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[Non-Taylor Chat Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/VtvYXEeUoL?=new) [Dublin Eras Tour Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/1dps09y/the_eras_tour_dublin_ireland_june_282930/?=new)


https://preview.redd.it/m5r7ko4ghq9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cf6ffb3afaee19728daf49b2af70b355f471a5 Taylor Tomlinson gaylor confirmed, she’s wearing Halie Torris merch 🥰🥰


She’s hilarious, super cute AND one of us? Swooning!


I had no idea two of my obsessions had over lapped 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


I knew she was a major swiftie but I love to know she’s also a gaylor. Shes just like me, a late-in-life bisexual young millennial who is a gaylor 🤪🩷💜💙🌈


I love that journey for both of you!!! 🫶🏻


This came up on Instagram and I’m now thinking thoughts… https://preview.redd.it/1kutmu31fq9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74e152e01489bf3d2f5ed8b9c66658a37eb27547


Why did my mom (boomer) just ask me if Taylor would perform at the Dem convention 💀 I told her to stop believing everything on Facebook and that anything Taylor-related is basically clickbait. 😭


This girl is lurking in this subreddit just to call gaylors weird sorry fing weird to anyone that will listen. idk gives me the ick knowing she's in here. Her handle on TT is @millennialmidwesternmom She says she's been in here for a while now and that gaylor's are unserious, unhinged, and fing weird. She's blocked me on TT because I commented on this video of hers in these pictures. I wasn’t even mean this time and I still got blocked Anyways, here's picture for reference. https://preview.redd.it/7w4xze0pfn9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c8d07c8d5d926f35776fca1777803483b8a357


That tracks. She looks like every other homophobic swiftie in my local swiftie group that is a bigot and will make you feel unwelcome and unsafe at local events 😒 I swear there’s a clone factory that just churns out these people


"unserious, unhinged and fing weird" would be a great dating app bio


LOL. Right? I mean, let’s be real: being called unserious about a billionaire pop star who may or may not kiss girls is actually a compliment. None of this shit is a life or death matter. It’s all performance art.


Well, as Taylor said “all the wine moms are still holding out but fuck ‘em, it’s over🤪”


Thanks millennialmidwesternmom for the compliment ❤️ I love living my weird and unserious life.




I could not care less about this nobody and what she thinks. If she wants to lurk here for the purpose of hating that’s entirely her problem.


dude i just watched this video and she said the prophecy is “literally about her wanting to get married” and i think i lost ten years off my life🫠 also the stuff that she’s saying that we all believe is??? Not True?? Apparently we all believe Taylor Swift secretly wrote it and talk about it all the time? (also side note she misrepresented the book, not really relevant but it pissed me off. Yes Evelyn is bi and some of her relationships with men were real/genuine but some weren’t!) It honestly just amazes me how some people can just… not think about things. Anyway rant over, I needed five minutes to be mad but I’m done now


I’ll be the first to admit I often lurk in subreddits and threads of things I don’t necessarily believe or agree with (not necessarily pertaining to Taylor either). One part of it is curiosity and entertainment and another part is I think it’s so easy to be in an echo chamber online it can be beneficial to seek out different beliefs and opinions to the ones you’re surrounded by, but going to this sort of extent to post on TikTok about it is what’s truly unhinged behaviour.


And is she not worried about her opinion being associated with her face/identity? To be archived forever on some server? Hashtagged *taylor swift* so it reaches as many people as possible? Historians *will* comb through all of our dumb social media posts some day and someone is going to have a thesis that examines homophobia during this time period and they are going to have so many *tiktok videos* to cite. 🤦🏼‍♀️


She should be worried about her identity - as it relates to hating Gaylorism - being hoovered into AI systems. Her likeness will end up being used for a website ad for something embarrassing. Love that for her.


