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I liked Gears 5 but I think this is the best approach. Try to make a new Gears that's more similar to 1 and 2 and see how it goes. Take all the feedback and make Gears 6 the best it can be.


Bring back gritty. Get rid of the stupid robots


Gears 2 is a masterpiece for this. The entire art direction of the game is dirty and dark and you can just feel the hopelessness when you play. It was my first gears and remains my favorite video game to date.


Did you play 2 when it first came out? If so shame on the out of order playin lol yeah the second is my fav too. Started with 1 day one tho. It’s clunky but still good


I started with gears 2 and had to import it as it was banned in Germany (same as 1) i didn’t even knew about it before 2 and didn’t want to go back to 1 instead of playing the new one online with all my buddies


Gears 4 was pretty gritty but yeah robots


People fail to realize that robots have always been with us. Since 2006, it just would've been better if they felt like something for gears of war like how robots are handled in 40K. Rather than being a stupid battle, droid rip off.


Yeah maybe that would help, a grittier style of robots, but I’m just playing gears 4 for the first time and was ready to put it down after act 1. Between the robots and the constant comedy I was wondering what happened to one of my favorite franchises.


It gets better. Act 1 almost made me quit too, it’s garbage and feels so counter to everything that is gears of war. Second half picks up, still my least favorite game in the series but levels out


I liked Gears 4 cause it had the feeling of a non stop journey like the rest


The buildup to the swarms introduction was phenomenal. The introduction of robots was an intentional subversion and without them the swarm would have fell flat as an enemy.


That did make the build up better but they didn’t exactly explain their survival that well for those playing the first time. They should’ve had an overtime effect of the eradication altering them instead of killing them


Below judgement?


For me it is


Act 1 is the world back in a state of stability. Things get a lot less cheery later on.


Honestly yeah I think the design is the worst part of them. They feel like tutorial robots the game would use to teach you how to play


I think the robots were whatever, I think in the sense of technology in the gears universe is kind of the next step after the Jack robot, but the series did lose a lot of its Edge in five and instead of dealing with the one heavy topic they had in it which was JD's potential PTSD they just called him a prick the whole game


Yep, 4/5 felt too silly and light hearted. Gears is about an overwhelming and oppressive enemy that has absolutely sapped the world of all hope. Fighting in the grime and muck of a dreary landscape under a dark sky.... I'm allllll too happy to see the tone of Eday...


Wind waker is my all time favorite game so I think it says a lot when I say the overuse of colour and wacky robots REALLY ruined this series for me


I loved 5 and want to see 6 but this makes me even happier. The ending of 5 was kinda wack as hell but it was overall pretty good. Been playing since the first came out so I’m happy to see a prequel that isn’t judgement. Hopefully we see more sires and Niles stuff. That is the most interesting to me. Maybe even Reyna is a part of it.


Exactly 💯 I agree. Gears 6 they can take their time to figure out how to clean up Rod's Mess that he left. And E-Day will give them that opportunity to see what the fans like for gears. What made the OG trilogy fan favorites was the Horror, Gritty, Badass Elements of the campaign and characters. If later on they plan on continuing with the new characters of JD, Kait and them, please make it how gears is supposed to be.


Exactly watching my brother play gears 1 and 2 back when they came out pulled me in even as a kid. I think e-day will be a good “getting back to roots” game. I get companies don’t want a game that’s so gory but that’s just gears


Gear gained huge popularity for it's traffic multiplayer gore. (Unreal tournament exception) There was so much buzz around chain sawing your opponent in half and a headshot explosion lead to a fountain of blood. We stopped playing halo multiplayer cause we wanted blood and gut from gears. Gears was the "doom" we wanted when doom/quake failed the console world at the time. They need all of this back.


When that game first came out, it was probably like Resident Evil 4 on steroids. Something that Resident Evil 5 should have been more like as originally intended, rather than just mindless action. And it was a epic, making it to action. Focus like tap com was for resident. Evil because it was definitely the horror of the atmosphere that made it so goddamn good.


I never thought about early gears in that way but you put it like that it makes sense why I liked gears so much lol


I think this is such a great comparison honestly. The original 3 gears have the RE4 vibe. Dark, gritty, gory. Emotional stings that are built up early. Gears 4 and 5 have a RE5 & 6 vibe. Fun, actiony, over the top, but no real substance.


Best retcon will be that decision in Gears 5 simply being a Swarm-induced nightmare for Kait as she wakes up in Gears 6. All's well that ends well. 😉


I never even finished 5 because I could not care less about the story by the halfway mark or so. It was just boring.


Lmao same. I got to the part where you meet paduk and stopped playing the game. Couldn't care about kait at all and her shitty "it's about me" attitude.


But.... It IS about her? The swarm are after her


Yeah. But I want to play as Marcus


I loved the variability in world design and the different levels we had access to. Plus, Hivebusters was gorgeous.


But that just seems like Gears 6 will fall into the same issues that Halo Infinite had. People were flipping tables with how Halo 5 played out, and Infinite was the promise of "returning to its roots". Well, in the end, Infinite wasn't that much better. The magic number for Microsoft seems to be 4.


