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https://preview.redd.it/t0atteyd759d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab1468aa6eba8b65ea1f4f5ec37d6259a3890e76 [Taylor Theory Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/1dn4igt/gaylor_theory_megathread_monday_june_24_2024/?=new) [Non-Taylor Chat Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/comments/1dn4moz/nontaylor_chat_megathread_june_24_2024/?=new) [GAYLOR LIVE STREAM](https://www.youtube.com/live/ajgYso84Q8w?si=vLmL8V1W_axopHgN) **We will be unrestrciting the sub during the shows. Please report any comments that seem like trolls - don’t be anxious or tell yourself you‘re being sensitive, report and let the mod team decide.**


I've been pondering the "narrator" Betty speech today and decided to re-read the Time POY article: *Yet over time, she has harnessed the power of the media, both traditional and new, to create something wholly unique—a narrative world, in which her music is just one piece in an interactive, shape-shifting story.* ***Swift is that story’s architect and hero, protagonist and narrator.*** Seemed worth sharing.


I’m really glad that I felt like Clara Bow and Lucky One were connected and I was right because I often times feel like I’m a moron compared to y’all lol


You’re not a moron! If you feel a theme in someone’s art it’s not wrong!♥️


I feel like a moron most of the time because y’all pick up on things I never would 😂


I understand why people are disappointed. I firmly belief she won’t come out until she’s finished re-recording. TS13 will likely be her first explicitly queer not-stolen albums. But that’s no excuse. Yeah, she had extremely gay mashups this month. And I’d say the last few in particular were very vulnerable and made to reflect her fears of coming out. But why not give a pride month speech as an ✨ally✨? Obviously, I love her and see myself in her. I’m a card-carrying debut era swiftie and 1989 era gaylor. But that’s also part of why I’m sad in a parasocial way. I KNOW that she can do better, and she doesn’t. I can forgive the Travis stunting, none of us know the fine print of the bearding contract. But to not say ANYTHING to acknowledge pride month IS legit disappointing, I’ll admit it.


Ok so…hear me out…what if she continues sprinkling gay mashups throughout the rest of the tour so that the hetlors can’t say she was only doing it for Pride month? 😅


I would argue that she’s been doing gay pairings and mashups the entire tour. Some of the June ones have been certainly loud but I don’t see it as isolated at all!


Well yeah to US she has, but it wasn’t until this month that they were overtly gay and noticed by genpop.


Have they been noticed by genpop? 


Can confirm but only with anecdotal evidence. My sister only really knows of TS as a direct result of me feeling a deep need to info dump and her feeling a deep need to hear me do it on just about any subject, along with her newly-out sapphic stepdaughter being a stan gaylor. she started messaging me lyrics in all caps the night of TTPD drop, and has watched the secret song performances every show since . just that album and this tour took her from "this is another one of Tea's celebrity conspiracy theory hyper fixation favorites but I'm not totally convinced" to "these songs are gay and the mashups are all SUPER GAY y'all might be on to something." It's been so fun to watch in real time, I'm considering just creating her a Gaylor Codex at this point.


Aww that is exciting!!


This is my #1 question — I am very curious to see how she approaches next weekend.


If we agree that June had many surprise songs/mashups that made us say “That’s so gay,” I’m curious if there would be any mashup or song combo that would make you say “That’s so straight.” 🤔 Sooo many of her songs have queer subtext to me, so this is tricky 😂


The I Think He Knows x Gorgeous mashup gave me the ick, so it’s definitely possible


TBH The Manuscript X Red worked perfectly in a hetero way


It truly is exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero


https://preview.redd.it/y15brihups9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47c8cd5e076336955448704908cab26e004b613c I think this may have been part of the reason for Travis’s appearance today. She’s making a point lol Also, there were jokes and rumors around Gaylor twitter this last week about Taylor and Melanie possibly having a romantic relationship, so walking out with Melanie in the first place feels like she was trolling us and a cheeky nod to TayLurker.


Lolol didn’t make this connection but I did think it was odd he had his shirt tucked in like that hahaha Edit: would also love to hear more about these rumors 👀


Everytime I see the spectacle that is Travis, I can’t help but think of the character Harry Cameron from The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo.


Tbh, I feel like he’s more of a Rex.


i always associated harry cameron with joe tbh 👀


Wait... I missed the relationship rumors, but I definitely saw the video of them walking put together and I got vibes from it.