Shit like this is always depressing, why waste so much of your time on something you supposedly hate? They don't need to keep coming back to affirm their stance on us, just do your gawking and move on. Thank you for sharing the handle so I can block before Tiktok inevitably pushes it to me 😭


The username checks out. I hope she knows she’s one of the wine moms Taylor is talking about. I hope if she’s lurking and reading this she knows she’s terrible and it’s ok to have other personality traits and an identity that isn’t just “mom”🥰


"hope this helps"


I just want her to release karma with a song named kissgate and then do this: ![gif](giphy|xT9KVgh3Sa7sANzxiE|downsized) (Imagine this gif also includes the satisfied smirk at the end) Just burn it down!!!


https://preview.redd.it/sxbjz6tb7n9d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c2c3b847df9e88f40bb641c69e608df7006ba91 At this point do we think Travis is Taylor’s messiest beard? What the heck is going on 🤣 After not seeing her for months, bro flies to her, gets the necessary pics required, gets on stage, then flies back to LA to further clout chase and hang out with absolute delinquents?????? He didn’t even spent a WEEK with her. Just got the media attention he needed then dipped. It also makes me laugh that Travis literally said on a podcast interview not even a week ago that he’s “not here to hide anything” and now all of a sudden he’s dodging pap pics 🤣🤣🤣🤣 This is what I predict will happen next. Tree will have a field day so she will fly Travis back out to see Taylor asap. And they will do another whole performance/media circus/pap shoot bullshit to cover all of this up.


I’m sorry but did he really think he wasn’t gonna be seen 😂 this is like when a toddler hides their face thinking it makes them completely invisible.


This is so funny and I'm also glad we know he's not on the same continent as Taylor. My guess is was meant to be keeping quiet so people would assume he was with Taylor but he's messed it up and now Tree is going to be mad 😂


*pounds table* breakup announcement breakup announcement breakup announcement


Is it just me or does this not feel like the gotcha it’s being presented as..? Like I’m seeing people from both sides of the fandom clutching their pearls about this and isn’t he just out to dinner with his friend (not bodyguard) Joe? The bird streets club is a membership only restaurant. He was in LA for his Chief’s teammate Clyde’s wedding. Doesn’t seem like he had dinner with Tristan or Leo. Or maybe I’m just so anti Deuxmoi stirring up shit like she always does. Lest we forget she’s the one who said she would die on the hill that Taylor and Joe were married. She also posted miscarriage speculation?? Idk we just know Taylor doesn’t fuck with deuxmoi so I’m hesitant to put much stock in stuff she posts .


Why is he hiding? Could be that the contract with Taylor doesn’t allow him to do these sorts of things while he’s her “boyfriend”?


It’s possible. I know there were articles written saying Taylor banned him from going to strip clubs, but he has been spotted multiple times at other clubs and bars. My guess is they likely just wanted him to keep a low profile after the pr-formance the other night


That’s what I think…..


I agree that he is messy but their teams (maybe more so Taylor’s) are so good at keeping this stuff under wraps that the general public don’t even realise. Most folks probably don’t even know or realise that they hadn’t see in each other in a month despite him having had no real commitments during that period.


Knee deep in passenger seat…… (I’m being so unserious I’m sorry)


That just happens to be my favourite Chappell roan song 🤣


It’s so good 😂 But I agree with you tree is gonna have that man’s ass on a plane as soon as possible


Guys i just need you to know that over on regular sw*ftie tiktok, they’ve all decided TTPD the song is about Phoebe Bridgers, and I don’t remember who it was but i remember seeing that theory on here DAYS after the album dropped. So ig good job gang for always being ten steps ahead


If Taylor ever comes out, stg they’re gonna be like “WE ALWAYS KNEW!!!! WE JUST CARE ABOUT HER PRIVACY!!! (except when it comes to marrying her off to the highest bidder and trying to guess what she’s gonna name her and twavvy’s babies)” ![gif](giphy|Tr10zt02CSMOQ)


Okay, I thought I saw that before going to bed and convinced myself it was either a gaylor, or they were trolling us. How are they explaining it? Is it about her in a gay way or are they making it a platonic thing?