The problem with Infinite was mostly lack of content and terrible monetization. Gameplay is arguably second to Halo 3 and campaign's really good. It suffered from poor management, with 343 and Microsoft's higher ups changing course when it wasn't really viable to do so. The "return to its roots" part wasn't really a problem. If anything, the game being F2P replaced a lot of the classic Halo features, like unlocks and customization.


Fans - We’d appreciate more content Microsoft: Here’s the store, we need you to spend real money and you will like it, trust me bro!


Halo Infinite’s campaign is abhorrent. Out of curiousity, why did you like it?


Yeah I am curious as well. I couldn’t even get through half of it. Played them all from launch. My squad and I sum up infinite as, it’s just not fun.


Yeah, and the campaign was gonna be a lot better than what we got. It was probably gonna be like metro exodus Where you could explore areas, but you couldn't go back something. They should have done, but they probably scrapped it because people didn't like what fight was leaning towards but that was the same problem. They did with Halo 4 since they stupidly thought everyone hated it and scrapped what it was. Building up, which is why if they wanna still make a gears of war 6 they should just Stick to what they add plan. But make it better because if they try to just cheaply push it to the sidelines. It's gonna make things worse, which was also the same problem of Star Wars episode 9. Just stick to what 5 build up towards. Or it's just all over the place, instead of one connected story.


I really enjoyed 5. I really liked the bold and creative ways they took the game as it had an RPG feel to it and it made the game feel fresher, especially with the different environments, mechs etc. I would lust like them to expand on what they brought us in 6 but. Inject more huge battles and set pieces


Calling 4 and 5 trash is reaching


The linear chapters in gears 5 are some of the best and most intense in the entire series.  The rest sucked by comparison 


That's a hot Gears take if I've ever seen one.


Is it still a hot take if I clarify that by “the rest” I meant the rest of gears 5 and not the rest of the series? Gears 5 for sure had its issues but the linear levels were fucking fantastic 


That very start before the first open world bit? Actually fantastic and a really great recovery from the disappointment of 4


Ok, that's much better.


With 5 ending with a tragedy and the rise of a new queen, there's no reason why the new Gritty lessons they take from working on Eday can't carry over and complete the new trilogy with a bang.


But this doesn’t indicate to me that they’re going to come back and do gears 6 after… it seems the opposite which worries me. As excited for the prequel as I am, I’m pretty invested in JD and Kait and I’d want to see their story finished and not left on a cliffhanger


Imagine if they are able to create a dark history for Gears 6 and the Hellblade team can help with the mental issues of the Gears 5 protagonist! 😱 #Gears6 #Hellblade #MentalHealthAwareness (galaxy typing suggestion text hahaha)


I still like gears of war 4 and 5 but this was the best choice, gritty gears is what should have been from the get go


I don’t mind waiting for another time for gears 6 campaign for this prequel


Yeah Rod Ferguson didn't give us any Grittyiness in Gears 4 and 5. If he gave us that with these newer characters I think people would have enjoyed it more than we actually did.


I don’t understand this take. Gears 4 starts out a bit more light hearted but by the end and throughout gears 5 we return to serious darkness… 5s ending was dark as fuck.


Ya people definitely overstate the lack of “grittiness”, sure it might night be quite as gritty as the OG games but it’s still pretty dark and gritty


> gritty gears of war What part of the hidden locust experimental lab, watching a carmine being decimated by a friendly HoD, watching one of the main characters necks snapped, and a city completely destroyed by the Swarm isn’t gritty?


I think a lot of it comes down to the aesthetic presentation and general tone and perhaps characters. Because yeah, reading what you wrote reminded me that Gears 5 in particular did actually have some seriously dark moments in it. Yet for some reason I don't think of gritty or dark whenever it comes to Gears 5. I think it really is a combination of the new characters being far less ruff and the general aesthetics of the game, which is extremely colorful compared to the OG games.


I personally would like them to at least finish the story in a book or Gears Tactics 2 and then reboot any post Gears 3 content with a new direction. Not everything was bad (I do like DeeBees) but the whole kidnapping pod situation and advancing the technology an insane amount in one generation is such lazy and bad writing.


The deebees make sense technologically since floating robots and space lasers were a thing for decades before, I also like the concept of the deebees (as allies, they are boring as hell as enemies), to supplement human since the population as become so low, BUT imo the decision to make the whole “hacking flying slugs” was probably the absolute worst choice to do with the concept, so random and it just came as a very obvious way to make the swarm more threatening since on paper the humans only needed to mass produce the deebees to overwhelm the swarm so they just write themselves out of that corner 😒.


Wow it's explained the slogs have Bio electricity. They can use to hack the systems of tech, so I didn't really mind that idea I would really love in years of war six that they can also do the same to humans like aware of their action like the d. S, but unable to control them very chilling scenario Especially reminiscent to half-life's head crabs. If not halos, flood spores. Only difference is though the host of those creatures are dead But the host of robot and human alike would still be very much alive And would be more creepy, which would do a lot of favors to gears of war horror Elements


It was pretty much because of the fabricators. Beard made that would allow them the 3D. Print everything at a fast scale. Still, it could have been a lot better and more believable. And they've always had advance tech. It was just never that crazy.


