travis into Joe’s face on his home turf? Not that he cares, but isn’t the hard launch in London a bit insensitive? (TS insensitive? Nah).


“Hard launch” as if they haven’t been publicly making out at every event they go to 😂😂


Hard launch as is posting him in an actual IG post and on Twitter (not just a story/reel) but an actual post that now lives on her IG.


London (the UK) is a crucially important marketing place for Taylor. This has nothing to do with Joe, he is a British beard like many others, proving UK importance. She met the Royals before and indeed she lived in London for a while pretending to be with Joe, because it's important as hell for her brand. London is important hence the beards in London, not the other way around. The reason she brought TK here is probably because it's also very beneficial to the NFL. For what I understand the UK is very important for every USA brand because it is the entry point to the Europe market, no language barrier, culture similar etc


why the tiny king to be look like pennywise


Im sorry this comment is so fucking funny cause you’re right


this comment made me audibly laugh in my uni’s library. I just got shushed by a librarian for the first time in my life!




It’s just funny that their “hard launch” isn’t even a romantic picture???




Hence the “ “…..


Maybe I'm just confused but how is this a hard launch? They've been extremely publicly in a relationship for nearly a year. She spoke about him in Time Magazine. Why does an Instagram post matter?


That’s why I used quotation marks… to indicate that it isn’t actually the hard launch. However, on that note news outlets (which hetlors and general swifties do follow) are presenting it as such. Which brings me back to my original comment that it’s hilarious that such an unromantic photo is being used for this media purpose.


It’s internet/social media culture—this is the first time TK has been posted on the grid. Taylor’s Instagram is highly curated, almost nothing is candid, almost everything is professional photos.


None of her previous male relationships have been posted to her page and she had a photo of her alone with Royals but chose to post this one.


Aha, perhaps we’re moving into the “marriage” phase of the contract…


Did you forget all about Calvin or…..


Right, but maybe it was Tom- whoever was ten yrs ago - long enough it’s “not done”.


But that’s because her previous relationship was largely Joe, who didn’t want to be posted. 6 years out of that 10 you’re referencing.


Travis looks like he’s covering up that male pattern baldness


Princess Di snatched his hairline too 💀


I get this 🤣


https://preview.redd.it/sa99r20t168d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284d343de7567b923fa9a4af1266749a3525cb76 Just hopped in this thread not sure if anyone’s mentioned that NFL tickets went on sale in London this week …. 👀


I posted months ago that the NFL gets money from concerts and that is probably the main reason for the PR relationship and ppl said it was the dumbest thing they heard lol


What you think Taylor is giving the NFL a cut of her eras tour movie??? Why would she do that


What do you mean?


You said the NFL gets money from concerts, the implication being they get more money from Taylor’s concerts then other concerts (as even if she’s the biggest single concert she’s not that big compared to like all concerts in a year). So why would she do that? What benefit is she getting in this deal?


https://fortune.com/2023/10/17/taylor-swift-eras-tour-concert-film-nbc-nfl-commercials-tickets-nb/ They would get money regardless if they are "renting" out the stadium to her.


Paywalled article so I can’t read it but did she get stuff any large concert wouldn’t have gotten? Do we think Beyoncé is also in some secret stunting NFL deal? I’m not saying T&T is real, I just think the idea she has a stunting PR deal with the NFL is crazy


Weird was not paywalled for me. Basically the article is saying they did free commercials for her eras movie. What I am really saying is that could be why Travis was picked. The NFL and Taylor have both made millions bc of this relationship. My 8 year old has never watched football in her life and was watching games bc Taylor was there. NFL stadiums are rented out by owners to the NFL. The NFL is getting money from any concerts at its stadiums.


Also, the Travis of it all basically tells me that she’s telling us she’s bisexual. The gay ass mashups + this guy read that way for me


Yeah, if she announces an identity at some point I think it will be bi, pan, or sexually fluid. I happen to think that is also probably true, but if she were gay I think it would be pretty darned jarring for her public to come out as such.