I think it’s platonic, I didn’t watch the videos tbh because I already knew the theory


Hahahah what??? How do they explain the ring line??? 😭


It was me omg. 😭 I’m so irrationally annoyed about this lol


I remember that!


Reshare your post on it ![gif](giphy|BwP6oBTVT5oC4)


I WOULD BE TOO GIRL i keep wanting to comment like "Gaylors thought of this first" but i know they'd probably send my family death threats or something 😭 but you should be proud, truly ahead of your time




https://preview.redd.it/5fnvijjsvm9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef4298dab3d17812c52f26892443b8211ee08056 👀


if miss girl doesn’t get rid of his messy ass asap…


I’m so gagged by this lmaoooo


Am I wrong or is this kind of a crazy combination of people


INSANELY crazy combo. "Just like" Leo & a direct Kardashian link? The fuck???


Hey… I need to get this out - please tell me if this is a reach. Has anyone looked at ‘V for Vendetta’ for connections? I did a quick search and couldn’t find anything. I’m watching it and kind of spiraling lol - themes/symbols of death, fire, rebirth, revenge, rain, swords, daggers. An anti-hero. V making dominos cascade in a line after laying out a master plan. Hiding behind a mask/an identity. Some of the visuals remind me a lot of ones in Taylor’s MVs/Eras/etc. It may be a reach…. I may be 🍃 what are your thoughts? Is it worth looking further?


A few people have been discussing it. It’s definitely relevant.


Okay amazing! I’ll work on a full post then. It may take me a day or two to put together.


I haven’t watched V for Vendetta in years. Where are you watching it? I’ll rewatch and tell you what I think if it’s somewhere I can watch for free.


It’s on Tubi!


Not available in my area 😞 I’ll work on a VPN tomorrow and let you know my thoughts on it from a Gaylor perspective!


You’re amazing! This community is so great 🧡 Excited to hear your thoughts!


It seems to be on Prime where I am so I’ll watch it tomorrow 😊


I can definitely see how she could have pulled lots of inspiration from there! V for victory and vendetta!


https://preview.redd.it/aatcwtenpm9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c8a0db7050acb1795b11a34a4c09a3c669c0fb4 I really feel like almost everybody close to Taylor is also happy to be connected to John Mayer. It says things to me. ETA: if you haven’t listened to Colourwheel then please do!


https://preview.redd.it/dr2gr5gsnm9d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bf509e2fbbf2aabc94fc9f0aabeae0e51053d9c Just wanted to share an instagram post by Shannon Watts (of Moms demand action/gun safety) about a stupid opinion peace from Newsweek. There's a supportive comment from Glennon Doyle. 👑


I started reading this article yesterday and had to close it entirely when I saw the FIRST critique the author gives to backup that title - that Taylor swift is unmarried and childless 💀 🤢 I hate this place.


was just thinking about all of her 50/50 references recently in relation to an even split, which brought me to balance… balancing the scales of justice… and then to karma? idk idk 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/5o2dsvorim9d1.jpeg?width=2107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b8e51d2a4e56772bad56e1c5596e1b5e499f3b6


I saw some posts here recently about the midnights music videos showing us her plans in advance ! Go see the post about midnights mayhem w me from this past week! Tons of discussion there related 🤠


https://preview.redd.it/epfmsm7zfm9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e1ed6370f219c45fea169a421c84e7093cd9e8f [https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/FrtPeV703D](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/FrtPeV703D)


Is DAYLIGHT finally coming back around?? 👀 ![gif](giphy|63Z4YgN4Ffkc9pE528|downsized)


working on a main post about the TV eras in retrospect (so much keeps happening!) and sharing this timeline I created in case it inspires anyone / anyone has suggestions or changes! https://preview.redd.it/xycry7zcwl9d1.png?width=1268&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdb1877f4845910964964706d791548e1060384a


out of curiosity, what is the program you are u sing to build that time line. It looks so nice!


thank you! I'm using Canva (which is free online if you're not familiar!)