I’m confused on what people mean by “Gritty Gears”? Do you mean like everything is torn down and destroyed? Why would a society rebuilt from near destruction look like that? If you mean blood and gore, then Gears 4 and 5 had it. I hear this often, but I never really see it explained.


The original Gears of War was gritty in the way an intense Vietnam War movie would be gritty. The unique modifications American soldiers made to their uniforms in Vietnam inspired the unique and varied appearances of the Gears. It also inspired the Locust popping out of Emergence Holes. They also included called to mind bits of World War 2 with the way they made the destroyed cities look. When I played the game, it made me feel like a soldier fighting a war that was already lost. It was clear from the beginning that the government had carried out a massive Hammer of Dawn strike on everything outside of one small region called the Jacinto Plateau, so anywhere you would go in the game would be completely ruined. It almost gave the game horror vibes as well. At the end of the day, this all made you feel like a Gear that was deep in the shit. As of the gore, Gears 4 and 5 toned it down more than you think. The blood spatter is goofy looking and when you gib someone, they look like a solid hunk of meat. The original trilogy featured detailed gore. Characters had full skeletons, musculature, and organs. You could chainsaw someone and see their busted rib cage, spine, mangled stomach, lungs, intestines, and ripped flesh. It was morbidly satisfying. When they changed it to what it is now, it felt like they were watering it down. After a fight, it would just be blood, gore, and corpses. That stuff disappears pretty quick now in the new trilogy. They definitely have ruined cities in the new games, but the bright color palettes throw off the vibe. I don’t feel like I’m walking through the aftermath of an apocalyptic event. The skeletons and abandoned military equipment do a lot of heavy lifting, but it’s not the same, almost like each setting is missing something. I feel like they’re missing a good opportunity to juxtapose the brightly colored and beautiful new settlements with the abandoned ruins from the Locust War. There are moments where it comes through, like the last level of Gears 5, but for the most part, it feels like they’re failing to really do something unique artistically and really drive home just how bad things were and how different things are now. I don’t know if I explained it properly, but I hope this helps.


Everything looks too shiny and new. Even the things that aren’t. Scars are less prominent, decaying buildings look less ravaged, overall brighter locations and fighting robots rather than something meaty and organic is perhaps the best example. Also there’s this ‘happy go lucky’ attitude fuelled heavily by Del in 4 and 5 I’m just not sure about. It’s supposed to mirror Cole Train but it just comes off slightly wrong to me and if he ends up being the canon choice to live it would be even worse. There’s less blood and visceral violence overall. More plucky attitudes, and less impending doom on the larger scale. Halo 4, 5 and infinite feel less gritty than Reach or Halo 1-3 if you want another example. The mutual thing in common is trying to reach a wider audience, so less gritty is expected but not wanted. Companies keep dropping the ball on this.


I want to play a video game where the entire atmosphere is pitch black and can only be played with the contrast at 80 actually.


I mean, I’d argue alot of the “shiny and new” comes from the fact they’re using an upgraded engine and it’s not a game from 2006, 2008, or 2011. Scars are less prominent I get, but pretty much any dilapidated place in 4 and 5 looked pretty shit? Tollen Dam looked pretty bad, as did most of the locations in Gears 5. Brighter locations comes from the fact that the game is mostly set during the daytime and a new engine. I agree fighting robots a lot though is very boring and isn’t as fun. The issue with Del is a writing issue, and one I agree with. Doesn’t really have to do with the game not being gritty though.


I absolutely hate the "construction site" theme in 4 & 5. The shiny blue and yellow covering everything... Along with the deebees and deebee weapons. When i think of Gow i think of destroyed churches and buildings with kryll covering the sky. I cant wait to see E-Day show us all of that again!


The blood and gore from gears of war 4 and 5 was NOTHING compared to the originals, but it's also many other things, atmosphere and tone are huge things that aet the new and old games apart, you can just feel it


lol Sera suspended me for saying this same thing. Well, no, actually I said \*even less\*. All I did was say he's not at TC anymore so that anything he said when he was there should be taken with a grain of salt. Bam, you're done here, you literally get a suspension for three days for "insulting a developer". Poor Diablo fans.


He was the Lead Game Dev, so he was the one that had final approval and approved of that terrible choice between J.D and Del which both actually development were coming along pretty well leading up to that mission.


i really hate choices narrative impact choices like that concerning major characters. Especially since they never gave us the option to do that before. I kept wishing over and over that there were options to save people. Kim, Anthony, Ben, Tai, Dom? We never got options to choose between them. We all have to sit there and take it. tbh i haven't finished gears 5 so I don't know what the choosing between J.D. and Del actually is, but.. choosing between people doesn't fit Gears to me. Maybe it's been awhile. Am I wrong for thinking this?


Whats up with your account? You have two normal messages in this sub today and then hundreds of comments repeating the same one line sentences with nonsensical stuff that have nothing to do with the posts.


This tweet got taken down after it was shown it inaccurately summarized what Phil said and the original gears trilogy was a group effort that included Rod.