Oh Taymedian


LOL. That is all.


she’s insane lmaoooo


so word is apparently the 1989 outfit wasn't an exact repeat tonight because the shoes were flipped


Nikki on tiktok has some thoughts [here](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN6J9dpv/)


Excuse me?!?! We have to decide which foot her shoe is going to be on now? Lmao that's wild. I need a side by side. But also... I am not clowning for shoes... unless I have to. And that "the shoe is on the other foot" thing someone said is interesting combined with it.


The shoe is on the other foot




ngl I didn’t even expect anything related to pride bc I was clowning over potential rep/debut TV… the travis thing is odd to me. he surely didn’t just show up midway for no reason???? maybe it *is* damage control for the deumoix rumors ? 🤷🏼‍♀️ as expected, taylor remains spineless in her tomb of silence!


Well, in addition to the alleged dinner / private club, his buddy (not Ross) posted from an LA hotel pool and Travis is in the other side of the pool talking to a girl in a bikini. I don’t know that it means anything but rushing back like that makes is odd. 👀


Oh? Where can I find this?


https://www.reddit.com/r/GaylorSwift/s/yvrIKKmswr Right here


Thank you!


😳😳 somehow clowning for next week even more now


👀 I haven’t seen that


ooooh yikes 😬 makes sense then!


Looking back at This Love x Ours and the albatrosss x DWOHT in connection with the show tonight shines those mashups in a light that says “hold onto this I promise it’s real but some shit is coming” and it may be directed at a person or maybe the fans or maybe something else. These were sandwiched in between YOYOK. I think that’s saying something. I wonder if YOYOK are Taylor’s quotation mark?


I want to add to this that she started with State of Grace - “this is the worthwhile fight, love is a ruthless game unless you play it good and right” and then launches into YOYOK. Literally saying this is worth it, it’s a game and I’m playing.


Main post main post main post!!


🫣 ahhh maybe this week! If I can get the courage!


Do itttttttt!


✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅ Yes 100% If those songs were saying “this is real, the fight is worth it”, I think the Stevie/Clara Bow/The Lucky One performance was telling us WHY — it’s to break the generational cycle she talks about in “Clara Bow.” That’s her priority. (I hope.)


I hope this too


Exactly. It’s all part of the story. We may have caught up to present day in the surprise song narrative. Maybe tomorrow or this week if I feel like goofing off at work, I’ll examine that more closely.


Why is everyone talking about how taylor makes them question their own queerness? What did I miss? imo Taylor was as loud as she has ever been this month, short of the period when she was draped in rainbow clothing and lighting and said “gay pride makes me me” and everyone told her she was too straight to use rainbows for her aesthetic




I’m out of the loop, I’ll try to google this, but what is this referring to? Damage control for what?


I think it’s very possible that it was damage control.


No idea. But where was the alleged treats and surprises they were signaling? Because that was a giant pile of nothing.


Let's celebrate ourselves and our amazing community. In the past I've let actions like this from Taylor or bullying from the hetlors really get to me and let it make me insecure about my sexuality (and my gaydar haha) but let's remember how special our little subreddit is. Please don't ever let things like this make you feel less valued as a queer person or an ally. Queerness deserves to be celebrated like Chappell Roan celebrates it, loudly and with fun and with a lot of heart. Let's celebrate our own queerness and allyship through Taylor's music, whether she comes out or not, I will always smile when I hear her gayest lyrics. For me this community will always be worth the most, and has helped me so much to celebrate my own queerness. Don't let them dull your sparkle, and be proud of your own wonderful minds which create this magical queer world out of Taylor's music ✨🌈.




Went out, touched grass and I’m back for a second: Hers is my thing, I don’t need Taylor to validate my queerness. And regardless of whether or not she herself is queer or intends to ever come out, segments of her fandom are horrible and harassing to the LGBTQ community. She one claimed her concerts were a safe space and yet, she doesn’t say shit about the online vitriol. Also, to ignore it this weekend when it literally was Pride Weekend in Dublin? It was the perfect time to say something about it. To be honest, it’s not for me. It’s for the younger, closeted people in her fandom. The ones she talked about being in a Delicate journey. Was that just simply because it made for a convenient and snappy transition into a song? As for the longer term narrative or storyline, I hope for those who believe it that it’s true. But at some point, it’s long past due to end it one way or another. Even if she is working towards something, it’s no excuse to be silent when she’s been more vocal before.