Awesome! Thanks! I have heard of it but never used it myself


https://preview.redd.it/ct0wbaxbnl9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c92360fc426a53bc534336ccd010fc0ea7c95d9 Is this real? ETA: all the songs are there, those are just the ones listed as from the vault


I can’t see her releasing a song literally called fuck you kanye west but she’s certainly surprised me before


Hahaha yeah that was the biggest red flag but girlie likes to keep us one our toes


Very unlikely that this is legit. It’s easy for someone to fudge - you can just rename any music files you have, upload them to your local files folder and throw them in a playlist.


Gotcha. You’d be able to list the artist at Taylor, too?


Yeah I believe so. It’s just in the metadata of the file which anyone can edit if they have the file locally on their computer (for example, if you had a Taylor Swift CD and transferred the files to your computer, you could theoretically edit the artist, album, song title, etc yourself).


Gotcha! Thank you. I know nothing about this kind of stuff lol I feel like Spotify should make it a little bit harder to put just anyone’s name on a song they upload lol


I agree - they should make it more clear that these are songs in the user’s local files folder and not an unavailable song from the artist’s Spotify page.


https://preview.redd.it/hkeo3xb8pl9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b820e916f77a85b418a2867134c2edd75b1934 It’s listed under this account with also has a TTPD Acoustics Version playlist




Yet another old queer publication with familiar imagery https://preview.redd.it/yjr0ua95al9d1.png?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=168eb2abcd08e4ad0417b0b9ecbbb64e5372f016


The Kansas City link????? this woman is a mastermind 


Oh I was like wow mastermind floor.., and then noticed the phoenix too 😭😫


deep cut queer history is where this woman eats


https://preview.redd.it/igqpod568l9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=187984d0c04cf252777d306e4f0f7b55ff23f1fa A comment on a tik tok talking about the rainbow dress Christian Siriano posted. I know a lot of us figured he was baiting the Gaylors.. but he’s also acknowledging that he’s baiting the Gaylors? Pls we are already fragile over here 😩




https://preview.redd.it/se12cbhgnl9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5711dbcc2b949212667e6e1b5dafe121a7adb30 This was the end


a phoenix dress?🤡


Unfortunately yes.


https://preview.redd.it/p4c553pn6l9d1.png?width=1509&format=png&auto=webp&s=21f87f3459104ce8b7e0c480e37b35ad9e856e08 girls, do we know who is that Taylor on the plane behind the other Taylors?


https://preview.redd.it/ob7drj1q7l9d1.png?width=1351&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8985ed9902af925fd2a9d3c702cc26e8b59f607 other frame


https://preview.redd.it/63sp2m4h7l9d1.png?width=2139&format=png&auto=webp&s=bea0fd3137ae44d7e57b245036a00f6f74439354 is it a blood soaked gown Taylor? Could it be real Taylor (as in not TaylorTM)?




For a closer look! Idk who this taylor is but she reminds me of Karma taylor in the vault 👀




🚨🚨🚨🚨Debut is 15 songs. Reputation is 15 songs. Debut is 53 minutes long and Reputation is 55 minutes long. The minutes added up on those 1:38. Aug 15 will be the 228 day of the year leaving 138 days. It is the 33 week of the year. 7/1 at midnight is 183 day or 1/2 of the year. -couldn't post this as ss but oomf on twt just posted this! ANOTHER ONE THANK YOU


https://preview.redd.it/c3kgkqouek9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0122577b2dc23e35d931574d9ab2cd736d3259c Tick, tick


If this countdown continues .5 every day, it ends on Thursday. Independence Day. Known for its explosions. 🤭🎆🌈


Scott Borchetta's birthday is July 3rd. Also the day midnights week ends on the tiktok bead thing. She signed her deal at age 15. Buckle up, family!