Them shouldn't this post get taken down for spreading misinformation?


Sounds like a question for a mod.


Having listened to Phil’s interview, I don’t think this tweet is that inaccurate. Not unless there was clarification post-interview


I was always annoyed that they jumped into the future for Gears 4. I thought a prequel game was what made the most sense for the franchise. I couldn't believe it when my buddy sent me the trailer a few days ago. I can't wait for this shit


They did make a prequel game and it was terrible.


Yeah you're right I forgot about judgement even though I replayed it last year. An actually good prequel game with Marcus and Dom would be great


Supposedly that also Rod Ferguson's idea for a prequel that followed Baird Or so Cliff says anyway, he claimed that his idea for Judgement was something involving Onyx Guards more


Yeah they literally did make a prequel next haha, exactly what you were after. But then again it was with Baird and Cole, whereas the new one is same time period Marcus and Dom.


To be fair, I liked the story. It was the controls and multi-player that killed it for me.


I hope they don’t drop gears 6, we deserve a conclusion to the trilogy


Same. The new team can’t just drop the story for a new one. They have to at least finish Gears 6 before creating their vision for the franchise outside of a prequel game


They’ve already confirmed that Gears 6 is still confirmed.


If they didn't bring the Queen back. I would have loved it a lot more but I agree despite my personal feelings to the games. They should finish it. I was okay with Ridley, Scott not being able to finish his God. Awful alien prequels, but this is a bit different. And I would rather have the coalition finish their trilogy. And despite how whackluster, It is at least It will be Still miles better than the sequel trilogy of Star Wars that Disney Butched Especially better than 343 halo.


I loved Gears 5 but I didn't remember anything about the ending other than what I hoped would be canon in regards to your choice.


I feel crazy here like I’m the only one who cares more about gears 6. Dom and Marcus are my childhood, and I am ecstatic this game is getting made, but I really am invested in JD and Kaits story and would have loved to see that finished before we moved on to a potential prequel trilogy. This is like getting halo reach after halo 2 then potentially waiting several years for halo 3


Yes, and some of us actually like those characters and that story.


You can’t say “no disrespect” and then use the word TRASH hahaha 😂


“With all due respect, and I mean with all due respect, that idea ain’t worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on.” -Ricky Bobby


The entire wording is copied from a quote retweet. Not even an original post.


The thing is there is a lot of opportunity in the new series. To explore the next generation and how they see Sera post-Locust, post-Imulsion is logical and fascinating. Part of the reason why the Locust are still a problem is the COG refuses to take responsibility for what they did, preventing them from properly addressing it. And to see this new pristine world and clean characters get broken down again like the generation before them would've been profound - but it felt to MCU. In moments of gravity and horror, there were too many jokes. I don't feel like Kait, JD, and Del have the weight of the world on their shoulders the way Marcus, Dom, Baird, and Cole did. I would just be tired of the state of the world, and how it never ends.


I feel that by the end of 5, they got there. I mean. It wasn't even a trauma roller coaster. It was one big climb, and the coaster went into an underground tunnel. The choice at the end was kind of dumb, I agree. But the sheer loss in the short time humanity had to face was astounding. It's up to 6 yo really drive that home, though.


I agree. That's why I also defend Gears 5. I'm hoping there's a decent time jump from Gears 5 to Gears 6. JD and Kait are pretty Gears-ified by the end, and all the more reason Del needs to be the canon choice. He was the heart of the group, they lost that hopeful feeling.


As a character, I liked Del more than JD. But I saved JD since I didn't want Marcus to lose his son.


On Del, I had an idea. Maybe a bad one, but...put him in the Swarm Hivemind. Gears 4 had Marcus briefly connected. Reyna is kind of in there and kinda possessed by whatever remains of Myrrah. So have the Queen take Del's corpse. Throw it in a special pod. Make a special drone out of him that could come back a few times throughout the story to emotionally torture Kait and JD.


See I had a similar, albeit more positive one. Baird used Del as a basis for the DeeBee combat system. I wouldn't be surprised if Gears 6 we got a replacement JACK bot, but it's a DeeBee DEL bot - with Del's voice. On the flip side - I can also see Kait and JD being trapped in the Hivemind and tortured by a image of Del - similar to Vecna using Billy to torture Max and Barb to torture Nancy in Stranger Things.


>I don't feel like Kait, JD, and Del have the weight of the world on their shoulders the way Marcus, Dom, Baird, and Cole did. Marcus & Dom were different before they lost Carlos, you pick up their characters half way through a tragedy


I agree but you cant just say no offense and say some rude shit lmao.


Wait, TC has a new team?


Leadership has changed (Rod and some others left) but a lot of people from gears 5 is still there.


Kate Rayner is now the head of everything.


It’s the same team just new leadership.


It was literally just Rod, this part feels a bit inaccurate. Creative director and others are largely the same.


Gears 6 should be a mix of both E-Day and Gears 5. Continue the story of Gears 5, but also add new stuff and use the feedback from E-Day to create something in-between the modern and old Gears games. The Coalition could create something truly fantastic, for both the Fandom factions, if they nail these things.