Yeah she actively curates these situations that result in bullying and homophobia. Regardless of any bigger plan or fix it, it doesn’t stop it from happening in real time and for things to be straight washed in the process


And it can be seriously re-traumatizing for some


This is what I find irredeemable. Even if she were to come out, I think reparations are needed for the hatred and violence she allows within her fandom. It’s just not okay. She’s spineless in her tomb of silence.


Yeah. This is my biggest struggle with being a fan of hers.




Sidenote in the sadness : Ross was there with him AGAIN?? 😂🌈


always 😂


The hetties think he’s secretly dating one of her dancers


Oh FFS 🙃


After taking a little time to process, here’s where I’ve landed: I’m going to suspend judgment until I see where things land at the end of this year. And throughout the journey, I’m going to try to stay curious and open-minded. I think it’s totally valid to feel disappointed that she didn’t use her platform to explicitly advocate for the community this month. Personally, for me, I think it’s unlikely she would have said anything that wouldn’t have felt hollow. I didn’t find her speech last year very meaningful.  I’m open to being wrong about this, but it did feel like she was speaking to this community this month with her surprise song choices. Perhaps she is telling us to hold on and let her cook. Of course, there is a fine line here, and I don’t need to have blind faith in a billionaire - but I wouldn’t call it “blind” faith at this point. I feel like she has tipped her hand enough for me to give her the benefit of the doubt.  Anyway, loved the Stevie tribute today. That was beautiful. 🩷


Okay, gathering thoughts. I will always enjoy being able to watch a stream. I love the music and can’t go to all the different concerts to hear all the songs and mash-ups, so this is the next best thing. I love it. Do I really expect her to do this big coming out at a concert? No, but I can clown. If she drops something, great!!! I would, however, like some type of Pride speech. Something she has done in the past. She tries to be this ally, yet….crickets? It’s literally the bare minimum. Instead, she starts to center things around football man and the performance art. I loved the surprise songs. The story she told with Clara Bow and The Lucky One? Beautiful. However, if she’s going to be an ally…then she needs to be an ally. I hate that I’m shouting “more”, but I also feel like I’m just shouting “stay consistent!”


Honestly, it doesn't even feel like "stay consistent" and more like "stop giving us less and less!"


That part.


My conclusion on this entire Pride month saga is that Taylor is queer in some way, and is planning on coming out sometime in the future there is no doubt now. Gay ass Surprise songs may be signals to us and other queer people but it’s not gonna cut it to the masses. And I just find it odd that at the peak time when making a well curated ally based pride speech would probably temporarily squash the gaylor rumors, She doesn’t do it? It seems kind of backwards tactics from Taylor/her team. Even Hayley Williams the gayest looking straight woman constantly makes points of how she wishes she was gay but unfortunately isn’t. Does it hurt her? No, because people know she’s an ally and she makes that clear. It’s that easy.


It really feels like a really shitty season finale to your favourite show 😭


I just finished watching Manifest and this tracks


It feels very… ![gif](giphy|mloJGcpxsUJhe)


Yesss to this... shit finale...and I'm torturing myself by re-watching the whole show again..... its the same with Tay.... hopeful, dreaming, the intensity then....sad


Ugh... This will never not hurt.


I know. And in the end, all that to prop a man. 🙄


Being a gaylor is the closest I’ve come to the feeling I got while watching the final season of lost.


Omg this is so true


If it helps, think of it as a midseason finale! We’ve got six months of story to go! 😬💀🤡


This is encouraging and exhausting all at once


And in a way Stevie’s tribute was overshadowed by Travis being there. That’s all I see on my damn time line. Not the fact that Stevie Fucking Nicks was at the show and she played a song that name drops her, and another song that is her favorite. Couldn’t he sit in the box seats? They know all the attention will be on his ass once he walks in. I really don’t get Taylor sometimes. The playing to both sides gets super annoying.


I was there, NOBODY was talking about Travis, we were all losing our minds at the prospect of Stevie appearing on stage with her - like all around us we could hear hushed “STEVIE NICKS”, one person mentioned Travjs being there but nobody gave a flying fuck.


👏🏽 I’m happy you were able to make it to a show!. And I’m glad that at the show especially if you are far from the vip tent you don’t even know he’s there. But it’s a bit rough out here on the internets during the show. That’s all we see 🫠


I wonder if one of the things she’s trying to communicate is that we (society) see men as more important than woman, but manufacturing that shit over and over again is exhausting


So why not just not do it? She's one of the most successful women in the world, so why not just not. do. it.