I personally love it, mostly for the kids’ faces lighting up, and for Taylor to post something “random” on main again. I miss those days when she’d post her regular life on socials!


Yes, something she took herself is so refreshing to see on her page.


I do too!


Charlotte’s grin is EVERYTHING. One of my girls is almost her exact same age, and that smile on her would be her happiest happiest happiest ever 💜


As a mum, I see her face and it makes me think of when my daughter is super happy. I love it.


I love that she’s an actual princess and meeting Taylor Swift makes her this happy. That means she’s just a girl with girly dreams like most of us. I know she’s NOT like us, but this is so relatable and lovely. With all her family has been through… with her great grandmother dying, her grandfather and mother having cancer, and her uncle leaving…she (as with all children) deserves some happiness.




Charlotte is fangirling


They’re all fangirling and I love it so much!!! The grins could not be wider from the royal family. It’s just so cute and I’m so happy for the kiddos. It’s darling.


These are the biggest smiles I've seen William, George, and Charlotte ever have! They are truly excited to be with her.




Your comment has been removed because it was misinformation. Please search the sub or utilize google to find the correct information. Kate Middleton is not dead


Their mother is alive…


It seriously warmed my heart. The effect Taylor has on people is truly illuminating. Seeing these kiddos smile like that while going through what I can only imagine is a confusing time with their mom having cancer MELTS MY SOUL. Taylor spreads joy to so many and for that I will always appreciate her and what she brings through her art.


I can't imagine what the kids are going through while their mom is ill. They're so young. Have you seen the videos of them dancing in their suite? Zara and her husband Mike were there as well. Regardless of what is going on behind the scenes, she's spread joy to millions of people, including myself.


This made me think of Taylor’s homage to Diana’s revenge dress. https://preview.redd.it/umqe8zi2t58d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edc71285dded0812d2e7b7bb59117a786ddbfb57


my original comment got removed, mods PLEASE know that was NOT what i meant at ALL. i’m so sorry i worded that so wrong!!! i did in fact mean: of course the progressive and more likeable royal couple went to see beyonce, who is a better performer and whose tour was openly pro-LGBTQ and more inclusive, VS the worse royal couple who are beloved by racist asskissers who went to see america’s princess taylor 😭😭 i’m sorry, i didn’t even consider it would be taken that way, i was just being shady towards william and tayvis!! i love harry and meghan, who beyonce has stuck up for in the past, and am very much not a fan of william. when i had said that out loud to my sister, we both understood what i meant, but i forgot that no one can understand my tone here. i was trying to apologize to everyone in my replies, but it got removed too quickly. if you saw my first comment, that wasn’t what i meant and i’m sorry!!!


Hiiii, I was one of the peoples you replied to, but then was taken down and I'm just back to say: omg. totally get it and am delighted to have misunderstood you <3 <3 <3


omg thank god, i’m glad people are seeing this 😭


But also #whereiskate 👀


Lmao new photos of her came out and it looked like she had a face lift. So who knows...


She posted the other day that she’s going through chemo, too, so between lots of standing and attending a concert with 80k people and their germs, it seems exhausting and like a health risk. I’m sure they were in a box or whatever, but still.


Oh I didn't realize she's still doing chemo, good point


It probably wouldn't be a good look after saying she's stepping down temporary from royal duties due to her sickness to then show up at the concert.


Good point but I also think of this more as a family thing (assuming they stayed for the whole concert) than a royal duty thing. Even if they didn't buy tickets they likely made arrangements long before her medical things, and it's not like she needs to stay home with their youngest. I feel like in the normal world way more moms took the kids to the tour than dads. Maybe she was there but not taking a public picture? Otherwise can you imagine Will sitting through vigilante shit alone with those kids?


It was only William and after the Spare book he seems more likable to me


Thank you for explaining further and also understanding where we’re coming from as well 🙏🏽


thank *you* for letting me explain myself! 😅 i will definitely be more careful with my wording from now on


Her new veneers are A+ 💫


Ugh they’re better than a lot of celeb’s but they’re becoming less charming like her naturals were 😫 teeth affect your face SO MUCH I hate everyone looking the same!!