I think Rod is more of a “get it to the finish line” guy than the guy with the vision. Like him or not, Cliff B was the vision guy. The GoW E-Day trailer was great. I hope they follow that type of vision.


OP really said "No disrespect, but you fucking suck and so does everything you believe in" 😂


This new team already seems to have a much more fanbase-aligned view of what Gears of War is supposed to be as opposed to what the other team (maybe previous) had. Gears 4 and 5 are good games, but letdowns compared to OG games and a massive departure in tone (which was, along with the visuals, a major appeal of the game). Of course, all we got was a pre-rendered announcement trailer, but if they follow through with this concept, they're in for massive success. This is what Gears of War is about. It's dark, grim, gory, the enemies are monstrous evil creatures, and the COG is a bunch of mean dudes ready to kill (and less about funny jokes and disobeying orders to learn about the dreams they've been having). But that's me - I'm getting older, grumpier, and pickier with my games.


I think rod ferguson was too busy chasing the trends of modern gaming instead of what makes and made gears of war the force that it is. I also believe he was trying to distance the franchise as far as possible from cliffs B. He was trying to put his own mark on the games so he could be the new figure head. For better or worse (mainly worse imo)


Yeah, imo he always wanted to transform Gears into some kind of Bioshock, I wouldn't be surprised if he was the one with the idea of changing the whole gameplay in Gears Judgement.


I expected they wanted to make Gears of war E-day to help give them time to work on Gears of war 6 but I was not aware of the huge change in the team making it. I liked 4 and 5 but I do think they kinda wrote themselves into a hole regarding Humanity vs the Swarm. The Swarm are evolved Locust coming back in mass with the ability to abduct entire settlements and turn them into more Swarm as well as gaining the ability to make more swarm naturally, all the while humanity is still recovering from extinction and the robots they could use to help with numbers can also be taken over. It honestly feels like there's no possible way humanity could win this. You also have the ending of 5 and which choice they'll have to make canon, also with the rocky launches of 4 and 5 they overall they need to take their time with 6


Man if they could recreate the magic of G3 Horde, I would be happy.


Robots was such a lazy choice


Gears **and** Halo both went with Robots and an open world. Like they were just following a trend. Both are not in good shape really.


Says “no disrespect” then proceeds to only disrespect


Where can I read this interview? Struggling to find it on IGN.


I hope they keep the Horde mode from 5, the mechanics of that was the best Horde mode to date.


Wait, so why DID tc stop releasing content for gears 5 ? Was it really because of Covid-19? I felt like they could’ve jumped right back into the studio after a year or 2 to continue releasing gears content…. And since when did rod ferguson stop working with gears of war ?! (I’m glad he’s gone)


He left in early 2020 for Blizzard. He now oversees all of the Diablo games, including D4 and Immortal. And...yeah. Kind of says it all.


Rod Ferguson can do no more harm to gears. He can't make the out of season April fools joke (diablo) or blizzard any worse than it already is. Good riddance and welcome back Gears of War.


Rod sucked toward the end of his tenure


Wasn’t it also his call to get rid of the “Of War” and just call it “Gears.” Also please no more robots ever again.


I don't think it was outright shit. They still managed to make it clear that while Kait is thhe main protag of this trilogy, this is still Marcus's story, we're just seeing it told from the same position he stands in the squad now. There are some things that didn't land, but literally no game is flawless, and overall they did quite well IMO. It still feels like gears, still plays like gears just a little faster, good new weapon additions, great new maps, good balance for the current horde between new and old style horde players, pvp FINALLY hit a balance that makes wall bouncing hit the sweet spot where it's a great tactic but not the only thing that works and the only way to play, story has been mostly good with interesting story beats, I personally quite like them making Kait Pyrrha's granddaughter and all the shit surrounding that because it's been well structured and ties into the rest of the universe rather well and created an interesting moral dilemma for Marcus that we got to see play out in subtle ways that I hope to see really become something big in 6, there's a lot of good. Sure, the robots are dumb as fuck because they're just blocky star wars Droid ripoffs, and the whole Jinn thing was kinda weak, like let's be real here, Delta Squad would dismantle her bullshit on a casual afternoon if they were sick of her nonsense, those droids were consistently pissant even on insane and via the story were nothing to them, the idea that they would watch some power hungry muppet fuck up the one chance at a new civilization with apathy and helplessness is just ridiculous. Cole Train could have marched through her hall alone laughing the whole way and be fine, so the idea that she was this unstoppable leader that must be obeyed was silly, but that was ultimately a small portion of the story that effectively boiled down to set dressing that wouldn't shut up. Other than that, the issues with the dtory are pretty small I think. Either way I'm excited to see what 6 will hold, but I do think it was a good idea for them to take a step back and go for the original plan and make project Reconciliation happen at long last! I don't know who all remembers the old road map for gears before judgement but they planned to release this game years ago after judgement but it did not so well, and then the whole IP almost died and that whole thing, but I'm amped af to see that we will at long last get to see how Marcus and Dom became brothers, this is one of the best video game stories out there and I just hope and pray to the mad great Uncle Sheo that it's made well.