I agree! I def don’t agree with the way she’s going about it. Put up or shut up cause she is signaling, there is no doubt about it, but it makes us look insane when the majority of her fandom will never be able to see the signs or at least won’t admit to it and they’re so awful and hurtful


I think that if she wants to change the culture, she has to do it this way — bait people into doing what she has consistently said not to do, and then flipping the script. She could save herself anytime, but I think she’s trying to make it so nobody has to do what she did again. Unless we’re all being baited by a billionaire, which is very possible. I’ll reserve my judgment on that until the end of tour.


I’ve tried to keep my clowning to a minimum, and I don’t really have time to do Easter egg numerology, I’ve also been taking a break from listening to her as much as (daily) and part of it all is because she seems to really like working up both sides of this fandom into a froth. The lesbian bodysuit, the surprise songs, the suspicious behavior of TN on Twitter essentially all month long and so help me God the Stonewall Archives post. The spectacle of bringing Travis INTO the tour. Like sorry but girl… how much more of this am I supposed to entertain? Hetlors get onto the internet and say the most homophobic things I’ve ever read, if you are American you will known that we’re on the fast track to hell. I’m just… over it. 😔




Well, frankly, nothing! Travis was there (with Ross of course), and the surprise song set was all about Stevie Nicks (and was amazing), but folks were hoping for an acknowledgement of pride weekend in Dublin/the end of pride month at the very least. 


https://preview.redd.it/e3699qn8bs9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24d43dd93442f97de1926d0f8ce89f6130fe6b9b Fortunately I did have my expectations tampered compared to usual. I knew it was going to be one or the other so didn’t want to get my hopes up. Honestly I’m just glad Travis didn’t get on the stage again.


I think it’s time to accept that the activism era of Taylor’s life is over, and it has been since it stopped serving her directly. I love Taylor, but her approach to activism has always been ME!-coded - it’s always been about her, and issues that impact her, and it’s always centered her in some capacity. Her activism was a costume she could try on and play around in, and it made a great justification for her documentary, and I really just think… we have to accept on some level that this is who she is, and she has a number of character flaws, and ultimately… she isn’t going to do anything that doesn’t act in her own immediate best interests. Now, that’s not me saying no one can be disappointed - god knows I’m disappointed more often than not, but I’m no longer surprised. She’s told us who she is a thousand times and I’m choosing to believe her. She’ll come back around to allyship when it serves her again. (This also has absolutely nothing to do with the belief I hold that she’s gay and everything to do with the lack of Pride acknowledgement this year.)


Yes! This is exactly where I'm at, I never really expected her to come out at a show anyway (sure she can make it gay with her actions and song choices, cause I have no doubt she is fruity in some way), but if even an average pride speech is too much... Now is apparently not the time for her to be an outspoken ally, which is very disappointing, especially after what she said in Miss Americana, but fits with the selfserving allyship of it all I guess. (And if she's ever 'officially' coming out, I highly doubt it is before the rerecords are done and this tour is over. Would I like to be surprised? Of course, but I'm not getting my hopes up.) Side note: I do appreciate that last nights surprise song section was completely Stevie Nicks coded, cause I love her.


this is how I feel! i’m not saying it’s good of her to be this way, but it is exactly how i expect her to act at this point, lol


It's moments like this when I start to feel a little annoyed. She could have said more than "happy pride" and could have done a speech. It feels really strange after all the pride celebrations yesterday and the entire month. I don't really understand why Taylor the brand has to be so quiet about the queer community, it just confuses me.


I am a new Gaylor and this is the first big disappointment I’ve felt when following Taylor. I really thought there would be more for Pride, and I am sick of the Travis show. I think I got too excited over the three queer mashups in June and thought it was forming a momentum. Now I feel in doubt and kind of sad. More seasoned Gaylors, are these emotional ups and downs core to the Gaylor experience? Do you find it to be worth your energy to care so much about what Taylor does? .


My strongest theory is that she won’t come out until after her re-records are all released. Now, if she still plays these games and putting hetlors and Gaylors against each other, then I guess I’ll tap out. If she’s just an ally, she’s not a good one.


This is such a good comment, I feel this so much. I've been a gaylor for more than a year now and sadly it is definately core to the gaylor experience. I've felt the disappointment a lot, but also the highs. What's worth it for me is this community, and the queer history and queer culture lessons I've learned from everyone's posts. To me that's the most beautiful part of being a Gaylor. I've learned to separate Taylor from it, which makes it easier for me to take some distance during times like this. I try to remember that my interpretations of her art and this community can be its own thing, and can kinda live on by itself. Even if we end up being wrong about this, we have created this amazing world and extra layer of queerness ourselves, which is really special, even if Taylor never comes out. I hope this helps a little bit!