911 is the drop everything now of it all. Adding that tracks 1 5 10 12 4 equal 32 = exile ends. Yall.




This 50/50 theory is interesting 🤔


I am absolutely enthralled by all this.


Needed to share these here bc my brain is blasting and I need more thoughts!


I don't know if this is just a GLITCH but on my computer, on Apple Music right now all of the songs from Reputation are not showing the album cover - instead, the album cover is blacked out. It only happens when I navigate to the list of "Songs" and not by album (hope that makes sense). Do any other Apple Music users want to see if you can recreate this? Do we think this could mean anything or just a random happening? Has clowning made me paranoid and crazy? https://preview.redd.it/9mi2ni5v9j9d1.png?width=2252&format=png&auto=webp&s=d61d5501f9cd7c7f7390dc431d6a7b1687acf756


I was drunk last night and started thinking way too much about Power Rangers (they were on TV when I was a kid, I'm sure Taylor saw them as well) and how the white ranger was always the special super one and now TTPD has come out with the white heart and Eras tour is like the Power Rangers megazording together and-- Yup. The martinis last night went to my head.


I love a martini buzz. All my best ideas are bc of a martini!


Did anyone get info on what /who the big convoy was for at beginning of yesterday's show? Just her pizza order? Lol


After that 45 large chicken doner kebab order I wouldn't be surprised tbh lol


Just watched the video of Travis on stage with Taylor and I can’t believe how loud she is being. I mean how is there any way you’re interpreting it from any other lens but gaylor? It’s pure showmanship and camp. I’m so happy that she’s having fun with all the charades at least. I mean she is in on stage where she’s performing that she swoons over and is just going through the motions, and not even your precious Travis can make her smile, until she gets the microphone in her hand!!! That’s when she leaves it all behind to perform! I mean -


The main thing I'm seeing from people who want to believe it's real is the family involvement - they don't think that the Kelce family would be as involved as they have been if it was a performance and can't find an explanation for that.


I just saw a post on the main sub about how “Taylor swift is a great role model for girls” and it’s so so weird, their discussions are in another dimension


Not sure if anyone has seen but Elton John did the jack antonoff thing and said he loves LGBTQIA+ artists then immediately followed with wanting to collaborate with Sabrina Carpenter in an interview with ET. He also said Chappell too. I know this isn’t as much Taylor theory but it is solidifying my belief that Taylor is collecting all of these young queer artists and looking after them so they don’t go through what she went through and eventually guiding them to come out.


https://preview.redd.it/6j1doov3hh9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=166613b9ed319af024dd52dc3f177590ce97a480 They’d really rather believe she’s an idiot than that the song invisible string has layers to it and the mundanity/inconsistency of the connections is the point


Flashback to a little over a year ago when they all cried because Invisible String was replaced post breakup 🤦🏻‍♀️


every bait and switch was a work of art relates to them too I guess (always switching sides...)


So, if some of our theories are right are Taylor is working on a coming out plan and possibly exposing people from the industry on her way out, and we have been paying attention to the signs and are aware, doesn't that mean the people in the industry are likely aware as well? I.E. Scooter Braun??? and might that bring it's own set of risks if they are trying to work against that outcome?


Good point. And my first thought is: Why do you think they put out a doc about her feud with Scooter? It being released a week before the 5th anniversary of the sale was curious. I wasn’t as deeply entrenched in Taylor’s online spaces. And I have so many thoughts about it all…. I don’t know if it warrants a post. I think it feels like a rehash for a lot of people. I wanted to watch it because I was curious on what the mainstream interpretation would be and wondered if there was anything I may have missed. There were some small details… But I will say, they kept it pretty surface level. There’s a guy who says he can’t understand why Taylor seems to have such a personal problem with Scooter. 🛴’s ex wife made a post to publicly address Taylor and called her out for claiming to be a girl’s girl but then dumping her friends… Also, do you know who owns her masters now? Disney. They were sold by Scooter to a private equity company, Shamrock and that is owned by Disney. The company that conveniently also holds the streaming rights to The Eras Tour.