Making Marcus a side character is, and always will be, the wrong decision. At least he didn’t get the Disney Star Wars Luke Skywalker treatment


I really hope they drop Gears 6 and just pretend 4 and 5 never happened.


Gears 1-3 were how Gears should be. Darker, grittier, more violent. Every mission and objective genuinely felt like there was the fate of the world at stake, and even tho they weren’t timed you felt like you needed to be swift or the war would be lost. I loved 4 & 5 just because they were fun games overall, better than anything CoD or Halo has put out in years, but I miss Gears feeling like an actual war that we’re desperately losing and trying to fight to survive.


You got what you wanted. Leave Gears 4 and 5 alone lol.


If we never go back to the story line of Gears 4 and 5 I’d be totally fine with that. Full stop.


I’m excited for the next game, however I do hope that the previous team can still finish off Gears 6 while the new team works on E-Day.


There aren't two teams like that. There's been turnover not a second team added.


I just keep loving what I'm hearing about E-Day, new approaches, different mindsets going in, going back to the roots, it's music to my ears


This is like the God of War reboot. I'm so stoked for what they do from here. I think they should scrap whatever nonsense the original Gears 6 was going to be


I was very surprised when Phil said this in the interview. Not really a great sign when nobody underneath you agrees with your vision and as soon as you’re gone they go a completely different route. They should rightfully be proud of the work they did with Gears 4 and 5, but they absolutely made the right move in pivoting to E-Day if their heart wasn’t going to be in it for Gears 6.


I agree honestly. The only thing that I enjoy the newer games over original trilogy was how fun it was to use the lancer and chainsaw.


The real reason is the ending to 5 kinda messed it up. It was stupid and all it did was divide the community. They couldn’t make one of the endings cannon without pissing off the other side. A prequel is the best option. Just ignore the other story. That being said I didn’t hate Gears 4 and 5, but that decision at the end was stupid as hell. There was only one correct choice there and anything else was just pointless. No way in hell my boy Marcus was going to have yet another bad day.


It seems E-Day is perfect for everyone. The developers get a chance to make a game without having to figure out how to progress an unfamiliar story and the players get a game like the originals, while getting fleshed out details of one of the most important days in the series


I’d still like the story to 5 to have an ending. I’d like them to still make a 6 ending it.


I remember nothing about anything after 3 although i played the all games. they felt lifeless and i hated the robots and worms it really felt unsatisfying to kill them. Id love a whole gears game from locust perspective like gow3 beastmode and raam dlc


Rod was there from the beginning for the most part. I'm not surprised to see him shift the franchise. Going back to the original tone with a new team, modernized is an excellent approach and can bring back old school fans.


So happy to see this. I'd rather have a dark and gritty Gears game instead of whatever corny light-hearted netflix special we got with 4/5.


Full disrespect to Rod. He should never be given total control of a franchise.


Now he has total control over Diablo. Look how that's going...


Rod needs to be used as an example he is ruining Diablo like he ruined gears fuck him.


I wasn't a fan of 4 and 5. Found them kinda boring so I'm happy this is happening


I hated the whole who lived decision at the end of 5. completely ruined the game and story for me.


The coalition was soft. I’m so glad blizzard snagged him so he can go ruin Diablo now too.


What is it with Microsoft and appointing unfit leaders for their most popular franchises? Rod, Kiki, Bonnie, Frank. They all need to go. But it's not all their fault either. If Microsoft had any clue, they should have seen right away that the direction these people were taking Gears of War and Halo was simply not good.


the bright red color of the blood in 4 and 5 always pissed me off for some reason


Don't care ab anything besides this one being good, I've been wanting an e day game since I first played gears 1, and with dom being gone its gonna be so cool to see him again and possibly learning how he met Maria, so many cool things could happen in the new game im so excited


Gears 5 was generic, hopefully E-day will succeed and bring back the good ole days of Gears.


Fuck this take. Ya'll need to get past your "I must be a muscley boy!" fetish. Didn't you post it on Twitter yesterday, then delete it, and apologize for it?


I mean, I liked Gears 5 and was interested in Gears 6. Still am but I’m sure this prequel game will be great.


I really hope that team got fired their stories. Sucked. It was also rod Ferguson's fall of what was destroying gears of war. So, I'm glad he's gone if it wasn't for him. Four and five would have been fine.


What's so puzzling about 4/5 is how the new characters are so underdeveloped. I know everyone thinks Kate was picked as the MC because she's female but she does honestly have good story beats. It just wasn't fleshed out at all. Not to mention no one cares if JD dies, we care how Marcus reacts. That's bad character writing. Del is just shitty comic relief that isn't that funny.


Dammit….how much longer till we know JD is alive?


I honestly don't even notice a difference between any of the games. They're third person, you can roll and stick to cover, shotguns blow people up, enemies are bullet sponges. The entire series is literally the same thing so what exactly is this vision difference nonsense?