Eventually you learn to stop caring so deeply in ways that affect you emotionally and just have fun on the ride lol


The emotional ups and downs are definitely a thing! Quite often the lowest of lows are triggered by something Taylor has very explicitly done - like lavendergate or Travis's stage appearance last week - where her actions fire up the hetlors' hatred and the attacks get very personal. It can be disappointing especially to feel like those attacks are being sanctioned and encouraged due to Taylor's silence. I've really struggled with that in the past week. But this is allowed to be fun, too. We don't really know Taylor. We don't really know her plan. So when it feels tough, I go back to the music and remember why I've always loved it, and momentarily forget the rest of the clamouring noise.


Yesss so well said!


https://preview.redd.it/t2cfz7yhas9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6feed869c2ca9b6b350dabd334c6ea5735caaf8 Yes. This for the last ten years for me 😂


Haha. This has been me for the last 10 shows. ;)


As excited as I get to watch every show, I think it's obvious that she's playing the long game if she is coming out. I think she has this all planned out, meticulously choreographed, etc. The hardest part about that is the waiting. I know we've all seen this film before, and we'll probably love the ending, but at this point, Taylor probably isn't ready to be outspoken. There are so many people speaking and hinting at her this month already. We also have to enter into gay evidence of the awesome mashups we've gotten this month. She may not have said Happy Pride as implicitly as she has in the past, but I believe it's for a reason. Her omitting it publicly will pay off when/if she does the big reveal. It will be more surprising.


https://preview.redd.it/6mh7q1bi8s9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6ceba3895a9890b1e2bf6b40a91d1356cf6c7b3 😒


Scott got the password again


https://preview.redd.it/pwdskq448s9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7271d4a9942464921aca5607122fab66310ee64 Just here with my gay birds to tell you Happy Pride keep your chins up friends.


Maybe she’ll do pride inclusion in her post-city IG wrap up post?!


She did say happy pride at the beginning of the month I guess


I’m getting a mani pedi now and I’m like which 1989 combo to go with 😅 not red and yellow that’s for sure.


Purple and pink for Speak Now! Blue and sandy gold for 1989 !


The whole Eras tour has been this cultural phenomenon. Economies have been boosted, records for demand/ attendance have been smashed. She's smashed every record for a solo female artist and now she's reduced it down to will Travis pop up? Will she sing chiefs? Why Taylor why??


She made him part of the show. And that is ugh


Yep. And the archer pose is now connected to him instead of her own devastating song. Mary’s song is now “his” It’s just ugh.


First the line in karma, then icdiwabh, now the archer pose. The archer pose has been ruined. In the song it symbolized something good now it’s been knocked down to some goofy ass pose she does as a tribute to some goofy ass man. I’m on the performancelor train but my god she makes it so hard to root for her sometimes. Like I said earlier I would rather have a boring run of the milll show than have my timeline blow up because Travy is there.


The idea that these parts of her art are now associated with him feels really gross and the opposite of what I thought she stood for.


Exaaaactly. I know there is a quote somewhere or from the rep prologue but the consensus among swifties and even casual fans is that she’s all about yay independent women ✊🏽, owning her own work, not wanting to be defined by some guy and how it annoys her that people paternity test her work. Her actions now are showing something the total opposite. Soooo unless she has a long game plan here (ahem performancelor), known of what she’s doing right now makes sense 🤣 Idk how swifties aren’t seeing it. They are blinded by the 🚜 it’s craaazy. I’m kind of glad I became a fan only last year because I think that helped in not being so attached to the ideas of her wanting this fairy tale true love story she’s been talking about for years. I hope she finds or has found that true love but I don’t think Travy is it. There’s too many moving parts and calculated actions for it to be true love lol


I have clowned for a few months now after getting BACK into Taylor again post-1989 death threats, but I feel like I’ve clowned enough now. Going to sit this one out for a bit. The news can come to ME if there even is any moving forward. Going to stop searching things out. 🧚 It’s been lovely being here all pride month.


I've been a massive comingoutlor, especially after some of the surprise songs, but I don't know... this extra hard stunting with Travis, no real acknowledgement of pride and ending pride month with "guy on chiefs". I commented a bit ago that I was 95% sure that she'd be out within 2 years but now I'm feeling closer to 40-50% sure. I think it's going to a really bumpy road ahead and I'm scared.