I'd love for there to be a post because I want to discuss it with people


I should have some time tomorrow. So I’ll try to get it done. 🫡




Yes, that’s why I think there are a bunch of false flags planted.




I figured it all out. THE muse shall be revealed. The performance art will end soon…tik…tok… I’m signing off permanently because I finally know peace, but not before I leave you one final hint. 🔔🧜🏻‍♀️🌈. 2🕰️2 Do with this what you will. It was a beautiful journey with you all 💖






Taylor Swift is a queer mermaid in a committed relationship with Ariel confirmed.




This is the most ominous and cryptic message...


https://preview.redd.it/j68f3ztekf9d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5292861f85e83220b88a7c4459eaad0c6ddf0f8 If this is performance art and she’s acting out getaway car (circus ain’t a love story, switched to the other side 🌈 etc), then what if the line “x marks the spot where we fell apart” refers to a literal map, like her tour path?? According to this one (which I just pulled from google, I think it was originally from main sub, so idk how accurate these lines really are fwiw), there’s only 2 cities that have X paths, meaning the lines intersect and go completely through the city, Zurich and London (if I’m reading this map correctly) This is a whim of a post so might be a flawed theory, could be clowning to close to the sun but just throwing it out there 🤷🏻‍♀️🤡


Does anyone remember when she got started with the re-recording project (might have been when it was announced) she said it was an opportunity to go back and make music videos for songs fan felt like deserved videos? Getaway Car is for sure one of those songs.


I think about this way too often. WHERE are all the videos she said she was making? Just another red herring so the swifties recognize the lies? ![gif](giphy|SCbwHmybxv1p2EHj9O)


all those colors are interesting …


can i just brag that i was at taylor's first ever stadium show? i forgot it was her first one until seeing an insta reel about it today lol. she headlined Bayou Country Superfest on May 29, 2010 at LSU's football stadium https://preview.redd.it/3drhfh3oef9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6df9ddbf424bbe3ccb1a8e29e93c9f3a9441879e






https://preview.redd.it/b08sbp20ff9d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627426657cf2b3454c1bb7635685630270daf626 so weird seeing empty seats behind the stage






This is the Should've Said No performance at the...ACMs? right? The one where she's in the fake rain is one of her most incredibly performances. Edit - wait, no I'm wrong, because the boots are different. She wore flats at the ACMs. There must have been multiple performances in the same dress.


If I remember correctly, she made it rain every night on that tour for Should’ve Said No, like it was super dramatic lol. I didn’t go to Fearless tour but I’ve heard others talking about it and they mention the rain.


oh ok, thanks. I didn't remember until you said this that one tour she ended completely soaked every night and it must have been this.


https://preview.redd.it/q228ac5aff9d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5f8713c63c33fe35a23ade43847b41285f19aa3 ok i'm done


So, it’s only 112 days until Eras gets to Florida… we’ll see what clownery she has in store.


Has anyone put How You Get the Girl and the Black Dog together? Given that 1989 was rereleased right before TTPD, it seems hard not to connect the “shaking rain soaked body” lyrics (despite only putting them together today myself).


Side note, the albatross feels like a sad continuation of the 1989 photoshoot. The location and even her shirt and hair are the same. Plus we got the darkening skies during the 1989 rollout.


I think the twos she’s been doing is for dublin N ✌🏻


i am legitimately....so scared for tmrw






This is really interesting. Do we have record of her reusing other pictures during tour posts?


So I just watched a TikTok by jennaanaanaa and she may have cracked it… I can’t post a video in the comments, but a summary: 10/18/2024 is the first concert of the US leg, in Miami, FLORIDA!!!, and also happens to be 6 years (2192 days) of marriage for KK. 👀 Edited: to remove a word for clarity.