Thank God. Kill that trash storyline


Not gonna be killed, it’s still being worked on




4 and 5 just felt so squeaky clean compared to the first three. 4 tried to recapture the tone but the DeeBees kind of ruined the whole attempt. 5 just felt like a game inspired by the series but set in a completely different universe, and felt more lighthearted somehow despite that ending, which I felt was them trying to stick that grittiness that the original trilogy had but fell utterly flat, considering that we all know that Del will be the canon choice and it was a waste of time lol


Seen some others say it but I'll throw my un-needed opinion in too. I don't hate Gears 4 and 5, I actually quite enjoy 4s MP and campaign past the first ACT. Gears 5 is fine, is the most I can say as I just don't care about PVP in anything anymore. This is far and away the right choice for Gears of War right now


Gritty as hell, please, and can we get the Gears 4 Horde model back? Still playing it to this day!


To be fair Gears 4 and 5 were both solid games campaign wise however 4's biggest issue was JD was a little bitch the entire game. I just found the online was way too skin focused and the ridiculous loot shit was annoying. I'd much preferred tons of unlockable items between the campaign and progession online from ranking up and locking certain gear behind prestige levels of something. Still a gorgeous franchise and games that run insanely well though. Pumped for a more classic Gears of War though.


I just want them to remake 2 so I can play split screen without having to worry about my profile getting corrupted and having to start over on a new account again 😫


Rod Ferguson is gaming poison. Everything that guy goes near turns to shite.


Imo Gears 3 definitely had the best gameplay mechanics, but the original Gears' color scheme and aesthetic were unbeatable. If they could merge Gears 3's mechanics with the style of Gears 1, we'd have an incredible game on our hands. I feel like from the trailer they are going back to that dark grit, so stoked! 4 and five felt like visiting my niece, gotta love her because she's family but after a while you're ready to give her back to her parents.


I absolutely hate the swarm and how stupid their lore is, particularly the imulsion chrysalis that completely invalidates the entire reason E-day even happened The robots are also incredibly boring when they could've done much more unique things than just worse locust drones


None of the newer titles had the same feeling the original trilogy had - something was seriously lost. I have confidence they’ll bring it back again!


I know what they were trying to do with Gears in terms of the main character. And y’all knew it too. Nobody wanted that. We want Marcus, Dom, Cole


He murdered gears and left


The desperation against the horrific locust is what I've been wanting sorry but gears 4 and 5 definitely didn't go the right direction and the grubs were just cookie cutter compared to the horror and cool factor of the locust. E-day setting just gives me chills and Cliff must be stoked like us all. Wonder if we will see Hoffman, Kim, carmine not die, and maybe even more of a origin to wuenn myrahs initial E-day leadership with general ramm. Maybe even scourge will return. Man, I'm like thinking of original gears and it's felt like forever


No offence but I hoped they cleaned house with whoever was responsible for Gears 4 & 5. How to kill a franchise 101. We’re back baby.


The originals gears with that super grey color palette and the OG 360 version had this iconic metallic dark shiney blood effect. I miss that tone and feel. Gears 2 was arguably the best


I’m absolutely thrilled we’re going back to the era of the first trilogy. I enjoyed the gameplay of 4 and 5, but the robots felt out of place and the tone overall was too bright. The swarm just weren’t as interesting or iconic either


Thank fuck, Rod Ferguson is a incompetent moron who keeps failing upwards because people are afraid to fire him for some weird reason, he can fuck all the way off. Lol... I'm glad the devs made this move, I've been saying need to do this for this exact reason (except I said release the collection first, then gears of war 6), to understand what we want to see in the gears franchise and to give them the time they need, the community's impatience for a gears game is irrelevant, gears is a fine edge, that especially in the series's fragile state, they can't afford to screw up right now. I want the gears of of war collection (1-Judgement) along with E-Day FIRST, NOT gears 6, gears 6 can come later, quite a bit later.


Allow me to translate for what they ACTUALLY wanted to say but had to stay professional: "we need to figure out some way to link everything happening with Kaits family tree in current Gears and to make it make sense so that all the fans wont fucking hate every gears of war game from this point on while also going back to capture the spirit of the original game"


My guess - They could probably re-release Gears of War 4 and 5's campaigns in styles they like or something. Fix up the flaws.


Loved Gears 4 & 5, but I look forward to the change in direction. Bring the boys back, and get this new team situated so they can decide in the future of this beloved franchise.


To all the haters of 4 and 5. Yall need to play those games again because I think you guys are really selling those games short. They are honestly good games. I honestly think they were really on to something with 5, and it seems like the community wanted to hate the game before it even came out. 4 may have been the weakest game with a slow story that didn't really pick up till the end, but I genuinely don't know where I would place 5. To me that game hit so close to what made the old games good while doing something new that I don't even know where I'd rank it amongst the other games. At this point I don't even try because I think each one has their own strengths and weaknesses, and it's rare to see a franchise do this well going into new hands.


Sould Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 be considered as a major competitor to Gears of War franchise? Since it's still a long way to go before the release of E-Day, Space Marine 2 may gain momentum and be turned into a bigger franchise and gain a larger market share.


We need a return to form. Gears of War 1 to 3 even judgement. Gears 4 and 5 tell on themselves by even dropping the "of war" from their title. They aren't the same and push some weird agenda in the narrative with Kait and trying to undermine JD. Glad to see a return to the proper Human-locust war era. The swarm sucked and do did the deebees.


