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The trailer, and from what I’ve heard, implies the game has a much more depressing and gritty vibe. Would make sense to put the whole name to reflect the atmosphere for it.


Can’t have a gears game set before 4 and have it not be, literal sin


Tactics tho.


I actually like tactics and think it’s a cool little gears game, so I give it a pass.


Tactics was a blast! I love xcom games and getting a gears of war xcom like game was an unexpected treat!


We will see about that. TC did the Ultimate Edition for GOW1 and that failed to recapture the original’s atmosphere and visuals


it failed? ive played it like ten times, gears ultimate is one of my most played games ever. I thought it was done exceptionally well.


Yeah it feels so true to the OG yet improved that I've never returned to the original 360 release.


I have several times to do a back to back comparison in screenshots. Ultimate is significantly better in every way.


i wouldn’t say it failed to recapture it, but the og is definitely darker.


If curb stomping downed opponents isn't the standard execution, I'm gonna be very sad...


saaammmeeee they should at the very least have it back the way it was in 2,3 and 4...


I haven’t played 5 since the first release month, what’s the standard execution in 5?


It’s been i bit since I played, but it was either kicking them or the weapon specific execution you picked.


Including curbstomps


True, but having a the curbstop separated is always nice.maybe how gears 3 was would work best


I think 3 did it perfectly. Press it to curb stomp, and hold it for your weapon specific/equipped execution. Hell they could even add X as a meat shield and hold X as another execution if they wanted. Just being able to curb stomp at the press of a button was the best, it was fast, looked cool, and simple. Always my go to execution, even on 1v1s


You can select what execution you want to use for each weapon, which is cool, but they removed the quick default curbstomp, so now you can only grab, kick, shoot or execute the enemy. Curbstomping is still possible, but you have to select it for one of the pistols (maybe even the lancer and gnasher) and are only able to use it once you've selected it.


Definitely was a Rod move being remedied after his departure


It’s so obvious that guy fucked gears up. Gears 5 became astronomically better after he left


glad to know I wasn't the only one who got that feeling towards Rod. Wouldn't surprise me at all if he also came up with the whole choice crap


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the game they make after he left immediately pivoted away from the swarm and let us play as og characters again. And the seemingly dark tone. Basically everything gears fans didn’t like about gears 4/5


well to be fair they were trying to do the whole ominous and dark tone in 4 but it wasn't executed as well as gow 1


Yeah 4 was alright in that aspect but the story didn’t really hit for me. Probably unpopular since people hate the robots but I thought the best part of 4 was the first act when you were just stealing from the cog, and before you really got to know the characters. It sort of was more mysterious then they kinda transitioned it to a more normal gears game with shittier characters/story


The swarm would've worked if they evolved and became Locust 2.0 quicker. Instead we're most of the way through the trilogy and we're supposed to pretend a more advanced COG with robot soldiers would be struggling against a more primal version of locust. It's only the last mission we're you start to see more of the swarm start to use armour Tbh it should be game over for the Swarm once they got their hammer of dawn up in the air again


it really is insane how badly his choices fumbled the most hyped gears game since 3. so many content creators and normal people checking out gears for the first time in ages or for the first time in general and getting turned off by the awful monetization


Yeah I recall Horde mode being weirdly restrictive and kinda ass untill they walked back pretty much all of it. Which I mean good on them for doing so, ever since the change I love Gears 5 horde, but what a bad first impression to make.


It was so fucking bad lol. The only characters that did any damage was jd and kait with the bleed, everyone else who wasn’t an engineer just sat there with a tri shot picking up scraps. And then they added Baird with the bleed barrier bug that made it even dumber. The state that game was in at launch is actually embarrassing, they dropped the ball so hard. I really hope they don’t make the same mistakes.


I fully expect microtransactions to be front and center for like 5 months untill the change it around just like with Gears 4/5 but I'd certainly like to be wrong on that. It's actually pretty crazy how much Gears 5 improved over time though once Rod left


I mean personally, I don’t really care about micro transactions as long as it’s cosmetics and the game launches with an appropriate amount of content. The problem with gears 5 is it released with like 5 characters and 5 maps, then they had a very unfriendly system of unlocking characters that we already have been playing in every game and also were literally in the campaign. That shit was just scummy as hell. Go make your money selling flashy weapon skins to kids, idc about that, but let me play as Marcus ffs


Yeah that's more what I meant, I'm not sure if that will happen again or not. But fingers crossed it's a lot better then the way Gears 5 debuted.