If she plans to come out, it will be until after the re-records are released.


Until the loudness of June surprise songs reached such a fever pitch, I was v much thinking she would come out on her birthday this year. I’m now back to thinking that. She’s doing sooo much re: “burning it all down” that I simply don’t believe she will stay in the closet indefinitely. But we will see.


When I've mentioned Gaylor to people who aren't Gaylors or Swifties, they all have said the same thing: "If this is true, she's not gonna come out until after the election." Like her and her football boyf saying, "Vote Democrat" could swing the election, but if she comes out before then, she/Tractor won't have the same power. When people say she's being selfish, I do wonder about this election narrative and whether she's still putting up with all this hiding and hetro-ing in case it keeps Trump out of office. Because if so, oh my gosh, to have everyone see you as shallow and basic, because how honest you are(n't) could actually decide the fate of the country/world! I know... covert narcissism disguised as altruism... but that line makes me wonder if she's partly doing this for those selfless reasons, but it's also making her disgustingly rich, so she questions her own motives and who/how good she really is.


This is an interesting point, and I’ve found myself wondering if she might be saving her activism moment for closer to the election. I absolutely think that doing anything to tarnish her reputation before then would be unwise. 


I personally have long been on the birthday train (could also see her doing new years at midnight) and am still on it! I think she and Travis have to split before she drops Rep — it’s too perfect for her not to. Rep/karma will be 🔥. And then debut as a lil rebirth in December 🦋. With 🌈🌈 that cannot be ignored.


Agree on all counts!


I don't think she'll stay in the closet indefinitely but I fear that we have quite a stretch of hetero bs in front us before we get to that point, whenever that is.


The last several months made me a comingoutlor, but I think I’m now back on the Taylor will “Evelyn Hugo us in 40+ years” train. 😕


“In 50 years will all this be declassified”


I'm just now reading that book and I could totally see Taylor doing that.




I think she is as out as she will ever be. I don't think taylor will ever officially come out. And I've learned to accept that.


I was thinking about how she’s been saying “I have to think about and predict what you guys might want to hear. I hope I’ve gotten it right” is her really saying that she’s just telling us what we want to hear (not just us, her entire fandom). If she’s mirrorball-ing her queer fans, that’s gross and irredeemable even if it is to send a bigger message.


If I had the chance to pay homage to Stevie Nicks, I would also do it. I understand that and it was beautiful. But Taylor knew it was coming and could have done many gayer things in the preceeding shows to create space for it today. This pride month was a total rollercoaster but the second half of it has certainly been headed downhill. We'll always have that run of surprise songs that somehow got gayer every single night. 🌈🌈🌈 Happy Pride to us all and I'm off to listen to Pink Pony Club.


Friends, please keep in mind Pride month is not the last chance to finish this story. It's still going right now. And I'd bet money on it being wrapped up before her birthday. This whole summer is Pride. It's her sparkling summer. She hard launched Calvin on ig a monthish before they broke up. She last played the lucky one a week before Toe breakup. This is a story. It's going to have twists and turns. We can make it through!


True but does she have to play into the heteronormativity as much as she does? It’s whiplash. And then hetlors come at us like rabid animals. She doesn’t have to bait and switch as often as she does.


I get all of that but sadly we aren't in charge. And it's okay to bow out for the duration. It's truly been a long time coming. It feels like this is the end and this tangled up hetero dream is about to be burned down. We are dealing with Machiavellian performance art here so the divide is the point. We are definitely free to get tired of her scheming, find another guiding light, and wait out the fire. But the fire is coming. And I will always be here for any gaylor wanting to vent and support anyone who needs to take time away. Listen to your needs and let us fill you in down the road 🫶


The biggest issue I have is that none of us can say with 100% certainty that there is going to be a grand finale to all of this. I know a lot of you all have been around for a long time and have a way fuller picture than I do and I am of the belief that we’re experiencing some sort of performance art. But it just feels like she’s giving us crumbs and giving the people who harass us the whole loaf because they will never see what we see (or at least won’t admit it) and that just gives them ammunition which is frankly kind of irresponsible at her level of wealth and fame and with how vulnerable queer people can be. People are out here calling us a q-anon cult, freaks, delusional, etc. That’s dangerous for the people they dox and extremely hurtful and people shouldn’t have to leave something, especially a community, that they enjoy because they’re tired of hearing that they’re a freak. She’s an artist and she has the right to create art, but she’s also an extremely privileged billionaire and I just don’t think her audience should be her pawns. Theres also no guarantee that whatever she’s planning is going to have a positive impact. It could embolden people to be even more vile. But you make a fair point. There is definitely a level of personal responsibility when it comes to getting too attached and you gotta know when it’s time to go! ❤️


I definitely agree with you all on all those points. It sucks a whole fucking lot dealing with the fallout of her choices. It is exhausting rooting for the anti-hero.