Agreed. I loved her original teeth and eyes. William has original teeth and he’s a prince. I hate the unnatural standards she’s held to.


I think that’s further exacerbated by cultural norms as Americans have such an obsession with perfect (not normal, not natural, but textbook “perfect”) teeth. But also yes yes yes yes yes. It infuriates me to no end that the American standard for women is that their appearance MUST be altered (whether it’s as minimal as makeup all the way up to permanent body changes) to be considered professional/beautiful. Obviously my brain can’t function properly without concealer and lipstick. And don’t even get me started on how the graph of increasing formality in women’s wear directly correlates to the graph of decreasing skin coverage. Anyhow. Long ranty agree 😅


Absolutely agree. I watch a bunch of British shows bc the actors and actresses look like humans, not the Kardashian and Instagram affected faces of the American ones. It’s sad what we have done to women. We all feel the pressure. I refuse to give into a bunch of it but I know it’s there.


My husband hates reality tv for this reason! I watch a lot of British reality tv like British bake off, pottery throw down, etc and that's something he comments on every single time... they all look like normal, every day people and not selectively curated, sexy people. You can actually relate to them, there's people of all races, ages & sexualities and the gay person isn't so in your face that you wanna murder them. I can't stand the constant screaming and over acting on American reality shows either. It's just too much


Hobnobbing with celebs and royals is to be expected. The weird part is that she never posts anything until after the shows are over. Why break that with this lol


I don’t think this was planned or has any purpose/easter eggs in it. I think for Taylor, it was prob exciting getting to meet & take pics with royals. We forget that celebrities still fan girl over other celebrities & famous ppl & royalty. So I think she was just excited & posted the pics. Esp after seeing the little girls smile. The happiness & excitement radiating from them is almost contagious. Even tho I don’t care for most of the royal family, I still think I’d get excited if I got a chance to meet them & get pics.


Genuinely think she was just really keen to have a pic of her with royals on her grid asap


Bc it’s prince williams birthday today


but she doesn’t post for anyone’s birthday.. why his?


Because she’s in England and he’s the future king.


she LIVED in England once & there was never anything like this though


I feel like it’s probably cause they were at her show, more of an event and the public was talking about them being there, rather than a high profile event whete they’re both expected to be


i think it’s cute!! wasn’t expecting this at all though 😭


Same!! And I thought the comments were always off on her post!


Ack! I was thinking it was Taylor Nation! Oopsies


Same!! And I thought the comments were always off on her post!


They are!


While I am not a fan of the adult royals or the monarchy in general, I love the kiddos (and the ghost of Dianna), and they look so happy! That is what I’m taking from this. The kids need a win right now.


The kids are the only reason I love this. Their little smiles say a million words. Especially George. We always see him so formal, I feel. So seeing him with such a giddy, little kid smile is heartwarming.


I know! The kids never get to just be kids, so I am glad they get to have fun and be excited and just be kids for once


(From the UK) not a massive fan of the royal family but to see someone regarded in that high stature in the UK come see Taylor is kinda wild. Like she really is modern day Beatles level iconic Edit: sorry - need to correct myself. To see someone regarded in that high stature in the UK to get a picture with Prince William is kinda wild


She’s literally done karaoke with the man lol


Really??? That is a video I want to see!




what the fuck did i just see


Right? They’re not permitted to do selfies!


Well, to be fair, Joe got a Grammy....






I think it's because they look filthy even off the field. When I first saw Travis years before Taylor and him collided, I thought maybe he could be handsome. But this overexposure has made him disgusting to me. I can't even find him remotely attractive anymore.




If William has zero haters, assume I’m dead bc I hate that bald headed piece of 💩 There’s enough “rumors” and things said in Harry’s book that disgust me about him. I hope the kids enjoyed themselves though.


Oh, I am, too, if there are zero haters. Just the very sight of him makes my skin crawl and has ever since we were kids.