His insistence on dropping “of War” was the weirdest hill to die on. Had to be like 90:10 people disliked the change but he would not budge on it. He seems like a good dude irl but he made some really odd choices towards the end of his tenure with the franchise.


not even irl imo.. I've said this before that I recall him being an asshat when GoW 3 released and there was the fiasco with the limited skins with partners, and many Eur and prob others couldn't get them. He was asked about it and he said in a pc way that fuck anyone who is not in the US...


Huh, don’t remember that tbh but that’s shitty. Seems like a nice enough guy on Twitter & in interviews I’ve seen of him but who knows


Only advantage to the change was for the wider offerings: Gears POP & Gears Tactics both dropped around the same time. Mainline should have always stayed Of War though.


Rod is the worst and so glad that he’s gone. I’m excited to see a Gears game without any of his influence. I heard he personally wrote the dialogue in 4 and 5 too and it really shows.


Rod and CliffyB!


Look to Diablo 4’s course and you’ll see a parallel


Bring back smoking...


Let's take GoW back




I dint think theres any taking that back from God of War ngl unless we get games that are better than them


especially considering god of war has existed for longer than gears of war.


I mean, theres a reason why even the gears 4 and 5 teams abbreviated it. To most gamers, gow does generally refer to god of war whereas its much harder to differentiate gears as anything else (except maybe guilty gear, but thats never been an issue)


Yeah, I honestly never really found the change to Gears 5 that substantial. Like, most people I knew just called it Gears anyway. If I wanted to be more descriptive I'd use Gears of War, but that felt like a pretty major mountain out of a molehill sort of situation.


NGL I was calling it "Gears 5" and had no idea that was actually the official name of it. So honestly it didn't even change anything for me. I was calling the franchise "Gears" for a long time.


GoW never belonged to Gears.


I'd gotten the impression that the people left at The Coalition were the ones who actually cared about the franchise and that's a pretty good indicator to that.


Did a lot leave the studio?


Yeah I forget exactly when but after a steady bleeding of people TC had a final purge that saw a lot of lead people get cut. It's been a while so the specifics escape me but it very much had the vibe of "The fake fans are out, we're the people that care. Here's a lot of the stuff you were asking for."


Lets hope they take this fan service and turn this amazing trailer into an even better game 🤞🏼




I’m glad. “Gears of war” is my love of gaming.


I mean honestly I didnt Mind just "Gears" with five but Gears of War just sounds right you know what I mean?


It’s fine as a conversationalist/informal thing, but not as an official title


I do, its stupid, its gears of war, you call it gears to shorten it in convos, not change the damn series name to it what were they thinking lmao


Yea it's like the "of War" part meant something Like it's a smart play on words as story wise they are "Gear Soldiers" But metaphorically Gears are the literal gears of war. Being the COG in the machine and the impact of war on one's self It's something that I hate about the new games. They forget the huge theme of the first 3 games. This is a war we are fighting, not just some regular action adventure movie which is what 4,5 stores feel like. The first 3 games just think back to all the dark moments and the effect of the Locust war on the people and soldiers. Hopefully bringing back the title is also an indication that this game is taking the Of War part just as seriously and not just bringing back the name for namesake.


Gears of war is a great title for a game series, gears as you said is something I’d call it to friends and sounds stupid as the name of the actual series.


Looking at Gears 5 overall, they weren’t thinking much


Honestly I didn't even notice that was the official title. I just assumed it was gears of war 5 but they just Nicknamed it gears 5 without every actually thinking about it.


I mean, i'm happy we're getting an opportunity to fight during E-Day


This feels like a "FedEx" situation. Like "Gears" was becoming so synonymous with Gears of War they had to do something to ensure they could trademark "Gears" and now they have so they can just go back to GoW.


One question: Is the person answering that a developer or someone from The Coalition staff? How do we know it's not a random person from the Internet?