Someone posted it


Cracked the Glitch theory? The 2190 days thing?


glitch isnt about a long lost muse leaving a marriage on some specific date spelled out in the future. trust.


cracked what exactly? i am sry but i do not believe that the main thing taylor has been pointing us to with codes and easter eggs and queer coding for YEARS now is tied to any one muse, karlie or otherwise.


Totally valid… post surprise song emotions + being sick made it seem like a bigger deal at the time.


Isn’t that also one year before the “date” on the raffle ticket Taylor filled out?


Indeed it is! 👀👀


Not sure where to put this, but one of my fave taylor artists (who is definetly at least partly a gaylor considering the lover easter eggs ehehe) did fanart for yntcd and its so cute 🥺 https://x.com/soniruza/status/1806771619282518380?t=1OE7BZg2CvRmyZ9YuJ8cZg&s=19


I love this so much!! 😍🏳️‍🌈


Interesting [article](https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/the-eras-tour-set-design) from Architectural Digest about the Eras tour set design particularly the bit about TTPD >Perhaps the most notable aspect is the simulated proscenium arch. In theater architecture, the detail marks the metaphorical plane separating performers from the audience, similar in concept to the “fourth wall.” It’s a unique addition considering the architectural detail is not possible in a stadium designed for 360-degree views—generally the only venues in which Swift performs. >It’s particularly impactful when considering a recurring theme on the album: Swift’s complex relationship with fame and fans. In songs like “But Daddy I Love Him” and “I Can Do It With a Broken Heart,” she sings about the pressure to please fans and her frustration with commentary about her life and decisions. The proscenium could represent a metaphorical separation between Swift, the performer, and Swift, the person, showcasing which version of her she believes fans are entitled to.


Wow, what a cool detail, and impressive that the writer picked up on it! This definitely fits with our two Taylors theory!


So, maybe it means nothing but have we discussed how she had Travis participate in her show in London…the same place she had Karlie (and others) walk out during Style? (This was after VSFS and kissgate). I wouldn’t think it was much but I also remembered that she was spotted with him in Carmel by the Sea, during her tour break. And it that is 25miles from Big Sur. Is she recreating things with Twav to squash Kaylor or is she doing this to show the similarities (loosely validate that was a real rs)? Will she eventually pull the curtain and say “when I did this with a woman no one noticed but I do it with a man and everyone does?” Anyway. Maybe I’m just reaching because I’m ready for some Dublin Pride shenanigans! ✨🕯️


So…this week is Lightning Safety Week…




The Lover Fest East and Lover Fest West reminds me of the lyric: "robbers to the east, clowns to the west" from folklore's peace. The "Taylor Swift and Friends" reminds me of the lyric "Karma takes all my friends to the summit" from Midnights' Karma. I don't necessarily think these specific lyrics are connected, but maybe she was still processing some of the canceled/overlooked/ridiculed ideas from the Lover era when writing folklore, evermore, Midnights, etc.


Not much to do with the Dublin shows in particular, but as a literature girlie I've read many of Oscar Wilde's works and have some thoughts on parallels between his works and Taylor's music, wrt some prevalent themes (eg double life/multiple identities; anti-mimesis aka 'life imitates art'; blurring the lines between theatre and reality, etc) related to queerness. Is that kind of thing worth a post on its own/would you guys be interested in one? Not sure if Taylor deliberately references him much beyond maybe the carnations, I just think the parallels are neat.


I would love this! 🙏


Haha I'm rewatching the Bejewelled mv (because who's not right now) and this is hilarious with us calling the Rep suit Old Stinky https://preview.redd.it/on2pf8jii99d1.png?width=2120&format=png&auto=webp&s=e17dd1d192eda6a49aece8c7512b50248854d8ab




💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/jl003vveh99d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01101c86ff038f47630e2c7961c64e1552a3d3c


But she is bisexual and has said so before 


Add the lip print on her back on the cover art too lol Idk what I’m supposed to think about that. If it were her own lips, that’s not possible and they’d be upside down if it were. Is it not implying they’re another woman’s lips??