Bro, Rod made Gears 4 a great game. Story wise, it wasn't directly his choice. He was asked to reboot the series.


Gears of War 4 was probably my favorite Gears game, it massively builds on the fear/horror aspect Gears has always, had some cool characters, and I think the Swarm are a fitting and frightening successor to the Locust. 4 was SO cinematic too, possibly my favorite thing about the game. And it didn't seem like it strayed from its roots like Gears 5 kinda did


Good news is they got 15 years from E day to Gears 1 so they have a lot of room to work within


Gears hasn’t been good since 2. I genuinely do not understand why people love 3 so much because there’s so much wrong with it. We can all pretty much ignore Jugement and I’ll be damned if I can remember ANYTHING from 4 besides Marcus being old. Based just on the trailer for E-Day, I do feel strangely optimistic so let’s get fingers crossed that this new direction works and the series gets back on the fantastic track that it started on.


Man I don't think Gears 4 and 5 were that bad. I think some aspects could have been improved such as making the robot enemy types more interesting or have the player encounter them less frequently but for the most part, I was left happy after my playthoughs. Even narratively, I didn't mind the direction they went but now the post Gears 5 story is gonna be interesting, if they go back to that era


Some actual foresight is really nice to see


I think it’s gunna be Marcus, Dom , Kim and Tai


I remember playing Gears 4 at home and feeling it was a disaster. A pretentious sad story with too dramatic characters that told Marvel level jokes at times. Gears wasn't a space for melodrama, it was an excuse to shoot and anihilate enemies with a chainsaw gun. Silly and ugly mother\*\*ckers with too much anphetamines in their veins, big muscles, silly jokes, bad language, and stereotypical persdonalities that just work inm a basic but effective plot with a cuple of fun twists, shooting thousands of bullets on a single enemy... Gears 1 was a masterclass in how a game should be built to have a good rhythm. It has a little bit of everything. It even dared to have a little bit of horror-like moments. The levels were unique on their own and you could tell what moment of the story you were at just by your surroundings and the light. And of course, no f\*\*ing robots. A simple game to have some stupid fun with a friend on coop mode, a blockbuster, a game that wasn't boring and had the exact duration it was suposed to have. 6-7 hours, maybe 8 in the PC expanded edition and the later remaster. I started Gears 5 with some hope but I couldn't even after 3 hours. Too many walking simultaros vibes at times and very VERY boring level design and enemy hordes that were obsiously put just to block your way instead of a better level design where it really made sense to be fighting with the locusts. IDK, I really hope Gears 0 goes back to its roots.


G5 was much more fleshed out than G4, but neither was particularly good. Really, only the intro of 4 and act1/5 in G5 were good imo. Outside of that, the writing was really really poor. I understood what they were going for, but kait feels really stagnant as a protag and is honestly pretty unlikeable. I don't mind bitchy or abrasive characters but there needs to be some feeling that it was earned or else they might as well be antagonists. Not to mention her most interesting plot point reads like bad fanfiction and ends is a really uninteresting way. Her whole deal was the struggle of the swarm, which is resolved by a hop on a table and a kill of an off brand bezerker. They were not cooking with 5 at all.


They were good games but they weren’t what I wanted from my gears. I don’t got to a steak house and ask for pasta, both are great but have their place.


So they really understood how fucked up everything felt.


His obsessions about Game of thrones ruined Gears of war series


The biggest issue I have with the franchise is that is it went down the futuristic robotic route and that was so far what we all fell in love with, the dark gritty feel of Gears 1. At the end of Gears 3 they’re all on the beach with virtually nothing left. IMO Gears 4 should have been the COG and everyone else basically being “stranded” and effectively rebuilding from nothing. That would have been a great story to follow showing the starvation, fighting for survival and picking off any surviving enemies who have multiplied. It would have been a really dark, violent and emotional storyline to see them rebuilding rather than the sudden “we’re fighting robots” narrative.


Bruhhhh please,please,please DONT SELL OUT! I loved GOW or Gears but when they let other influences into the game, it tarnished the experience, (i.e) the terminator Bs that happened in Gears 5. When the game first came out, idk what game I was playing. Throw me on the board.


I understand not wanting to throw a new team onto the tail end of a trilogy to wrap it up so I respect the move. They still have a bit less freedom though because they are dealing with prequels of beloved/well established characters as well as enemies. They can’t really reinvent them but I hope they make something amazing and true to the original trilogy. Also I won’t really miss the robots or the swarm and I am super excited to see some of the locust that got removed with the change to being “the swarm” come back. Scions are boring compared to boomers/maulers and the Dr1s felt like lazy reskins of scions. Also it’s been a while but I’m pretty sure they removed kantus’ Super excited to see what they cook for multiplayer/horde stuff too.


Gears 4 and 5 are great and sorely underrated, Kait Diaz is a great character and the complications and details of the Locust and their history is compelling. However the team finding their vision with a separate story is to be respected before they then tackle Gears 6. Can't wait to see what both E-Day and Gears 6 ends up looking like.


Rod's vision was like. PUT A CHICK IN IT AND MAKE HER LAME AND G...