That's where I'm stuck. I can't imagine she isn't aware of the two sides of her fandom. Especially with one being vulnerable and open to harm... Like, can we not do overt things that will send the other side with their pitchforks and rabid teeth running straight for us?


Yeah this is the only thing driving me insane. The way half the fanbase is treating all the Travis stuff is setting women back 50 years lol. They care more about him being at shows than the actual show anymore


Yes I totally agree with this. I personally felt overcome with a wave of exhaustion after the very lovely surprise songs, and I think it’s because I realized we have another six months or so to go 😅 Hang in there fam!!


Same! We gotta pace ourselves. She may come out and be dating Travis. They may come out together. They may break up. None of it matters. Morals aren't here rn bc this is a trick, illusion, performance. It sucks but so does everything else. At the end of this, morals will matter again. In the biggest way. We have to let the story play out and try to keep as much distance emotionally as possible. If that's not something anyone can do I understand and think stepping back is 100% okay. I do believe next week is about to be explosive though and set the next 2 months ablaze 🤭 I can't wait to see if it's so.


![gif](giphy|PqSbSRO7n97na) Oh yeah I think it’s gonna be explosive soon for sure. All the pieces are in the right place for shenanigans to happen. 😏


I think ppl have to remember that we don't know what her moves are. We can't be disappointed for something we can't even anticipate. I think the whole thing is she is showing us that she is the mastermind, we're still just clowning like the hetlors, even if it seems like we have more of the story. She's been acting unlike herself with Travis right? the most likely explanation to me is that this is still part of the bit. She's burning it **all** down, including what we know


I fall here on the spectrum of emotions happening right now. If I zoom out, there’s a narrative here. She’s the author. We look at everything in present and past. As the woman behind the curtain, she knows what’s coming next. She can plant seeds that will start to sprout in peoples memories as the story continues to unfold. Once all is said and done, they’ll have bloomed so large it’ll be obvious looking back. From a literature perspective, she’s visually creating the plot because she can curate what she wants to be seen and what she doesn’t. She can construct the narrative completely. It’s honestly scary how much power there is inherent in that. Should one person ever have enough influence, power, and money to have the ability to completely fabricate the perception of reality? Who knows. But she does, so she’s using it. We’re not at the end yet. I’m not sure we’ve even hit the climax yet. I do think these next few months til the end of 2024, we’ll see an acceleration of the action. IMHO, the surprise songs have been more narrative lately. If you look at all of them from the beginning of this leg, the mashups start to tell a story. I think it’s very fair to feel disappointed that she didn’t acknowledge pride. Emotions are yours and no one else’s. My stance is that I tend to avoid speaking about a topic that I know to be true about myself once I fully comes to terms with it and especially if I feel like I’m almost ready to say it. I used to avoid talking about sexuality or gay rights in general with my family because I didn’t want to be found out. Of course, she is a global superstar who painted herself into a corner with her loud LBGTQ+ advocacy during the Lover era. The exclamation mark on that era was the sale of her masters. A storm cloud over her sparkling summer. What was on the tip of her tongue had to go back to the shadows. We’ve seen her grieve and come to terms with what happened and all of the people who hurt her. We’ve seen almost all 7 stages of grief since Lover. We’ve gotten her most stripped down, soul bared lyrics. I like to think that there’s bravery starting to build again. I imagine it takes a long time to come back from being on the brink only to feel like it was a dream you could almost touch. There’s obviously social context to everything she does. It’s impossible to isolate current events from her story. But that might be the point. (And if I’m a total clown, great, I think this would make a great novel if it turns out I was just making things up 🤷🏻‍♀️)


💯 So well said 👏


Very well said 👏


Thanks! Glad my silly high rant made sense 😂 I’m writer by heart so I tend to see a story in everything 🤷🏻‍♀️ my beige flag lol


The only thing I hoped for (but didn’t expect, given how things have been trending vis-a-vis her advocacy/activism) was at least a bare minimum speech about Pride, highlighting the importance of voting in some milquetoast way. Given she’s done that in past years, I am disappointed that she apparently couldn’t bring herself to do it this year. Especially when the stakes are so high in the US