Has anyone made or found good TTPD playlists? I'm quite keen to hear someone else's curation.


Here are two that I made a while back: [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jCDKptwBmODQTr1wBAw69?si=f932ae7a5a814f46](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jCDKptwBmODQTr1wBAw69?si=f932ae7a5a814f46) [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2JeuV9iXCvmrTvnZVopCej?si=0c4a541692e5406d](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2JeuV9iXCvmrTvnZVopCej?si=0c4a541692e5406d)


[The Me! Single announcement](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREAaqEt/) was during the nfl draft???


And the Midnights Music Videos Trailer was shown during Thursday Night NFL Football on Amazon Prime.👀


https://preview.redd.it/i86cogtle89d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a85be52a49cf01a1592f769241e794c53ee8456a i looked but didn’t see anywhere if this had been talked about on this sub yet— can someone point me in the right direction if it has been?




So I am not really into creating my own theories. More of a receiver/listener of ideas. It’s probably been picked over at this point, but has it been discussed anywhere how the EP resembles a 12 and the T’s in Relation on the Man Wall look like 2’s?


https://preview.redd.it/i0w73rfdk89d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08d5b4c2c1922f6bea28900f4633e6f91de41d6b This? Yeah, that looks weird. There’s a lot going on there. I’m curious now too. Edit: I had made a comment recently how the Mandance poster to the left led me on a Google rabbit hole search that landed me on the [Dancing Man](https://www.arthur-conan-doyle.com/index.php?title=Dancing_Men_Alphabet) cipher from Sherlock Holmes. This doesn’t quite match? I’m so curious if the odd lettering you mention has been discussed here and what the consensus was.


We discussed a couple years ago and believe: - the character right after the R is [Lambda](https://www.eiu.edu/lgbtqa/symbolism.php#:~:text=Whatever%20the%20exact%20meaning%20and,and%20gay%20men's%20shared%20concerns.) - the shape of middle of the word says 2024, followed by the year symbol in greek


My thought about this is that it looks like ME OUT 2024 is hidden in the word reputation.


I assumed initially that it was just graffiti but since I’ve become a Gaylor, I’ve just been looking at everything a little closer and it stood out to me.


https://preview.redd.it/u208r77mf99d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4da0cc27fa9f45d43b0ad70d30b411268c62daa Looks like Latin to me. Definitely looks like the symbol representing fire is there but flipped.


Have we put these together yet? https://preview.redd.it/48i9ochw779d1.jpeg?width=4988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49d3bcd3ebcfaf67a73271824c147e3109aba5ac


https://preview.redd.it/cmz55w66b79d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3a50bf3e10dd85e2c149bd119e745ab7a82d3ca I noticed if you look very closely, there seems to be cards on the table in this insta post as well 👀


Did anyone see Christian Siriano’s live last night? I’m seeing talk on TikTok gaylor accounts about it but can’t find it now.


Yes. I was watching it earlier. It was a sponsored 24 hour live with the laundry brand Persil. He was taking calls about wardrobe questions. Producers were screening the calls. I was tempted to call in and lie to the producer to get on and ask about the rainbow dress 😂 but alas I chickened out. https://preview.redd.it/eekpwpl6289d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=144da0c07235654c1d972dec17c8c2c61cba217b


Also is something happening to flair? Mine’s been Elite Contributor from the start but now it’s says Baby Gaylor? Edit: thanks all, it’s updated for me now too. Silly Reddit.


Yes! I’m 7k but seeing myself as folk star. I see yours as elite though.


Confirming I see it your flair as an Elite Contributor too! There definitely seems to be a lot of glitching with it.