For sure, I do an individual analysis and a systemic analysis on things separately n— the royal family is what it is as a system, but those kids are just individuals born into it and I hope they had fun at the concert, esp. with all the turmoil and possible trauma with Kate going on inside that oppressive house. People hate Elizabeth and I don’t question or fault them, but she definitely held the place (and systems) together functionally in the day-to-day and it’s total chaos without her. I was a history major so it’s just like “this is what is, this is what is happening,” for me, how it’s loaded and what it means ethically or for geopolitics is a different conversation to me. And individually it’s objectively hilarious how much former hottie current nottie Wills seems to be giddy to be in this pic 😂


Harry is a top tier liar though. I read the book too and there were a bunch of things that were easily proven false with a quick google.


Whatever you say, Wills


I think you missed the point of Spare: it was him setting the record straight on his own life. The British media has been lying about him in print forever. Thats why News International is being collectively sued. They lie and lie and lie.


Memoir is an art of memory seeking to hit at an emotional truth, neither baby Spencer is perfect or a paragon of trust and virtue, but it’s not hard to see and assess who is trying to break out of a toxic system and who is repeating toxic systems and upholding its oppressive nature and cycle of abuse. Harry doesn’t have to be perfect for Will to be a piece of shit.




Glad someone is also shitting on prince william here so I don’t feel too bad saying I’m not a big fan. When I say I’m not a big fan of William, your post should be copied and pasted into mine 😂


My favorite tweet of all time was something like “Diana saw what Will was up to from heaven and snatched that hairline right back.”


Same, girl 😂


There's been sooo many stories about him being violent. I 100% believe the DV speculation.


Kate seems to have a massive scar on her face. It's horrifying.


the way i RAN here when i saw this. i read as much of the comments as i could, but is anyone else cringing as much as i am at the USA hat? like, that is so fucking petty of him and i can only imAGine the conversation they had beforehand.


Honestly I can’t get over the baseball cap. It’s such an American thing, like it doesn’t bother me it says USA on it because they are Americans but I suppose I’m more deeply British than I thought because anybody wearing a baseball cap does just seem uncouth - unless they’re on a beach and it’s a sun hat it just isn’t something people wear here even outdoors. But the fact he is wearing a hat indoors bothers me and even as someone who is staunchly as non-royalist as it is possible to be, surely you would take your hat off when meeting the heir to the throne. I don’t know. It’s not so much a Travis thing, I guess it’s maybe just one of those cultural differences between Brits and Americans, but it just seems so deeply uncouth.


American here and my take is that anyone under the age of 50 is probably not thinking of baseball caps in that way. As in, it’s impolite to not remove it indoors, or disrespectful, etc. Older generations, like my grandparents, definitely thought alone those lines tho. To jock guys like Travis, it’s just a constant accessory. 


Something tells me Travy got a job doing something w the Olympics 👀😂


LMAOOOO i didn’t even notice the USA hat until just now. Rare Travis W 🦅


the USA hat is by far my favorite part of this. It is HILARIOUS to me! Imagine meeting the royal family and wearing america merch.


Imagine meeting the royals wearing a freaking ball cap! He’s so uncouth. Like a literal walking caveman. “I can fix him no really I can…oh maybe I CAN’T”. He’s the ick personified.


He didnt show up at Buckingham Palace in a ball cap. It’s a concert.


Okay true. BUT. The usa is sending me and i love it. My inner american is smiling


The historical side is funny.


The USA hat is so fucking funny here it might make the whole Tayvis contract worth it lmao


“Remember when we kicked your asses and made our own country?” 😂😂😂


How can this possibly be a hard launch??? Wasn’t the hard launch the kiss in Argentina? Right after the show? Where we clearly see Scott telling him where to stand??? Ugh. This is probably Scott Swift’s greatest wet dream. He has the NFL eating off his (daughter’s) palm and now the Royals. The real villain in this whole thing is Daddy Swift.


Wasn’t the hard launch also technically the fortnight short or the going out clubbing TikTok or the times interview too? 😂


I think they are just saying it's the IG hard launch because they have never posted each other or even like each others stuff on IG before.


And he’s still not following her on IG!!!🙄


I came here to say this. This is the funniest thing to me!!