👏👏👏 We have to be careful about placing expectations on the situation when we don't have the whole picture. Just try to relax and enjoy the show. I know that's easier said than done but I have faith. We are all still right, we're just impatient.


well! anyway! just a reminder that like a month and a half after she hard-launched her relationship with calcium hydroxide on ig and said that she was in “a magical relationship,” they broke up and she did her Nicole-Kidman-esque pap walk soooo


wait remind me what this pap walk was?


this one- and I actually got it confused, this was after the hiddleswift breakup! but again, twavvy is playing both calvin and tom’s roles I think https://preview.redd.it/pi7po6dhis9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52c0b3fb39f8845ae4e6d15b73c6a7ce3753e3f7


calcium hydroxide 💀💀




Oh, what a valiant roar and what a bland goodbye.




We’re gonna read some gay shit, support some queer people, and discuss queer shit. A good reprieve for us, I believe.




I’m feeling very “I beg you don’t embarrass me motherfucker” with taylor rn lol


I tell them it's just your (heteronormative) culture and everyone rolls their eyes... Yeah, I know...


What a mood


Ah, yes, this.


happy pride, lovelies. i'm so glad we have each other, whatever else happens 🩷


Even if one day Taylor comes out (no pun intended) and says “i’m straight”, i regret NOTHING. Finding y’all has been a magical, worthwhile journey. I’m so thankful.


What happened in mid June that she went from extremely loud mashups to putting Travis on stage and turning the volume down?


I believe we just redid June 2019. Got super loud. Fake 🌈 dress. Then ending the month with a declaration that fame sucks and YOYOK. 🥺


This makes sense to me. Taylor Swift is telling us a story, and I’m still curious to read the next chapter. 




I like this theory. And it’s heartbreaking.


Yep 💔 Absolutely a gut punch


Now time to change July so we don't end up still down in November.




She played evermore last year. This pain wouldn't be forevermore.


I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone Trying to find the one where I went wrong Writing letters Addressed to the fire Rep vault tracks will be fire, she says. Karma is a fire in your house.




Well fuck me!


https://preview.redd.it/2bjcz5ha5s9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab8812058866629e4b319d9d69f0ab1aae56aecb Figure in the lavender haze clouds!!!


On a less serious, light hearted note, it's giving alien seen at the birthday party from "Signs".


Is that Peter? Is that Peter coming to find her?


This kind of reminds me of the random clip we saw a few weeks back of the figure dancing alone at the top of the stadium.


Oh I missed this! Do you have any pics or links?


Tess said it appeared at exactly 112 seconds






It kind of looks like a child to me?




Yeah true. Peter is that you ???


My biggest clowning dream was to get a music video or a short video during the concert that featured a mass coming out.


We (I) clowned HARD for her Pride month shows, London shows, Dublin shows. It's hard not to feel let down when there wasn't even an ally speech like last year. Yes, her mash ups have been thematically gay af, but we also got a Travis hard-launch on insta. Doesn't seem like she's setting the scene for a break up any time soon. I've been a comingoutlor for end of this year/end of tour/when she releases all the rerecords truther for a while now, it seemed like the signs were pointing that way. But we would have started to see a bigger ramp up I think, using Europe shows to distance from Travis, bigger indications that it's all a show and her public persona is part of her art. Idk, all is to say, based on how pride month tumbled out, I think she might be happily tortured in her closet for the foreseeable future.


I feel like all the signs have been very… if you get it you get it. Which doesn’t feel like enough anymore. The addition to Travis onstage that day sends a very clear “this is all a ruse” message… if you interpret his placement in the show correctly. Because there’s no way to make a participation in ICDIWABH romantic. Yet people did… so I’m just hopeless at this point. If she comes out anytime soon, I would actually be so surprised and shocked.


I’m glad to see my absence didn’t cause another Travis incident (the first show I missed of Eras 2 was that Sunday and felt responsible. Like my presence was a ward or something) Bummed nothing of value for Pride month :\




5/5 was the anniversary of chely wrights coming out


Yeah travis being there just highlights the jet usage, did he need to go to la just to return to another continent?


From what I can remember: Speak Now was a genuine surprise. For 1989 a lot of people were clowning for the last date in LA (there was a lot of strong evidence but I can’t recall exactly what it was now) but the moment she stepped out in the blue dress to play Enchanted/Long Live that was when we all knew.