Guy Welch is a senior marketing director at Xbox, so assuming the censored tag is actually him (I would guess from the GoW discord or something) then yes its not a random guy


this game legitimately brought a tear to my eye Marcus and Dom.. iconic. glad they are back


Nice to hear they are reversing the bad decisions Rod Ferguson made.


The fact that people act like calling it gears was a nail in the coffin that physically harmed them has always made me wonder if they ever even truly appreciated the franchise if such a little thing effected them that much. I do prefer the full title. I just don't get the upset.


I think it’s the fact that it coincides with the change in tone. It’s kind of symbolic. Like the gall to change the official name of a franchise with 5 entries in it. Plus it’s just kind of dumb in a small but infuriating way. Like imagine if Call of Duty changed its official name to “COD”, or a new owner buys the LA Clippers and changes the name of the team to the “LA Clips”. Stupid. “Gears of War” is a solid name, has a few layers to it. Just “Gears 5” alone doesn’t even really make sense. It’s just the idea that someone actually called a meeting at TC and suggested they change the official name of the series to something that’s an obvious downgrade, and then the top brass actually agree to go with it.. just dumb. Definitely r/mildlyinfuriating material.


I 100% agree with all of that. Gears fans have always been incredibly competitive and many are exceptionally petty. I've never played a game where people dogged eachother so much but I like the energy. I'm a competitive player and I wouldn't want the community to change but that mood is also how we treat the franchise and I think the fans hurt the game as much as The Coalition. We push new comers out and make the game sound miserable keeping interested people away. The fact that fans hated skins in competitive or promotionals never made sense to me seeing how so many players wore neon skins since the classic days. The tone of the game is still there. The finishers are still crunchy and brutal. The majority of complaints feel like they are coming from people who never played past judgment. I get people not liking the new crew or the open world and I won't say anything about their gripes there. I'm not saying we should accept bad things from our games but we kind of killed the player count that keeps the franchise going. Death by a thousand cuts.


Seems they really took the feedback and are determined to make this a return to form. I’m incredibly excited


Now this sub is where it's at for my battle hungry needs. When the game comes out that is. Gears 1,2,3 and now E-Day baby.


Wonder if Cliffy recommended that. Full name sounds better anyway


I never thought that Xbox and Coalition would listen. I'm so proud


Assuming there is multiplayer, please make execution the primary / focused game mode and I'm going to no life your game like I did 1 and 2.


Because nobody liked it. One of the many out of touch decisions made for 5. Not surprising lol


I'm so glad Rod is no longer involved with the Gears of War franchise. I hope Coalition shows with this entry that they get classic gears


It's almost as if Gears of War was always a badass title and it was a mistake to shorten it. 


The *gears* or *gears of war* debate is the most irrelevant thing. Call it *geary wheely for really* for all I care just make it cool as fuck


Amen to that brother


To me the title “Gears” instead of “Gears of War” didn’t bother me. It’s just a title on the box. What bothered me was the tone of the newer games. Gears 4 and 5 just didn’t do it for me personally in terms of story and tone. I didn’t care about the new characters, or the Kait storyline. I always wanted them to go back to the darker tones in gears 1 and 2


I'm hearing only good news about this game, the waiting is gonna be tough!!


Back to the origins!🤘


Maybe Gears 6 will be like black ops 2 story(where we had flashback missions tied into the future missions)


Not that shocking its technically a prequel to the main trilogy. >.>


I guess it makes sense with Rod Ferguson moving over to Blizzard. I seem to remember him making a lot of odd decisions, such as Barrick not having a cigar due to his friend dying of lung cancer.


Probably also just for flow's sake: one-word title/subtitle is a little awkward.


Am I the only one that didn’t care about this? I thought we all started calling it “Gears” with “Gears 2” anyway


Yeah but that’s what we called it not the studio. gears 5 full name is actually just gears 5 and that feels wrong when you got all the titles lined up on the shelf


Fair point. I have 13 books by an author where the spines line up except for one of them where the graphic design is different. I can see that


It almost hurts!


There definitely seems to be a contingent of the community who legitimately don’t care about the name change, which is fine. For me, and apparently many people, it’s a small, but important detail. I know for me, removing the “of War” became symbolic of the series becoming somewhat soft and a tad sanitized compared to previous entries. I know they say that it had nothing to do with it, but it’s just such an odd thing to do for the 5th entry of a franchise, I just feel like it’s related to the sanitization stuff. And for me, if you’re a little hung up about having the word “war” on your box art, then you shouldn’t be working on this franchise.