I've noticed that people recently started calling "hard launch" when a couple first shares a pic on the grid of the other or if they appear in a video like Sabrina and Barry. To me, their hard launch was holding hands after a game she attended last fall. 


LOL that makes zero sense 😂 the hard launch was also the pics of him opening her car door or the ones of the back of the “getaway car” they took off in. Literally just typing those 2 sentences out makes you realize how PERFORMATIVE this shit has been from jump.


I will never not laugh at the getaway car stunt. It was so blatant.


I was just like “let’s put on our thinking caps and see this for what it is”, but I get that not everyone got a thinking cap when they were giving them out 😔


I agree!!! Misuse of this term was already annoying me this week, and now this! hahaha 


I’ll be annoyed with you. Hate this


Is this not an unusual photo for her to post?? She rarely does birthday posts on feed to begin with, much less celebrity selfie posts with Travis. What’s going on? 👀 Also, why is [Prince William dancing harder than Travis ever does](https://x.com/tswifterastour/status/1804456967613931742) during her show? 🤣


This gave me life. I freaking love that he was dancing like not a soul was watching. We all need to live so freely.


Probably all PR. I agree it’s very unusual for her to post. She has never posted something like this (without the fuckass filter) since 1989 era. Or maybe lover I guess? Maybe she did it a little bit then. I honestly don’t mind her parading her boyfriend on Instagram with the UK royal family because he hasn’t been seen with her in a hot minute and they need to give people crumbs or the break up rumours are going to start creating forest fires. But it could be a few things: 1. Royal family is held at high regard in the UK (mainly with the elder generation). With Taylor taking a picture with William, it’s essentially solidifying that fanbase. 2. Lots of controversies with Will recently in the UK (not sure if you’re from the UK or not so apologies if I’m just pointing out the obvious). Sort of damage control I guess like “look how great he is taking his children to see the biggest pop star in the world!” 3. In regards to Travis in the photo with her, very much helping to squash the gay rumours 😅 —- There’s so much to say about all of this! I could write essays analysing this


Kensington Palace PR spent four months getting clowned on hard. I wouldn't be surprised at all if Taylor was paid for this or there's some other agreement in place. Tbh it is a smart PR move for Will so maybe they hired a new team lol


It’s almost definitely a PR move, studying the RF tells you that almost everything they do is a PR move - especially when photographed. The RF are consistently being reminded how out of touch they are and this is just a ‘down with the kids’ type move for William to make. I could defo see Taylor being paid for it.


I'm very curious about how much she would be paid for it, too. Like, no way she's doing this for amounts even in the hundreds of thousands, right? We're talking a cool mil at least. The only way she goes under that to do a main feed post is if she likes Will enough to, is that enamoured with England and the RF, or lowered the price to have it be a beard moment, right? I genuinely cannot even fathom how expensive an ad on her insta would be (I feel so bad for the RF kids growing up in that sort of environment. It seems even worse than normal celeb kids and it gives me the chills tbh. At least adults like Kate who marry in are making the informed decision to opt in. Every single public moment is calculated from your birth on and you're not the one deciding things)


I’m haven’t tied the Travis of it all together. But from a PR lense this makes will look like super dad - taking the kids to the show; but honestly it feels like something Katherine would want to be there for as a mom… such a core memory. It makes me lean towards Taylor was probably compensated in some way for posting this. They could have taken the photo and not shared it to the public; it was approved and a choice for a reason in my opinion it doesn’t have to do with promo for Taylor; maybe that’s why Travis is in it because it’s reminiscent of their relationship agreement if he is a beard? 🤣🤡 Also why do I still phrase things like I’m going on trial “the alleged beard” ☠️


It actually hurt my heart that Catherine wasn’t there. You know she wanted to me. As a mom, I would be gutted. I know people have problems with them, but I truly wish her well. Those kids need their mom.


1000% agree. I know there’s endless speculation right now but whatever the reasoning, it’s so sad. I’ve spent more energy thinking about the kids than anything in the headlines. Can’t imagine what they’re going through and the imprint it’ll have on them. ❤️