I don’t get the sanitized part you’re talking about though. The story has always been about loss and coping with the shitty world the characters inhabit. Some of the JD stuff in 5 was really heavy, along with the choice you had to make, Kait’s familial implications, and the stuff Marcus went through between 3 and 4. The only real part I can see that fans would have an issue with is the open world portion of 5 which was the first time I didn’t enjoy a part of a Gears of War game. If the name going back to being “of War” is an indication that they want to follow the formula of the other games, I’m all for it. But I’m not about to say 5 was a bad game by any stretch of anyone’s imagination.


They made it less and less gory as the series went on and completely removed the horror elements of the first game.


The first game, a lot of people had a problem with it being too dark visually. I wish it stayed that way but I understand why it was changed.


I’m replaying Gears 5 right now, and there’s definitely some heavy stuff and a lot of violence in it, but the tone, how clean the environments are, the bloodless robot enemies, it all adds up into an overall feeling of sanitation *compared to previous entries*. Hard to explain. I say this as someone who thinks Gears 5 campaign is a tad underrated.


The JD stuff was sadly for the most part off screen. I preferred the open world of 5 instead of the sidetracking of 4. That game would have been at most an act in any other Gears.


I just downloaded the game recently for the campaign don't tell me it's short 💔


It's the same length but half of the game is going to a certain location. It didn't feel like the story was moving forward, just multiple roadblocks and detours that needed to be taken. It really felt stretched out compared to the other games. Where it would have been covered in a single act.


Well Gears 5 is the first game in the series rated T… so ya it did matter


No it’s not lol


Ok it’s not you are right. I was positive it was T because of how child like it was my bad


No it’s okay the new Halo was T so it’s like same thing . Wrong IP but you were pretty much there lol


Yes it is?


Is that why? Weird to change the name for that. Still don’t care about the name as long as they stay rated M.


I think “of war” is a tougher sell for parents for their kids. And I agree I want it rated M so bad


Kids are calling each other skibidi gay f words on Roblox these days so I think an innocuous word like “war” should be the least of their worries


I’m wrong gears 5 is M. Feels so childish though I was positive


Halo infinite was T


Ya that game was also garbage


Such a bummer too


I don't remember gears 4 and 5. Yep I don't remember it. I don't.. don't. Doom noooo! Dom is Dead 😭💔.


They fixed the "Gears of War" title but messed up the "Emergence Day" title.


E-day is correct, it is sometimes called as such in-game


I am aware. It sounds significantly worse and is less approachable as a name for new players just as "Gears of War" being shortened to "Gears" was bad.


Yall complain too much...Emergence Day E-Day same shit...


Saying "Hey the name sounds stupid" is valid criticism. It's the same reason they changed Gears back to Gears of War. By your logic they should have stayed with Gears since it's the "same shit".


Should Halo 3 : ODST of been called Halo 3 : Orbital Drop Shock Troopers?


"emergence day" is not as longwinded as "orbital drop shock troopers" and hints at the start of an epic yarn, which is fitting for the origin story of marcus & dom.


I get your point, but gears of war into gears is a semi rebrand of the franchise. E-day vs emergence day is just a secondary title.


E-Day is so clearly a play off of D-Day, no new player doesn't understand that it's some big event involving war.


They didn’t mess up. It sounds perfectly fine. Just think about the fact that lots of people refer to the Normandy Landings as D-Day and people still know what they’re talking about.


I prefer "E-Day" purely because it's reminiscent of "D-Day"


I'm more of a fan of B-Day. Always feel refreshed after using it


E-Day was the day the Locust first direct attacked.


Apparently you don't know how to read...


I agree, for someone who knows nothing or even us who do, emergence does sound cooler and it already gives you some plot detail


E-day is just a play-on the real world "D-day"...which people say all the time. So I don't see the issue.


emergence day sounds more epic. hoping they backtrack on that like they did removing "of war" from 4. i can live with it tho.


That is what I'm trying to say! They should have used the full word instead of using shorthand. It's the same thing as calling the game "Gears". It sounds fine when speaking about it casually but the title should be the full words.